The guy living on the street has a problem which society could solve if it had the will. But theofascist grifters? They are supported by the credulous. That is not a problem which I can think of a solution for.

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The solution is already in process, but it's slow. Feucht's grift religion is in decline. Keep encouraging your family and friends to practice rational, critical thinking, and it will continue to grow in popularity. Rationally thinking people have consciences, have empathy, and they can support solutions to society's problems that actually work, instead of hoping Magic Man will fix it. We won't see the complete end of the lunacy in our lifetimes, but we have been privileged to see the beginning of its end. Persevere.

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If they don't burn it down out of spite, first.

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I'm glad the guy got his guitar back, but why did he have to try putting a religious spin on getting it back? As far as I'm concerned, this is just another example of why we don't want religion in government. The true-believer can rationalize an excuse for just about anything.

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Marketing his brand. It's all about the dollars these days.

The saddest part is the last paragraph- imagine what kind of help a "star" like Sean Feucht could get one homeless man? How about rehab, or maybe rent him an apartment and give him a job? And they did nothing.

"What you did to the least of these, you did to me."

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I once lived in a large Canadian Prairie city in Alberta. Every single day, I drove past at least half a dozen Evangelical Churches that cost millions of dollars to build, and hundreds of thousands a year to operate. There were at least a dozen more of these multi-million dollar Evangelical churches of every Evangelical denomination scattered throughout that city. Now multiply that by hundreds of towns and cities across Canada, and the hundreds of Multi-million dollar Evangelical churches, either already standing, or being built at this moment. Think of the hundreds of millions, if not billions being spent on building, maintaining, and paying staff to keep these places running.

Imagine if these churches all rented Community Centres or School Gymnasiums? Evangelical Churches could make a huge dent is helping solve homelessness and other societal ills.

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Look at the LDS church hoarding billions of dollars to rival Musk and Bezos, not being used at all, not to build ostentatious temples, not to pay off victims of molestation, not to help a single family struggling to pay rent, not to provide charity they claim is a mandate of their god. It’s just sitting there doing nothing. Imagine what it could be doing for what they claim they care about.

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It's all about putting on a show, and telling people what they want to hear.

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The religion industry in this country is raking in the bucks, $1.2 trillion a year, according to one source I read. But sure, let's give those megachurches a tax break.

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Millions have been spent to spam the internet with 'Jesus; He gets us' ads. Think of all the good that money could do if not spent on annoying Netizens with their crap!

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Nov 9, 2023
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Well, I am adamantly against public funding of sports stadiums, we're having this fight in Kansas City with the Royals.

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We just lost that fight in St. Pete. to the Rays.

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Nov 9, 2023
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My Pats paid for their own stadium. The state paid for road improvements to get to the stadium.

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Yes!! Ten percent of all ticket sales, part ownership, whatever.

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But why would they want to do that?

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I'm actually disappointed he got his guitar back, at least under these circumstances. If Jesus of the Bible was real, the Jesus that overturned the tables of the vendors trying to make a quick buck off of the whole God thing, this guitar would have been smashed to pieces and found in a back alley. There is a story of a couple in the Book of Acts, Ananias and Sapphira that were called out for lying about withholding money. God allegedly struck them dead on the spot. If that God were real, there would be a hell of a lot of dead Evangelists and preachers littering churches today.

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One thing needs to be kept firmly in mind: evangelical Christian proselytizers LIE FOR A LIVING. In that regard, they are no different from Donald Trump, and in fact, that's probably why they like him so much. What this amounts to is yet one more effort on Feucht's part to garner more attention to himself and to his non-existent deity. Whoop-whoop.

If he wants to get MY attention, he can turn himself into the local constabulary and admit to committing fraud.

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The religion itself, lock, stock and barrel, is based on a lie.

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They admire baby donnie for being the most successful grifter among them.

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Feucht exploited the man and didn't meet his basic needs. Shameful. I will link to the article on conservative Christian sites to get the word out about Feucht.

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Thank you.

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My own experience involving homelessness and Christianity...

I spent 5 years sleeping at a shelter run by Catholics. I was surrounded by 200 other men aged 50 and older and who had a number of problems. I had to fight for the position every night, but it gave me a place to eat, sleep, shower and clean my clothes while I got my life back on track.

Not once in all that time did St. Martin's ever try to convert me to Christianity (or bring me back to Catholicism, in my case). Unlike Sean Fucked, these people actually heeded the words of Jesus found in Matthew 25:35-40.

(Keep in mind: The shelter may have been run by the Catholic Church, but those who were employed there may or may not been Catholics. Or even believers)

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Somehow, none of this comes as any kind of shock, not even the point that after they got done abusing the poor guy they just tossed him aside. Christians seem to do that fairly frequently, in all truth.

This is little more than performance Christianity, and what's the point of having a religion if that religion doesn't do a thing to make the world a better place? I've always been disappointed in the number of conversion stories I've later found out were faked, misunderstood, exaggerated, or otherwise just outright wrong. Seems to me that the rest of the world will know who the Christians are by their lies, not their love.

Oy. I'm taking a day off classwork, I can't handle my Ethics course after this garbage. Good thing I'm a bit ahead at this point, or I'd be in real trouble.

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"Even McCarty, the guy who “delivered” Williams to Feucht, isn’t happy with how the story was spun out of proportion..."

Weasel words! Weasel words! Well no one read me of these turbulent weasel words?

"Spun out of proportion…" Must be Christianese for "he fucking lied and should be burning in hell forever."

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You can tell by the look on the man's face that he is annoyed. If he is being saved, shouldn't he be smiling and participating in some way. Not just looking annoyed?

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A lot of ministers do this. They want "miraculous" stories. Whether it's to "help" god or to "help" promote themselves.

Everyone is either a "former Satanic/wiccan high priest(ess)" or a "former 'hard-core' atheist" these days.

It's all bullshit.

The people who do good in the world would have helped this guy and no one would ever hear about what they're doing. Because they're too busy helping people to engage in bullshit lying self-promotion.

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Things seem to have gotten a little more wild. In my day was "I smoked cigarettes and danced."

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I can't count how many times DM and me gave money, food or basic necessities to charities or homeless people, neither of us are christians. We don't ask for fame or money for what should be a given, helping those in need. feucht you sean from all the people you used instead of help.

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All I see "Moms for Liberty" do is advocate for banning books from school libraries. Not sure what that has do with "liberty."

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Their "liberty" to control you and your children.

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Not much in the Mom department, either.

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I prefer Stacy's mom.

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Liberty to harass and oppress.

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“I come with glad tidings of a world made free.”

-Lokis for Liberty

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Vive les portes renforcées anti-incendie 😁

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I'm pretty sure that if you asked Ray nicely and gave him enough money he'd 'gift' you another guitar. Irreplaceable my arse.

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I've never seen your arse (and I don't want to), butt I'm guessing it's irreplaceable.

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I hesitate to say this but that cracked me up. (Pun thread, pun thread!)

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Fesse up time !

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Just for you. "I accidentally sat on a baguette – it was a pain in the arse."

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Welcome fellow cheater, buttock better put your seatbelt once NOGOOD arrive, he is good at this game.

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Alas, I find myself far behind. I was out getting a haircut and missed jumping in. All the good stuff's been taken, so I'll be scraping the bottom of the barrel. Talk about a bum deal.

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I was being a little cheeky.

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I'm having to spread my time over several sites at the moment.

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Feucht's next guitar story:

Standing in the rain, with his head hung low

Couldn't get a ticket, it was a sold out show

Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene

Put his ear to the wall, then like a distant scream

He heard one guitar, just blew him away

He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day

Bought a beat up six-string in a secondhand store

Didn't know how to play it, but he knew for sure

That one guitar felt good in his hands

Didn't take long to understand

Just one guitar, slung way down low

Was a one-way ticket, only one way to go

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Sean F. will never be a jukebox hero. He's a foreigner to the truth.

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Head games is all he has.

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Dude is cold as ice.

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He thinks he's a renegade, but he's just a run of the mill grifter.

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It's urgent that we share this story of his duplicity.

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I got my bands mixed up. He's not a renegade (Styx), he's a dirty white boy.

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Feucht's nest of origination, the 7 Mountain Mandate monstrosity that is Bethel church in Redding is full of people who emulate this kind of behavior. It's gross and they grift millions of dollars weekly but do NOTHING for the community they invaded 20 years ago.

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Tangentially Off Topic:

Opinion: The Republican debater with only one gear – ‘D’ for ‘dislikeable!


"Taking a page from the newly selected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson’s biblical republic, Scott made his Christian faith the theme for his debate. It’s not just that Scott was quoting Bible and verse (he was). Scott also emphasized turning toward Christian values. He sounded like he was running for Theocrat of the United States."

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We've have the recorded history of Christians and their 'values.' It's a wonder humanity survived.

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Christians HAVE done good things throughout history, but they were joined by non-Christians in doing so (ex: the Civil Rights Movement). When Christians do uniquely bad and evil things, it's ONLY followers of Jesus who are the participants; for example, I don't think there were too many secular humanists participating in The Salem Witch Trials or The Spanish Inquisition.

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Both you and christians love to barbecue. I don't understand the problem.

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If acting to move mankind backwards 2000 years while polluting and burning the planet gives Christians comfort, what's wrong with that?™

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If Christians want to live in the 1st Century, let's find them some land somewhere that approximates the Middle East at that time (no technology, no medicine, no modern conveniences of any kind) and tell them "here you go."

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I hear Mars is nice this time of the year.

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They'd never go for it. Named after a pagan god.

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If it would help, I'd be willing to change the name to Mosesville or something.

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I know of a spot above an underground glacier on Mars that would suit them well. It is a "good" site that was discovered by that publicity whore with a reality telly show on the BBC.

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Your jealousy shows.

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I have to stop you. Find another time, after 4th century is better. Romans were there at that time. Do you really think they would go without their baths and toilets in cities ?

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I would move it further back for Christians. Plop them down in a time before Jesus and the Romans. Back when biblical life was even more savage.

They love Leviticus so much? Let them experience it up close and personal.

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Tim Scott is an inspiration for African Americans. Praise the Lloyd!

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I enjoyed Lloyd Bridges in the Airplane movies, but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to "praise" him. *smiles*

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I would. He was a liberal. :)

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Left click, click "Open I̲mage in New Tab," and this is what you get:

https://media.tenor.com/ZoP8lMakTwYAAAAd/seinfeld-izzy-mandelbaum.gif 🙂

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I'm curious to see what comes out of the Ramaswarmy vs. Haley exchange. Will he become less popular with the conservative base for bringing her children into it, or more popular for his blatant misogyny? Will her numbers rise because she insulted him, or fall because that's a backtalking woman?

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