Dude, that statue fucking rocks! Gonna have to put that on the list of things to see next time I'm in the City.

Which probably won't be for a while yet because of, y'know, the global pandemic Locke and his wingnut buddies keep breathing new life into.

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I love that statue!

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“a leopard [with] feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion.”

Um, what? Bear feet and lion mouth on a leopard would look like… a leopard. Ok maybe the paws of a bear are a little different but there are so many similarities to the snout of a lion and a leopard considering they’re closely related (felines). Even so, this statue does not even remotely fit that description. The paws are leopard paws, the mouth is very much the leopard mouth from art in that part of the world and the Bible said shit-diddly-squat about wings.

The issue with the statue is that it isn’t in the style of male European colonizers, but unadulterated Mexican culture.

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" ...the Bible said shit-diddly-squat about wings."

The statue must have had a Red Bull.

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Revelation 4:8 mentions a talking/singing lion with 6 wings and eyes all over its body.

Somebody was either having a giggle when they wrote that or suffering from a fever dream. Constant hunger will cause you to hallucinate, as well. And don't forget about the hallucinogens of the time.

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A singing lion?

“If i were king of the foreeeeeest!”

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Aslan? Is that you?

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King Leo ? (The Japanese one).

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Then again, "singing" back then didn't resemble what we think of as singing now.

In "Spartacus," Tony Curtis played Antoninus, "a singer of songs." When told to perform, he merely recited the words. No melodies of any kind.

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Poetry for most cultures was supposed to be sung. Maybe Tony Curtis sing as well as DM :D

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♫ There once was a man from Nantucket ♫

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"I am Spartacus!"

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"I'm Brian and so's my wife!"

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I have no doubts that they knew quite well their mushrooms!

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Actually, it was a genetically engineered alien created by Atlanteans.

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Namor's ancestors had a wicked sense of humor.

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A big hug from Aria for saying Namor and not Aquaman :D

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It's not even a leopard. It's a Jaguar. Leopards are native to Africa. Jaguars are native to the subtropical and tropical Americas.

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Facts are stupid things. ~ R. Reagan

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Several chapters/verses earlier, Revelation 4:7 mentions 4 beasts (a lion, an ox, an unknown with the face of a man and a flying eagle). 4:8 says each had 6 wings and bodies covered with eyes.

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I don't know what the bible writers used (or those who originally wrote these myths) but it sound like a bad trip.

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Teenagers. Had to be teenagers pulling everyone's legs and laughing themselves silly.

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No, that was what some paleontologists said when some researchers dared suggest that some hand prints in cave paintings belonged to women (I read that in French, doesn't remember if it came from French paleontologists or not).

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I meant the teenagers of the times. Like the ones who currently have fun with signs outside of churches. :D

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Dec 20, 2021
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Build a wall around the statue!!!

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Is that you, Donald? ;)

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Which one ? There are three of them*.

*The third is not called Donald but his father would probably have loved to give him this name.

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Actually the Donald did not want to name his first born son Donald Jr. Ivana wanted to name the kid that but the Donald said "you can't do that. What if he's a loser?" Ivana got her way and for once in his life the Donald was right.

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Dec 20, 2021
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Lol. Extra upvotes/hearts for that one.

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Love it when Christians claim that an image resembles something in their mythology.

This is the same religion that oh-so-casually steals from earlier myths.

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Even more interesting is that Jebas didn't know Mexico existed.

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Didn't he? Were you there‽‽‽


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Oops, should have scrolled downthread before posting!

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DM told me you're lying. She doesn't remember you.

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Was she wearing glasses, because how the hell could anyone miss seeing a blue British police box in first-century Israel‽

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Not at that time, and DM doesn't understand English :D

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I was there to watch Noah load dinosaurs onto the Ark. Didn't see any.

Noah must've been drunk again.

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Did he load chickens, peacocks or ostriches ?

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Did he at least remember to put on clothes while you were there?

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If he did, he would have turned water into tequila.

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That's not what the Morons claim.

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How do you know? Where you there!?

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Have TARDIS, do travel.

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I have a time machine I bought from a Mr. Wells.

Doesn't go in space and stays in pretty much the same space as it travels through time.

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Penny's got issues.

These brilliant guys were just having fun until she came, started making insults and judging them. Wasting their time? For someone who's both a sometimes waitress and an unsuccessful actor, she's in no position to be casting aspersions.

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He found out when he went on his New World Tour via the Mor(m)on sect of Christianity.

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"God done told me I'm gonna do it!"

That alone tells me Locke's trying to get his message through to the lowest common denominator. No climbing all over artwork required.

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Which "End Times" is this? Christians have had so many "End Times" events that I've lost track.

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An apocalypse for every Christian and a Christian for every apocalypse! It'd be funny if they weren't trying so hard to *cause* it.

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They're so blinkered intellectually they don't see what they're doing, even if it's abundantly clear to those not in awe of superstition.

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I don’t understand this apocalyptic mentality of wanting the world to end and helping to bring it about.

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Yup. It's not a prophecy if you try to make it happen.

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They don't want the world to end - not FOR THEM! They want it to end for all the rest of us!

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Maybe they should switch to High Times.

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Man, I haven't read that in ages. Still good stuff?

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Isn't that a cheap bottom shelf type of whiskey?

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Christians proving once again that they are the cancel culture they accuse everyone else of being when it comes to their beliefs.

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When it comes to banning, burning, well, to “cancel” anything, Christians will give everybody a run for their money!

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Here we go again, Christians see something they don’t like, and call it the Beast from the Book of Revelation. If you ask ten different Christians what the Beast is, you’ll get ten different answers.

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"...If you ask ten different Christians what the Beast is, you’ll get ten different answers. ..."

Wrong! You'll get 666 different answers!

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And every single one will be wrong.

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I wouldn't mind having my picture taken with this cool piece of statuary.

Beats having my picture taken with a statue of a tortured man on an execution device. You know. The one Catholic children see every Sunday at Mass.

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I have to say it is far more aesthetically pleasing than the recently removed (thank goodness) statue of the KKK guy, Forrest. That statue was a blight, well beyond the stain on humanity it depicted.

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I just realized that most crucifixes show him being quite emaciated but we know he was fed well before they put him up there. He had a giant feast just the night before. You don’t lose weight like that in three days (isn’t that how long he lasted on the cross before he “died”?). It takes weeks to lose that kind of muscle mass and body fat. Not that I expect him to be chubby, but they tend to really make him super thin. And the Bible implies he was generally well fed most his life.

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"Bible implies he was generally well fed most his life"

ya know, you surely are right ... after all, he could multiply all those fishes and breads

... just sayin'

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*inserts picture of that one Jesus with giant penis abs*

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I always looked at that and thought to myself "Hey, Jesus isn't circumcised! The Son of Man's a Gentile!"

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It keep growing back, that's why you can see many of them all over Europe.

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And one making up the rings of Saturn.

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Luke says that Jesus went to heaven the day he died. No 3-day layover. He even took one of the thieves with him like some celestial carpool.

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I was wondering how many days on the cross did it take to kill him. I know he lingered and that’s why the guard stabbed him in the ribs, but it only took a couple days. After he died they put him in the tomb (which is not typical of the time, especially for an enemy of the state as him with a following, they would have left him up there as an example and to let the birds and beasts take him) where he stayed for days or he was not there and came back or whatever else is said about that.

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And after the rats and birds got done with the carcass, they would toss it on the town's trash heap. There were no proper burials for the crucified, which is how we know that story is pure fiction.

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That's not the only reason we know the story is pure fiction!

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"... Luke! ... Luke!... You must trust the Force, Luke! ... Trust the Force!"

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You forgot the "H" :D

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Well, why not? He did land a job as a cab driver in hell.


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How do you want to convince people that fasting is christian ? Churches were decorated to allow people to "read" the bible. Most people couldn't read and less knew Latin.

In France, Latin stopped to be used for everything only in 1539 (Villers Coteret).

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Preaching hate at a statue that symbolizes peace and security. Sounds about right for Locke and his ilk.

Some pics that better show the statue's size. http://adventmessenger.org/wp-content/uploads/Rainbow-Beast-United-Nations.jpg

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"God is about to level the whole thing..."

Feh! Wasn't the city of Tyre destroyed in the bible and "never to be rebuilt," according to scripture? Funny how nobody told the citizens of Tyre that because not only was Tyre never destroyed (it is one of the oldest continually-inhabited cities in the entire world and is the 4th-largest city in Lebanon), it thrives as a busy seaport.


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You TOTALLY read that out of context!!1!!11!!1!!11!!

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The context being you will go to hell if you question any part of their fairy tales with facts.

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If they only knew how hollow that threat is!!!

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Does this statue upset and somehow threaten Christians?


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They don't like the UN anyway because of one world government* that isn't their one world government.

*That's not what the UN is about.

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Xtians lie for their Jeebus as easily as they breathe.

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They would love it just fine if it wasn't full of all those heathen foreigners.

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He should go preach from the back of a different, more fitting statue. It's close by.....


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He would rather preach near the little girl statue (if it's still here) for not knowing her place.

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They see the beast in something that does not resemble what the Bible describes, which is typical. Just look at what they use to represent angels. Nothing that comes from the Bible. Nope just romanticized white supremacy. Sure there are dark skinned angels around here and there, but the whole white robe white wings perfect face glowing halo over blond hair is the dominant imagery.

Let’s talk about the Bible’s descriptions of angels.

Cherubs are Animal human hybrids with four faces, seraphim have six wings but only two are for flying the rest cover the face and body, Ophanim are interlocking golden wheels covered in eyes, and the ones that most closely resemble what we see in the stores are the Malakim who don’t have wings and were probably closer to the dark skinned folks in the Middle East.

But Locke and company will see what they want to see and screw the Bible if it doesn’t fit their narrative.

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I read a series of fantasy books who explore several pantheons. In one of them Ophanim are presents, one of them a rebel who decided he wanted to be a motorbike wheel.

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How many people would've known this statue even existed if Lockejaw hadn't called peoples' attention to it? Guess he's unaware of Barbara Streisand and "The Effect."

Thanks for the free publicity, Greggy! Get powder burns shooting yourself in the foot, did you?

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I somehow missed the following on Pastor Lockejaw from a few months ago...

"Trumpanzee Lunatic News - Pastor Greg Locke "Building a Violent Church" for Jesus"


The man is unhinged and bears close watching.

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Points for "Pastor Lockejaw"

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Been using it for years. :)

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I checked visitors plaza, not only as Hemant said, Locust would have to be vaccinated and wear a mask but there is scheduled visits with tour guides.

Let say he goes anyway, he would be able to cry "christian persecution".

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Even if he didn't go he would be crying it.

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