So once again separation of church and state means that Christians get a 'privilege' that no one else gets? Of course this means that other religions would get the same 'privilege' but how many would want it? Or, maybe the Christians behind this want superspreader events at those other churches, but in their own Jesus will protect them.

I'm thinking this is actually all about virtue signalling to those trash people who moved to Floriduh for the express purpose of denying the pandemic happened.

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I'm not sure getting together in one building during a pandemic would be a privilege.

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It is for that exact reason why I put "privilege" in scare quotes.

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The “privilege” of thumbing their noses at everyone else forced to follow regulations.

To be “superior”, because they are exempted. Above the riff-raff.

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"The right of every person to worship almighty God...."

Well, that tells you all you need to know right there. Not Buddha, not Loki, not The Great Spirit, and certainly not the Flying Spaghetti Monster. No, the only deity named and singled out for this honor is Almighty God. The rest of you heathens are out of luck.

This is Christian Privilege at its most barefaced.

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Why does an "almighty" god need a law to protect it?

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Because he is weak. If he were omnipotent as so claimed, it wouldn't have taken 7 days to make all of creation. He could have farted it all in one second.

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This language is thinly veiled, “you can be any type of Christian you want.” Or the more common and blunt, “religious freedom only applies to Christians.”

I wish I could counter offer with changing that wording altogether.

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You are "Free to worship in the church of my choice."

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This sure sounds like a violation of the First Amendment to me. Once again we see Republicans trying to institutionalize Christian privilege. I have mixed feelings here. On the one hand it will have catastrophic effects on people who attend church in the face of a pandemic, but on the other, a lot of innocent people will get hurt through no fault of their own. The arrogance of true-believers is mind-numbing.

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Once again, the Republican party demonstrates just how stupid they want to be ... and as it comes to that:

𝐼𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑑, 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑑 … 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑏 𝑚𝑎𝑦 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑦 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡.

-- me

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I’m beginning to think that the Blood of Jesus they claim protects them is really their neighbors’ actual blood rather than the metaphorical blood Jesus lost on the cross.

I was going to say it was unfair that Ohio got to vote on their constitutional amendments before the cheating bastards in the legislature got to change it, but I guess I do get to vote on it. Hopefully the lag time between now and the vote will allow the goldfish brained republicans in our state to forget about the inconvenience of three years ago. But I won’t hold my breath.

We can hope that the state Supreme Court fixes our gerrymandering, but the legislature is not giving up their unwarranted power so easily. They did back down from their threats of impeachment for Justice Protasiewicz specifically for hearing the gerrymandering case, but I’m sure they’ve got another gambit in their pocket. They won’t let it go.

My state can be an embarrassment at times.

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They backed down on the impeachment threats? Yes! I haven't been keeping up with what's going on in our state, obviously. 😬

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I still don’t trust them. But the Democratic Party pushed back hard through an ad campaign and the GOP retreated.

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Sometimes I really dislike living in Wisconsin. Weed's still illegal, while it's legal in all the states around us (Thanks a lot, Tavern League of Wisconsin lobbyists). Can't replace our representatives because of gerrymandering. As you all probably know, they wanted to impeach the liberal justice that was just elected and seated on the state supreme court because she had the audacity to say during her campaign that our legislative maps are horribly gerrymandered and need to be redrawn. Yeah, that's WHY we voted for her, along with keeping our reproductive freedom instead of what the pre-Civil War legislature wanted, you dumbasses. And now the Christians want special treatment? Fuck. That. Shit.

P.S. I just got my Moderna COVID booster two days ago, against my all-of-a-sudden mRNA-skeptical PCP's wishes. She's under the impression that the vaccines caused me to grow extra parathyroid glands that decided to go haywire and needed removal. 🤦🏻‍♀️ "DON'T get any more vaccines because of all this (waves hands in the air vaguely) stuff you've had going on. The vaccines target the autoimmune system, and the thyroid is part of the autoimmune system." In my head I'm thinking, "One, it was my PARAthyroids. Serves a totally different purpose. One of my thyroid lobes had to be removed because of where the other gland was situated. You ARE reading my surgical report on the computer screen right now, are you not? Two, the thyroid is part of the ENDOCRINE system. Ugh!" I need a new PCP.

P.P.S. Time to upgrade to a paid subscription.

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At a minimum a second opinion.

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"Fuck. That. Shit."

I'll second that.

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At this point, as far as I am concerned, they can all get sick and die.

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Let's go, Darwin!

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That’s how I feel too.

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Ironically enough what the stats show is that it’s not the unvaccinated who are getting sick and dying. Covid always had an insanely low fatality rate, with current estimates being at about 0.66%. As in not even 1%. That’s not because we had amazing treatments, it’s not because the lockdowns did anything (Sweden is proof they didn’t). It’s because the disease wasn’t that bad. Nobody is forcing you to go to church. If you want to spend the rest of your life quarantining and wearing masks and getting a booster vaccine every 3-6 months then you are welcome to that choice. But your irrational fear shouldn’t dictate other people’s lives.

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It is rational, educated fear versus irrational, willful ignorance.

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I'm all for it, especially if the places become quarantine wards. But they'll never take that responsibility serious enough and just keep spreading the virus, mind and body.

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Also, Get. Your. Booster.

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Got the new vaccine in October. I still wear masks away from my apartment and socially distance where possible.

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Hardcore! I got mine early October too. Double tap one each shoulder, one covie one fluie.

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Ooooooh! Aaaaaah!

Didn't get to mention it yesterday, but Apollo 8s Frank Borman died.

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Not French here (born and bred Clevelander!), but that is downright BEAUTIFUL!

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Is this okay to post in this thread? I few years ago, at my nothern house. https://www.akkarvik.no/Bilder_bygd_oy/2010_Nordlys1_KH_original.JPG

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Oh wow....

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C'est très fantastique ! From personal experience, to see the Milky Way in the Northern Pacific a thousand miles from anywhere in a light disciplined ship is utterly (please excuse me) heavenly. I recommend it and I can totally understand how our ancestors came up with such crazy stories of gods in the sky.

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Too northern from where I live :(

All I see is a sea of gray.

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OT: For those who celebrate, happy Veterans Day to my fellow foxhole atheists.

And a happy Remembrance Day to those who do such things today.

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You are a little late, it's already the 12th for me 😁

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Veterans Day (a federal holiday) is observed on the 10th (a Friday) but because the Armistice of WW1 was signed on November 11 (11/11), it is celebrated on Saturday.

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I'm a little early...those are 2024 greetings. 😉

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Welcome home, say I.

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You know, if you look at the data of who died from COVID, a majority of them come from red states.

Right wing governors opened back up too early, discouraging simple pre-vaccine measures like avoiding large crowds indoors and wearing a mask. Then the anti-vax stuff started and it got so much worse.

One data scientist I follow on Twitter even postulated that it might have helped Democrats win in closer state races in purple states like Arizona.

So if these people want to ignore science, they're only hurting themselves.

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From the repukelican handbook:

Step 1: Shoot self in right foot.

Step 2: Shoot self in left foot.

Step 3: Repeat steps 1, 2, and three.

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Like the Ohio GOP state legislature, after being kicked in the butt on Tuesday regarding an amendment to enshrine abortion rights have now said they're just going to IGNORE a Constitutional Amendment:

"Republican state house representatives Jennifer Gross, Bill Dean, Melanie Miller and Beth Lear said in a news release on Thursday that they will push to have Ohio’s legislature – not the courts – make any decisions about the amendment passed on Tuesday.

“To prevent mischief by pro-abortion courts with [the amendment], Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,” said the mix of fairly new and veteran lawmakers who are all vice-chairs of various house committees. “The Ohio legislature alone will consider what, if any, modifications to make to existing laws based on public hearings and input from legal experts on both sides.”


So they shot themselves in the right foot Tuesday, then the left foot yesterday.

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“Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,”

Ambiguous ballot initiative? Despite having to go to the polls twice, one special election at an incredibly unusual date, just to keep the right to vote on this particular amendment, to fight through the misinformation tactics put out by the opposition, to ignore the governor’s lies about what it means, the people knew exactly what they were voting for. There’s no ambiguity involved. The Republicans don’t want the people to understand, they want the people to be unsure, but it’s clear to everyone what really is happening.

Sit down, assholes, you lost. Bigly.

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In the end, the majority who died were the reality deniers right wing folks, but one of the big reasons they got so excited was because it started out affecting people of color more dramatically because of the disparity in access to healthcare, not just for treating Covid but because they are more susceptible to the issues that were risk factors in the deaths. But what the right wingers didn’t account for was that they too had a lack of healthcare access that gave them the same risk factors and the virus isn’t as racist as they are. Plus their willingness to dunk themselves in Covid pools without any sort of protection, they took over the race to the end. And dragged a lot of other folks with them, unfortunately.

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But-but-but ... owning the libs!!! 🤦‍♂️

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Well, unfortunately, not only themselves. They still endanger vulnerable people with their asinine behavior and selfishness.

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Yes, you're right. I worked right through the pandemic in a Dollar General, and I can't tell you how many people came in with NO MASK on saying "I just got quarantined and need groceries to carry me over."

My boss refused to wear a mask, got COVID and gave it to her husband with a pre-existing heart condition, and he almost died. Horrible way to learn a lesson.

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I have to ask. Did she actually learn anything?

Because from what I can tell, she'd be the exception if she did.

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She started wearing a mask, but I don't think she ever got the vaccine. I ended up quitting in mid 2021.

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To any and all Rethuglikkkans in the Wisconsin Senate who voted for ths:

Should you become ill, do not seek medical treatment. It is obvious your God wants you to be sick. How dare you try to defy His Will.

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🎵Jesus Christ Superspreader🎵

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Prayers worked in 6th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th... centuries don't you know ? It's the 21th century satamunists who prevented god to help.

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😅 🤣 😇 I didn't even know I am a satamunist. Thanks for teaching me a new word/concept.

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I like it too! Would look really cool on a t-shirt.

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Nope, I am a satamunist. You are a satatheimunist 😁

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Hæh? What is a satatheimunist? I am lost here. Does it have anything to do with making weird practical jokes on "innocent" relatives and neighbours?

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Satanist, Atheist, Communist.

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I’m going to say laugh because any else is too awful to contemplate and I need the relief.

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I've got a new one. Hurray !

"Access Denied

You don't have permission to access "http://www.12news.com/article/news/politics/elections/jacob-chansley-intends-run-office-arizona/75-ceb89d96-4973-4dd6-bbd9-0fe8fde55db2" on this server.

Reference #18.cae34817.1699748624.35c9f0a3"

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PHOENIX — Jacob Chansley, who may be better known as the "QAnon Shaman," has filed a statement of interest to run for Arizona’s 8th Congressional District in Congress.

Chansley stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 and pleaded guilty to obstruction of an official proceeding. He was originally sentenced in Nov. 2021 to 41 months in prison for his role in the Insurrection. He instead served about 27 months before being transferred to Phoenix in March 2023.

Chansley was described by prosecutors in his Jan. 6 trial as "the public face of the Capitol riot." He stood out from the rioters who stormed the Capitol, shirtless with a horned headdress at the dais where Vice President Pence had been presiding at the certification of the 2020 election.

As a felony convict, Chansley can run but not vote in the election.

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Didn't he engage in insurrection/rebellion? According to the 14th Amendment (Sec.3) he's disqualified.

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Not what he was convicted for. Officially it was a riot not an insurrection.

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Well, damn. Was kind of hoping.

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They were at the Capitol building 'under orders' by the then-POTUS to try preventing the legal certification of Joe Biden as President. They stormed the building by scaling the wall. They occupied offices. They built gallows with every intention of using them. They beat Capitol police. This goes far beyond being a mere riot.

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I agree. Apparently the prosecutors do not.

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Shhh silly, rules are only for Democrats and woke people.

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The 90's jamiroquai* ersatz again. Can't stand being out of spotlights it seems 🙄

* Not a fan of their music or their cultural appropriation.

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Can he vote on bills if he's elected?

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The sad part is stupid people, probably lots of stupid people, will fall all over themselves to vote for him.

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Okay, so be it. It may sound cold-blooded, but if the religious fanatics insist on being selfish and defiant against the next pandemic, (and that is inevitable) then there will be fewer fanatics left. The collateral fatalities of their families, friends, neighbors, and the communities in general will only increase public resentment toward their particular churches, and more broadly toward their religion. The way they behaved during COVID-19 definitely did not do their popularity any favors, and next time the medical and the social consequences will be worse. Non-religious people will avoid the churchgoers not only to avoid infection, but also to avoid their self-centered, antisocial attitudes. The decline of religion in the U.S. steepens every day entirely because of their own choices.

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One other thought: Don't assume that like COVID-19, the next pandemic will be dangerous mostly to older people. Sometimes highly infectious microbes have targeted the very young, and some have slaughtered people in their prime. During the 1918 "Spanish Flu" pandemic, the mortality rate amongst young adults was especially high. This has been ascribed to an over-reaction of the immune response system, referred to as a cytokine storm. 50 million people died, and that was before global jet travel.

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