Religoius institutions should not be involved in healthcare, especially the Catholic Church.

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023

Bishops are going to block trans-affirming care at Catholic hospitals. Because of course they are. If it doesn't involve getting their hands on children's bodies they don't give a shit.

So much for being pro-life. What utter bullshit that claim is.

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My insurance is in network for a religious hospital chain that doesn’t have a religious name, but does advertise religion all over its hospitals and clinics. I have heard that it was known to deny anesthesia during labor in the past, but it doesn’t anymore maybe. Because of religious beliefs.

Other non-religious hospitals in the area are out of network for my insurance, which sucks.

In another state I have been refused birth control care because the only healthcare in town was religious based.

This is not healthcare, it is religious proselytizing through limited access to healthcare.

I do not belong to your little book club, your rules do not apply to me. If your rules interfere in providing best medical practices, you should not be in the medical field, no matter how much money you have.

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Speaking of money. The RCC has plenty of cash to buy up hospitals, but cries poverty when it comes to taking responsibility for their crimes. Sounds about Christian. Running hospitals is only about enforcing their rigid, ignorant policies on everyone and not about helping people or even about bringing people to Jesus. You can’t find God after you’re dead.

I really hate the RCC for good reason and every time they do something new, I’ve got another reason to hate them more.

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In the late 19th century, the lower Mississippi River Valley was choked with Yellow Fever. Memphis lost so many people that the city surrendered its charter. This created the opportunity for a mission of mercy for many orders of nuns. St Joseph Hospital was established at this time. St. Joseph aspirin, and St. Jude were incubated here.

Across the river, Olivetine Benedictine nuns established the first hospital in the wilds of NE Arkansas.

Today, that mission hospital is a regional behemoth, that is a major local business. My grandsons were born there.

We however have an equally large regional hospital that is part of a Memphis health system. Unfortunately, this one is owned by the Southern Baptist Church! They are mostly secular, and have no problem with any kind of birth control. Can you imagine being so dogmatic that even Baptists look progressive?

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And this is why churches shouldn't run hospitals -- especially in regions where they are the ONLY hospital available to working class people.

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I really just don't know why we allow religious institutions to run medical facilities of any kind. The RCC's track record in medicine is dubious at best and it's been obvious for years (centuries?) that their religious doctrines do not play nicely with sound medical ethics and practices. So far as I can tell, the RCC has never had the best interest of the patient in mind and has zero interest in changing that for any reason.

These directives make it very clear: the RCC is using these medical facilities to push its own doctrines on everyone else because it has the ability to do so and nobody is stopping them. They've carved out exceptions to the laws in many areas to be able to continue practicing 'medicine' the way they want without having to worry about ugly consequences, too. I am left with only one possible solution: get religion out of medicine in all forms; and as soon as I figure out a way to make it happen, I'll be sure to share. Until that happens, all I can say is vote more often.

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According to their own religious lore:

Their own God is non-binary.

Mary is an impregnated virgin via a sexual surrogate, only identified as the "holy ghost".

Jesus is also a virgin and self-monogamous ~ having had no experience with sexual intercourse at all.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness".

Pronoun troubles.

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OF COURSE Catholic hospitals are blocking trans-supportive care. While the article doesn't mention it, I have no doubt but that, to the Catholic Church, there are only TWO genders, and that assertion is purely based in physiology, with NO consideration of the individual's psychology. This kind of simplistic approach to physical and mental care is precisely the kind of behavior which will drive more trans people to extreme actions, including suicide.

What this makes even more clear than it was before is that the Catholic Church and by extension, Catholic hospitals, care far more about DOGMA than they do about THEIR PATIENTS.

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Look, it's got the Catholic Church helping out the Nazis and everything- 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘵?

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“The March 20 doctrinal note argues that gender-affirming medical treatments — which may include hormonal therapies and surgical procedures — are "injurious to the true flourishing of the human person," “

But I’m sure that plastic surgery for breast augmentation or elective rhinoplasty or what have you are fine.

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Hormone therapies and gender-affirming surgeries are "injurious to the true flourishing of the human person," the bishops said. This is exactly why people have gender-affirming surgeries and therapies because as nature made them is "injurious to the true flourishing of the human person.

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Damn them all to their hell. The biggest problem here is in many states or areas of a state they are the only game in town. Peace Health in Oregon is the dominate healthcare here, including clinics, doctors and NP and PA's offices. I worked in healthcare for almost 50 years, they have been buying up hospitals for a very long time and imposing their beliefs on their patients. They have even ignored Medical Power of Attorney which gives the patient's wishes. They should only be able to have one hospital in an area where there are others and people have a choice. Why they are allowed to practice medicine with their religious bent is due to our courts and the fact that they like all hospitals are self-regulated. They should do to hospitals the same thing they did to blood banks starting in 1994 and regulate them via the FDA. And if they don't comply put them under a court ordered Consent Degree. I know I am not the only one tired of politicians and clergy practicing medicine.

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Q: Do you know what they call a couple that religiously uses Natural Family Planning?

A: Parents.

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Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 16, 2023


Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers that led to a landmark SCOTUS decision on press freedoms and pissed off the Nixon admin (which led to that admin's series of Nixon-OKd dirty tricks and burglaries that culminated in Watergate), has died today at 92.

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Why the RCC should not be involved in healthcare...

Two words: Mother Teresa.

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