Take down the 10 commandments? Where's a drunk Christian in a car when you need them?

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There are plenty of them but they are all busy mowing down pedestrians and bicyclists.

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Ah, Michael Tate Reed and his truck. A Christian who believes in church-state separation. Literally.

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“even though there’s no reason to think this court would go along with his shenanigans since they’re so clearly illegal.”

I don’t know that that’s a given with this court. I expect the majority think they can say it -is- legal.

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I'm worried about that too. After all, SCOTUS has ruled in favor of Christians in two cases where the majority disregarded the facts of the cases to make their rulings. In one case the facts were misrepresented and in the other a fictitious case was filed by someone who had no standing.

No, this SCOTUS is very clearly pro-Christian, anti-American values and will not stop simply because the facts of the case are impossible to ignore.

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The saving grace is that those commandments are not the 10 recognized by Catholic, Episcopal or Lutheran Church, which bury the graven images into an extended first commandment, and split off the coveting neighbor's wife from the the list of coveting property.

The Catholic SC justices would also not use the King James Version.

For my other objection, see bible scholar Nogodz's entry below.

Actually, I object to the whole monument. I have not been to Little Rock for years, but if I did go, it would be to see the pioneer cabin in the territorial exhibit. It was built by my grandson's great-great-etc. grandpa on his dad's side, and brought down from the Ozarks.

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The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse or in front of a state capital: You cannot post "Thou shalt not steal," "Thou shalt not commit adultery," and "Thou shalt not lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.

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I am shocked and dismayed that anyone could oppose a Ten Commandments monument. What will become of this country if we don't warn children about the colossal abomination of boiling a young goat in its mother's milk? It's the end of everything good and decent, I tell you!

Oh, wait, that's not the version of the Ten Commandments they're using? Well shucks, who ever knew that christians might pick and choose which bits of the bible they want to enforce? I guess instead of the bible they're following God's great prophet Cecil B. DeMille. Oh, well, what the hell...

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I'll boil my young goats in whoever's milk I want to, thankyouverymuch.

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As long as you leave MY milk alone, sir. I need it for my cereal. *smiles*

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I am waiting gor a christian (or anyone) to erect a monument with the Song of Songs.

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Well, this gets my vote as the Song of Songs. It's better than anything in the bible:


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I think they were lip syncing. And aping actual musicians.

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Monkeying around you think?

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Who really gibbons a shite?

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With the gorilla their dreams?

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"Song of Songs." - Is that Stairway to Heaven? : )

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Les amants d'un jour. Google snd translate the lyrics if you dare 😁

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Or something with Lot and his daughters in the cave. The drinky sexy funtime.

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A donkey emissions fountain would be nice.

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Horse emissions, actually. With a donkey-sized fountain. 😃

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And "Ezekiel 23:20" etched at intervals around the fountain!

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Don't you mean an ass ?

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Whatever floats your boat.

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I hear that'll be the new ride at the Ark Encounter. A roller coaster with cars shaped like Lot's daughters, and you get to ride the one you fancy.*

*Special discount for Trump supporters who want to date their own daughters.

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You have to be drunk to ride them, though.

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Hold mah beer.

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I'd have to be drunk out of my goddamned mind to go to the Ark Encounter, period.

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Maybe that's what Ham wants. All the easier to fleece the rubes that turn up at his pitiful "attraction."

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A roller coaster? You think Ham would put anything actually fun in his park? Not to mention the liability insurance.

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I always wonder about the liability/safety of that place. I can't imagine Ham felt constrained by building ordinances. The damn building always looks to me like if more than three people sneezed at the same time, it'd collapse into a heap of garbage.

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It's already a heap of garbage.

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What's the one where a mob of brothers killed their brother in law and all the village/,town because they weren't Jewish ?

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Just seeing this. You're talking about Genesis 34:25 (though you want to look at the verses both before and after to get a fuller picture.


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I think this is a good indicator of the lawmakers involved. Are they more dedicated to the laws of the land, or their chosen delusion; their religion?

We need more of the former and much fewer of the latter.

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We need lawmakers actually interested in running their respective domains rather than wasting taxpayer dollars on showmanship and pandering.

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You said it much better than I. Showmanship and pandering, exactly so!

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But how would they ever get re-elected if they aren’t in front of the cameras 24-7?

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I don't know how they got elected being in front of the cameras for even an hour.

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The 10 Commandments? WRONG-O. This set was never called the 10 Commandments. This set of rules and regs for the Chosen People was never even put into use because it was smashed by Moses in a snit. Want the real 10 Commandments? Skip Exodus 20 and go to Exodus 34. Verse 28 even calls them the Ten Commandments by name. And they are vastly different.

But why have a monument at all? It's a graven image pure and simple. Ironically it violates the 2nd Commandment of THIS ersatz set.

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All minor details. Do not listen to the man behind the curtain.

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When are they going to demand we celebrate the Festivam of Weeks? That's one of those pesky ten commandments.

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And not boiling a kid in its mother's milk. Do you know how hard it is NOT to use goat milk on its kid when cooking?

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This is the basis of kosher. If a god really commanded this, I believe it as a rare act of compassion, because it thought that the practice was mean and disrespectful to the mama goat!

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Yup. What Christians fail to grasp is that those "commandments" were meant for the Israelites and the Israelites alone.

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"But why have a monument at all?"

Virtue signaling (a cliched buzz phrase that I try to avoid, but I think it strongly applies in this case).

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"Rapert later claimed these comments from the lawyers were intended to “drag me personally through the mud.” That’s a lie. They were just quoting him verbatim."

Bearing false witness? Tsk tsk tsk.

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Easy to do, tie his monustruosity to a truck, put crapert on it, water the path the truck must follow and it's done.

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Too bad there isn't a commandment about not bearing false witness. Oh wait...

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I'm surprised "quoting verbatim" isn't on the list. Conservative christians really hate that.

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It's kind of funny, these pious dipwads put up a list of commandments, but that doesn't seem to deter them from breaking them...

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It seems that elected officials enjoy spouting falsehoods, especially in today's political climate. I'd like to propose a bill that applies to all members of congress as well as the executive branch. The first time you're caught lying you get a warning. The second time you're caught, you're suspended for a month without pay. The third time (if they're that stupid): YOUR FIRED! And you lose ALL benefits.

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This sort of case is what concerns me the most about the current makeup of the Supreme Court: the current court has been overturning allegedly established case law all over the place, and now, it's clear that they intend to install Christianity as the nationwide religion by means fair or foul - and mostly foul, from where I'm sitting.

To me, this is where the phrase "crisis of legitimacy" really packs its punch in. SCOTUS, as it currently stands, appears to be altering how laws work on a fundamental level without any sort of check on that power and doing so without consideration for how its decisions may effect future cases. If SCOTUS continues to overturn precedent after precedent the way it has been, the American legal system may well run into severe consequences as a result. I'm going to leave it to legal minds to determine what that might entail exactly, but even as a layman I can tell it's going to cause serious problems.

This particular case will undoubtedly wind up in front of SCOTUS at some point, and we all know what they're likely to decide. Several of the current crop of justices just don't seem to care about honesty, fair play, or rule of law if it means their 'favored' religion gets whatever privilege it's after this time. Good luck to the FFRF, TST, ACLU, and the other groups pursuing this case, they're going to need it.

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My gut tells me it would be a 5-4 decision either way.

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"Rapert later claimed these comments from the lawyers were intended to “drag me personally through the mud.” That’s a lie. They were just quoting him verbatim.

But that's exactly what you do when you want to drag someone like this through the mud. You quote them.

But I have to agree with him: if someone called me that type of Christian, I would be yelling that they are dragging me through the mud, too

You would almost think that they almost never think their way through these things.

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"They are viciously slandering me by quoting what I actually said rather than the much smarter thing I was almost certainly thinking in my head when I was speaking! How DARE they!"

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While I want to be hopeful, and I expect this ruling to go our way, I’m not going to get my hopes up. Not until I see congress and the president do something about the corrupt SCOTUS. It doesn’t matter what the circuit courts or the appellate courts rule, the right is doggedly persistent on fighting everything to their lapdogs on the Supreme Court and therefore get their way. I expect congress and the president will hold the corrupt on the court accountable when pigs fly, hell freezes over, and Andrew Tate finds a girlfriend to willingly stay over all at the same time. Aka never in a billion years.

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Christian Privilege ... AGAIN. And of course, we have Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who, while she isn't mentioned here, is almost certainly in favor of maintaining the TC on the grounds of the state capital, never mind Jason Rapert who poses as a Christian Nationalist in sheep's clothing in the middle of this whole magilla. Shall we also mention that we've been through this before with Alabama and Judge Roy Moore? I really want to know how many more times are we going to have to go through this foolishness (which, don't forget, is ultimately a waste of taxpayer dollars!) before it can finally be recognized that religious iconography on public land is INAPPROPRIATE!!!

No, I'm NOT holding my breath. Still for some odd reason, I am hopeful in this case, even though it's Arkansas.

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“ And then the pandemic happened ….”

AHA!!!! The pandemic was the fault of atheists!!

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I thought everyone knew that. ;)

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I thought it was because some aliens on a different planet were gay…

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I cannot speak to that. ;)

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Where are these fabulous Vulcans and how do I meet one? Or maybe a nice Orion male with a swimmer's build.

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I used to know a guy from Betelgeuse, good frood, knew where his towel was.

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Hoopy, was he?

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I asked around and it turned out that you are correct. Sigh, always the last to know.

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Just a thought but surely a Hindu monument would be even more historical than a Christian one, given that that religion is older? By about 1500 to 2000 years I think.

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Hindu cosmology puts the age of the universe at 4.32 billion years old. Not quite right (and probably arrived at by guessing), but far closer than xtians.

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Who even designed that garbage? Look, if you want to make a two-slab pissmarking monument, then 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 it two slabs. Don't make it one slab that looks like it 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 to be two; it just makes the whole thing look like an upturned ass.

On second thought, nevermind; it's fitting. It made 𝘺𝘰𝘶 look like an ass, too.

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A tombstone for conjoined twins, maybe?

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You can't even recycle it as a tombstone. What a waste.

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Well, you COULD. Clean down the front. The back, too, if it's etched on both sides. You MIGHT have enough marble left for a decent marker ... maybe. 😝

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It could be sold/donated to a church or religious organization maybe.

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"[Jason Rapert is] just hoping he can get this case in front of the right-wing Supreme Court… even though there’s no reason to think this court would go along with his shenanigans since they’re so clearly illegal."

There's plenty of reason. Presently, the Supreme Court is dominated by five corrupt, perjured Christian theocratic ideologues, and "led" by Chief Justice Roberts who is a weak, equivocating eunuch.

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$5 says we win the case and in an outraged snit-fit the Christians reelect DJT as president and we sit and cry in our beer over our Pyrrhic victory.

Oh D.A., will you never get out of your pessimistic funk?

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They don't seem to like the Orange Shitgibbon either.

Back when he was still squatting in the Oval Office, they ruled against him a number of times. Once unanimously (he'd gone to them and told them he wanted to get immunity from prosecution for any law he might break while being in office. Brought a smile to my face).

To the best of my knowledge, the majority still rules against him when he tries.

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You're just trying to ruin a perfectly good funk. I don't want your rose colored glasses, your Pollyanna attitude. I'm on a downer and want to stay that way.


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If it persists for more than 4 months, see a doctor immediately.

I recommend TMS for treatment.

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Sorry. 😊

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That's the law in France, not that he knows and understands the difference.

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