What does this say about their faith? Jesus knew that this was going to happen, and the omniscient, omnipotent, and infinite creator of the entire infinite universe is powerless to do anything about it. Therefore, people are going to burn in hell, which Jesus knew also. Apparently, he's not a nice man .

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Cafeteria Christians probably won’t care. And they’re all cafeteria Christians.

It’s not like anyone’s gonna be able to locate the actual wine Jesus claimed was his blood, so all wines are invalid.

But then I’m a Catholic heretic who wasn’t brainwashed enough to buy into the whole charade. What do I know?

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I have always compared Catholics to prop comedians.

If the props are more important than the belief, y'all have some serious issues.

People KNOW they are pretending the wine and crackers aren't really blood and body (ick) so let the Pope wave his magic wand, grandfather all that stuff in and start again.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ, raping children didn't get this much attention.

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My paternal uncle was a Catholic priest¹, and his church wine of choice was muscatel, either Carlo Rossi (which some call Carlo Raunchy), Gallo or even Mogen David. Based on this article, I'm fairly sure that his choice of wine was also “wrong”. Oh, well, he consumed a lot more of it outside of mass than during mass.

¹ He was one of the reasons I chose to become an ex=Catholic.

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So they used the wrong wine? Whoop-whoop. Now they want to whine about wine, eh? This after nixing gluten-free wafers, too. Guys (and they are ALL guys, of course), do you think you're putting your attention on the wrong things? Do you think that maybe more focus should go to your people who are molesting kids, and others of you who shuffle those offenders around so that they don't get caught? Seems to me that'd be far more important than stressing about whether to serve MD 20/20 or Thunderbird with your cracker.

Oh, but THIS wine is supposed to be SACRED (whatever that means). Okay, sure. I'll stick with Glenlivet.

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So the omnipotent God of the universe can be thwarted by buying the wrong sort of wine?

Puny god.

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Officer, it was an honest mistake. I thought I was using a Merlot for the absolution of sins. I know most people have a negative a opinion about Merlots, but it's not deserved. But I digress. So here I am thinking that I am using Merlot, to represent and eventually turn into Jesus's blood. But it turns out, and this is kind of funny, I made a mistake. At first, I thought I had used wine made from genetically modified grapes. Which would have totally invalidated the rites of forgiveness. But luckily, I realized that what I used was pure natural,... pure, natural black tar heroin. There was nothing genetically altered with those poppies. So it was a little bit of a oops... but it all worked out in the end. And the eucharist, what some people disrespectfully call a Jesus cracker, was actually crack. It turns out that the blood and body of Christ can really mess you up. But officer it was an honest mistake. And I know that I am absolved of my sins, because I lit up another 2 ounces of the body of Christ.

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For years the wine was a dud, and so the rites that used it were all duds, which produced dud Catholics and even dud priests, who performed dud rites including dud confessions, dud eucharists, and dud baptisms, and countless more dud Catholics, and the dudness has silently spread across the entire Catholic World Empire...

If the magic wasn't working for several years in several Catholic churches, but it WAS working in Catholic churches elsewhere, why didn't anybody notice any difference in the living experiences of the congregations with and without the magic? Is the ONLY difference of effect noticeable when dud Catholics wake up in hell rather than heaven? There's no discernible difference between magic and non-magic here on Earth?

Cue competitor's commercial: "Protestantism lets you customize your religion so you only pray for what you need."

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Now let's be reasonable folks. This is a serious issue for the church, not something minor like priests raping minors. Good thing they can devote their full attention to remedying this crisis.


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Well now we know. All those pedo priests went around raping children must have drunk the wrong wine. If only they had drunk 100% pure Welch's Communion Wine made from 100% pure Catholic grapes they would have remained faithful to their vow of celibacy, and all those children would be happy, undamaged and unmolested.. Yeah, that must be it.

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Question. Didn't we saw the same story about the wrong words said during baptisms a few months ago ?

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Any deity that is that much of a stickler for the rules in light of an honest mistake or the mistaken trust placed in others is evil.

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I'm honestly wondering who profited both from the 'mistake' with the wine, and now the 'correction' of said 'mistake'. This really seems like the sort of thing someone would do just to make a little cash on the side.

One would think that if the wine had such a profound impact on the Eucharist, the priest performing the ceremony would have noticed to something at the time. The fact he didn't probably says all we need to know about these 'rules' regarding communion wine the RCC has.

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I love the social irony of devout Christians suddenly giving a damn about pronouns during their cannabalistic rituals.

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• Catholics magic wine

• Mormons magic underwear and secret handshakes

• Charismatics magic of speaking in tongues and divine healing

• Pentecostals magic of water baptism

• Muslims magic of gaining paradise and 72 virgins for martyrdom.

• Christian Scientists shun medicine because they believe prayer is more effective.

• Jehovah's Witnesses denial of blood transfusions to save a life.

• Scientology weird Xenu beliefs about ruling some ancient galactic confederacy like Darth Sidious.

How about scrap this magical nonsense and work on good character instead with an eye towards self improvement. I think that would be better. Belief in demons or angels doesn't make you moral.

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Fucking christ, they're taking this shit more seriously than their pedophile infestation.

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