Christian hate-preacher: I pray that gay people "have a slow, painful death"
"I don't care which way you do it, Lord. Just kill ‘em right now," said hate-preacher Duncan Urbanek
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During a sermon just over a week ago, Christian hate-preacher Duncan Urbanek of Pure Words Baptist Church in Houston, Texas told the congregation his prayers for gay people... which involved dreaming up various scenarios in which they would be killed.
The sermon was all about imprecatory prayers, which are prayers essentially cursing God’s enemies and calling for their destruction. Naturally, Urbanek acted like people who didn’t share his anti-LGBTQ views should be subject to those prayers.
… Hey, I'm gonna pray for every pedophile. Every homo that exists, you know what my prayer for them is? They go straight into hell right now.
I have no sympathy for them. I have no love for them. They hate God! They've already rejected God! And if God rejected them, why would I accept them? Because that's what it says in Romans 1. God rejected them. The ward rejected him. It says three times in the same chapter that God rejected them.
Oh, but you're so much… more loving than me, because you'll accept them when God won't, where God rejected that person!
That's why I just pray that they just go to hell! And that's a good imprecatory prayer to have: Hey Lord, let him drop straight into hell right now.
I mean if that's not gonna happen, you know, let him get run over by a bus! A huge semi truck! A Mack truck! I mean, let him get struck by lightning. I mean, give him cancer. Let the AIDS just infest their whole body and just die right now. Just destroy ‘em. I mean, I don't care which way you do it, Lord. Just kill ‘em right now. Break their teeth in their mouth. Let ‘em have a slow, painful death.
How about that? Oh you're not loving. Not towards them! Not towards freaks and perverts who hate God! There is no love. Yeah, you're right.
But that doesn't make you more loving of a Christian than me. That actually makes you a hateful person. Because if you're gonna love the pedophile, then you hate all the children that they're abusing…
Nothing screams Christian love more than a preacher’s disturbing fantasies of God murdering gay people. It should go without saying that equating homosexuality with pedophilia is a frequent right-wing dog whistle not based in reality. (Given recent headlines, kids are in far more danger at church retreat than a drag show.)
This isn’t Urbanek’s first time taking delight in his own bigotry, either. He’s previously condemned women who wear pants and casually claimed brown people eating at a Middle Eastern restaurant “weren’t American.”
It’s also not surprising that the video was streamed on the YouTube channel for Jonathan Shelley, a fellow New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (New IFB) preacher who has a much longer track record of hate speech. This is, after all, Shelley’s former church. (He’s currently speaking in hotel ballrooms while he seeks out a new location for Stedfast Baptist Church following multiple evictions.)
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago after despicable comments from another member of their New IFB ministry, the size of the church doesn’t matter. All that matters for New IFB preachers is their social media reach, which allows them to spread their hate-filled, faith-based messages to a much wider audience than they could ever get otherwise. At least one hate-preacher has admitted he discovered New IFB preachers by watching videos on YouTube and going down a recommendation rabbit hole.
As of this writing, the church’s YouTube channel, Facebook page, and Twitter account are all up and running.
And yet xtians wonder why their numbers are down and continuing to fall. Haters like Urbanek are driving their flocks into the welcoming arms of nones and atheists.
I start out wondering just what the fuck happened to this guy to become so twisted and void of empathy. Then I remember that he and others like him are just sadistic monsters latching onto the vilest form of Christianity to justify the glee they take in the suffering of others.