You know why the IRS doesn't investigate any of these blatant violations of the Johnson Amendment (let alone actually enforce them), don't you? The agency is severely underfunded; is responsible for administering the most godawful morass of laws, rules, and regulations on Earth (which are constantly being modified); has staffing shortages; is using really old, outmoded computer hardware and software; and by law must insist that taxpayers do their own filings, much of it still on paper forms.

Why is this? Follow the money! Who stands to lose if the IRS actually operates efficiently and collects all the taxes people legally owe? Thanks to withholding, average folks like you and me pay what we're supposed to, but anyone rich enuf to buy their own Congresscritter is very very interested in making sure that their own loot is as safe as possible from the government. These are the very people who practically invented the term "loophole". The LAST thing they want is an effective Internal Revenue Service. And, given the current composition of the US Congress (especially after the "Citizens United" decision), their dreams have come true.

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The additional funding the IRS recently received has gotten a ROI that is through the roof already. And there are no armed agents busting down the doors of our rightwing neighbors like they feared. My brother was fearmongering that they’d be coming with gangs of armed IRS agents to take his disability checks from him. It was funny since he was living with our parents, on disability, with only a battered used BMW to his name. In other positions he was quite progressive and still others pretty moderate.

At any rate, the IRS funding has been a huge positive to our society in just the little time it has been in effect. Robert Reicht has the numbers if you’re interested. He’s got a substack.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Right-wing fearmongering about increasing the IRS' budget has been a very successful bit of propaganda, and the center and center-left outlets in corporate media have done very little to push back against that narrative (because of course not; CNN and MSNBC don't want to pay their share any more than Fox or Newsmax do).

I've been having the same difficulty convincing a relative of mine that no, in fact, the IRS won't be sticking an audit probe up his ass just because they got more resources... I had to explain that the agency would recover far more money by going after bigger violations by corporations and the ultra-wealthy, rather than going through average individual taxpayers' returns at the cost of thousands per audit only to recover hundreds, if anything at all. In one ear and out the other.

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There is one caveat, the average worker don't tend to have battalions of lawyers.

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Glad you posted this reminder. Bob Reich occasionally posts the results on FB that I see.

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ROI* ?

*If I try to google it I will get lists of kings of various countries.

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Return on investment.

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I only know this because I had to look it up but actually it's come in extremely handy. Kind of like reading David Foster Wallace and having to look up all the abbreviations that I'm still not sure he didn't invent except for w/r/t

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One of my problem, even if my phone is set on English, my position is France and 90 % of what I try to look up when I read your comments won't have anything to do with the said comment. Like ROI will be understood as roi = king.

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bénéfices? Is what they're meaning

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I keep asking what IDK means, but apparently no one knows.

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Return on investment

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Return on Investment.

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Don't you love the cognitive disconnect between whining about the debt and government spending, then turning around and slashing funding for the one Agency that actually brings in far more than it costs to run? Again, the corrupt GOP is all about protecting the donor class, which views taxes as punishment and not, as Oliver Wendell Holmes described it, the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

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It's a wonderful system where the bottom 50% which owns less than 3% of the wealth gets audited the most. And the top 10% which owns 67% of everything gets the least amount of audits. That way people are angry at the IRS, demand that its funding gets cut, and all of the benefits of this go to the rich.

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Vote for a baseball player because a football coach from Alabama was such a good idea?

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That's what Republicans are reduced to running for candidates these days. They have no policies, so they run sports stars fondly remembered by their middle aged white male base.

Now, there are many well informed and educated men and women in professional sports, but you won't find them running for office on a Republican ticket.

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Steve Garvey's fans are OLD, like me.

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My favorite human loved the Dodgers but I don't think she liked Steve Garvey because he might have made a religious statement or something. My grandma hated religion except for baseball. Peeing at her apartment meant being stared at by a life-size Mike Piasa (sp) it was really unnerving.

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The Steve Garveys are their candidates. The Joe Rogans are their journalists. The Jason Aldeans are their artists.

They’re already extinct. They just don’t know it yet.

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Maybe he thinks "smaller ball, smaller damage to the brain", except it doesn't work that way.

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I love watching what baseball players are able to do on the field, but boy does hearing or reading what goes on inside many of their heads make me cringe.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Bill Bradley wasn't bad.

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No he wasn’t.

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I just love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning... Taylor Swift tweets to he fans that they should REGISTER TO VOTE and the reichwing goes nuts Even though she as every right to do so. This guy tells the nation WHO THEY SHOULD VOTE FOR (which is FUCKING ILLEGAL) and what do we hear? ***crickets***

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A woman should stay silent every time she is in a ecclesia don't you know ? What bigger ecclesia there is than Xwitter and Face-de-bouc ?

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Please don't.

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Don't what ? Making bad puns and jokes ? A ton service.

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S'il vous plaît, Mademoiselle, ne restez pas silent.

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Don't worry, les femmes grandes gueules* are a tradition in DM's maternal family since early 20th century, I have a legacy to respect.


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Ecclesia sounds like a word describing the stuff one hacks up after a night of smoking weed.

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DM would kill you for this joke if she understood English and Spanish. One of her favorite singer has Iglesias* for last name 🤣

* Aie don'te nide tou spèle ite, dou aie ?

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Julio or Enrique?

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Eglise le father. Fun fact, my sister loves to listen Eglise le son.

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Hibbs is one of those people who 1) likes the sound of his own voice and 2) has a VERY bad case of verbal diarrhea, never mind also thinking that because HE does it, it's okay, as evinced by his endorsement of candidate Steve Garvey from the pulpit (regardless of where he was standing!).

The sad fact is that Hibbs will almost certainly get away with this crap. I have yet to hear of the IRS digging into ANY of the hundreds of incidents of church-based endorsements of candidates, to the point where if they DID, headlines and I mean BIG headlines should result. One thing that WOULD be productive is if Steve Garvey REJECTED Hibbs' endorsement, saying that it was improper and unconstitutional and that he wanted to run on his own qualifications and not because some hate preacher gave him a figurative pat on the back.

And yeah, that's me, indulging in wishful thinking again. It's kind of a habit with me, ya know? 😁

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That's the whole problem, they've been getting away with it for so long, that they feel free to do whatever they want. I'm just so sick of these people.

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Don’t kid yourselves. If the IRS were to revoke a right wing church’s tax exempt status, this SCOTUS would rule it an unconstitutional abridgment of the church’s free speech rights.

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What do you get when you smash a bible and a clown together in a super collider?

A Hibb's bozo.

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Look, laws are like commandments and breaking a commandment is a sin and since he's been forgiven by Jesus He. Did. Not. Break. Any. Law.

Hallelujah, pass the Tylenol.

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This is what you get when people get drawn into a cult that preaches that they are on a mission from god. They get politicized, energized, adrenalized, made too angry to think clearly about what they are being asked to swallow. They lose the whole concept of the common good - something right there in the preamble to The Constitution. And, there are enough of them moving on this bizarre tangent to bring down the country. They have become fanatical and they are starting to terrorize the actual majority. I don’t see a way to fix this.

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“Did you know that I hate LBGTQ-LMNOP…?“

You can tell that I actually love them by insisting that I never correctly call them by their preferred acronym and add nonsense afterward to further express my disdain… er love for them.

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It is a uniquely right-wing phenomenon, to loudly exaggerate one's own ignorance beyond its actual limits, and to take doing so as a point of pride. They do it when they deliberately mispronounce names, screw up acronyms... they know how to get it right. They just get more cheers when they deliberately get it wrong, because their base 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘶𝘦𝘴 ignorance. Cherishes it. Craves it. They know little, and want to know less. They 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to know fewer things.

Blows my mind every time.

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It's as though they think that Dunning-Kruger is an award, rather than an untoward effect!

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They do sweep the Darwin Awards every year!

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Probably part of what endeared Trump to them. He also uses petulant unnecessary insults to signal his disagreement.

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They never grew beyond thinking "yo momma!" was a witty comeback.

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Come now! We must set a good example for Black hole Mourner! LGBTQA+ is an abbreviation. An abbreviation that forms a pronounceable word ( NASA, SCUBA, MADD. etc.) is an acronym.

Other than my pedantry, I came here to express that same thought. My eyes rolled so far back when I read that, I saw gray matter.

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Like this ? 😇

Assholery and



Our brain


Yield to


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Are you trying to make me spell? Eye aint nead know spelin. phuque ewe!!

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It's Aie einte nide no spèlingue, phoque iou !! 😝

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Talking of pedantry, LGBTQA+ is an initialism (a subdivision of abbreviation). Unless you can actually pronounce the “word” it spells.

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I love the subscribers to this newsletter precisely because this is where the comments go, it's so wonderful to see other people deeply needful about etymology.

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But even as a gay man I find the full initialism to be getting a little ridiculous. I understand wanting to make everyone feel welcome, but it gets hard to remember everyone, not to mention the appropriate order.

We need a word to encompass all the people of variant sexuality and gender expression.

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Wouldn't that be "people"?

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Not really. Variant from the common of cishet people.

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Maybe I was being idealistic. In a perfect world, we all would just be people. <hums "Imagine">

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Bingo! Denying hate by using a hateful term to marginalize a whole segment of society.

And his congregants won't think twice about it.

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His enablers in the pews keep him funded, and are as bad as he is or they wouldn't be there. Once people convince themselves they're operating under divine sanction, the rules everyone else is expected to abide by go right out the window.

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As vile as he is, though, and as gratifying as it will be to see the back of his shriveled, hypocritical, obstructionist head on his way out the door... I fear that, with him gone, the Republican side of the Senate will become just as much of an unmitigated shitshow as the House.

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That's my concern too and it's really fucking infuriating when there have been occasions that either he or Rand Paul and myself are on the reasonable side together. Never for the same reasons, but I still have to check and make sure I'm not suddenly an asshole.

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Imagine agreeing with Ted Cruz. You question your sanity.

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I will do anything I can to keep Tammy Baldwin in the senate and not let the carpetbagger rightwing extremist Eric Hovde from taking her seat. But, he’s got tons of money and the backing of Mike Johnson, so it will be a tough row to hoe. He’s already inundating the airwaves with fearmonger ads.

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I don’t disagree, but hope springs eternal

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Way, way, WAY OVERDUE!!!

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'bout damned time. His days of squelching Democratic SCOTUS picks are coming to an end.

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Only his days but – someone will take over?

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Omfg yay but also he is depriving me of a lot of the joy in the possibility of voting him out of office. I'm sure he'll pull a Pelosi anyway and refuse to go away.

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I think there is a typo in your comment.

"McConnell’s announcement about the leadership post was unrelated to his health"


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Lol, I was hoping that the article was actually going to say he died. Not sorry for saying it.

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You'd have seen my 10000000 repeat posts of joy and live stream celebration

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Absolutely. All of us and zillions of our compatriots.

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Nor should you.

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Some people leave the world a slightly better place when they pop their clogs. I will have a quiet gin and tonic when Alex Jones dies, I had one for Henry Kissinger, I'll probably ignore McConnell, because he's not really international enough but who knows, I might just feel like a gin.

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This snotty and arrogant jerk is playing with the IRS regulations, denying his anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ past, but also seems to be unaware that Steve Garvey, that so-called model of Republican family values, cheated on his wife, fathered kids out of wedlock, and his wife divorced him in disgust.

Besides, Garvey owes his Gold Gloves to the fact that he had no defensive range at first base. That's why he made very few errors. He just balls zip by him. I bet his pitchers were annoyed.

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It's where you are wrong, his ex-wife is the real sinner. You can only file for divorce when your husband send you to your last home.

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My memory of Steve and Cyndy Garvey was that Mrs. Garvey was (and probably still is) a California blonde TV personality, and wsa steamed that her husband was more interested in scoring on the field for the Dodgers and off the field with his girlfriends than with her.

MLB players marry one of three types of women, apparently...

1. The high school sweetheart

2. The Hooters waitress they meet in the minors

3. The supermodel/performing artist they meet in the majors

It's always interesting to see how they work out. My favorite story was Davy Jones, in the early 20th century. His girlfriend's father said that ballplayers were bums who didn't work and ordered her to dump him. She did.

Five decades later, both of them widowed, they met again. By now, her daddy was dead, the sparks were still there, so they finally got married and enjoyed each other's grown children.

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There is a Charles Aznavour song with a similar theme "Non je n'ai rien oublié", except they never dated or married during the time they were separated. The song end with them having a walk together and the promise of future dates.

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He could sing.

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He was the first singer DM and me saw at a concert, in 2008. We were 27 and 57. Too bad my favorite song "Délit d'opinion/Un mort-vivant" was not played, probably too controversial.

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"Oh,.. that kinda gold glove," said trump with a ting of disappointment.

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Yeah....it's the old joke: why does the rich girl wear a gold diaphragm?

So her husband can come into money....

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Follow the money. Christians never say or do anything unless there’s money coming in as a result. Find out where his money comes from and that will explain his behavior.

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"This is what you get when you eject God from the courts and from the schools.”

That must be the infamous god bad aim. Pardon my France. Insurrection following an election since WW2 in my country= 0

He also called Islam “a demonic doctrine being propagated by heretics.” He said Jews in Israel could avoid the wrath of Hamas by turning to Jesus.

hibbs, consistency is not thy name.

"he hasn’t watched any adult content “since June 19, 1977.” 

Following DM's example, watching cartoons from time to time is OK, but all the time ? Does someone has the number of the cops/federal agents who investigated Michael Jackson ?

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No one ever told this genius that the "Allah" in Islam is "God" in the bible?

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Wait for the cardiac arrest if he learns one of Islam prophets is a Jewish man called Jesus.

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Never mind the fact that Muslims can trace their history back to Ishmael of the Old Testament. That would really twist his shorts!

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And in some of their traditions, Ishmael was the one who should have been sacrificed instead of his half brother.

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Or that schools are using Arabic numerals to teach math!

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Do you have any idea of the number of Arab words both our languages use on a regular basis ? 🤣

One example : alcohol.

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I do but they don't, for some reasons I enjoy thinking about ruining math for them a lot. I guess because I hate prosperity gospel so much. And ruining capitalism for them could be such a good thing.

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Maths is the proof of the sadism of the christian god and are a scourge* to get rid of.

* If humans were really smarts they would science without maths 😇

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"I don't hate the Jews," Jack Hibbs said. "Jesus was a jew. Sure, then the Jews turned their backs to God and killed his son. And now they run Hollywood promoting their new world wokeness. But I don't hate them. I respect them. Like Trump says, they're really good with money. And we must love them. They are important. Who else is going to get slaughtered in the desert and have their blood bring forth the second coming of Christ."

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Never understood why Jeebus needed a bloodbath to return. Couldn't he just slowly descend in a heavenly escalator for everyone to see?

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Well if you go to a party and you don't brutally murder everyone in the foyer, did you really go to that party?

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The one in baby donnie Tower?

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Feb 28·edited Feb 29

No one's gonna mistake a short, dark-skinned, kinky-haired Middle Easterner for a hefty spray-tanned nitwit who can't even SPELL escalator.

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There is one of the oldest ever made, in London I think, made of wood who is known to burn regularly. Will it works ?

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I'm old enough to have been up and down on a wooden escalator. As long as you don't get an electrical fire you're fine. :)

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And my Dogesses didn't hate cats, they just preferred them dead.

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If only he were the only creature doing this. There are many denizens in that swamp who love to flaunt the IRS tax code.

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Hmmm like the sovereign citizens brigade? 😂

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Hmmmmmm – we sent you Ray Comfort, you sent us sovereign citizens. I think I prefer Comfort.

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You sent us Ray Comfort, too.

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Dammit, I was in the middle of posting about Alex Jones at some stage on another site – must have got them mixed up. And I was trying to figure out the Australians and the Kiwis at the same time. So my brain must have overloaded.

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I thought you were making a reference to "The Joy of Sex" author Alex Comfort. :)

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I think he was purely American? God I remember reading that when I was a kid – comparatively speaking.

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