May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

If you have to lie, your belief system is a sham and you have already lost.

This article shows once again that religion is harmful to children and other living things. Beating children doesn't make you right, it makes you a bully. Kids learn quickly that the bigger can exert power over the smaller to get what they want, thus perpetuating the cycle of abuse.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Grooming children for religion is demonstrably more harmful than anything I can possibly think of and literally ruins critical thinking skills for life. Few escape from the clutches of indoctrination.

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"Public schools were places where children are bullied, or raped in the bathroom, or taught to hate Jesus."

Pure projections of Christian schools and universities and homeschools much?

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Sounds like a church to me.

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It's incredible what just a little bit of empathy and critical thinking can accomplish- reason enough, I'm sure, for theocratic bastards to eradicate both.

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It's almost as though empathy for that brand of Christian is as anathema as public school education. Their ideology cannot tolerate deviation from their rigid (and effectively impossible) standards.

For them, one must be inhuman to be a "true" Christian.

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That has ALWAYS been their goal. EVERY child is taught by religion to never question religion.

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That worked so well for NOGODZ, Jomicur, DM* and you.

* Unlike you three she had a good experience (her grandfather even spent 2 minutes in a church just for her). Yet she became an Atheist.

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"A virgin can conceive. A dead body can walk again. Your leprosy can be cured. The blind can see. Nonsense. It's not moral to lie to children. It's not moral to lie to ignorant, uneducated people and tell them that if they only believed nonsense, they can be 'saved.' It's immoral."

-- Christopher Hitchens

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Really and truly anyone who believes that a book that has a talking snake, a talking mule, angels, devils, exorcisms, resurrections, heaven, hell, miracles, walking on water, virgin birth, turning water into wine, living in a whale's belly for three days, a man living 969 years, a talking burning bush is anything other then a myth is really fooling themselves.

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"You believe in a book that has talking animals, witches, wizards, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones who need help?"

-- Mark Twain

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Back in the 90s I served on a jury. One of the other jurors was a conservative Catholic guy who told me I should seek psychiatric help for being gay. I responded, "You believe in a virgin giving birth, turning bread into meat, and a physical assumption into a non-physical place, and you think I'm the one who needs a shrink?!" He didn't talk to be for the duration of the trial, which was fine with me. (He was also the only one on the jury who found the accused not guilty because--get this--the villain's given names were "John Paul." It was a civil, not criminal, trial, so his dissent didn't matter.)

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Mark Twain, the predecessor of all skeptics. I sense Hitchins in him or vice versa.

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It doesn’t support your argument against the existence of god when YOU use fallacies against fantasy. You make up quotes by Mark Twain. Why? There are plenty of real quotes out there to use without making some up!

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Mark Twain never said this.

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I saw movies featuring Francis the talking Mule. So it's entirely possible.

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️🎵 A horse is a horse, of course, of course,

And no one can talk to a horse of course

That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.

Go right to the source and ask the horse

He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.

He's always on a steady course.

Talk to Mr. Ed. ️🎵

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Don't forget Mr. Ed on TV. A real talking horse. ;)

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I was hip to Sigmund and the Sea Monsters.

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First Sid & Marty Krofft show I ever watched. Couldn't help but notice that Big Daddy Ooze sounded like Archie Bunker.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

A little different but a Japanese version of the three musketeers where the characters are dogs.


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Krofft Superstars. I enjoyed most of those.

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Movie magic.

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Christianity is predicated on the story of the two nudists in the very distant past who took dietary advice from a talking snake. If that story isn't true, there's no need for Jesus.

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Leprosy is curable with antibiotics.


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Leprosy is easily cured now. But back in the day? Not so much.

Virgins can conceive...right after they lose that virginity.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Even if........asexual reproduction occurred by some freak of happenstance, that doesn't prove that Jesus teachings were divine or that he was the son of God or that his teachings were moral. But clearly, this is from a long list of older savior cult stories.

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Santa Claus is real though, right? And the Easter Bunny, right?

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Yes, but . . . Are you sitting down? I can wait. Okay? Here goes. Brace yourself. The denture faerie is not real. I know it is a big shock, but . . . Damnit man! Breathe. Breathe!

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I know she isn't real because it's la petite souris who exchange teeth with money or candies.

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Money‽‽‽ Candy‽‽‽ WTF!!! All I got was packages of Ramen. 🤬

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I would gladly exchange my candies with your ramen.

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We got beets. And we LIKED it that way!

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

And da Easter Bunny? Dat's anudder guy dere ain't no of.

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The BuyBull/religion turns good people into sociopaths, and already disturbed people like DeSantis and Gregg Abbott into pathological lying psychopaths.

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It's a story as old as religion. Religious groups see themselves as being in possession of the absolute truth, but live their lives in fear of having those beliefs challenged. Therefore, public schools are defined as evil. Some home schooled kids do okay, while others are handed more than they can ever overcome. This burning desire to indoctrinate children before they've reached the age of reason, with ideas an educated adult would reject out of hand, speaks to just how weak the Christian message is.

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They have required beliefs and prohibited beliefs. They know how important the formative years are and do not want their children exposed to any prohibited beliefs until the required ones are deeply indoctrinated.

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Even the deeply indoctrinated can question what's they've been forced fed over the years and consider changing their ways. But that's only if they want to for the good of themselves and others.

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I was branded a heretic when the nun said thed kids in the church across ths stret were all going to hell for worshiping the wrong god. I asked how there could be a wrong god if there was only one?

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You're lucky you weren't smacked, and soundly. That's what would have happened in my grade school.

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I've been smacked from my mom and my dad. Smacked when I was in the Army. Smacked when I was in Judo for years. Seems, my whole lot in life is to get smacked.

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So, the Bealls discovered that what they were getting from their Christian "guides" amounted to little more than IMAX-grade projection. That had to be a near-impossible lesson to learn, but, based on this piece, the outcome was more than worth it.

I'm thrilled for the Bealls for this result and wish them a happy and prosperous future.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

That "Train up a Child" book have ended the lives of 3-5 children and the parents who followed such a book ended up in spending decades prison for it. The Pearls both should face the same fate as the parents. No amount of defense or excuse can justify what the book advocates and what the results of the book have and still produces. The Pearls are directly responsible and should belong in a cage at the Gray Bar Hotel for the rest of their lives.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

My mom would say to me right before a spanking these ominous words:

"Go to your room and wait"

What she never knew was I went immediately to the bathroom and put nearly an entire roll of toilet paper in my pants to protect my butt for what I knew was coming.

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"did not capture the childhood terror of being struck several times a week.”

Several times a week? Jesus Christ, my parents both believed in corporal punishment, because it was the 1950s but it was more like several times a year. I guess my parents didn't believe in "breaking the will?" That idea is terrifying.

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From DM just now, her catholic grandmother (she was raised by her grandparents for several years) never hit her. She scolded her and it stopped here.

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I'm still not in favor of home-schooling even if there was proper oversight. I just don't think separate but equal systems are a good idea even if they are functionally equal. There may be cases where exceptions should be made. (Students with special needs that are not/cannot be met by the local public school system. Children whose parent's job requires extensive travel who would otherwise have to be sent to a boarding school..) And in those cases well-regulated (not in the sense of the modern popular interpretation of the 2nd Amendment)

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Your second proposition for exception to homeschooling is difficult to do. I don't know how good an internet connection* can be on a barge and sending homework by the post can be expensive. Plus there is the problem of socialisation with others children. I hated it at that time but boardschool was definitely the better choice.

* At the time I was in high school in the late 90's Internet was still expensive and the connection was not stable.

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I'll admit I was thinking more of actors on location or working child actors. And socialization is an issue and one of the reasons I oppose home-schooling in general. The balance of home-schooling vs boarding school is probably something that would have to be considered by parents in these situations on a case-by-case basis.

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The priority with child actors should be on teaching them to act, so they won't just be cloying, cutesy little brats.

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Katliks were always big on segregation of sexes. Boys on one side, girls on the other, both in school and church.

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You wrote children whose parents' job... I was one.

Homeschooling work for children/teens who practice high level sports too.

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While there are times when either homeschooling or board schools may be the best available option, I consider both to be sub-optimal. Home-schooling is basically too much time with parents and boarding school is too little.

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When you are in school in France and your parents in another country (mostly Netherlands, Belgium and Germsny) it may be a little complicated. That what not the case for me but I was the exception.

When I was in first grade to 5th, DM drove 800 km and 16 tolls nearly every weekend to see me about 24 hours (I had class Saturday morning and had to be back on Sunday at 6pm at the latest).

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Michael Farris is also president of the anti-LGBTQ hate group, Alliance Defending Freedom.

The paddling nonsense was more fully described by Dobson. He advised to use a hairbrush, paddle until tears appear, if the crying goes on too long ... paddle again.

As for the Christian Bubble, much of it is cult-like. Consider the problems of Hillsong. While elders were smoking, drinking and fucking they were gouging money out of people who could not afford to subsidize the enormous wealth that senior pastors accumulated. They had palatial homes, off-the-books revenues expensive cars (Lambos) and multiple servants to tend to their every need. Donors were asked to substitute their coffee for prayers and to donate their coffee money.

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I read that article this morning & am glad to see it referenced here. So many disturbing ideas behind the Christian Right’s home schooling rationale! I’m glad the Bealls were able to educate themselves and appreciate the breadth of their daughter’s public school education. (Learning to read is so important!)

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1. Physically abusing your children is a proper form of discipline

I got spanked as a child and all it taught me was pain and the unleashing of the wrath of an adult.

2. Questioning the existence of God is the result of trauma.

Once you start to question God's existence, it will be hard to recover from and that cannot be tolerated in a Christian household. In reality, the ability to question things is the sign of an inquiring mind. What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite of Christianity.

3. The public schools are anti-Christian bastions of immorality

Such a statement is so insulting to educators it's hardly worth addressing except in ridicule. Public schools are teaching secular education not religion.

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"and dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark."

How many pairs of Titanosaurus ? One for the genus or one for every species under this classification ?

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I wanna know where he got 2 anacondas (both indigenous to South America, which Noah had no knowledge of and couldn't reach even if he did) and how he told the difference between the male and female, aside from the obvious.

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Leave them alone. They look like a happy couple. Don't ask who does the hunting, it's impolite.

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Lions would be extinct if the flood story were true.

Of course, everything would've gone extinct if that fairy tale were true.

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While the creationists wonder why did the dinosaurs became extinct if God intended to salvage every kind of animal on earth through Noah's Ark from the Flood, including dinosaurs. Doesn't make any sense at all.

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Now, now. If you'll just travel to Kentucky and tour Canned Ham's completely accurate, 100% scientifically verifiable replica, all will be clear to you.

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L believe the claim is that dinosaurs were on the ark, but lower oxygen levels after the flood made them slow and sluggish. Noah's descendants easily hunted them to extinction!

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I'd love to see a 600-year-old man try to hunt down a T-Rex. Or a set of velociraptors. He'd be dino kibble.

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Where he would have get Pinguins and Dodos ?

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Polar bears, Galapagos tortoises, etc.

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Kiwi, Moa, Tuatara, Haasts eagle? Although the latter maybe could have flown back to NZ across the Pacific.

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Pangaea. They walked. I head it took him a century to build the boat. (Probably didn't read the assembly instructions)

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There were parts missing, and it took him forever to get through to Amazon customer service.

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Planaria, amebas, daphnia, paramecia. Did Noah have a good biblical microscope, or what?

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Where did he keep the syphilis and gonorrhea

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He thought bringing two cockroaches onboard was a good idea.

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They snuck onboard, just like they sneak everywhere else.

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And a pair of nice, well-behaved anopheles mosquitos.

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Noah did need the help of a tree pusher to get the lumber for the ark.


Which is why the Sinclair family was on the ark.


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What is this ? 🤪

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"Dinosaurs." An ABC series from Jim Henson.

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Relax. At least it's a step up from "Dinosaurus!" a harebrained movie from christian director Irvin Yeaworth (who also gave the world that brilliant lesson in exobiology "The Blob").

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Titanosaurus, brachiosaurus, diplodocus, dreadnoughtus, argentinosaurus.....you'd need an ark the size of Toledo.

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If there was dinosaurs on the arch what about Meganeura and Arthropleura ?

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Christ, I have a SEVERE phobia for centipedes and millipedes. You just killed my appetite for the rest of the day.

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May I tempt you with a fruit salad with rose water served with a rooibos ?

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Double red rooibos?

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Don't know what a rooibos is? But I had a flash of two hot, naked gingers. Thank you.

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No idea, I bought it because I liked the smell and the box is in the kitchen.


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Being forced fed with sci-fi, Creation fantasies is no way to learn about dinosaurs.

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Which is DM took me to the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle and Jardin des Plantes as soon as she could. I was about 4 or 5 years old.

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I had been to Chicago's Museum oif Science And History, The Field Museum of Natural History, Shedd Aquarium and Adler Planetarium several times in grade school.

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I still have a T-shirt from "Life through Time" – which I saw in San Francisco many years ago. I liked it so much I hardly ever wore it, so it's never worn out. It's still – sort of – fits.

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We took the kids to those a few years ago. They're amazing places.

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As a kid the city sponsored buses to the museums, Cubs and Sox games, Riverview and others during the summer. That was best because we roamed free. I loved the bus because I got to see parts of the city and neighborhoods I could never see otherwise.

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I remember Xmas Around the World at Museum of Science and Industry. The U505 submarine was tres cool.

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When my nephew was younger once a month we would show him 3 or 4 museums or exhibitions pamplets and let him pick one. I will never forget his smile seeing dinosaurs skeletons for the first time :)

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Dear Mother.

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Oh – it's English. I've always wondered, but I thought it must be something in French.

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It's quicker to write than her real nickname "Jurassique" (pun on her paternal family who is from Jura mountains and she obviously older than me).

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I thought it stood for Dungeon Master. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeon_Master

Just kidding, my friend.

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I have someone I want you to meet https://images.app.goo.gl/DB9tJXaqE6D3Xc1V6

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That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure.

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When she first started posting, I thought it meant Dungeon Master. 🤔

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Not to be confused with the BVM, then, huh?

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Je n'ai aucune idée de ce dont vous parlez cher Monsieur.

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Glad they got out, hope they serve as a positive example instead of an object lesson. Or something, I'm heavily medicated today. The rise in homeschooling is kind of scary, the people who stay believers are going to be voting, running for office. The secular vote needs to turn the fuck out.

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Nick Fuentes has about as much integrity as you can get into the left eye of a blind mosquito.

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𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 it's met the sports page face-first, I'd assume.

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