A shame the DOE couldn't enforce the same laws when it came to that cesspool, Bob Jones Univ. Their "in-house" GRACE report was a sham. One day the truth will come out about that place.
The women who were afraid to report had a good reason. Christians consistently blame women for being raped, because in a patriarchal society like the evangelicals, men can do no wrong.
"She was wearing revealing clothing."- women have been raped wearing sweats and a t-shirt.
"She drank too much" - men drink too much all the time, you rarely hear of them being raped.
"He paid for the date"- women are not obligated to pay with sex, we're worth a HELL of a lot more than one dinner.
If I take a woman out for dinner, all I am entitled to is her time at the restaurant because that is all she has given me. I am entitled to nothing more than that because I think women are actual people, unlike these purity culture assholes who think women are things.
It's hard to square with the beard bros who insist they're entitled to it, while at the same time declaring they don't want to date women with a "high body count".
I love that young women (and not so young) are waking up to the fact that they don't have to settle for the beard bros. There are men like you out there who respect and love women, who want an equal partner, not a concubine and housekeeper.
I don't know what to call them, frankly, but the vast majority have full beards, spend too much time at the gym, think they're "hyper-masculine" because they take steroids, and think they can tell women what to do.
One guy on TikTok said a man should never date a woman that weighs more than half of what he does, because small women "know you could kill them if you wanted to, but you don't".
It shows he never met DM's maternal grandmother. 1,50m/4"'11, around 60/65 kgs with a short tamper and a aim good enough to enter a major league baseball team.
I used to live next to a lovely woman who was also an abuela to many kids, there were always kids around her. She introduced me to the chancla, and having the deadly aim of a cobra.
I understand the sentiment and agree entirely. But I would respectfully suggest slightly different wording. When I take a woman out for dinner, I value and respect the time she is sharing with me and I'm entitled to nothing else.
Unfortunately, it takes too many men decades to reach the realization that women are people and deserve respect*. Sadly, not all men ever achieve this.
* This seems to correlate with when women are "less desirable" for their breeding potential. But I'm sure it's more complex than that.
My mother always wore a hat to church (Lutheran) until the early 60s. Somehow she liberated herself and exposed her hair to God, and Jesus never seemed to care one way or another!
Seems to be an ongoing pattern with religious schools: problems with sexual assault on campus? Sweep it under the rug. It's been true with the Roman Catholic Church for centuries and, for a lesser period of time, Liberty University. It's a safe bet that, under Betsy DeVos, NOTHING would have been done about the multiple incidents at Liberty. Thankfully, with the Biden administration, we have people who actually give a damn about situations like this and are willing to take proper and decisive action.
Know what the shame is about this, though? WE know about this, just like we know about so many other such events. But will it make the 6 o'clock national news? I'm dubious.
I think the notion that this problem hasn't been equally pervasive in Protestant religion is false. It's always been there...we're just starting to hear about it. Religion-ALL religion! is a breeding ground and safe haven for sexual predators.
DEI is reverse discrimination. I'd almost agree if it weren't about addressing vast inequalities between straight white male privilege and everyone else and trying to level the playing field.
DEI isn't what's dividing us by race, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. It's about addressing the much lesser opportunity afforded minorities. Yes some get lucky and work 3 times as hard and manage to 'succeed' (whatever that looks like for them) but most work 3 times as hard and get nowhere.
It's wrong to say nothing would have happened, batsy devil would have found a way to grant them more money as protectors of christian values, coercion and threats to ruin one life if she doesn't behave.
“At the time, Liberty’s President, Dondi Costin, claimed there were “significant errors, misstatements, and unsupported conclusions in the Department’s preliminary findings.”“
Pretty much any time a group’s first response is “you’re lying or exaggerating” to an investigation like this, you know they’re not going to address anything reported on. Not until there’s serious consequences for not doing it, like in this case. And in general, the investigation didn’t lie or exaggerate.
I may be cynical, but nothing in the report surprised me. Not for Liberty University with its misogynistic religious foundations, not for any religious based university, and to be totally honest, not even for the most liberal colleges or universities. Crimes against women are still not addressed in an effective manner, there’s always a layer of excuses and apologists for the perpetrators. For every Larry Nassar, there’s a hundred who fly under the radar because they don’t have the number of victims he did. I mean, everyone ignored Cosby until there were too many victims to ignore. Nassar probably had plenty of complaints that staff ignored, until someone with enough clout was able to get the attention and then the victims were too numerous. This is so normal that you don’t have to look for these things, you just have to stop averting your eyes from it.
One of two things I've agreed with Ted skunkfucker Cruz on is a bill to allow servicepeople to report sexual assault directly to JAG (or equivalent, not sure all branches use that name) rather than through the chain of command. Just because you have a college degree and have been in the military for a decade, doesn't mean you know anything about investigating sexual assault or compassionate, effective ways of questioning a victim.
Well nowhere in the U.S. is it easy for victims of sexual assault to get justice. It's hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and there is something in the zeitgeist that makes people look for the least little 'reason' to claim the victim is lying.
Nassar – that was a bit enigmatic for a non-American. My first thought was a slip of the fingers for NASCAR, or Vassar. Decided to google it. Evil -looking bugger.
As a kid I tried waking on a railroad track, as did all my friends. We all failed after a few feet or if lucky a few yards. Turns out RR tracks are not level. They are slanted, and for very good reason. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/train-wheel-science/
Now i wo9nder how many never tried gymnastics for this reason? 8^(
At the risk of being Captain Obvious, how (not) surprising that Liberty: blamed the victims, did little to jack shit to improve, threw employees under the bus, tried to CYA by making the government the bogeyman. I wish they’d be forced to close down but since that’s not likely I hope their enrollment drops significantly.
Well, they might... but it'd be framed as the Woke Mafia trying to Cancel poor innocent pure widdle Liberty U, and they'd leave out all those inconvenient bits about how Falwell's failure of a school earned itself the fine.
The worst part is that they won't change the circumstances that brought in the fines - the culture of the school, c'est-à-dire, evangelical Christianity.
🎵Singing a song. Humming a song. Singing a song. Loving a song. Laughing a song. Singing a song. Sing the song. Song song song sing. Sing sing sing sing song🎵
At the time, Liberty’s President, Dondi Costin, claimed there were “significant errors, misstatements, and unsupported conclusions in the Department’s preliminary findings.”
The “error” was that they would have to pay out money from their grifting scheme of offering substandard educational offerings.
Are you a Christian? Your own numbers are reducing every day. Christians are abandoning the faith in droves and you continue to turn off nonbelievers and other sensible people.
"The school says, for example, that if a student was drinking at a party and got sexually assaulted, she will not be punished for drinking if she reports the incident."
And I'm sure there are so very many unfortunate young ladies willing to test that statement out and see how it goes.
The story of 9 Little Indian Girls. Several years ago, S.D. legislature wiped hundreds of child rape lawsuits off the books with one law. Of course the legislator was kkkartlik.
I doubt it. It didn't happen on federal land and it didn't involve citizens from different states, so Federal courts don't have jurisdiction.
Technically, the federal government has no power to tell the states what to do within their own borders. They often exercise such power by tying it to grants/funding to the state (road maintenance funds were how the fed pushed the 55 mph speed limit in the 70s) or under the banner of interstate commerce
That is why most of the Texas power grid doesn't connect out of state (There are a few border towns, like El Paso, that do, but they are kept separate from the main grid) That way Texas doesn't have to follow federal regulations.
YHVH was never interested in liberty. He demands blind, unquestioning loyalty and obedience, with disastrous consequences should one go astray and defy him.
A shame the DOE couldn't enforce the same laws when it came to that cesspool, Bob Jones Univ. Their "in-house" GRACE report was a sham. One day the truth will come out about that place.
This weird: United States Department of Education is abbreviated as ED (also USDE, USDOE, USED, USDEd or USDOE).
I guess one wasn't good enough.
NB: "DOE" is the Dept. of Energy.
Of course, but in this context I doubt anyone would think I was referring to the department of energy.
The women who were afraid to report had a good reason. Christians consistently blame women for being raped, because in a patriarchal society like the evangelicals, men can do no wrong.
"She was wearing revealing clothing."- women have been raped wearing sweats and a t-shirt.
"She drank too much" - men drink too much all the time, you rarely hear of them being raped.
"He paid for the date"- women are not obligated to pay with sex, we're worth a HELL of a lot more than one dinner.
Great reporting, I hadn't even heard about this!
If I take a woman out for dinner, all I am entitled to is her time at the restaurant because that is all she has given me. I am entitled to nothing more than that because I think women are actual people, unlike these purity culture assholes who think women are things.
It's hard to square with the beard bros who insist they're entitled to it, while at the same time declaring they don't want to date women with a "high body count".
I love that young women (and not so young) are waking up to the fact that they don't have to settle for the beard bros. There are men like you out there who respect and love women, who want an equal partner, not a concubine and housekeeper.
One of my uncles* was like that. He dated a woman for at least two years but since she wasn't a virgin he couldn't marry her.
* The same who forbidden his daughter to ever learn to drive a car, because good women don't. His sisters had their driving licenses.
I must be old. I first assumed a "beard bro" was someone who used women as a cover for liking men!
I don't know what to call them, frankly, but the vast majority have full beards, spend too much time at the gym, think they're "hyper-masculine" because they take steroids, and think they can tell women what to do.
One guy on TikTok said a man should never date a woman that weighs more than half of what he does, because small women "know you could kill them if you wanted to, but you don't".
No, really.
I point out he has to sleep sometime. As well as the excellent rule of thumb, "Don't fuck with the people who prepare your food."
as for what to call them: 'misogynistic skunkfuckers' works.
John Bobbitt is proof of that.
I saw that video. Gross. They’re the first step in the radicalization of young men from incel to full on white supremacist.
And you know, ten years ago, you hardly saw these types and now they're everywhere. No wonder women are deciding to stay single!
It shows he never met DM's maternal grandmother. 1,50m/4"'11, around 60/65 kgs with a short tamper and a aim good enough to enter a major league baseball team.
I used to live next to a lovely woman who was also an abuela to many kids, there were always kids around her. She introduced me to the chancla, and having the deadly aim of a cobra.
That woman never missed.
You are not 'entitled' to anything. They can end the date anytime they wants to.
Exactly. I am entitled to their company until they choose to withdraw consent.
Nope. lose the word entitled.
[inˈtīdld, enˈtīdld]
believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment:
Your mother raised you right then. That’s where the education begins-in the cradle.
I understand the sentiment and agree entirely. But I would respectfully suggest slightly different wording. When I take a woman out for dinner, I value and respect the time she is sharing with me and I'm entitled to nothing else.
Unfortunately, it takes too many men decades to reach the realization that women are people and deserve respect*. Sadly, not all men ever achieve this.
* This seems to correlate with when women are "less desirable" for their breeding potential. But I'm sure it's more complex than that.
Wonen had been raped wearing burqas, niqabs and abayas.
"Women had been raped wearing burqas, hijabs, niqabs and abayas."
Fixed it for you. And what you've said is true.
I saw my typo a few seconds before seing your comment. Thanks.
My mother always wore a hat to church (Lutheran) until the early 60s. Somehow she liberated herself and exposed her hair to God, and Jesus never seemed to care one way or another!
Seems to be an ongoing pattern with religious schools: problems with sexual assault on campus? Sweep it under the rug. It's been true with the Roman Catholic Church for centuries and, for a lesser period of time, Liberty University. It's a safe bet that, under Betsy DeVos, NOTHING would have been done about the multiple incidents at Liberty. Thankfully, with the Biden administration, we have people who actually give a damn about situations like this and are willing to take proper and decisive action.
Know what the shame is about this, though? WE know about this, just like we know about so many other such events. But will it make the 6 o'clock national news? I'm dubious.
I think the notion that this problem hasn't been equally pervasive in Protestant religion is false. It's always been there...we're just starting to hear about it. Religion-ALL religion! is a breeding ground and safe haven for sexual predators.
Not to give Liberty any kudos, but many colleges and universities do everything they can to keep sexual assaults out of the news.
How about Kenneth Starr and Baylor U? Kicked out for all the corruption and cover ups. Was that the SAME Kenneth Starr that....nah.. couldn't be.
Quid custodes ipsos custodes?
Ben Sasse just fired the DEI staff at University of Florida. In case anyone had the mistaken impression he was some sort of moderate.
DEI is reverse discrimination. I'd almost agree if it weren't about addressing vast inequalities between straight white male privilege and everyone else and trying to level the playing field.
DEI isn't what's dividing us by race, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. It's about addressing the much lesser opportunity afforded minorities. Yes some get lucky and work 3 times as hard and manage to 'succeed' (whatever that looks like for them) but most work 3 times as hard and get nowhere.
TBF, he had no choice because of state law.
It's wrong to say nothing would have happened, batsy devil would have found a way to grant them more money as protectors of christian values, coercion and threats to ruin one life if she doesn't behave.
Okay ... nothing POSITIVE would have happened, as regards punitive action, both for the perpetrators and the faculty of Liberty University. 😝
Remember the adage of the newsroom editor; if it bleeds, it leads.
[they felt they would be blamed for what their assailants did]
Because they were and they would be.
That is the world of fundamentalism.
“At the time, Liberty’s President, Dondi Costin, claimed there were “significant errors, misstatements, and unsupported conclusions in the Department’s preliminary findings.”“
Pretty much any time a group’s first response is “you’re lying or exaggerating” to an investigation like this, you know they’re not going to address anything reported on. Not until there’s serious consequences for not doing it, like in this case. And in general, the investigation didn’t lie or exaggerate.
I may be cynical, but nothing in the report surprised me. Not for Liberty University with its misogynistic religious foundations, not for any religious based university, and to be totally honest, not even for the most liberal colleges or universities. Crimes against women are still not addressed in an effective manner, there’s always a layer of excuses and apologists for the perpetrators. For every Larry Nassar, there’s a hundred who fly under the radar because they don’t have the number of victims he did. I mean, everyone ignored Cosby until there were too many victims to ignore. Nassar probably had plenty of complaints that staff ignored, until someone with enough clout was able to get the attention and then the victims were too numerous. This is so normal that you don’t have to look for these things, you just have to stop averting your eyes from it.
Don’t even ask me about military institutions.
Don't forget the FBI itself teied to sweep the Nassar case under the rug. Without women like Simone Biles they would probably prevailed.
One of two things I've agreed with Ted skunkfucker Cruz on is a bill to allow servicepeople to report sexual assault directly to JAG (or equivalent, not sure all branches use that name) rather than through the chain of command. Just because you have a college degree and have been in the military for a decade, doesn't mean you know anything about investigating sexual assault or compassionate, effective ways of questioning a victim.
JAG is often also part of the problem. However it is a step in the right direction.
Well nowhere in the U.S. is it easy for victims of sexual assault to get justice. It's hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and there is something in the zeitgeist that makes people look for the least little 'reason' to claim the victim is lying.
Nassar – that was a bit enigmatic for a non-American. My first thought was a slip of the fingers for NASCAR, or Vassar. Decided to google it. Evil -looking bugger.
My daughter was a gymnast for a while in her early teens. Had I ever learned that Nasser was anywhere near her, well ... it wouldn't be pretty.
As a kid I tried waking on a railroad track, as did all my friends. We all failed after a few feet or if lucky a few yards. Turns out RR tracks are not level. They are slanted, and for very good reason. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/train-wheel-science/
Now i wo9nder how many never tried gymnastics for this reason? 8^(
I used to walk on the tracks really well, still didn’t do gymnastics. I was just always too big.
At the risk of being Captain Obvious, how (not) surprising that Liberty: blamed the victims, did little to jack shit to improve, threw employees under the bus, tried to CYA by making the government the bogeyman. I wish they’d be forced to close down but since that’s not likely I hope their enrollment drops significantly.
Parents will never hear about the report or the fine. Faux news will never report it.
Well, they might... but it'd be framed as the Woke Mafia trying to Cancel poor innocent pure widdle Liberty U, and they'd leave out all those inconvenient bits about how Falwell's failure of a school earned itself the fine.
On the contrary, their enrollment will likely increase. Like flies attracted to shit, Liberty recruits children of Chistidoodledom.
kkkristers are NEVER GUILTY. It is always some dedbbil getting blamed.
Flip Wilson: the devil made me do it!
The worst part is that they won't change the circumstances that brought in the fines - the culture of the school, c'est-à-dire, evangelical Christianity.
Oh well. Women that go there, beware.
I have an idea.
NSFW https://images.app.goo.gl/rq7sfWHY21pcXr5r8
Can't see the pic...
A chastity belt, for men.
Ah, but you know that pleasure can be found in places unexpected, là...
Imagine the reconversion. No liberty U becoming the first college for Dommes.
"How to spank your sub without hurting your hand", "The proper way to have him kneeling for hours", "How to disinfect toys"...
Purity Culture Assholes (aka "Liberty" University):
Women are people. They are not thongs that men own. You need to learn to treat them as such.
Purity Ugly Kulture Earworms. There, fixed for you.
Thongs or things? It works either way.
Things inside thongs.
Thing a thong
🎵Singing a song. Humming a song. Singing a song. Loving a song. Laughing a song. Singing a song. Sing the song. Song song song sing. Sing sing sing sing song🎵
banana slings were never my kink. I like 'em on the smaller side.
Mankinis are out too, then?
Mankinis are a fashion abomination.
Borat seemed to rock it. 😊
At the time, Liberty’s President, Dondi Costin, claimed there were “significant errors, misstatements, and unsupported conclusions in the Department’s preliminary findings.”
The “error” was that they would have to pay out money from their grifting scheme of offering substandard educational offerings.
I bet he didn't specify what these errors, misstatements, and unsupported conclusions were did he? They rarely do.
Nope and the Christian cult will never ask for details.
Face it -- Liberty "University" is nothing but a religious rape factory.
And indoctrination center.
this guy needs a visit from secret service.
Or men in white coats. Or both – both works for me. Anyone who can keep him in jail "at his Majesty's pleasure."
I'll even accept the men in black.
I liked the first one, but I tried to watch MiB II the other night and didn't get past the first 10 minutes. Too convoluted or something.
The only good thing in the 4th is a Valkyrie.
Not even Chris Hemsworth and Liam Neeson?
Honestly, I found Chris better in Ghostbusters 2016 and I don't know the other one.
You watched the whole thing, but were neuralyzed.
I prefer edible salads.
Homeland Security, too.
"Elijah Schaffer claimed that homosexuality is a “choice” caused by child abuse and hormones."
The last time I checked (30 seconds before typing this comment) DM was still straight, fuck you muy mucho.
"Kirk praising Israel for granting women the right to vote and claiming that it’s the only Middle Eastern country which allows this."
Who is willing to send him to Iran and explain to women there they vote illegally since 1963 ?
Hey, Elijah...
Are you a Christian? Your own numbers are reducing every day. Christians are abandoning the faith in droves and you continue to turn off nonbelievers and other sensible people.
"The school says, for example, that if a student was drinking at a party and got sexually assaulted, she will not be punished for drinking if she reports the incident."
And I'm sure there are so very many unfortunate young ladies willing to test that statement out and see how it goes.
The assaulted is female and ALWAYS AT FAULT because the bible sez so.
"The school eventually fired the alleged perpetrator and banned him from campus. "
But did not report them to the police? That's beyond belief. Well – maybe not for a religious institution.
Yeah, that's totally within "Belief". 😉
The story of 9 Little Indian Girls. Several years ago, S.D. legislature wiped hundreds of child rape lawsuits off the books with one law. Of course the legislator was kkkartlik.
Can the federal government not do anything?
I doubt it. It didn't happen on federal land and it didn't involve citizens from different states, so Federal courts don't have jurisdiction.
Technically, the federal government has no power to tell the states what to do within their own borders. They often exercise such power by tying it to grants/funding to the state (road maintenance funds were how the fed pushed the 55 mph speed limit in the 70s) or under the banner of interstate commerce
That is why most of the Texas power grid doesn't connect out of state (There are a few border towns, like El Paso, that do, but they are kept separate from the main grid) That way Texas doesn't have to follow federal regulations.
Long past time for the SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges) to remove Liberty University's accreditation.
If Liberty is in good standing then the SACSCOC should be stripped of their ability to grant accreditation.
This as well.
Well I'm sure they do teach some things... Like how to escape culpability.
They give out degrees for that.
Hell, I'm willing to bet they support post-doctoral studies in that!
Liberty University's very name is two lies and a cheat.
Liberty, bibberty!
Moms for Liberty
Liberty Lobby
Liberty University
Defend Texas Liberty
I hate to even use the word anymore.
Liberty fries ?
Don't forget Liberty Counsel and First Liberty.
YHVH was never interested in liberty. He demands blind, unquestioning loyalty and obedience, with disastrous consequences should one go astray and defy him.
Sounds like Trump.