And yet xtians wonder why their numbers are down and continuing to fall. Haters like Urbanek are driving their flocks into the welcoming arms of nones and atheists.
I start out wondering just what the fuck happened to this guy to become so twisted and void of empathy. Then I remember that he and others like him are just sadistic monsters latching onto the vilest form of Christianity to justify the glee they take in the suffering of others.
Can't help but notice that the video has been taken down "for violating YouTube's terms of service." YouTube is slow a lot of the time, and they screw up a LOT, but this time, they got it right. This brand of unvarnished and undisguised hatred has no place in our culture. That there are people who actually feed on such rhetoric is at best disturbing to me, if not terrifying.
At the risk of bringing up a touchy term these days, this manner of inflammatory speech is the kind that provokes the type of stochastic terrorism the US has seen too much of lately. Urbanek deserves to be confronted about this. The sad fact is that it's unlikely that anyone from his congregation will do so.
I know it's utterly pointless, but reported this garbage. Sickening, how much of this filth is on social media for mouth-breathers to batten onto... * sigh
Which is why if gawd exists, we atheist are going to heaven. After all, what could be a worse punishment for us than to spend eternity with this guy and his ilk.
Urbanek hates gay people. All gay people, even though Christianity has LGBTQs in its ranks (though god knows why, pun unintended). According to 1 John 4:20, any believer who claims to love god yet hates a fellow believer is a liar.
The IT I've been forced to live with has all been 'home grown', so a 20% purge followed by a 10% restocking with professionally trained personnel would be a buddha-send.
It's the reason I was a far more competent VBA programmer compared to the 'experts' who didn't know how to put a relational database into even 1st Normal Form, much less create a whole Client Server app using a professional development lifecycle.
I hope he will die a painful death by a cardiac arrest and before that a taste of hell on Earth by having a quadruple bypass surgery and following a diet without his favorite food.
Yeah, my cardiologist is a bit annoyed I won't follow the diet. She's also appalled at my Diet Pepsi intake. (Some days, I think the bottling plant would have massive layoffs if I switched to Diet Coke)
Gee, it's a shame those are the only two options (alive or hell). If only there was some all-powerful and benevolent being that could heal problems and fix people instead.
Romans 1 is a preamble to Romans 2, whose message is "...and because God will do all these things to the bad people, YOU don't need to punish or judge them. So don't do that."
Though to be fair, the author kinda buried the lede here. A reader would have to be reading for content and not cherry picking in order to get the message the author is trying to communicate.
I love the way they 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 ignore the fact that since they didn't kiss gawd's ass the way he wanted it kissed, he forced them to do naughty things. Things they weren't even doing before gawd had a hissy fit.
This is a creator who thought up horizontal gene transfer, which makes everything worse for humans trying to survive bacterial diseases and makes things easier for the bacteria?
Are we SURE he isn't The Lord of the Bacteria?
Also, wonder why 'homos' don't disappear after the first few hundred generations of no procreation by them under godly conditions? Seems like 'homo' is one of the least likely traits to propagate itself. Unless, perhaps, the creation of humans was a botch job, like The Flood kinda suggests happens FAR too often, especially for the innocent children and foetuses murdered.
I suspect because having childless aunts and uncles helped the gene line survive, especially when life expectancies were low.
Or there was the hypothesis I read that suggested the same genes that cause homosexuality in men caused increased fertility in women. (Interesting how all the hypotheses are about how men become gay, no one seems to worry about what makes a lesbian)
The bible likes lesbians. It says no man on man, no man on animal, no woman on animal, no man on his mom or sister, no nookie while the woman has her period, no man on his aunt, either dad's side or mom's side, no man on sis-in-law, but it doesn't say a damn thing about woman on woman. That's because the guys who wrote it and had multiple wives and concubines wanted to see a little girl/girl action at times.
Maybe because the misogynistic Christian book and religion treat women inferior to men and as less than cattle; treats them as property.
For what it's worth, Romans 1:26 says "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones." Of course, given the nature of the bible, that might not even mean lesbianism. It might very well be a veiled reference to having many lovers, lovers of both genders or even bestiality.
Of course, it supports their claim that everyone is a sinner. I don't have exact numbers, but I doubt less than 0.000001% of men have never masturbated. And they're so fucked up, God only knows what horrors they've commited.
Yet another contradiction in Yahweh's allegedly infallible word. Though if I remember correctly, Onan's "sin" was that he pulled out because he didn't want to have a baby with her.
Don't know, exactly, but was Onan before or after the 'appropriate' commandments, because up until then there was a mulligan given so Creation could be populated.
That's according to the commentary in at least one of my 'teaching' Torah copies.
It's always funny to watch straightwashers make pretzels out of their tiny little brains trying to convince themselves that LGBTQ people haven't always been around.
It's because women, gay or straight, could be raped. Religion is social order, and impregnating women any way possible ensured that there would be children.
One of many theories. Since no one has found a gay *gene* (as opposed to genes), they've been looking for other explanations.
The in-utero ones I've heard, seem much more improbable than it being a complex of genes, some of which are redundant and not present in every gay man.
ETA: It's probably better for us that they never find the exact mechanism, or we end up with a "Twilight of the Golds" situation.
I can't help noticing that Urbanek, Anderson and all the other anti-LGBT hate preachers who insist we're all pedophiles NEVER call out the numerous--abundant, in fact--pedophile clergy members that pollute the landscape. No, no, that might be bad for business.
As I often note, businesses never call out other businesses that peddle the same product. Never. We can't have people thinking the inerrant word of God might be pretty damn errant, after all. They might start thinking for themselves instead of letting US tell them what to think. I mean, Jesus, we might have to start working for a living!
Well, at least he's honest about his bigotry... that's more than I can say for the "love the sinner, hate the sin" types, who are just as cruel and vile, but pretend to be kind.
Oh, but it's loving to "warn" someone that they're going to hell if they don't stop "sinning".
I could maybe see a deity against fornication (still pretty fucked up given said deity supposedly gave us our sex drives.), but I can't accept one that condemns love.
When that idiot finally falls, the impact will be hard enough for a Richter scale to measure it, not because he's a big man (he isn't), but because he's been 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗦𝗧𝗨𝗣𝗜𝗗!!!
But, by that time we'll probably find out he was a Whig or a Jeffersonian Republican, what with him being the picture next to 'LSOS' in the Dictionary of Acronyms.
And yet xtians wonder why their numbers are down and continuing to fall. Haters like Urbanek are driving their flocks into the welcoming arms of nones and atheists.
I start out wondering just what the fuck happened to this guy to become so twisted and void of empathy. Then I remember that he and others like him are just sadistic monsters latching onto the vilest form of Christianity to justify the glee they take in the suffering of others.
Anybody want to wager this guy is a headline waiting to happen?
After the Ted Haggard School of headlines.
How many homophobic xtian conmen wind up getting busted for diddling kids?
In two words: 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗘𝗡𝗢𝗨𝗚𝗛!!!
Not enough get busted. Too many are diddling kids.
How many priests have there been, over the centuries? Only the Vatican knows.
Too many. (Of course, one is too many)
"The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind."
Or blowing at the truck stop restroom.
Where are these truck stops? The ones I go into, everybody's just eliminating waste. No one's having hot sex.
I guess we both missing out then, because AFAIK we don't actually have truck stops.😁
I assume he's a black widow and kills them afterward.
Kills...and probably eats.
Can't help but notice that the video has been taken down "for violating YouTube's terms of service." YouTube is slow a lot of the time, and they screw up a LOT, but this time, they got it right. This brand of unvarnished and undisguised hatred has no place in our culture. That there are people who actually feed on such rhetoric is at best disturbing to me, if not terrifying.
At the risk of bringing up a touchy term these days, this manner of inflammatory speech is the kind that provokes the type of stochastic terrorism the US has seen too much of lately. Urbanek deserves to be confronted about this. The sad fact is that it's unlikely that anyone from his congregation will do so.
Hah - is it possible? Sometimes reporting actually *works?* A minute but satisfying victory *waves imaginary asshole-skewer *
1 down, tripzillion festering shitvideos to go....
I know it's utterly pointless, but reported this garbage. Sickening, how much of this filth is on social media for mouth-breathers to batten onto... * sigh
It baffles me that there are people who think that spending eternity with a vile, pathertic, digusting person like this constitutes a reward.
Hitler is in heaven. Can you imagine being one of his Jewish victims and told you were being sent to hell for not taking Jesus as your savior?
What kind of fucked up religion is THAT?
Not according to the documentary I saw. I believe it involved pineapple.
You didn't mention the maid's uniform.
On a pizza? 😱🤢🤮
Pineapple, tomato, potato and bell peppers with thai chili sauce 🤤
How is the potato prepared?
You are a very sick woman. Get help.
Message from DM "I am a happy sick woman too and I will think of you the next time I eat a Hawaiian pizza".
As you wish.
*Help herself another slice*
Tu ne sais pas ce que tu perds, tant mieux more for me 😁
Sounds like the thai chili sauce might give enough umami to carry the potato.
Better than the other option.
Yes and yes.
Pineapple butt plug? 🤔
Tell me. You googled it before commenting ? 😅
You're in Heaven.
What SHOULD you care?
That's part of The Deal in The Creator's Ant Farm.
Which is why if gawd exists, we atheist are going to heaven. After all, what could be a worse punishment for us than to spend eternity with this guy and his ilk.
He seems nice...
A prime example of "The Religion of Love."
Urbanek hates gay people. All gay people, even though Christianity has LGBTQs in its ranks (though god knows why, pun unintended). According to 1 John 4:20, any believer who claims to love god yet hates a fellow believer is a liar.
If looking at a woman with lust is committing adultery in your heart, then praying for the death of people who have done you no harm is surely murder.
Damned well put!
Surely it's not murder to rid the world of those that the Lord hates – and vice versa.
It's between them and God. Mind your own damn business.
Uh-huh ... sorta like this:
Wanna wish death on pedophiles, Urbanek?
Were your god real, it would decimate the ranks of the Christian clergy.
Almost any organization can survive a 10% Reduction in Force.
Catholic parishes where I live are having to merge due to both a shortage of priests and a drastic fall-off in attendance.
As Montgomery Burns would say: "Eeeeexcellent!"
Have you ever worked in IT? Every shop I've worked in in the last 27 years was at least 20% understaffed. IT needs a union.
Same goes for retail and food service. Corporations sop is to understaff for maximizing profits.
My ex-boss also admitted that management thought overworking people was the best way to get those same people to be efficient.
And employers wonder why there's no loyalty from employees.
The IT I've been forced to live with has all been 'home grown', so a 20% purge followed by a 10% restocking with professionally trained personnel would be a buddha-send.
It's the reason I was a far more competent VBA programmer compared to the 'experts' who didn't know how to put a relational database into even 1st Normal Form, much less create a whole Client Server app using a professional development lifecycle.
I hope he will die a painful death by a cardiac arrest and before that a taste of hell on Earth by having a quadruple bypass surgery and following a diet without his favorite food.
*Big hug to cdbunch*
Yeah, my cardiologist is a bit annoyed I won't follow the diet. She's also appalled at my Diet Pepsi intake. (Some days, I think the bottling plant would have massive layoffs if I switched to Diet Coke)
Which sad to say was formulated to taste like Pepsi. 🤢
Looks like they took the Pepsi Challenge.
"following a diet without his favorite food." That's very French. 😁
I didn't know Bill Clinton's doctors were from my country 🤔
Bypass surgery a few years back, he had to follow a healthy vegetarian then vegan diet to keep his cholesterol level low. Good bye red meat and gravy.
𝐼'𝑚 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑑𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒. 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑖𝑠? 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑤.
Gee, it's a shame those are the only two options (alive or hell). If only there was some all-powerful and benevolent being that could heal problems and fix people instead.
𝐵𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑠 1. 𝐺𝑜𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 ℎ𝑖𝑚. 𝐼𝑡 𝑠𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐺𝑜𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚.
Romans 1 is a preamble to Romans 2, whose message is "...and because God will do all these things to the bad people, YOU don't need to punish or judge them. So don't do that."
Though to be fair, the author kinda buried the lede here. A reader would have to be reading for content and not cherry picking in order to get the message the author is trying to communicate.
Cherry picking is their favorite sport.
I love the way they 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 ignore the fact that since they didn't kiss gawd's ass the way he wanted it kissed, he forced them to do naughty things. Things they weren't even doing before gawd had a hissy fit.
'Fix' people?
This is a creator who thought up horizontal gene transfer, which makes everything worse for humans trying to survive bacterial diseases and makes things easier for the bacteria?
Are we SURE he isn't The Lord of the Bacteria?
Also, wonder why 'homos' don't disappear after the first few hundred generations of no procreation by them under godly conditions? Seems like 'homo' is one of the least likely traits to propagate itself. Unless, perhaps, the creation of humans was a botch job, like The Flood kinda suggests happens FAR too often, especially for the innocent children and foetuses murdered.
I suspect because having childless aunts and uncles helped the gene line survive, especially when life expectancies were low.
Or there was the hypothesis I read that suggested the same genes that cause homosexuality in men caused increased fertility in women. (Interesting how all the hypotheses are about how men become gay, no one seems to worry about what makes a lesbian)
The bible likes lesbians. It says no man on man, no man on animal, no woman on animal, no man on his mom or sister, no nookie while the woman has her period, no man on his aunt, either dad's side or mom's side, no man on sis-in-law, but it doesn't say a damn thing about woman on woman. That's because the guys who wrote it and had multiple wives and concubines wanted to see a little girl/girl action at times.
Maybe because the misogynistic Christian book and religion treat women inferior to men and as less than cattle; treats them as property.
For what it's worth, Romans 1:26 says "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones." Of course, given the nature of the bible, that might not even mean lesbianism. It might very well be a veiled reference to having many lovers, lovers of both genders or even bestiality.
Or it might just mean they practiced the loophole. (I don't feel like trying to find the youtube link on my work computer)
The loophole? Ear sex? ; )
That's okay! I'm home sick and have nothing better to do:
That's OK. Everyone here is familiar with it.
Or masturbation, which Christianity still says is a sin.
Of course, it supports their claim that everyone is a sinner. I don't have exact numbers, but I doubt less than 0.000001% of men have never masturbated. And they're so fucked up, God only knows what horrors they've commited.
The bible never mentions masturbation specifically.
It's funny to watch Christians try and answer the question of how, "handle" jacking off.
No. Women were married off to men who raped them.
Hey, as long as daddy got 50 silver shekels out of the deal it's totes OK, right? :S
He struck down Onan for *not* having sex with his sister-in-law. So he was apparently ambivalent about that.
Yet another contradiction in Yahweh's allegedly infallible word. Though if I remember correctly, Onan's "sin" was that he pulled out because he didn't want to have a baby with her.
I still say it was rape, she consented under false pretenses.
Don't know, exactly, but was Onan before or after the 'appropriate' commandments, because up until then there was a mulligan given so Creation could be populated.
That's according to the commentary in at least one of my 'teaching' Torah copies.
Onan is a character found in Genesis, so he was before Exodus and the "Commandments."
"That's because the guys who wrote it and had multiple wives and concubines wanted to see a little girl/girl action at times."
That was their favorite halftime show between being fruitful with their wives and/or concubines.
Because lesbians doesn't exist, it's just spinsters who didn't find their Mr right 🙄
Thank you Lenkoz.
It's always funny to watch straightwashers make pretzels out of their tiny little brains trying to convince themselves that LGBTQ people haven't always been around.
Inhabitants of Lesbos may disagree.
People keep telling me I should quit looking for Mr. Right and settle for Mr. Right-now. But Disney gave me all kinds of impractical ideas of romance.
Your happiness is your own, it's nobody business.
It's because women, gay or straight, could be raped. Religion is social order, and impregnating women any way possible ensured that there would be children.
But, but, The Creator could have fixed that, too?!
I guess The Creator was a big fan of Spaghetti Code.
It would explain a lot. Especially the GOTOs to nowhere.
What other kind of code would the most holy creator of all things, delicious be his meatballs, favor?
IIRC, the current theory is that there is no "gay" gene. Homosexuality occurs because of conditions in the womb.
One of many theories. Since no one has found a gay *gene* (as opposed to genes), they've been looking for other explanations.
The in-utero ones I've heard, seem much more improbable than it being a complex of genes, some of which are redundant and not present in every gay man.
ETA: It's probably better for us that they never find the exact mechanism, or we end up with a "Twilight of the Golds" situation.
I can't help noticing that Urbanek, Anderson and all the other anti-LGBT hate preachers who insist we're all pedophiles NEVER call out the numerous--abundant, in fact--pedophile clergy members that pollute the landscape. No, no, that might be bad for business.
As I often note, businesses never call out other businesses that peddle the same product. Never. We can't have people thinking the inerrant word of God might be pretty damn errant, after all. They might start thinking for themselves instead of letting US tell them what to think. I mean, Jesus, we might have to start working for a living!
Left twix calls out right twix all the time.
I prefer Payday.
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.
Coconut and chocolate sounds really good right now. Though I prefer milk chocolate to dark.
It's over, I will mute you for this infamy 😝
In Jonathan Goldsmith's voice: I don’t always eat candy bars, but when I do, I prefer Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
Speaking of which, I've nearly finished the last bag of "fun size". I knew I should have bought more during my last grocery order.
The mini dark chocolate ones for me.
Mmmmm. Almond Joy/Mounds.
Milk and dark both work for me.
Almond Joy and Mounds are both safe in my house. My daughter hates coconut.
Burn the Heretic! /s
Your daughter is wise beyond her years,
Well, at least he's honest about his bigotry... that's more than I can say for the "love the sinner, hate the sin" types, who are just as cruel and vile, but pretend to be kind.
Oh, but it's loving to "warn" someone that they're going to hell if they don't stop "sinning".
I could maybe see a deity against fornication (still pretty fucked up given said deity supposedly gave us our sex drives.), but I can't accept one that condemns love.
OT- Oh look, more shady dealings involving the alleged George Santos, bad checks, and puppies:
Does he just wake up every morning wondering which cartoon villain cliches he hasn't ticked off his bucket list yet?
When that idiot finally falls, the impact will be hard enough for a Richter scale to measure it, not because he's a big man (he isn't), but because he's been 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗦𝗧𝗨𝗣𝗜𝗗!!!
"So Republican of him."
But, by that time we'll probably find out he was a Whig or a Jeffersonian Republican, what with him being the picture next to 'LSOS' in the Dictionary of Acronyms.
Teenagers and guns. What could possibly go wrong?
This is why Stephen King refers to the GQP as RepublicGuns.
Hopefully, the writers of the second Constitution are a lot more explicit about what constitutes reasonable limitations on bearing arms.