But prayer is proven to work, just ask the cancer victims in a pediatric cancer ward.

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Or amputees.

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The existence of St. Jude CRH is sufficient proof there is no benevolent, interventionist god. (Danny Thomas' beliefs notwithstanding)

A god who lets children die of cancer but finds J.Q. Christian a parking space is a monster.

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I regularly stop to ask the forced birthers at the local PP why they are still there, day after day, week after week and year after year, if prayer works. They all carry signs that say "Pray to End Abortion."

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I know I just posted this the other day, but I feel like it's obligatory here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8HT6Ux8FM

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Never too much of Tim Minchin.

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Times are changing, and Sanders is going to alienate at least as many as like what he's doing. The University of Colorado is a public university, and religion should have no place in the athletic department.

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JESUS: "Did I NOT instruct those who claim to be my followers to AVOID public prayer? What part of that did they fail to comprehend?"

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To be fair, they didn't get the "love thy neighbor" or "give all your wealth to the poor" bits, either. Or any of the other bits that might've even slightly inconvenienced them. Or any of the bits that required anything but self-aggrandizement and petty cruelty.

Or any of the bits that had words in them.

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Like what Jesus said about not judging others. Christians avoid THAT one like the plague.

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The King James version of the Constitution says it's okay. /s

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"If we Jesus hard enough, we're sure to win!"

"But... um... shouldn't we be... y'know... practicing the game instead?"

"No! We don't need skill and strategy, we need 𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴!"

"But coach, the other team prays too. Won't we just cancel each other out, and the game will be decided by skill and strategy anyway?"

"That's why we need to Jesus 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳! Haven't you been listening?!"

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Jesus is a hockey fan.

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Nah. Curling.

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Curling irons already existed 2000 years ago ?

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Sure. Plenty of stones around that they weren't using on people.

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The only real saving he does is between the pipes.

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What's in those pipes that make him think he can convince the rich to give up their money and possessions and give them to the poor?

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micro penice should look in a mirror.

I wish the twins the best, they have the right parents, those who truly wanted them.

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A child of a gay or lesbian couple never has to wonder if ze was wanted or an accident. Zir parents went through a thousand hoops to have ze.

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Go figure- the guy who just complained about his former boss putting his family in danger has no problem with attacking another man's family for cheap giggles.

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Mike Pence is an asshole. We're surprised?

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Mike Pence is a Christian, a Republican, and an Asshole--and not necessarily in that order.

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But you repeat yourself.

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Think of it more as tautology...

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christrasshcan ?

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Assholes are useful. micro penice I am not sure.

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This is the guy who almost got strung up by a mob of his then-President's rabid devotees. Rightwing xtians just like himself.

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It seems his memory is shorter than any other animal with shorter memory on Earth.

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According to National Geographic, chimps have been known to retain a short-term memory for only about 20 seconds.

This is short-term memory, but these are chimpanzees. Our closest ancestors.

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My last big bout of insomnia, my short term memory was worse than that. I couldn't read three sentences before forgetting what it was about and having to start all over.

By the way, chimps have small penises, comparing them to micro penice is inappropriate.

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You know that how? 😨

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The porn version of "Gorillas in the mist" 😝

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Ummmm...she heard it? ;)

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6,000 years is an awfully long time...

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India is 10,000 years old. :)

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Where is India mentioned in the Bible? Maybe you mean Indiana?

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Indiana? Only in the book of Mormon.

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Feel the love.

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So Boulder is about 60% "nones", eh? I'll bet that next week the Gazette runs an editorial blaming that fact for the Buffaloes' sorry record on the field.

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How would they explain the very Christian Russell Wilson and the craptacular season he had with the Broncos? Not to mention everything Denver sacrificed to sign him up.

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But Colorado Springs is 99% Talibangelicals.

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I hope the FFRF write a rebuttal and submit it to the Gazette, that kind of misinformation is part of why the US is in the state we are.

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OT- Florida's top fascist does fascist things, story at 11: https://apnews.com/article/sunshine-week-ron-desantis-florida-records-a0061801fffbd075af3de46c73e9e4db

Nothing says "I have nothing to hide!" like trying to hide everything you do, amirite?

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Why do Rethuglikkkans insist on operating in the shadows? Are they so inept at governance that they feel it's the only way? Do they not realize that it simply makes them look like the criminals they are?

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Cockroaches hate light.

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Beat me to the punch.

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The editorial board didn't actually read the FFRF's letter. They heard the FFRF had sent a letter and stopped listening and started screaming "Christian Persecution"

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Your typical American newspaper is written on a 4th grade level, or maybe a bit lower. Andrew Seidel writes at a level vastly higher than that. If they even tried to read the letter they probably threw up their hands and cried "Oooh, all them big, fancy, two-dollar words! Mah brain hurts!"

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FWIW, the Seattle Times has been awarded 11 Pulitzers since 1950 and been finalists for that prize 14 other times since 1982.

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FWIW? I'd say not much. Journalism awards used to have some meaning, back in the day when actual journalism was a respected institution in this country. Today? Not so much. Even the vaunted New York Times is written on a seventh grade level (or frequently even lower) today. Our local CBS affiliate has won a good number of Emmys, Edward R. Murrow Awards, etc., for its news operation. Yesterday one of their lead stories was "A young fifty year old woman was hurt in an accident yesterday..." Journalism awards are no better an indicator of excellence than the Oscars.

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*Jesus facepalms*

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I can still see his nose.

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That'll happen when you have a big hole in your hand.

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Signing off for a bit. Taking wife to get colonoscopy. See you this arvo.

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I get my wife flowers, but whatever works.

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I told DM. She had a bad day and thank you.

DM : *snort*

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Glad I could help.

I actually just remembered, my wife has one scheduled coming up soon and I need to pick her up afterward. I had mine a couple years ago and she did the same for me. The funny thing is the place is a pretty easy walk for us, but they require someone to drive you.

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Well, even walking when coming out of anesthesia could be a little dangerous.

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Yes, better safe than sorry. I actually suggested biking.

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I wonderhow many shades of white are needed to have a diverse The Gazette’s editorial board 🤔

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$5 million and he calls himself a disciple of Christ? I might believe him if he lived in 3bd/2bath driving a new Chevy and using the rest to build low/no-income housing.

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"The Lord helps those who help themselves."

*found nowhere in the bible*

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I'm not saying he has to make *himself* poor, but there's only so much a person *needs* and a reasonable percentage over that for what ze wants should be sufficient to be humble.

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Their messiah walked around everywhere in rags and sandals during his ministry. For some reason, this just doesn't cut it for those who say they are his followers.

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He wanted to experience what life was like for humans, which is why I don't buy he died a virgin. Whether it was Mary M. or John (or both) I believe he got down with someone.

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I still think that a man who surrounded himself with 12 guys was getting himself a little somethin' somethin.'

(John the Beloved, anyone?)

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Judas and he ditched him like a pair of old sandal.

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There's a song called "Stand Up for Judas" that rightfully depicts Judas as the guy who wanted to help others and be free of tyranny while Jesus wanted the status quo while offering pie in the sky.

Great song by Dick Gaughan.

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"I believe he got down with someone."

How do you think he got the nickname "Lamb of god?"

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Whenever a Christian tells me that Jesus wanted to experience what life was like for humans, I always ask them "Wait, doesn't he already know? Isn't he God?"

They never have a ready answer for that one. Can't blame them. The answer either way is a minefield. I even point out scripture that contradicts itself over whether or not Jesus is the same as god or lesser than god (bible says both).

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He dreamed of a degree in aeronautical engineering, but Bethlehem Polytechnic didn't offer one. It was Carpentry, Animal Husbandry or nothing.

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His dad was pushing him to go into the family business.

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Both dads.

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They were $100 Nike sandals. ; )

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But can a christian wear a brand of shoes named from a Pagan Goddess ? 😁

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Gives new meaning to "Air Jordan."

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Michael, row the boat (load of money) ashore.

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Did you see Ben and Matt decided to do a movie about that. I think Matt was doing Ben a favor, he hasn't done a movie that mundane in a long time.

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That said. I win the lottery, I'm still buying a plane. It's not the demons I mind, it's the sweaty, noisy, all too corporeal, humans who don't fit in their seats that I mind.

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To borrow a line from that great philosopher and well-known Warner Bros. curmudgeon, Yosemite Sam, “Great jumpin' horny toads!!!” I already knew that Deion Sanders was a horse's patoot, as I started reading this article, so his behavior is no great surprise. The Colorado Springs Gazette, an organization that not only depends on the Press Freedom clause of the First Amendment but should have a better than average understanding of the Establishment clause of that same element, has no such excuse. Their thumb-fingered response to the FFRF's correction to Deion Sanders' ill-considered action is a disturbing indicator, not just of their editorial stance, but their utter failure to understand the situation at the University of Colorado or the very definition of diversity, which Sanders was blatantly stepping on.

Perhaps worst of all is, if I recall correctly, that Colorado Springs is a pretty right-wing town to begin with. That their editorial may reflect the attitude of the city itself just makes the whole scene that much more fraught, and any outcome that much more potentially compromised.

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"Deion Sanders, then, is doing something clearly illegal."

It's only illegal temporarily. Sooner or later, a lawsuit over a case like this will be brought before CAWCNO (formerly SCOTUS), and they will green-light all coercive Christian prayers in schools and youth sports.

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​​“No one can convince me that he died because of ivermectin,” one member wrote this week.


That's Christian-grade Republican-level MAGA think.

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Can't help but notice that Lemoi, who was giving instructions on how to administer this crapola to children, had no children of his own to poison.

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munchausen by proxy

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Boreal posted this story on the previous FA article about 5 hours ago as of this typing. Thought you'd be interested in more comments on the subject.

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