It's all theater with Greg Abbott. There is nothing else. He rolls from one stunt to the next with cruelty his primary goal. In this case, he was shamelessly pandering to the preachers for the evangelical vote. The evangelicals can be some of the most mean-spirited and intolerant people on earth, and are his natural allies. Greg Abbott is an evil little man, who always delivers up his cruelty with that big sloppy smile.
Just a FYI to Greg Abbott and Texas, you can’t regulate religion. There’s something somewhere in the U S Constitution that says something about separation of church and state!
Hence why there are private schools for those who want their children to learn the Bible
That's why I love wearing this "This is our home, not your church" tee in red states 👇
"When I use the constitution’ As Humpty-Abbotty said in a rather scornful tone from his perch upon the border wall, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.’
That's right, Greggy: fuck around and find out. Abbott is so sold out to the Religious Reich in Texas that he attempts to step on the rights of those who don't sign up for his religious baloney. Abbott responds by trying to censor free speech, trying to excuse his actions by claiming that the FFRF display is somehow blasphemous or improper ... and gets his paddy-whackers slapped for his trouble. I should mention, The Northern Ohio Freethought Society had that same display up at Public Square in Cleveland, Ohio some years back with ZERO PROBLEM ... mostly because then-Mayor Mike White understood the matter of free speech.
Would that Greg Abbott had a similar grasp of that issue.
I wouldn't be so sure that there isn't something on the books in Texas. The state constitution still requires state officials to profess belief in a creator deity.
No, I agree. Lots of states have old provisions in their constitutions requiring office holders to profess a belief in god, but that doesn't mean those provisions are valid. They were overridden by Article VI, Clause 3, the No Religious Tests Clause and by the First Amendment.
It’s hard to know who Abbott owes his soul to the most; Big Oil or Big Religion. I really wish Texas voters would kick Abbott, Paxton, Cruz-you name them, out into the Gulf without a boat.
We are doing the best we can here. It’s going to take several election cycles to do this. I will tell you this Texas resident is pissed off. Many women and people are angry. Cruz has to go. Jimmy, John and Jane the Judges who wouldn’t give Kate Cox a variance and had to leave the state need to go. I can’t wait for November 2026. Ready to vote Abbott out for good 😡
"First, far from promoting morals or the general welfare..."
Says the murderer whose armed troops blocked federal forces from approaching half-a-dozen migrants who were attempting to cross the Rio Grande, resulting in the drowning of a mother with her two children.
So which version of the 40,000 + sects of xtianity are offended by this? I can think of several which likely weren’t. Just you wait. If the Dems win on November 5th, he is going to be screaming for a red state secession.
He's welcome to try. With the grid failing, Texas is only slightly better off than that country to the south they have such contempt for. Cut off federal aid and the people of Texas will change their minds real quick.
We here in Texas are fed up already. Some say we’re not a red state but a non voting state. We cannot register to vote online. That’s right. Also we cannot have a ballot initiative to overturn the abortion laws. That has to be approved at the state legislature level. It’s rough here. I’m trying to turn this place purple.
I still say PR should apply to be a province of Canada. I suspect they would treat them like first-class citizens and goodness knows Canada could use a tropical province.
The traitor states of the Confederacy should never have had their statehood restored. They should have been designated territories in perpetuity. That would put them in the place they so rightfully deserve.
At this point, the divisions aren’t at the state level. A roughly better division, ideologically, would be urban and rural with armed conflict for control of the suburbs. Blue America would consist of a hundred or so West Berlins in a sea of red acreage.
Seriously, when I see people (conservatives) talking about civil war, I want to ask them how it would even work.
How does the image of an imaginary event (the Nativity) "educate?" How does anything in the bible "educate?" How to own/beat slaves? How to invade the lands of others? How to get a good price for your daughter? The bible is filled with cover-to-cover ignorance and teaches nothing even approaching educational.
The Bill of Rights display does educate about the BoR and our freedoms. Abbott and other kkkons want our rights removed and a theocratic dictatorship installed.
"The Board has allowed and should continue to allow diverse viewpoints to be expressed in Capitol displays."
I couldn't find any information about another non christian display. So what diverse viewpoints ? Different colors for the clothes and the animals ? My bet is nabbott would have had the same tantrum about a menorah. Or a display of Horus with his mother Iset.
Abbott is a tool for the Religious Reich, that simple. I doubt he's learned a thing from this incident and will try it again, if he thinks he can get away with it.
Is anybody adding up the amounts incurred in legal fees by Guv Abbott? This isn't his first and won't be his last costly entanglements with the legal system. Texas taxpayers should know where their money is going (certainly not to the collapsing power grid, health care for women, education, etc.)
Baby born of a god and a human female, gifted with powers no human possesses, travels and performs superhuman feats until the end of his earthly life and utters "It is finished" before ascending to be with his father.
Jesus? Nope. Heracles. Christians are shameless plagiarists.
Abbott thinks baby jesus in his manger is an iconic image? Funny, but that's how I view baby Heracles in his crib. The image of him strangling two serpents that had been sent to kill him.
I wish more Republican voters in red states understood how much their legislators waste taxpayer dollars on stuff like this. While Houston-area folks went without power for days after the last storm (and thus suffered in unbearable heat), Texas spends money on Christian Nationalist "holy wars."
I bought the model. If I were up to creating one that looked enough like a specific person, I’d do one of VP Harris to do a giant her stomping on a tiny Donnie.
I rather doubt the artist that did one of Biden will complete one of Harris in time and may not even try.
“The Biblical scene of the newly born Jesus Christ lying in a manger in Bethlehem lies at the very heart of the Christian faith. ”
Like so many Christians, especially US Christians, Abbott is woefully ignorant of the principles and foundations of the religion he professes to follow. The very heart of the Christian faith is not the birth of Jesus, but his death and resurrection, which are the acts that supposedly accomplished the redemption of mankind that Christianity lays claim to. For centuries, the nativity was largely ignored until the newly appointed state religion needed something to substitute for Saturnalia. It was the need for an accurate determination of which Sunday Easter would fall on each year that spurred the Gregorian calendar reform. The significance of Christmas as a holyday has more to do with its commercialization than with its importance to Christianity.
I hate to be pedantic, especially when it comes down to the usage of who/whom, but there is a minor grammar error in the title. It should read, TX Governor who censored atheists' display faces no real consequences for his actions.
"This is a huge victory for church/state separation against the overreach of Christians at the highest levels of state government."
Forgive me for not breaking out the confetti and vuvuzelas. For eight years, justice was delayed and justice was denied. This is the defacto Holy Theocracy of Texas, where Christian Privilege is far more important and far more influential than democracy or the rule of law. They won't just "Go back Jack, do it again." When they lose a case of Constitutional violation, they do worse the next time.
Here's the thing, though: the fifth circuit ruled unanimously against Abbott. Yes, the same fifth circuit who is even to the right of the SCOTUS. When even the Fifth Circuit court of appeals says you've gone too far and it's unanimous, I don't think there's much room for Abbott to go to.
You're probably right that Abbott couldn't win another of these extremist cases, but trying to pass hopelessly unconstitutional laws has another benefit. It gets a few more votes for Abbott out of the Ignorancia.
Hey, Abbott! Tell us where the Constitution hurt you? By granting rights to everyone, not just god-bothers? I’m offended by your offense in taking down an inoffensive display.
Notice his god didn't strike down/destroy what Abbott views as a blasphemous display? Nope, it always takes humans to do the things an 'all-powerful' god can't.
It's all theater with Greg Abbott. There is nothing else. He rolls from one stunt to the next with cruelty his primary goal. In this case, he was shamelessly pandering to the preachers for the evangelical vote. The evangelicals can be some of the most mean-spirited and intolerant people on earth, and are his natural allies. Greg Abbott is an evil little man, who always delivers up his cruelty with that big sloppy smile.
Just a FYI to Greg Abbott and Texas, you can’t regulate religion. There’s something somewhere in the U S Constitution that says something about separation of church and state!
Hence why there are private schools for those who want their children to learn the Bible
That's why I love wearing this "This is our home, not your church" tee in red states 👇
"When I use the constitution’ As Humpty-Abbotty said in a rather scornful tone from his perch upon the border wall, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.’
I cant remember who Humpty-Abbotty was.
Humpty Dumpty with a dose of Alice In Wonderland.
Oh, he knows that. He just doesn't care. As I said in my original post, he's just pandering to the preachers.
That's right, Greggy: fuck around and find out. Abbott is so sold out to the Religious Reich in Texas that he attempts to step on the rights of those who don't sign up for his religious baloney. Abbott responds by trying to censor free speech, trying to excuse his actions by claiming that the FFRF display is somehow blasphemous or improper ... and gets his paddy-whackers slapped for his trouble. I should mention, The Northern Ohio Freethought Society had that same display up at Public Square in Cleveland, Ohio some years back with ZERO PROBLEM ... mostly because then-Mayor Mike White understood the matter of free speech.
Would that Greg Abbott had a similar grasp of that issue.
+++ Abbott simply does not believe in the right to free speech for anyone other than Republicans.
Republicans don’t believe in rights for anyone other than Republicans.
Fixed that for you.
Republicans have the right to have rights.
I'd like Greggy to show us where in the U.S. Constitution or Texas law blasphemy is illegal.
They are the blasphemous ones, they worship an Orange Orc. They don't know the message of the J-dude. Even I know that is blasphemy.
Orange Orc! 🤣
Orange Orc! 😜 Totally stealing that one!
I'll second that. Greggy? PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
I wouldn't be so sure that there isn't something on the books in Texas. The state constitution still requires state officials to profess belief in a creator deity.
That provision in the state constitution was overridden by the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause.
And a blasphemy statute would be overridden by the First Amendment, that doesn’t mean there isn’t one in Texas law.
No, I agree. Lots of states have old provisions in their constitutions requiring office holders to profess a belief in god, but that doesn't mean those provisions are valid. They were overridden by Article VI, Clause 3, the No Religious Tests Clause and by the First Amendment.
It’s hard to know who Abbott owes his soul to the most; Big Oil or Big Religion. I really wish Texas voters would kick Abbott, Paxton, Cruz-you name them, out into the Gulf without a boat.
We are doing the best we can here. It’s going to take several election cycles to do this. I will tell you this Texas resident is pissed off. Many women and people are angry. Cruz has to go. Jimmy, John and Jane the Judges who wouldn’t give Kate Cox a variance and had to leave the state need to go. I can’t wait for November 2026. Ready to vote Abbott out for good 😡
Utterly agreed. They've all worn out their welcome.
"First, far from promoting morals or the general welfare..."
Says the murderer whose armed troops blocked federal forces from approaching half-a-dozen migrants who were attempting to cross the Rio Grande, resulting in the drowning of a mother with her two children.
Morals, Abbott? You stink, killer.
If we were in an actual war with the immigrants as he claims, he'd be considered a war criminal.
Add Stephen Miller to that list.
I stil say they should check his basement, he gives off serial killer vibe ,with those cold dead eyes.
Check his basement, dig up his entire back yard, pry up the floorboards in every room, and check the attic thoroughly.
Check the ashes in the fireplace. Check the tub for traces of acid.
So which version of the 40,000 + sects of xtianity are offended by this? I can think of several which likely weren’t. Just you wait. If the Dems win on November 5th, he is going to be screaming for a red state secession.
He's welcome to try. With the grid failing, Texas is only slightly better off than that country to the south they have such contempt for. Cut off federal aid and the people of Texas will change their minds real quick.
We here in Texas are fed up already. Some say we’re not a red state but a non voting state. We cannot register to vote online. That’s right. Also we cannot have a ballot initiative to overturn the abortion laws. That has to be approved at the state legislature level. It’s rough here. I’m trying to turn this place purple.
Again? 😆
If I were to be the president I would let nabbott do it and replace Texas with Puerto Rico.
I still say PR should apply to be a province of Canada. I suspect they would treat them like first-class citizens and goodness knows Canada could use a tropical province.
It would likely increase Canada’s average national temperature by several degrees and that would be good for tourism.
And give their snowbirds somewhere to pay local taxes rather than to the U.S. through Florida.
And not helping Florida right now is obviously in Canada’s self-interest.
The traitor states of the Confederacy should never have had their statehood restored. They should have been designated territories in perpetuity. That would put them in the place they so rightfully deserve.
That would be wonderful, but I'm afraid it's too late. Which makes me wonder why the nothern states dont form their own new country.
At this point, the divisions aren’t at the state level. A roughly better division, ideologically, would be urban and rural with armed conflict for control of the suburbs. Blue America would consist of a hundred or so West Berlins in a sea of red acreage.
Seriously, when I see people (conservatives) talking about civil war, I want to ask them how it would even work.
After they pay for their share of the national debt base on population.
At which point, hundreds of thousands of normal people should show up with saws and start cutting them off like Bugs Bunny in the cartoons.
Good point!
The russian trolls always promote that stuff around election time.
"Second, the exhibit does not educate..."
How does the image of an imaginary event (the Nativity) "educate?" How does anything in the bible "educate?" How to own/beat slaves? How to invade the lands of others? How to get a good price for your daughter? The bible is filled with cover-to-cover ignorance and teaches nothing even approaching educational.
The Bill of Rights display does educate about the BoR and our freedoms. Abbott and other kkkons want our rights removed and a theocratic dictatorship installed.
How to violate copyrights (even if it didn't exist at that time).
How to bone your daughters and claim it is their fault?
LOT: “It’s THEIR fault, YHVH! They got me drunk and forced themselves on me! I didn’t even know what I was doing…either time!”
Yeah, right. If that was the case, then he was too drunk to get it up.
Have mentioned that myself. The whole story is bullshit. He gets BOTH his daughters preggers while blind stinking drunk?
That's his story and he's sticking to it.
"The Board has allowed and should continue to allow diverse viewpoints to be expressed in Capitol displays."
I couldn't find any information about another non christian display. So what diverse viewpoints ? Different colors for the clothes and the animals ? My bet is nabbott would have had the same tantrum about a menorah. Or a display of Horus with his mother Iset.
Abbott is a tool for the Religious Reich, that simple. I doubt he's learned a thing from this incident and will try it again, if he thinks he can get away with it.
Frapper au porte-feuille. Too bad it's not his personal wallet.
EXACTLY. Until these assholes can be made to pay a PERSONAL PRICE for their ill-considered actions, the crap will go on and on and on...
Was Abbott personally sued or not? The article wasn't clear to me.
He acted as governor, not as a personal citizen*. So, I guess it's a no about personal liability or responsibility.
* Unlike the one who decapited a Baphomet statue in another state.
I thought the Satanic Temple did the display in Texas? They have their largest membership there.
Agreed, but it was his action the fomented the lawsuit. If he isn't named, I would be surprised.
Great Minds think alike.
Abbott is clear proof that the key founders were wise to keep church and state separate.
Is anybody adding up the amounts incurred in legal fees by Guv Abbott? This isn't his first and won't be his last costly entanglements with the legal system. Texas taxpayers should know where their money is going (certainly not to the collapsing power grid, health care for women, education, etc.)
The Attorney General (Paxton) and Lt. Governor (Patrick) are also racking up the bills.
Impeached and indicted Attorney General.
Baby born of a god and a human female, gifted with powers no human possesses, travels and performs superhuman feats until the end of his earthly life and utters "It is finished" before ascending to be with his father.
Jesus? Nope. Heracles. Christians are shameless plagiarists.
Abbott thinks baby jesus in his manger is an iconic image? Funny, but that's how I view baby Heracles in his crib. The image of him strangling two serpents that had been sent to kill him.
And he grew up to clean the Agean stables, cleanliness is next to godliness!
Jesus walked on water. Heracles diverted 2 rivers to clean those stables.
I wish more Republican voters in red states understood how much their legislators waste taxpayer dollars on stuff like this. While Houston-area folks went without power for days after the last storm (and thus suffered in unbearable heat), Texas spends money on Christian Nationalist "holy wars."
But they can't fix the grid that would cost money! /s
Project 2O25 was renamed Agenda47 and is now called “180 Day Transition Playbook.” Don’t be fooled, same shit, different name.
OT: Reposting this bit of fantasy artwork because I'm not sure how many who would appreciate it saw it over the weekend:
Inaccurate. Trump isn't that skinny! 😝
I bought the model. If I were up to creating one that looked enough like a specific person, I’d do one of VP Harris to do a giant her stomping on a tiny Donnie.
I rather doubt the artist that did one of Biden will complete one of Harris in time and may not even try.
Always loved that episode.
Or that clean-looking.
Saw it. Belly laughed. Awaiting the day.
“The Biblical scene of the newly born Jesus Christ lying in a manger in Bethlehem lies at the very heart of the Christian faith. ”
Like so many Christians, especially US Christians, Abbott is woefully ignorant of the principles and foundations of the religion he professes to follow. The very heart of the Christian faith is not the birth of Jesus, but his death and resurrection, which are the acts that supposedly accomplished the redemption of mankind that Christianity lays claim to. For centuries, the nativity was largely ignored until the newly appointed state religion needed something to substitute for Saturnalia. It was the need for an accurate determination of which Sunday Easter would fall on each year that spurred the Gregorian calendar reform. The significance of Christmas as a holyday has more to do with its commercialization than with its importance to Christianity.
I hate to be pedantic, especially when it comes down to the usage of who/whom, but there is a minor grammar error in the title. It should read, TX Governor who censored atheists' display faces no real consequences for his actions.
Whom are you to correct anyone's grammar?
Their, they're, there, I didn't mean to strike a nerve.
Your forgiven, its a common mistake.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle t'a fait sa grandmère ?
I love being pedantic!
Ped-antic: something fun done with feet.
"This is a huge victory for church/state separation against the overreach of Christians at the highest levels of state government."
Forgive me for not breaking out the confetti and vuvuzelas. For eight years, justice was delayed and justice was denied. This is the defacto Holy Theocracy of Texas, where Christian Privilege is far more important and far more influential than democracy or the rule of law. They won't just "Go back Jack, do it again." When they lose a case of Constitutional violation, they do worse the next time.
Here's the thing, though: the fifth circuit ruled unanimously against Abbott. Yes, the same fifth circuit who is even to the right of the SCOTUS. When even the Fifth Circuit court of appeals says you've gone too far and it's unanimous, I don't think there's much room for Abbott to go to.
You're probably right that Abbott couldn't win another of these extremist cases, but trying to pass hopelessly unconstitutional laws has another benefit. It gets a few more votes for Abbott out of the Ignorancia.
Hey, Abbott! Tell us where the Constitution hurt you? By granting rights to everyone, not just god-bothers? I’m offended by your offense in taking down an inoffensive display.
Notice his god didn't strike down/destroy what Abbott views as a blasphemous display? Nope, it always takes humans to do the things an 'all-powerful' god can't. It really needs the whole scene for full effect.
For me, the big green atheist scientist uttering the words with disdain is sufficient. :)
Needs to be bigger.
god took Sunday off as its day of rest and never went back to work.
An omnipotent deity that needs to rest. Christians fail badly at reading comprehension.
Aha, det er sånn det var. Det gir mening.
Allah and Yahweh didn't say nuthin' neither.