All quite interesting, but since the American government isn't at all representative of the American people anyway, singling out one more way strikes me as belaboring the obvious. I mean, start at square one: Real, genuine, honest-to-gosh democracies, democracies that actually fit the definition of the word, have more than two viable parties. America, not so much.
Nice to see that the migration has started. Here's hoping it turns into a MASS migration (and not in a Catholic way).
It's sad that this site feels more like a community than the Charlie Foxtrot that is OS.
And it's barely off the ground/ Remember the high hopes we al had when Hemant left Patheos? Looks like they might finally be fulfilled.
Some, a "creepy stalker" who travel in a little blue box included, seems to like staying in the shadows.
It's bigger on the inside. 😉
You relinquished your lurker position ?
I never lurked over here.
OT: The Republicans can’t figure out what to do, but they’re not going to let anyone else at the wheel, dagnabbit!
We need to get everybody from OnlySky over here...except without the OnlySky.
We may lose NOGODZ :(
Peeky-boo. :)
If that happens it'll be really sad.
Substack suddenly became visible on my laptop.
It's a miracle, I tellz ya.
Why do you say that?
Long story. ;)
I'm only just now being able to see Substack from my laptop instead of just at the library. Hopefully, it'll stay that way.
Can God come, too?
He's already everywhere, isn't he?
Oh HELL no!!!
Wait, who is the Pietist? Does that involve pie?
Apple pie is the One True Pie!
It shows you never had DM's plum pie.
Or my strawberry rhubarb. :)
He stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum and said, “What a good boy am I!”
With our government, what we get is more like mincemeat.
Being frivolous about our congress? You've got a lot of crust.
Wait, George Santos passed on the opportunity to tell another lie? Son of a gun.
All quite interesting, but since the American government isn't at all representative of the American people anyway, singling out one more way strikes me as belaboring the obvious. I mean, start at square one: Real, genuine, honest-to-gosh democracies, democracies that actually fit the definition of the word, have more than two viable parties. America, not so much.
One Humanist, yea! Right up there with the Pietists and Messianic Jews.
"While America has become markedly less religious over time, Congress is just as religious as ever."
If you substitute religious with hypocritical the meaning doesn't change at all.
Cute, now Hemant's back at OS. WTF?
Maybe that's his evil twin.
Namreh. ; )
He has been a bit of a hermit.
The vaccines work!
Note: This is SATIRE
So The Orange Convict was nominated as Speaker Of The House twice, and received only one vote. Twice.
Waiting for him to call that election rigged and to DEMAND they close and install him as Speaker-For-Life.