Hopefully the Satanic Temple is allowed equal time to shape young minds.

You know, as the religion with more morals.

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Help Everyone that’s what I was thinking when I read this too. It would have been fascinating to have speakers from Buddhism, Islam, Shinto, Taoism, Hinduism, and even throw in a little Scientology for the hell of it to speak to these kids. I would bet most have no clue about religions other than Christianity. I wonder how many complaints there would have been from the Christian parents then?

I would like to believe that this is the mindset of the old guard. Christians, like my aunt and her family in their late 60s and older that are so out of touch with the world that they think 90% of Americans are Christians. You have to understand that most of Alabama is rural and poor. They are insulated and unworldly. Some is by choice but some is due to financial constraints. Not to say that they could go to the public library and educate themselves. But why would they, when this has always been their life. Everything is centered around their god and their church. My aunt believes putting religion back into classrooms will solve all of our problems. I asked her how her religion has solved any of her problems. That shut her up pretty quick.

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Folks who went to church used to hang innocent men and women for being Black, Latino, or Asian and carve them up with knives in this country. These were the days when kids where taught to read with the Bible, teacher led prayer was in schools, and church attendance was culturally mandatory, so I don't think a lack of Jesus is what ails the nation today.

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No, no, no! It wasn't the REAL Jesus!

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There was no real Jesus, IMO.

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Lots of guys named Jesus in Major League Baseball.

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In Spring, it's a name you heard often in Spain's streets.

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He's in Alabama, working in the fields. You missed him while you were looking in Hell's Kitchen, that's all.

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There is no hell either

Oh what a tangled web we weave

When we choose to believe

In the myths that deceive.

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Same here, they took all the miracle holy healers, and combined into one persona.

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Yes, that is what they want to return to, when they say "make america great again".

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May 21·edited May 21

Both the pictured dudes look in their 30s-40s to me. This is not a boomer "I grew up with prayer in school and I turned out fine" problem.

It's why we need 1a 'no endorsement' enforced. Because mainstream cultural change isn't going to create a culture of non-endorsement on its own...at least, not in places like Alabama.

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Yes because the jesus assault in schools is getting worse. 1a must be enforced. These southern states will not do it on their own, they will continue infringing on everyone else.

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Scientology? Why let any of these belief systems into schools except as classes on comparative brain deadening beliefs?

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I was being facetious. While I do not believe in any organized religions, I do find them highly fascinating. I lived next to a Scientology center in Florida. It amazes me that seemingly normal people believe in their psychotic bullshit, but honestly that goes for the rest of them too.

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Sorry about that. I should have seen that but I was focusing on this trial in NYC.

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Scientology is not a religion though. (Just ask Germany) It is a scam disguised as a relligion, which makes it not all that different.

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I wouldn't even shit in Alabamastan.

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My favorite is Talibama. I tried to fight to better this state. I was born and raised here in the Southern Baptist cult. Recently , we’ve had three governors arrested with some serving time. The corruption in our politics knows no bounds. The state is run by Alabama Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company. So many of our politicians are bought and paid for it is a running joke. The federal government is suing us over the horrific state of our prison systems. Our parole board denies 96% of parolees. There are no second chances here. Christian nationalism has already turned Alabama into a theocracy. Our chief Supreme Court Justice, Tom Parker, is a Qanon supporter and Seven Mountains Mandate believer. He wholly believes in the “wrath of a vengeful god”. Our current governor, Kay Ivey, danced around in black face at our alma mater Auburn University. She just gutted what was left of our public education system with the school choice bill. Politicians have also gutted the funding to our public libraries and criminalized librarians over “obscene” materials. Ivey and Parker hang out with known KKK clansmen. We’ve also abolished child labor laws. Our minimum wage still sits at $7.50/hr. Gun violence and the shooting of children is an everyday occurrence here. People don’t bat an eye, because you know people kill people not guns. We are ranked at the bottom for healthcare, poverty, and economic growth. AG Steve Marshall wants all pregnant women in ankle monitors. Tuberville wants all abortion records made public. Senator Katie Britt lies on national television and calls for women to go back to the kitchen where they belong. Does she realize that’s where they’re going to put her too? I could go on, but I’m tired and I think I just proved your point. I’ve had voters tell me that they will always vote Republican even if it continues to hurt them, because that’s what their daddies did and their daddies did before them. Alabama has become an immovable feast of corruption and ignorance. Believe me, I would move in a heartbeat if I could afford to. Maybe, I need to start a Go Fund Me.

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I have an old friend who was Alabama's Commissioner of Education. He used to regale me with stories of the rampant obstruction and corruption he had to deal with. Fortunately, he was (and is) smart and a strong personality (also an atheist), so he wasn't cowed. But Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas are hopeless.

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Our Seven Tenets are much better than the Decalogue!

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We wish.

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Could it be......Satan?

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Who, me? I'm not even a man. Or of wealth. Or taste. Guess someone else's name.

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The devil is in the entrails. “Satan lives here: on grain and earth, rain and air” - Crash Test Dumies, ‘How Does A Duck Know?’

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The devil you say...

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No. But I do have a lot of sympathy.

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Who says Satan has to be a man or woman for that matter. Supernatural beings with genitals? Crazy.

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For Juliette Noureddine (French singer), the Devil is a woman, and a cool one 😁

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So a woman seduced Eve? Who would have thunk it.

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A happy lesbian like Madame Noureddine 🙂

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There's a song being referenced here. Perhaps before your time.

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What song? 👀🧐

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Sympathy for the Devil. Rolling Stones.

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Yes they actually are a org. worth joining. Bodily autonomy being a main tenet.

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Proselytizing in the public schools needs to be elevated from a civil matter to a criminal matter. This principle and everyone else who signed off on this needs to be terminated and held personally liable for any law suits that ensue. It's lost on these people who see Jesus as the solution to everything, that this massively screwed up world is, to a very large extent, the work product of believers. Neither this country nor the wider world faces a single problem that has a religious solution.

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This might be a possibility. One misdemeanor charge against the administrators for each student forced to go.


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I like it.

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They cannot get them into their churches anymore so they must go to schools and molest their minds and bodies there.

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Good solution in theory. What worries me is there is already a shortage of teachers for diverse reasons. The future of talibama children is bleak, at best.

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I'm not sure how that would play out. I have to think there are teachers who would be more than happy to see the preachers kept out of the schools.

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They would. Unfortunately, the people in charge of hiring & paying teachers aren’t.

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May 21·edited May 21

Christianity just can't operate without a captive audience. The kids are in a hostage situation.

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Their obsessive need to indoctrinate children before they've reached the age of reason speaks to just how weak their message is. Why is it ever acceptable to teach things as facts to children, an educated adult would most likely reject out of hand?

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Imagine the horror of having to choose which museum to go, instead of the joy of sitting on a uncomfortable pew, listening to an absurd rant while trying to stay awake.

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Natural History Museum, hands down! I do enjoy a fine arts museum, but really for me, you can't beat dino skeletons, rocks that glow in the dark, and sea creature displays.

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Mummies 😁

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Those are kept in the Museum of Man. And yes, I do enjoy gawking at some mummies, lol.

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Louvres, Cité des Sciences and Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle for me. The latter was my nephew's favorite too.

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*gasp* I see dead people!

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MILF? Mummies I’d…

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Sunday mornings were Smithsonian outing days when my kid was little. So then when at around 10-12 he started groaning about how he'd already seen it all and dad why do we have to go see it all again, I knew (a) I'd done something right but (b) maybe now's a good time to take my foot off the gas and let him laze about on the occasional Sunday morning instead.


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Forcing something on kids against their will. It sounds like child molestation to me.

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They can't get their heads around the fact rights are not matters of majority rule.

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May 21·edited May 21

And just imagine the reaction by Christians if a scientist went to a private Christian school and taught the scientific fact of evolution and the real age of the universe. The screams from outraged cristers would be heard from the rocky coast of Maine to the sands of Hawaii.

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I would upvote you but the system isn't letting me do that.

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That "like" took 3 tries. The system slowly devolves into chaos.

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Me too. I have to wait until the library opens to get on a computer that allows me to upvote people here.

And today's gonna be a bumpy posting time for me. Stuff to do, so I'm gonna be on-again/off-again in commenting and upvoting the whole day.

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Their heads are too big to get around anything. They're going mossy by not rolling around. Same as stones.

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At least are useful. These aren’t.

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"Like" takes a few tries, too.

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May 21·edited May 21

Diddling minds and bodies is what christains do.

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It absolutely is spiritual rape.

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Educated adults also become addicted to the palliative drugs of religions.

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Maybe they should mandate teaching the bible as literature. Let's watch the sparks fly then.

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Crazy, bad literature

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Hook the kids on Christianity early, so they grow up to tithe their prosperity into the preachers pockets.

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𝐻𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑠/ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛’𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑠 “𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒.”

News Bulletin: ONE is all that is needed, so congratulations, Principal Fuller and John Eklund. You both just violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment! What's their prize, Johnny?

Well, Ken, they will be visited by a member of the Legal Team of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, who will inform them of their transgression and assure them that, if they continue with their behavior, they will be defendants in a LAWSUIT! A lawsuit which will waste time and money which could have been better spent on the students of that school!

How about that, audience??? [Cheers and Applause!]

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I wonder why that student was unaware that the assembly was optional. Probably because it wasn't optional until the school received a letter from FFRF. If an assembly is optional, the school has the responsibility to inform the students of their options. Where do students who choose not to go to the assembly go and what will they do when they get there? There shouldn't be a single student thinking that they didn't have a choice in attending if the assembly was not mandatory.

Even aside from the question about if the assembly was mandatory or not, or even if every student in the school wanted to attend a religious assembly, the assembly itself was unconstitutional by its very nature. If there is a single prayer, or reference to Jesus being real and/or a resource for mental health, or even if there is a single mention of which church to attend, the school overstepped their bounds.

And, you're correct, it doesn't matter if it is only one student complaining, it is wrong. But it is not only one student.

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In high school, I absolutely refused to attend mandatory pep rallies. When they caught me lurking in the library instead of sitting on bleacher benches sneering at the cheerleaders, they gave me a library pass so I didn't have to deal with these 'Hitler Youth' type bullshit. You gotta stand up for your rights!

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These are 15-18 year olds. Some of them have figured out how to stand up for their rights, sure, but most of them are still learning how. The school and teachers thus need to, y'know, TEACH them their rights in situations like this.

As the old saying (at least according to one of my teacher friends) goes: when one student fails to learn, it's probably them. When all your students fail to learn, it's certainly you.

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Many kids avoided church when they hit their teens when I was young. I dipped out of church at age 13 because to me, it was a bunch of fairy tales like the wonderful mythology of the Greeks. And now that we have internets and kids can read terrific disassembly of the entire christian mythos... well it's no wonder church attendance is plummeting. Well, probably not so much in Alabama, but you know what I mean.

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They are counting on them being indoctrinated but NOT learning they can say "NO!".

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Same here, I hated the jocks.

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May 21·edited May 21

At my high school, a lot of us went home instead of to the pep rallies.

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They can climb into the box that Carol Merrill is standing in front of. The box will then be taken out to a local quarry for EOD to dispose of.

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And I'm sure it was more than one or two.....many will not have courage to complain out of fear of retribution. And that is another thing that the zealots count on, people staying silent.

Suffering in silence....

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🎯🎯🎯Whether molested bodily, or spiritually, or probably both.

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May 21·edited May 23

The christains want that. they get to jesus off at a captive audience, martyrbate over it afterwards and drain school resources at the same time. A triple win for these enemies of humanity.

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May 21·edited May 21

Because grown adults with imaginary friends are sooo going to help kids deal with their mental health issues.

To Mr. Eklund: First remove the plank/log/beam from your own eye, hypocrite.

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We all know, except one bouché à l'émeri, they only believe on mental health problems when it's about being on the LGBTQI+ spectrum.

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(In Yoda's voice): "Blind they are. Tragic this is."

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Not to them. Like being dead, it is painful only for others.

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These assembly programs are paid for out of the Safe and Drug Free Schools America Act.

I worked for an evangelical company in LA 25 years ago that fished for this same money, using video programs.

Believe it, that guy got paid to attend.

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"Superintendent Richard Dennis says that the assembly was not religious..." “This morning, during two assemblies, hundreds of teenagers flooded central court to receive prayer for struggles of value and worth.”

The evidence shows you are lying, Mr Dennis. Doesn't your God have something to say about that?

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I would really like to know just HOW someone "talking about Jesus," regardless of his audience, ISN'T religious?

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May 21·edited May 21

I would really like to know how a school Principal, in this day and age, does not realize that such events will end up on the internet.

Or maybe they do and they figure that with qualified immunity, they're playing with house money so why not. Stuff like this should no longer be covered by qualified immunity. Vitale was 1962 ffs. Remove the 'safety net' of having the district pay for the 1a violations they cause, I'm guessing you'll see a lot fewer Principals causing violations.

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It's Alabama. Recognize a court decision from 1962? They have trouble recognizing events from 1862.

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"But it's not a religion it's a relationship"

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An abusive, one-way relationship. Jesusgod wears a wife beater.

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Uh-huh ... a "relationship" where only one person shows up. 😝

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That sounds a lot like masturbation. Masturbation requires only one person.

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But it's more fun with two or more.

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*looks warily at Black Hole Mourner* And you knows this how?

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If it’s not a religion, then it’s taxable.

Christianity: No, wait!

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Historical? (nope)

Traditional? (yep but invalid)

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Talking about religion is NOT religious! /s

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Uh-huh ... and talking about circuit design is NOT electronics! 🤦‍♂️

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Nope. It's... it's... It's... It's chemical! Yes, that's what it is!

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SMH&C [Shakes My Head & Chuckles!]

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I would imagine some of those kids need mental health therapy to understand that religion is part of their issues.

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For some of them, religion is the only reason they need mental health therapy.

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Religion is why I ended up alcoholic. It is why I became suicidal after I got sober. Telling a bibe thumper where to shove his bible in front of a group is what led me to acceptance of myself as a Gay man.

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We're glad you are here.....

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Problem is: their religion is, to them, such a "natural" part of their lives that many of them couldn't conceive of being without it.

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May 21·edited May 21

And education could help with that. But not when the educators are the problem

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And this is what happens when you live in a bubble.

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May 21·edited May 21

Don't I know it. I escaped from a bubble like that

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Agreed but no one's asking them to be without it- it is telling them to stop forcing it on everyone else. They will never understand this until they are held civilly or criminally accountable, and/ or fired from their jobs.

This is the same with every other issue happening right now, especially abortion. The minority wants to exert their narrow view on everyone, but we are the majority. If some woman thinks abortion is wrong then don't get one - they need to stay out of my business.

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Yes, as a retired surgical assistant, I can assure you, we never forced it on anyone, even the religious protestors, who ocassionally came in for a procedure.

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Oh yes,.....they sure do. They think they are "different"..... everyone else is a slut, but they genuinely need an abortion..... not those other ladies sitting in the clinic, just them.

Protesters coming in for abortions..... including fathers who were on the protest line bringing in their teenage daughters for abortions. I've read several books about the history and current landscape of abortion, they all have chapters devoted to protesters coming in for abortions, but generally they drive to a clinic in another town, but what they don't realize is that the medical staff often float between different clinics all the time. 🤣

"oh snap...... is that Natalie from the Miami Clinic... damn it I don't want her to see me, then she'll know I'm a total fucking hypocrite"

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Here's a poser for you: is it the religion they like or the privilege it brings them?

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The latter.

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Yes a club for sure....it instills privilege. They may or may not even realize it. They may very well be lying to themselves that it's about jesus. Others fully embrace their future gold mansions in the sky.

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May 22·edited May 22

I thought they were made out of jello. 🤔


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Chocolate waterfalls....... she watches too much Willy Wonka.

These people are so fucked up - they missed their calling in becoming fiction writers.

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Hey, I know that there are some students here suffering from sexual abuse. And that you suffer in complete silence, afraid of what society will think of you. And that this pressure and perceived is slowly destroying you from the inside, but I am here to tell you that Jesus is here to take the worst part from you. Oh, not the abuse. You've had sex and you're like a chewed piece of gum wrapped inside a dirty gym sock. I don't know how your future husband will even manage to look at you. I say husbands, because we all know boys don't get abused, and if they do then they are gay and going to hell. No I am not taking about this. Even though we should talk about how you could have been better at preventing that situation of temptation for the man. No, I am talking about an even bigger question. I know the choice of whether or not to forgive you attacker is weighing down on you. But don't worry, Jesus helped you. He has forgiven your abuser. You don't need to do anything. It is all been taken care of.

As for you druggies out there. You have fallen short of the grace of god. So, uh, stop. In Jesus name, stop.

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And remember ladies, if you do find yourself abused in the dangerous secular school world, spend time alone in a secluded place with your unaccredited youth pastor. They keep moving him to all the hotspots of pedophilia and when he leaves there's no longer abuse there, so dude must be like some super abuse problem solver, right?

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May 21·edited May 21

Look at the smug smiles. They know there are zero consequences to pushing Jayzeus in public schools. In a sane world, that principal would be terminated.

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Or at least fired.

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Like kids who got away with stealing from the cookie jar.

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Cookies don't last long enough to be put in a jar.

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May 21·edited May 21

If I get deep enough into the package to put them in a jar, I've ended up eating all of them.

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The principal has no principles. Fuller should lose his job and never be in a position to have authority over kids ever again. Enough is enough with this shit.

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Well, how else will Shoal Creek “church” get new members to support the “clergy” in the lifestyle to which they are accustomed, afforded by other people’s money?

You gonna make these preachermans get they selfs an actual …job?

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Job?!? You mean actual WORK??? Watch yer language! 🤣🤣🤣

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RemovedMay 21
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It's all because of THE CURSE!

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𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚 𝑡𝑜 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑔𝑜 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦

How about just not starting the problem in the first place?

Sheesh, this isn't rocket surgery. At work, think and do work. Save non-work for non-work times.

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These people are literally "Groomers for God".

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Doing the very thing they falsely accuse others of.

They could power all the screens of a multiplex with the projecting they do.

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🤢🤢🤢🤮Too true, and their own sweaty, wandering, hands as well.

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“I’ve been doing this for 26 years. If i’m gonna get in trouble it might as well be for Jesus!”

This better describes him:

“If I’m going to get in trouble for violating our constitution and the non-Christian children in attendance, I might as well do it for my personal idea of Jesus”

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This is the future for students in some red states. Seeking advice, they'll be getting it from bible thumping "chaplains" rather than trained professionals. This is horrible, especially for kids who are neurodivergent or who have sexual identity issues. Or girls who want to be astronauts.

I was one of those kids; if I had to go to a mandatory bible class disguised as a mental health assembly, I know what I would have done because it's how I'm wired. I would walk out, middle finger raised high, and damn the consequences.

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DM would have gone to confront the principal* and if he belittled her, she would have gone to the FFRF. You don't tell her to shut up.

* In 9th grade I didn't know which path to take, so DM wanted me to retake the class to give me more time. The principal refused, appointment with DM, none of them would concede and in the end, the Principal dared her to write to the Rectorat (administrative staff related to schools from preschools to high-schools). She calmly asked for the adress, he blinked first.

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My daughter caught hell in kkkatlik school for being left-handed and her parents being divorced. Several of us showed up at the rectory and offered to demonstrate the error of their ways toward my daughter. It stopped abruptly. There were no cameras at doorbells in the 1970's.

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They demand the suicide of LGBTQI people. They did that to me.

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