He was just getting a jump on the biblical order to marry and impregnate his brother’s widow.

This really isn’t funny. A child was raped and just because it lasted over a decade, folks don’t believe it wasn’t consensual. We have a fucked up society that allows this sort of thing and excuses it away.

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Too bad the Christian religion doesn't have a Commandment against committing adultery. Lee Chatfield might be in real trouble then. :S

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The OT loophole.

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deletedJan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022
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The kkkhristain privilege value.

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When it is the Wicked Babble of 1631.

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OT: Those goofy Cyber Ninjas, the self-appointed auditors who ironically found no evidence of voter fraud, are shutting down for good.


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Back to their various conspiracy fantasy groups they go.

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Trying to escape responsibility by declaring bankruptcy? Or will individuals still be held responsible under American law?

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Good news:

"Hannah said the $50,000 daily fine would begin accruing on Friday and warned that, if necessary, he will apply the fine to individuals, not just the Cyber Ninjas corporation."


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Good to see the judge isn't buying any of their attempts at fakery.

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Yet another Christian Republican 'moral compass' shown to be out of order. And they have the nerve to complain about atheists.

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His Christian moral compass is working just fine. Thanyewverymuch.

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Christianity Rule #1: There is always a victim. If no victim exists, find one from the Bible and now you have a victim.

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I would think his brother might also be a bit miffed

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Meant to post this yesterday but never got around to it...

"Ted Cruz accidentally tells the truth, begs right for forgiveness"


Canadian Cabana Boy is a weasel.

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Weasels are elegant, agile, fierce and a joy to observe in their habitat. Ted Cruz is just a spineless coward, with no scruples nor ethical or political principles whatsoever. Calling him a weasel is an undeserved compliment and outright insulting to the Weasel family. What I don't understand is how he can have any kind of success with the toxic macho base in TX

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He's not a "godless, commie Democrat". That's all it takes.

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Pitiful. No doubt that there are a lot of great people in TX, but that's just pitiful.

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So sad that the state that gave us Ann Richard,Barbra Jordan and Molly Ivins could fall so far.

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Figures that what it takes for a Republican to show some actual contrition is... to be right about something.

He can't be a weasel. A weasel would have a *spine.*

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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022

I suspect I'll be roundly condemned by the Weasel Protective Association for the comparison to Fled Cruz. And rightly so. :)

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If Cruz was a real weasel then I would say it is time to spread the mayonnaise on the lawn.


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That rifle-barrel bacon stunt was so painfully stupid, so embarrassing, that I thought not even an ammosexual moron redneck would fall for it. Turns out I put too much faith in mankind, again.

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Ted Motherfucking Cruz. I knew he as an asshole, I didn't quite realize he was a spineless asshole. OTOH, I'm not surprised.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

"Canadian Cabana Boy is a weasel."

Shame on you!!! Now apologize to all weasels for comparing Cruz to them!!!

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deletedJan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022
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That New Year's Special sounds a bit loopy...

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The guy's resume reads like a "catch a predator" Bingo card. Fast-rising Republican, *all* the bigotry, ex-CEO, thinks he's above the law, is a Super Deluxe Christian 2000! (pastor's son edition), and he looks like he's right out of central casting for "generic WASP preppie douchebro." Even missing all the context, without knowing anything about the victim, all you'd have to see is that photo, read "this man is suspected of..." and you *know* what's coming next.

I predict no more than a slap on the wrist. Followed by a run for Congress.

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Followed by a successful run for Congress. He will campaign on being persecuted for being Christian.

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Using all the cherry picked babble quotes he feels support his actions.

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"As a Christian, I believe the Bible. I don't want to hide from that."

Your bible has penalties for men who have sex with women they aren't married to, Chatfield. Will you take your stoning like the believing Christian you claim to be?

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deletedJan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022
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They never have the courage to stand up and say: "I did this thing. Punish me according to holy scripture." No, the standard response from a Get Out of Jail FREE faith that doesn't require its professed adherents to take any responsibility for their actions is the more likely one:

"I do believe there's been a misunderstanding."

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Sounds biblical to me. Case closes. (/s on the last part)

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Thank you, Justice Moore.

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a consensual affair with an underage girl is not consensual ! is corrupting a minor !

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It isn’t corrupting a minor it’s rape. It cannot be consensual if they’re underage, aka a child.

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He did deny that she was a minor. Even then, I'd have to wonder if she considered it consensual. With the power dynamics involved, I suspect it wasn't.

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When have the religious wrong ever considered the word of a women to be valid?

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These Bible freaks and "great believers" are the most likely offenders when it comes to sexual behavior. Their frustration with the stupidity in their little brain implodes and touches innocent people - children, girls boys, women, adolescents etc, etc.... this is one of the hypocrisies of the religion

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I'm surprised he hasn't tried to claim that the brother found out they were having sex and this is the lie she told to try to save the marriage.

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Give him, or his lawyer(s), time.

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How much time before drumpster invite him ?

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A Vegas bookie wouldn't give you odds on that.

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And a microscopist to find it first.

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Just for once, I'd like one of my fellow Christians to admit they did the wrong thing. As someone who has had to deal with abuse against kids, this whole thing just disgusts me.

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The problem is – they will admit they've done something wrong burst into tears or whatever, get forgiven by the baby Jesus and be back in the pulpit within weeks. I would like to see more of these things reported to the police. It's against the law, and the law could probably cope even if Christian morality couldn't.

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I agree with you. The good thing about Hemant's column is that he brings to light things that we believers might never even hear about. Religion should never be used as a cloak for evil but it sure is in practice all too often. If more religious leaders were busted by the law and put into prison then we would be better off.

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God's "mysterious ways" are no longer a mystery...they're right out in the open for his believers to deny and dismiss.

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I wonder what the brother has to say. And with three years difference in claims as to when the "affair" started, I'm inclined to believe the lower number. Besides, what kind of scumbag keeps his "mistress" when she marries his brother. Don't shit where you eat.

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Whenever it’s a question between an adult male and a female child, I’m going to believe the child. Even if she has aged into an adult by the time we hear about it. Lots of times I hear men who have raped girls, their defense is almost always, “I didn’t know she was underage.” Which is always a lie.

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Well, that lie certainly doesn't work when he's her teacher and knows she's a sophomore.

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Why he should be punished ? He is the victim, as always.

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That little hussy has tried to bring down and corrupt two fine upstanding church going brothers with her evil trickery.

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"... Besides, what kind of scumbag keeps his “mistress” when she marries his brother. ..."

A pious scumbag!

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