Hello everyone, I am Noah Dempsey; one of the student representatives that spoke, I want to thank everyone for your support. I never expected our small interjections to an injustice would reach this many people. To assure a few questions, we are all safe, we are not being forced or pressured off the board. We do have allies both on the board as well as in School Admin. While my fellow representative has chosen to distance herself from this issue following all of the controversy we both still have strong convictions against religion and we both know we did the right thing. I am always available to answer questions or provide insight. There is another board meeting on Valentines days, should anyone with to attend virtually to show support. Once again the deepest thank you to everyone.

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Prayer has never produced a single repeatable result, and works at precisely the same rate as random chance. I have no idea what they think their prayer would have accomplished. The conservative Christians who can never stop trying to force their religion into the public schools tend to be people who value rote conformity above almost everything else, and tend not to grasp the fact rights are not matters of majority rule.

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I hope these two will inspire more students to stand up against bigotry. Kudos to Mlle Garcia to say out loud she is an atheist.

You want to start meetings with a prayer ? Join a religious private school board, it's as simple as that.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

6 billion people praying and they couldn't pray a wart off a frog. And then they blame their prayerly shortcomings on the people who weren't even praying. Yeah brilliant idea.

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The kids may save us yet.

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Geesh, KIDS THESE DAYS! Taking all the FUN out of Fundamentalism...

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"Vermulm then chimed in to say that pastors had already contacted him asking for the opportunity to pray at their meetings."

Yeah, I just bet they did. Those people will weasel into every crack and crevice to establish themselves, like ticks, on the body politic.

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"...we could use some divine intervention."

A flood? Locust? Killing the first born?

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"… maybe during our meetings… we would open in prayer, like after the Pledge. You know, I’d be willing to lead it, and, um, I just think there’s a lot of things, a lot of issues that we as a school district, a community even, you know… we could use some divine intervention."

Maybe you should pray that you could speak in coherent sentences.

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"It was strictly a discussion" my a**! We KNOW that if the students hadn't stepped in it would have been pushed through, and months from now Hemant would be posting how the they'd gotten sued for and lost.

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Those kids should get extra credit for saving their school district the cost of losing a lawsuit.

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When the students are smarter than the school board members, something is both wrong and right. I admire the hell out of Yoshimi and Noah in being willing to speak up and call those members of the board who likely thought that introducing prayer into their meetings was a harmless gesture. That showed a determination and strength and bravery which is more than likely missing from those they were admonishing.

And so the students were teaching those tasked with teaching. Wonder if the board members actually LEARNED anything.

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If they demand prayers in these meetings, I'm going to call for Jewish and Satanic prayers. After all, too many people think the Jews are Satanic.

We didn't have to recite the Pledge of Allegiance very often in my school, but when we did it, I would recite the German pledge of obedience to Adolf..."I swear by God this Holy Oath that I shall render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, Fuehrer of the German Nation...."

I even did it at our graduation ceremony, which shocked the teachers standing around -- they were all Jewish -- and amused my classmates.

It was my way of showing the teachers and school administrators how much I hated them.

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Kudos to the kids for not caving into the supposed adults in the room. It would have been easy to stay silent, but they didn’t and their school is better for it.

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Good that they didn’t take action on it and ostensibly listened to the students and FFRF. It’s been some time, about 17 years, since I lived in the area and my hubs worked for the city, but I’m going to guess that the insanely petty local fights are still happening, possibly some of the players are dead now, but probably not all. I will bet that now that the prayers have been put on the table, we will see some of the looney locals flip out that they cannot participate.

The city hall was inundated with records requests, and I mean inundated to the full extent of what that means, so much that they couldn’t possibly provide the records in the legally required timeframe. The person demanding the records did so out of spite simply because he didn’t like the mayor and other city workers. He would park in the handicapped spot in front of the city hall during the public meetings to patronize the bar on the other side of the block (which had a handicapped spot in front of it) so the city board member that required a handicapped spot was put out, every meeting. They posted crap online about the mayor and harassed her over permits for buildings on her property and all sorts of bs. One of the guys doing this was a former Prosser policeman who retired when he got in an accident in his police cruiser with a privately owned vehicle (his) in his own driveway. The other guy owned a trailer park which was at the entrance to the town from the freeway. The trailers on his park were nearly all in a state that should have condemned them, he used trailers he couldn’t rent (because they were crumbling apart and clearly hazards) along the road with spray painted messages against the mayor and other members of the town. He even put a blowup sex doll on top of a trailer claiming it was the mayor. The park was filled with trash, busted toilets bags of garbage and insulation scattered about. It was beyond an eyesore.

So, I’m concerned about the petty tactics the citizens might use to get their way. Honestly, I’ve never seen any town have such issues before or after and I have moved around a lot in my life.

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