They are basically admitting these laws are unconstitutional and ultimately unpopular by stating in them that “you aren’t allowed to challenge this”. There has got to be a way to outmaneuver gerrymandering without relying on the corrupt system that put it there. We really need the apathetic to vote and vote progressive. When big brother is coming up on our smart screens every day forcing born again Christian prayers on us, it will be too late. These laws are just the beginning and require our attention.

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~ The Christian Dilemma:

The greatest threat to America, and indeed to the rest of world, at this point in history, comes from the staunch advocates of right wing ideology, and I must submit this warning to you: There is a grave problem with the right wing movement, in that; they seem to possess a distorted sense of entitlement. They’ve set themselves apart, and seem to think that their faith gives them the right to view the world from a platitude of conceit, through condescending eyes, and with a false sense of superiority. They actually believe themselves to be superior beings, with a manifest destiny and some strange notion that God is on their side. A people with a desire to conquer, under the false guise of Christianity, seeking to dominate in the name of Christ, their view of humanity being reduced to nothing more than a matter of “us” and “them”.

What they fail to realize is; if the Christ you believe in leads you to view other humans as lesser beings, then you are a follower of the anti-Christ. The plain truth is; God doesn’t have a religion and God doesn’t discriminate. Any religion that professes to be the only true religion, or that they‘re special in the eyes of God preaches false doctrine. If the Spirit of God is truly with you, it will only be known by acts of “unconditional” love and charity. No religion can claim exclusive rights to God. He belongs to all that He has created, and to foster a belief in “us” and “them” is to divide humanity, not unite it.

And so it will be, in The End, that those who have set themselves apart from their fellow man will find that they have set themselves apart from God. The worth of a soul will only be measured by how much it has loved, nothing more, nothing less. Woe to those who have taken the widow’s mite and built castles and empires in His name. They have incurred a great accountability, their suffering will be unending.

Even Jesus will not claim to be Christian, but will only proclaim the glory of the Father. And when He returns they will shout: "Here we are Lord!" And He will respond: "I never knew you". They have forsaken the Word and have become prisoners of the Numbers.

Those who have put themselves first will be last.

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Wow ... It's Monday, all right.

Yet more desperation from Christian evangelicals who feel the privilege and the influence and the deference slipping through their fingers, so they do everything they can to legislate themselves into a position of control, control that they have neither earned nor deserve.

The scariest part of it all is, with the current makeup of the Supreme Court, they might just get away with it.

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It won't work for them, long term At best it's a rear-guard action to put off the inevitable. It might even speed up the demise of organized religion, because people simply do not like having religion forced on them.

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Not enough people. More and more, I fear it will take a miracle to keep the United States from turning into a de-facto theocracy with a dog-and-pony show of "elections" that always elect the same "king".

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Matthew 24:24 “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”


~ As Seen On TV ~ Televangelists, selling Jesus by the gram. Mega-churches ministered by evil men seeking wealth and power, deceiving those seeking spiritual guidance. Stealing their wages, stealing their souls and telling them how they want them to vote. All in the name of Jesus. ~ Anti-Christians ~ The scriptures flow as sweet as honey from their lips, seducing and robbing in the name of God. These are the ones Jesus spoke of that would come in the End Times and deceive many in His name. Anti-Christians: You will know them by their bigotry, their hatred, and their contempt for “others”.

Matthew 7:21-23

21 “Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter God’s kingdom. The only people who will enter are those who do what my Father in heaven wants. 22 On that last Day many will call me Lord. They will say, ‘Lord, Lord, by the power of your name we spoke for God. And by your name we forced out demons and did many miracles.’ 23 Then I will tell those people clearly, ‘Get away from me, you people who do wrong. I never knew you.”

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Mere religious freedom is never enough for some people, especially conservative Christians who can never stop trying to mark their territory in our civil government. Religious freedom is the very last thing this stupidly dangerous piece of legislation is about. It's all about institutionalizing Christian privilege, at the expense of every other point of view.

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Religious freedom FOR THEM, which amounts to religious license and religious supremacy for themselves, putting them first and anyone else nowhere to be seen. No negotiation, no wiggle room, no give-and-take with any other belief system.

Because they haven't the emotional or intellectual maturity to be able to consider any such thing.

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Typical of a bible belt traitor state to try and remove the wall of separation between church and state.

And they never wanted to be part of the Union to begin with. Fuck 'em. If they were to secede, they'd be a third-world nation. IOW, a "shithole country" like their beloved Apricot Assclown said.

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Texas and FL, vying to see which can be the worst states.

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Louisiana says: "Hold mah beer."

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Shouldn't that be "Hold mah moonshine"?

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Only two?! We're not even down to the Final Four yet.

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We're still waiting for the Sweet Sixteen.

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Just secede already.

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Only if Dallas,Houston,Austin,San Antonio, and El Paso get to secede from Texas first.

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Only if the Cowboys secede from Dallas first. (I know they aren't actually in Dallas.) : )

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It will take dynamite to move Jerry out of that monument "he" built in Irving.

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OK by me. : )

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Can it be considered a way to go around Obergefell too ? Clerks using their faith to prevent gay and lesbian couples to have a marriage license ?

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The conservative Christians are working on getting Obergefell back in front of the SCROTUS so it can be overturned like Roe. These conservative Christians won't be happy until my country is run like a medieval fief.

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Then they'll go after Lawrence.

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Isn't he dead? Please?

FTR, I meant Lawrence v Texas, a SCOTUS ruling that said states could not outlaw consensual sodomy between people above the age of consent. From 2003 so 20 years ago.

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Best Lawrence Welk clip ever. He just loves this "modern spiritual."


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"...this elected official does not care about the constitution or the rule of law, but rather only cares about imposing religious beliefs on others as much as possible."

"It’s the sort of legislation you’d expect in a theocracy, not a secular democracy committed to religious pluralism."

This is just going to get worse and worse. As the church pews continue to empty out, as Christianity continues to shrink in Texas and the rest of the U.S., increasingly desperate Christian legislators will adopt increasingly draconian methods to first use the government to PROMOTE their fading religion, and later to FORCE it on the public.

I'd call this a slow-motion religious war, but it's not so slow.

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And ultimately, it's a futile effort.

Religions...especially the Christian one...have tried to enforce their beliefs on others under penalty of death when they were not just powerful, but accountable to no one. Nonbelief has not only survived, it has thrived. How can the religious possibly hope to stamp out an idea?

Hitler (a Christian) claimed to stamp out atheism in Germany. He's long gone. Atheism goes on.

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I agree that in the long run, government-promoted or coerced or forced Christianity will fail, but in the short run, I fear that the protracted process of that failing will be destructive and even bloody.

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Indeed. The recorded history of Christianity has been written in blood since the 3rd Century CE.

"Religion of Love." Yet another Christian delusion.

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If there's one thing I've learned about Christians back when I was forced to attend Sunday School, it's that they really really REALLY do love washing everything in blood.

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They tried using bullets on atheists. Even if the atheist died, atheism lives on and on.

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What didn't they tried on atheists ?

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You always know your freedoms are at great risk whenever rightwingers propose bills with the word 'freedom' in their names, or that a law will have profoundly troublesome aspects for your family if the word 'family is in its name. More sure signs the religious freakshows are getting desperate as church attendance and religious belief declines and they're pulling out the stops to try to groom all the kids into their vile religion.

It's deeply offensive and extremely dishonest, and should make everyone physically ill, that they constantly attack freedoms while claiming they're protecting them. What's most astounding, and rather worrisome, is that a good many of them actually believe the transparent BS.

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THEY DO mean freedom and family. They are speaking of their 'freedom' to force you to raise your family as they demand.

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This while forever whining that their children are somehow being groomed by people outside their religion.

As always, if Christians do something, it's called "religious freedom." Return the favor to them? Why, that's "persecution!"

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I would think that allowing any individual state to effectively override the Constitution would be a Bad Plan, but then I try to be sensible that way.

Just wait until someone starts pushing those prayers to YHWH or Allah and see how they like it, I guess.

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I want to see The Satanic Temple get in on this action.

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"It’s the sort of legislation you’d expect in a theocracy, not a secular democracy committed to religious pluralism." In short, Texas. Oh, and Arkansas, North Dakota, West Virginia, Virginia, South Carollina, Louisiana...and, er, how much time did you say you have?

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I finished diner and I won't watch TV, go ahead 😁

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OT- Of course, they never considered just... y'know... 𝘯𝘰𝘵:



"Cletus? Hey, Cletus, I can't get them drugs we use to execute folks with!"

"What? Why'n the hell not, Jimmy-Bob?"

"Company what makes 'em says they don't wanna sell 'em to nobody who's gonna use 'em for killin' folks!"

"Well that's goldarn inconsiderate of 'em! Buncha hoity-toity libruhl pansy snowflake hippie commie wishy-washy no-good sissies!"

"Well, what're we gonna do, Cletus?! We gotta kill 'em with 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯'- we can't just 𝘯𝘰𝘵 have executions!"

"Don't you fret now, Jimmy-Bob. This here's the 𝘠𝘖𝘜-nited States of '𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢. If'n we can't shoot 'em up with drugs, we'll just hafta shoot 'em up with 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘴 instead!"

- Discussion on the floor of the Idaho Statehouse, probably.

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It's a bit wasteful. Bullet in the back of the neck, family charged for cartridge. That's the way real dictatorships do it.

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This is America. We'll use 300 bullets and charge the family for each of them. Plus tip.

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I wouldn't trust anybody that volunteers for the firing squad.

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To do what? 😁

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Didn't they used to make fur coats out of them? Gosh they're far too cute for that.

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Is that a gang bang with chimichurri ?

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A chimichanga is a deep fried burrito.

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Worst. Lube. Ever.

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Appalling food, no quiero 🤮

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Faux Mexican. This is the restaurant I was referring to the other day when I posted: since they got rid of the stuffed burritos, I haven't run to the border.*

* One of their old advertising slogans

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I eat there almost every day. It started during COVID, I could order and pay on the app and the only contact was through the drive-thru window. Now I do it because I'm broke and it's the only thing I can think of that I have time to eat at lunch that doesn't cost $25

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hope the secret service has a chat with this guy


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Never heard of her before. But I don't find it surprising that a TERF claims if you don't agree with her you hate women.

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TERF can go fuck themselves.

From a cis woman.

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Standard right-wing rhetoric.

If you don't agree with bigots you hate women, if you don't agree with Republicans you hate Murika, if you don't agree with pedophiles you hate Christians.

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Oh no. That's free speech. He didn't say he was going to do it, or tell specific people to do it. He said the government should do it. Just like all those NIFB preachers who call for the execution of LGBT people.

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So the government should round him up and toss him in the deep end of a CAFO lagoon....with cement shoes.

The government should. Yeah. Because.

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Oh, Homeland Security...

We've got a live one for you.

How come the guys with the biggest mouths (yet know nothing) always seem to have microphones?

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OT - One for our mademoiselle


Check out the featured comment.

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"Waiter, this food has snails in it."

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I love the way she uses the snails claws 🤣

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Muzi54 and me have something in common, except I only went twice to London (high school trip and a George Martin signing).

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Scary that this isn't much of an exaggeration.

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Maybe if someone tell them it's looks like too Jewish or too catholic, they will stop 🤔

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Taggart: I got it.

Hedley Lamarr: What?

Taggart: Let's kill every first born male child in Rock Ridge.

Hedley Lamarr: Nah, too Jewish.

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