It includes the Constitution, which not only stands in direct contradiction to the Ten Commandments, it also forbids both establishment of religion and any sort of religious test for public office. It also makes no reference to the Christian religion.
The Bill of Rights. What do rights have to do with the bible? There is no freedom in its pages. Unquestioning obedience to a sky-dwelling dictator is demanded.
The Declaration of Independence? The opening salvo in our war to rid ourselves of a Christian empire and a man who believed he ruled by divine right from 3,000 miles away.
Only when mommy comes down to the basement to read their kid a bedtime story before he goes to bed.
The fact that Junior is 43, has never held a job, hasn't washed or changed his clothes in months, and his only girlfriend is that battered Miss Polly Urethane in the corner is not a factor to Mommy, of is something up with which she puts.
Jesus would throw this Bible out of the Temple along with the moneychangers.
How come it doesn't include "The Art of the Deal?"
If you've served in the US military, you have heard Lee Greenwood's ghastly song until you're ready to vomit...numbers of my fellow service members couldn't take it, either.
I'm surprised it doesn't have the January 6 traitors' version of the National Anthem.
I had to look it up because I was going to say "citation needed". Turns out Lee Greenwood's song was released in May of 1984. Which is a mere 7 months before I got hurt and began the process of boarding out of the Army. So no, not everyone who was in the military was inundated with it until their ears bled but I can see how anyone younger than me was. I was never a fan of that song and was shocked that it's been around that long but I am not a fan of country either.
Yeah, I was in from 1991 to 1998, starting the day Operation Desert Storm ended -- Saddam heard I was coming and knew I would bore him to death -- so we were jammed with it.
Neither my father nor I liked country music, either. In my case, it all seemed to be a song about some guy whose best friend stole his truck, girl, and dog, and the singer wanted his dog back, wasn't getting it, so he beat up the mailman, and is now stuck in jail. Or some man was doing terrible things to Crystal Gayle.
Every time my computer called for me to play a country song, I had a "request" for Bruce Springsteen.
Dad's hatred of country music was more visceral. It was all AFRS played in his company area up the line in Korea in 1952-1953, and it brayed all day long.
Particularly on his last day in Korea, when his company made a failed and stupid attack on a pimple named "Jane Russell Hill," which wiped out half the outfit. Dad, as company clerk, had to unloaded the maimed and wounded from the trucks, line the dead up, and walk along with his clipboard, getting the names of his buddies for the telegram the Department of Defense, saying, "Dear Mrs. Bloggs, your son Joe was killed in a useless and failed attack on Jane Russell Hill, which contributed nothing to winning the Korean War."
For the rest of his life, when he heard country music on the car radio, he twisted the dial.
It took him only 40 years to tell me about the battle...only doing so when I found the US Army's Official History of that period in Korea in the Smithsonian gift shop. I handed it to Dad and he wrenched it out of my hands.
I had to find it on YT. I remember that song, much to my chagrin, and must admit I don't miss it. That thing's syrupy enough they should be legally required to serve pancakes with it. I'm providing the link for anyone who may have forgotten, but note here: you've been warned.
The fact that she said that about Atlas Shrugged has always made me love her even more. My favorite is still "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think." Which is applicable to MAGA as well.
I was once in the military, but I never heard of Greenwood or his song. I was also bemused when "Born in the USA" became a "patriotic" call to arms when it was actually an anti-VN song!
That is correct...I will never forget when some hostages came home from captivity in 1985 and then-Vice President George H.W. Bush led them in singing "Born in the USA" on the tarmac.
My wife, a huge Springsteen fan, was stunned. So was Bruce.
Undoubtedly. I asked because when I read the headline I immediately assumed it was because he was hawking Trump “branded” Bibles, as in Bibles branded with his name on the cover or something.
I hate god Bless the USA and everytime I read about it being blared at a red hat rally, I want to counter the noise with neil diamond's Coming to America. That is the song I want to promote, the one that welcomes diverse peoples from all over the world.
He's already compared himself to Jesus. So is there a ghostwritten Gospel of Donald? One filled from first page to last with nothing but braggadoccio, lies, petulance, whining and endless egotism?
Thank you! Obviously I am not judging any adult for consensual libidinous activities, just humorous to me when people who do judge others on those things don't have the full story. And being from Louisville I had to hear a lot about Secretariat and his situation or the legend of same.
Con men gonna con ... and there's no con so pervasive or pernicious as religion. It figures that Trump would take an opportunity such as that ridiculous bible and attempt to run with it, never mind CHARGING for it when, in some cases, anyone wanting a bible can get one FOR FREE from some sources.
The whole point, obviously, is to at least help to pay for Trump's considerable and mounting legal expenses, though I'd be dubious that bible sales will put so much as a dent in the $175 million he has to come up with for that bond! Just one more stupidity from Mr. Stupid, himself.
The Founding Fathers, the 7 Key ones who had the most influence on what form of government our country would take, did not base our government on "Judeo-Christian" values. That didn't even exist then. Judeo-Christian wasn't coined until October 17th, 1821. And it means nothing to Jewish rabbis and Jewish scholars.
Trump and the NatCs wouldn't much like what the Key founders had to say about Christians and their religion. 5 were Deists and one was a Christian who was only devout when it suited him. He otherwise ignored it. Only one of the 7 was an orthodox Christian.
And evangelical Christians either don't know that or don't want / care to know. They know what they believe and cannot be bothered with inconvenient facts.
Contains the PoA. The original by Bellamy sans the god reference?
No? But it was accompanied by the Bellamy Salute that is an exact replica of the one used by the Nazis. We know that Trump and Christian Nationalists are ardent admirers of the Third Reich.
I cannot understand the people who support him so much because he's an example to them of how anyone can be successful. It's obvious that he's just playing a role. If he is successful at anything it's pretending to be rich, powerful and a leader.
It was said that if he’d just shut up and invested his money in safe stocks instead of whatever it is he’s doing now, he’d be even richer now than even his exaggerated claims.
Yea I remember a financial advisor I listened to on his podcast showing that if Trump had taken that original million and invested it in an indexed fund he would've had more than he claimed he had anyway.
I probably should have seen this coming. Donald Trump shilling a name brand Bible honestly sounds like the punch line of a joke told after consuming entirely too much alcohol, and even then, it's still not funny.
I'd bet even with the income from sales, Trump's still got money problems, though. Trump never seems to get the concept of shutting up despite that lesson being presented in several very expensive forms recently.
It includes the Constitution, which not only stands in direct contradiction to the Ten Commandments, it also forbids both establishment of religion and any sort of religious test for public office. It also makes no reference to the Christian religion.
The Bill of Rights. What do rights have to do with the bible? There is no freedom in its pages. Unquestioning obedience to a sky-dwelling dictator is demanded.
The Declaration of Independence? The opening salvo in our war to rid ourselves of a Christian empire and a man who believed he ruled by divine right from 3,000 miles away.
You don’t really expect any of his drooling followers to actually read any of it, do you?
Hell, believers had their chance to read their own holy book long before Trump was ever a thing for them. They failed miserably.
Only when mommy comes down to the basement to read their kid a bedtime story before he goes to bed.
The fact that Junior is 43, has never held a job, hasn't washed or changed his clothes in months, and his only girlfriend is that battered Miss Polly Urethane in the corner is not a factor to Mommy, of is something up with which she puts.
Only God knows Why, and He ain't tellin'.
Sure if it's cross-indexed with its of Trump Tweets!
And there you have it. Unquestioning allegiance.
Isn't there text somewhere in, I think, Revelations, that says God will punish those that add to or take away from His word?
Sorry for the long delay in responding. Just now seeing this.
Yup. It's practically at the very end of Revelation. Chapter 22, Verses 18-19.
Jesus would throw this Bible out of the Temple along with the moneychangers.
How come it doesn't include "The Art of the Deal?"
If you've served in the US military, you have heard Lee Greenwood's ghastly song until you're ready to vomit...numbers of my fellow service members couldn't take it, either.
I'm surprised it doesn't have the January 6 traitors' version of the National Anthem.
This Bibl should not be cast aside lightly.
It should be hurled with great force.
I had to look it up because I was going to say "citation needed". Turns out Lee Greenwood's song was released in May of 1984. Which is a mere 7 months before I got hurt and began the process of boarding out of the Army. So no, not everyone who was in the military was inundated with it until their ears bled but I can see how anyone younger than me was. I was never a fan of that song and was shocked that it's been around that long but I am not a fan of country either.
Yeah, I was in from 1991 to 1998, starting the day Operation Desert Storm ended -- Saddam heard I was coming and knew I would bore him to death -- so we were jammed with it.
Neither my father nor I liked country music, either. In my case, it all seemed to be a song about some guy whose best friend stole his truck, girl, and dog, and the singer wanted his dog back, wasn't getting it, so he beat up the mailman, and is now stuck in jail. Or some man was doing terrible things to Crystal Gayle.
Every time my computer called for me to play a country song, I had a "request" for Bruce Springsteen.
Dad's hatred of country music was more visceral. It was all AFRS played in his company area up the line in Korea in 1952-1953, and it brayed all day long.
Particularly on his last day in Korea, when his company made a failed and stupid attack on a pimple named "Jane Russell Hill," which wiped out half the outfit. Dad, as company clerk, had to unloaded the maimed and wounded from the trucks, line the dead up, and walk along with his clipboard, getting the names of his buddies for the telegram the Department of Defense, saying, "Dear Mrs. Bloggs, your son Joe was killed in a useless and failed attack on Jane Russell Hill, which contributed nothing to winning the Korean War."
For the rest of his life, when he heard country music on the car radio, he twisted the dial.
It took him only 40 years to tell me about the battle...only doing so when I found the US Army's Official History of that period in Korea in the Smithsonian gift shop. I handed it to Dad and he wrenched it out of my hands.
That night, in our hotel room, he read it.
Then he told me the story.
Probably every time he heard Gene Autry, he thought of that horror.
Not a fan of country? Which country?
(Yes, that's a joke. I knew what you meant.)
I refuse to call it country music as I feel that is an oxymoron since country is defined as searching for the note and failing to find it.
Greenwood was after my time, but I heard this one alot.
I had to find it on YT. I remember that song, much to my chagrin, and must admit I don't miss it. That thing's syrupy enough they should be legally required to serve pancakes with it. I'm providing the link for anyone who may have forgotten, but note here: you've been warned.
He was nice enough to do a version for Canada, too.
I'm not sure, but I think he comes from Canada.
I wish he'd do one for the United Kingdom..."I'm proud to be an Englishman..."
On second thought, the Scots, Welsh, and Irish would be mad as hell...
The fact that she said that about Atlas Shrugged has always made me love her even more. My favorite is still "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think." Which is applicable to MAGA as well.
Ayn Rand had the nerve of Leo Durocher when she accepted Social Security payments.
Social Security AND Medicare. Under her husband's name, yet.
Not just a hypocrite, but a deceptive one.
I'd say more nerve and less talent.
Yeah, her books were self-indulgent garbage.
Only reason she got on a postage stamp was because Reagan was president at the time.
My husband has been looking up Derocher in Bill James now. I'm pretty sure my grandma had a copy of "Nice Guys Finish Last", huge Dodgers fan.
"The Lip," by Gerry Eskenazi, covers him well, with a bit more objectivity, too.
For all of his fame, he only won one World Series.
1954, with Willie Mays, Sal Maglie, Johnny Antonelli, Hoyt Wilhelm, and Monte Irvin in the lineup.
Naturally. Big brains recognize each other.
Small ones, too.
The only interesting libertarians are Doug Stanhope and Peter Bagge. The rest are just Republicans who want to smoke weed and watch smut.
“ This Bibl should not be cast aside lightly.
It should be hurled with great force.”
You, Sir or Madam, are a genius.
Also: Stolen!
Great artists steal, bad artists borrow.
When I lived in Utah back in the late 80s, the local country station would play Greenwood's one-hour wonder at noon... EVERY DAY. 😱🤢
Another reason to dislike country music...
I was once in the military, but I never heard of Greenwood or his song. I was also bemused when "Born in the USA" became a "patriotic" call to arms when it was actually an anti-VN song!
That is correct...I will never forget when some hostages came home from captivity in 1985 and then-Vice President George H.W. Bush led them in singing "Born in the USA" on the tarmac.
My wife, a huge Springsteen fan, was stunned. So was Bruce.
Click on "more" for the lyrics.
Is it printed upside down, or will the reader have to hold it upside down themselves to emulate their latest lord and savior?
Does it have Trump’s name written on it? I’m genuinely curious if he’s THAT shameless.
He probably signed it at the end, as if he wrote it.
Undoubtedly. I asked because when I read the headline I immediately assumed it was because he was hawking Trump “branded” Bibles, as in Bibles branded with his name on the cover or something.
More likely he’s pretending he wrote it (or at least gave the writers their inspiration).
I hate god Bless the USA and everytime I read about it being blared at a red hat rally, I want to counter the noise with neil diamond's Coming to America. That is the song I want to promote, the one that welcomes diverse peoples from all over the world.
He's already compared himself to Jesus. So is there a ghostwritten Gospel of Donald? One filled from first page to last with nothing but braggadoccio, lies, petulance, whining and endless egotism?
"braggadoccio, lies, petulance, whining"
Trump only knows two of those words.
He may only know how to pronounce 2 of them, but he lives them prodigiously.
He definitely wouldn’t be able to spell them.
You misinformate and disinformate about Trump!!!
And don’t you forget it!
And we liked it!
Instead of a cross on the cover, it will have a big gold T.
(sudden Brave New World flashbacks)
King James Version, is it? Let's inform any NatC who's stupid enough to buy this thing that James I shall I put this?...not heterosexual. 😉
A reticent breeder? Like Secretariat?
Thank you! Obviously I am not judging any adult for consensual libidinous activities, just humorous to me when people who do judge others on those things don't have the full story. And being from Louisville I had to hear a lot about Secretariat and his situation or the legend of same.
Or Prot.
Con men gonna con ... and there's no con so pervasive or pernicious as religion. It figures that Trump would take an opportunity such as that ridiculous bible and attempt to run with it, never mind CHARGING for it when, in some cases, anyone wanting a bible can get one FOR FREE from some sources.
The whole point, obviously, is to at least help to pay for Trump's considerable and mounting legal expenses, though I'd be dubious that bible sales will put so much as a dent in the $175 million he has to come up with for that bond! Just one more stupidity from Mr. Stupid, himself.
Not a good sign when you gotta put out an FAQ that includes the question “why is my Bible sticky?”
The Founding Fathers, the 7 Key ones who had the most influence on what form of government our country would take, did not base our government on "Judeo-Christian" values. That didn't even exist then. Judeo-Christian wasn't coined until October 17th, 1821. And it means nothing to Jewish rabbis and Jewish scholars.
Trump and the NatCs wouldn't much like what the Key founders had to say about Christians and their religion. 5 were Deists and one was a Christian who was only devout when it suited him. He otherwise ignored it. Only one of the 7 was an orthodox Christian.
And evangelical Christians either don't know that or don't want / care to know. They know what they believe and cannot be bothered with inconvenient facts.
They very conveniently ignore what the Jefferson Bible actually is…
Contains the PoA. The original by Bellamy sans the god reference?
No? But it was accompanied by the Bellamy Salute that is an exact replica of the one used by the Nazis. We know that Trump and Christian Nationalists are ardent admirers of the Third Reich.
I cannot understand the people who support him so much because he's an example to them of how anyone can be successful. It's obvious that he's just playing a role. If he is successful at anything it's pretending to be rich, powerful and a leader.
It was said that if he’d just shut up and invested his money in safe stocks instead of whatever it is he’s doing now, he’d be even richer now than even his exaggerated claims.
Yea I remember a financial advisor I listened to on his podcast showing that if Trump had taken that original million and invested it in an indexed fund he would've had more than he claimed he had anyway.
Trump Bible excerpts:
Thou shall commit adultery and divorce multiple times.
Thou shalt lie to push thine agenda.
Thou shalt incite riots to overturn elections.
Thou shalt sic thy followers on thine enemies.
Thou shalt pay porn stars to cover up thine affairs.
Thou shalt endlessly delay justice.
Do unto others before they do unto you.
“ Thou shalt sic thy followers on thine enemies.”
Well, that’s in the “original”.
Now that we've heard Trump's oh-so-convenient God talk, let's be sure to spread the following to his faithful:
"What he really thinks: Trump mocks Christians, calls them 'fools' and schmucks' "
Keep in mind: He said these things back when he was still in office. Oopsies!
I don't do religion in any form and I find this beyond offensive. It's nothing but a money grab for him.
He hasn’t stopped moneygrabbing since the late 90’s. Even when he infested the White House he never slowed down the moneygrabbing.
Oh I know. It's like he continues to level up the offensiveness of what he does every fucking day.
I probably should have seen this coming. Donald Trump shilling a name brand Bible honestly sounds like the punch line of a joke told after consuming entirely too much alcohol, and even then, it's still not funny.
I'd bet even with the income from sales, Trump's still got money problems, though. Trump never seems to get the concept of shutting up despite that lesson being presented in several very expensive forms recently.