Brilliant move, as there is a critical shortage of Bibles in the state of Arkansas. Anyone who would do this, is too stupid to know any better by definition. As for that silent majority, they are neither silent, nor a majority. In fact, as a rule you can't get them to shut up.

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"Cain't shut them up"? Someone's gotta tell you bout Jebus.

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If Jesus wants to talk to me, he's welcome to show up and do so anytime he wants. In the meantime, I have no use for his fan club presuming to speak on his behalf. ;)

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I'm sure anybody who needs a free bible can drop by the governor's mansion. Sarah Huckabee must have plenty on hand.

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...and not a one of them ever opened, so they're all in mint condition!

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Sarah read a book? Perish the thought. (Does she even know how?)

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She took a look inside of one of them and decided that was way too many words to tell her all of the things she was right about already.

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You can be sure of it. She clearly has a religious ax to grind.

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"This is something the silent majority can do."

They are not the majority, and they sure as hell aren't silent. They are an extremely loud, vicious, and whiny minority.

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Their 'silent majority' just lost in Ohio by a whopping 58% to 42% or so.

10 of Ohio's 15 districts are currently GOP. But polls show support for a constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights running at around 58% (not surprisingly, about the same as the margin of victory on issue 1). There's absolutely no guarantee that support for a pro-choice amendment will affect representation votes (a similar situation didn't affect representation in Kansas). But nevertheless, if you're Ohio GOP, you gotta be worrying about "downballot" voting from people who show up in Novemer to vote on the constitutional amendment.

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You know the GOP will try to enforce the 60% the issue was trying to establish on this vote.

Congratulations Ohio for making the right decision yesterday.

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I wonder how many of those 10 districts were actually won fairly and not due to gerrymandering.

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Particularly for a pack of bullies who’re always being “cancelled” & having their 1A rights violated lol

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Oh, brother. More territory-marking, more virtue-signaling, only this time with bibles. I'd ask if Ms. Meeks has any semblance of an idea of how JUVENILE she looks in doing this, when it's clear that she could never be bothered to be that introspective. Then, too, she also could never acknowledge that there are OTHER values than her Christian ones, and many of those are more inclusive and less judgmental.

Sadly, she's too busy showing EVERYONE what a good Christian she is to care.

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Conservative Christian ALWAYS assume it's perfectly okay to force their religion on others, and then play the poor persecuted victim if someone objects.

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This sort of behavior makes me curious to conduct an experiment: Go to her locality and put up a second LFL box right next to the first. Label the second one "For Bibles and Christian literature." Then watch to see if she *still* removes books from the original LFL and replaces them with bibles.

I bet she does.

But this would highlight to her as well as everyone else that her 'make our material available' excuse is bullflop.

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You can’t add value to the libraries by stuffing it full of trash. She’s finding bibles and devotionals free in places that anyone can access, thrift stores can’t even bring themselves to asking money for the Bible’s fercrissakes, and replacing good books with worthless junk. That’s not adding value, or expanding choice. If someone wanted to borrow a Bible they can literally walk into any church anywhere, you know pretty much every corner a Starbucks doesn’t occupy, and ask for one. Hell you don’t even need to ask, they often have them in stacks by the door and all the tracts you can imagine. It isn’t like folks don’t have access to bibles or devotionals or whatever you are littering.

What isn’t readily available is the food, toiletries, reproductive care, naxolone, and positive literature for LGBT people, mostly because these things “don’t align with your Christian values” and your husband is interfering in access to these necessities in his role as lawmaker.

If you want a little free library to align with your Christian values, make one yourself. If you don’t like the literature in the little free libraries, don’t read it. But you do not get to decide for the rest of the community what literature they have access to.

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She literally states that she’s swapping out the books. Does the husband understand how screen shots make a visible record that can’t be hidden?

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"Evidence" is a concept Christians, and especially conservative Christians, seem to be a bit fuzzy on.

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Fuzzy? It's so pixelated, it's just one big blue square.

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"Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time."

I haven't seen Windows do that in several years (knock on wood)

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He probably doesn't. Which is good. ;)

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God said it was ok.

Or maybe it was the voices again?

...nah, god for sure this time.

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Exactly where my mind went. Her husband is trying to imply that she has only been adding Xtian materials to the LBLs, which would be perfectly okay and not unethical. I myself have bought copies of books that I think people should read, with the intent to distribute them, including in LFLs. As a librarian myself (and as someone who at least tries to be a decent human being), I would never countenance taking something out that I might rather people not read, even what I assume is the drivel that this woman is stuffing them with.

She is censoring. She gave away the game in the first sentence of that post.

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She'll won't like it if someone put a Koran in one of those free libraries. Not to mention putting in a Jewish book about the Nazi holocaust, books about US slavery, books about evolution and science, books about atrocities committed by Christians, etc.

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And ofc his wife doesn’t “want to discuss the matter”now that she’s been called out for her actions. Every accusation is an admission of guilt with conservatives in this country. We’d all be a lot better off if they’d worry more about state of their own lives & morality, not everyone else’s

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Those organized leftist types do love books. I can confirm this from persona experience.

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I've always been an avid book reader (mostly history and science) and used to donate them to the local library when finished. After moving to a neighborhood with a LFL, I started filling it with all my 'critical of religion' books when finished. It's a very diverse neighborhood, so hopefully some books have found a good audience.

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If I can offer a mild criticism - please dont? By all means throw a couple of the best ones in, but the whole criticism of Meeks is that she's trying to take over the LFL to promote her singular perspective. Let's not do the same? Keep it to one or a few selections amongs a wide diversity of offerings, rather than "filling it."

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Point taken, and any criticism is always welcome, but I misspoke when I used the words 'filling it. Over the past four years I've added 6 or 7 books. And yes, a wide diversity of offerings is best!

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If you've got a lot of these books, it's probably more effective to put 1-2 in each LFL in the area anyway. In my neighborhood I walk by 3 LFLs almost daily, so I know there must be many more than that around. Why subject the adults at my pool to a whole bunch of my trashy sci-fi, when I can subject the adults at MANY pools to a few trashy sci-fi novels each? ;)

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Read any good trashy sci fi lately ? I love sci fi and am always receptive to suggestions.

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I think a decent LFL should have at least one copy of “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)” (1969, updated 1999) by California psychiatrist David Reuben.

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What's your adress already ?

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It’s often the love of books that makes a leftist, leftist.

Reading lots of books with a variety of subjects and points of views grows empathy, which is a foundation of leftist thought, and the right cannot adopt.

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Reading certainly helps, and I always have been reading. What really made me a leftis was reading the bible and being forced to pray before I was allowed to eat my lunch in primary school.

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Leftist = real American

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Are they okay? With all this pissing on things I worry about their state of hydration.

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“They” rehydrate via osmosis as they marinate in their bubble filled with cult approved kool-aid.

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"Would anyone like to guess what the right-wing reaction would be if liberal activists added pro-LGBTQ books to conservatives’ collections in the name of “choice”?"

Perhaps liberals should start doing that? Include a bookmark in each book explaining why.

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Never can have too many bookmarks. There never seems to be one around when you need to close a book.

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My brother learned the valuable lesson "Don't use a $20 for a book mark" when our mom took the book back to the library.

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I have a whole box full of bookmarks. I never remember to grab one when I'm reading, though; it always ends up being a scrap of paper, a tissue, or whatever.

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My go to seems to be unopened mail.

ETA: The one thing I *don't* do is dog-ear the page. I loaned a book to a cousin once, she dog-eared the pages. I might have let her borrow a book again, but she never asked after I 'complained'.

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Ugh... I have more than a few paperbacks I bought used that have clipped corners on multiple pages because somebody dog-eared them, but they were the only copies of those books I could find. Almost as annoying as buying a used book only to find that some dolt has underlined or highlighted passages (I've marked up books for schoolwork, but I always did it with brackets in the margins. Marks in the middle of the text annoy the shit outta me).

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Books are the closest things to sacred relics that I have. YOU DO NOT MANGLE A BOOK.

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As a kid I would have problems doing coloring books or puzzle books because I hated marking any kind of book so much.

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Everyone who knows me knows they can borrow any book I own, as long as I'm not currently reading it. They also know that they're to return anything they borrow in the condition they received it, or they're buying me a new copy.

I'd also never pass along a marked-up book without mentioning the fact up front. I mean, if it's my property, it's my property; if I want to annotate something, I'm gonna do it- sometimes it helps when I know I'll be needing to reference a particular passage again and again- but I wouldn't then give the book away to someone who thought they'd be getting a pristine copy. That'd just be rude.

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Actually one of my big problems is what to do with my old technical books. I don't want to throw them out, but they are so obsolete they belong in a museum not a library.

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I marked my college books but as a good hoarder I didn't have any intention to sell or donate them. I have a difficult enough time to let DM borrow my books in French and we live together 😅

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During middle and high school, my classmates would pull the bookmark out of whatever I was reading. So I started memorizing the page numbers.

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Some really shitty classmates. If I were on a jury, I'd be hard-pressed not to call that justifiable homicide.

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I would always do that to my brother. I'd just move the bookmark ahead or back a few pages.

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I always end on a chapter. Pretty foolproof.

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Not an easy feat with a horny fuck buddy or two jealous dogs 😏

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Hoyle sells them in packs of 54 :).

If your kid is into collectible card games, the inevitable glut of common cards also makes for useful bookmarks.

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Don't remind me. I'd almost put my Magic: the Gathering addiction phase behind me.

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I belonged to a D&D group that was mostly ruined by MtG. We'd start a session, then shortly in, someone would go over to the nearby store (this was in a college student union) and buy some cards, then a couple people would start to play. This was also the group that started changing campaigns almost monthly. We'd start with D&D, then the GM would switch to Werewolf, then Spelljammer, then Vampire, then Star Wars, etc. And he bought piles of books for all of them. Unfortunately it was the only group in town that I knew of.

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The paper crack can be tough to beat. I managed some time ago, mostly due to not having anyone to play against regularly anymore.

I assume you heard about this? https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/2/23817243/one-ring-magic-the-gathering-post-malone

(I still can't believe it was rated 9 of 10 due to the tendency of the cards to freaking curl.)

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I was never very good. I couldn't put together a usable deck. They always stood 6 inches or more because I could never decide which cards I could do without. But, O Thor, did I spend money I didn't have buying cards.

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DM has about 50 of them

She knows where they are but never use them.

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I try to make my bookmarks match the books (I've got bookmarks for the works of Rick Riordan, for example).

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Carpet matches the drapes so to speak?

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Depends on my cash flow and mood. If I could afford to keep it professionally maintained, my hair would be blue. But, alas, I have much more important places to spend $200/month than my hair.

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"That rug really tied the room together."

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𝐼𝑡 𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝐹𝐿𝑠, 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑡ℎ, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒’𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎

In my neck of the woods, the LFL signaling is not limited to Christian fundies. The LFL selection for kids and teens seems to be okay, but the adult book donations give off a huge vibe of "I donated the book I think you ought to read" instead of "I donated a book I enjoyed." I see a lot of facepalming, 'oh, brother'-inducing trash...only a little of it Christian.

Or, maybe I'm being a curmudgeonly outlier about this. Maybe my neighbors really do like spending their summer pool time reading 20 different variants on '101 ways to be a better person' type books, rather than a wider variety of trashy fiction, biographies, histories, etc.

Kinda ironic in a way. Our LFLs are not filled with Christian self-righteous virtue signaling proselytization because of the all the non-Christian self-righteous virtue signaling proselytization that pushes it off the shelves. :)

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This really makes me angry. I've been planning to build a little free library in front of my house, made to resemble the tower of the beautiful Central Library building in downtown Los Angeles where my dear wife worked as a Children's Librarian for 40+ years. Now it looks like I'll also have to install video cameras and a message to anyone like Meeks that her kind of behavior is NOT admirable or justifiable.

What Meeks is doing is just a small scale version of vigilante book banning. Book banners are motivated by fear, using a cowardly way to try to control what other people think. They're not trying to "protect children," they're trying to protect themselves from children seeing them for the ignorant, bigoted, mind bullies that they are.

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Leave them a video message of their predecessors...


Reminding them that it starts with burning books and ends with burning people.

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Not sure it would discourage them.

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Let them know the Nazis were good Catholics and Lutherans.

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Do evangelists consider them christians ?

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Depends which face you ask.

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They can blow bagpipes until they're blue. If they had told the Nazis they weren't true Christians they'd have bought a one-way ticket to the camps.

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That's some false pagan idol named Gott. Just like all those A-rabs and India Indians worship the pagan Ah-lah.

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Trevor Gott is an MLB pitcher.

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Like I said, pagan idol.

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He was a Mariner until the Mets acquired him in exchange for Zach Muckenhirn.

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He was one of ours. Gone now. Out the American League completely.

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Christians claim Nazis were atheists. Why didn't they erase GOTT MIT UNS from that old Weimer Republic belt buckle if that was true? They didn't. Instead, they simply added a swastika to it.

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it's shameful when people are so proud of, and open about, their ignorance. it is clear that this silly woman doesn't know what's in the bible. it's far more qualified to be banned than anything she has removed from those little libraries. she should go home and mind her own business.

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The hell of it is, pride in ignorance is damned near Dunning-Kruger in a cocked hat!

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Beat me to it.

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Like COVID, these people are everywhere...

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Such an odd coincidence

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I said like LIKE I would never compare humans to virus.

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Isn't there a verse or several in the babble about stealing ? It may be legal but certainly not moral to take books and not give them back or put them in another box.

I don't have something like this where I live but I am too much of a book hoarder to participate anyway.

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I've actually got a few paperbacks I replaced with hardcovers. (Or in couple of cases since the hardcover was in storage, bought a paperback because I needed to re-read it before the new book in the series) Probably not enough to fill a one of these. And if I can ever get over my fear of having nothing to read during a power apocalypse or a DRM disaster, hundreds that I have replaced with Kindle versions.

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There is several series I have in triple. French for DM, English (paperback and Kindle) for me.

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Aug 22, 2023
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Thank you but I am not the one who coined it. I saw this word used by one of Hemant's blog commenter and started to use it.

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So we have someone claiming they're swapping books out based on 'good Christian values' and therefore, it's okay.

Just for grins, let's attempt to take apart everything wrong with that sentence. First of all, in my experience, good Christian values are rarely good nor are they the unified list of values the phrase implies they are. Christians don't have one universal set of values, and all too often, they threaten to come to blows over which values are and aren't actually Christian. Then, there's the theft issue. These libraries (as Hemant noted) are intended to loan out books rather than give them away, so if you take a book and fail to return, that is stealing; just because local law enforcement isn't going to bother coming after you when you do it doesn't mean it's any less theft. Due specifically to the theft issue, it's clear that those Christian values above don't exactly align with local community values, which incidentally renders the idea of it being 'okay' invalid completely. I feel I must note here that replacing the stolen materials with other materials that align with the alleged Christian values in question is at this point little more than a propaganda attempt to make this whole scenario seem more palatable to the public.

In the interest of keeping this relatively short, I'm going to stop here. I have no doubt I've missed several things, but it's still painfully obvious that this woman is doing this for the sake of PR and power, and her husband is trying pretend she did nothing wrong. Note that it seems stealing hasn't quite yet been approved by Jesus, even if lying has long been on the acceptable list.

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She replace books who were paid by their owners by trash she found for free.

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Yep, this saloperie plagued me for 30 years. Coincidentally my veganism alleviated some of the symptoms.

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Lying is stealing the truth, so it's all good. ; )

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Just another kkkrister virtue signaling.

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