The sense of Christian privilege and entitlement runs deep in this country, and most Christians simply cannot get their heads around the fact rights are NOT matters of majority rule. Ironically, the people who prohibited the hanging of these banners are great examples of why the meeting the atheist community is promoting is so necessary. The people who think they want God in government, always assume it will be their particular god, and no one else's.

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Christian Nationalists are all for the tyranny of the majority ... when THEY perceive themselves to be IN the majority!

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If they really thought they were in the majority, they are in the right, and/or their ideas were desirable for the community, they wouldn’t be suppressing the opposition through these bullying tactics. They wouldn’t need to vandalize the banners or deny them.

They know they are not popular, that’s their whole purpose, force themselves onto anyone who isn’t interested, even those who may be but too naive to understand the consequences. They’re not out to win hearts and minds, they’re out for power. They’re Nazis, Nazis never cared about the people’s opinions or rights.

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I'm not even sure whether they care about being "right." I think they want their way and are willing to do damned near anything to get it.

What we have here are a bunch of privileged spoiled brats.

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That’s what I said.

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They are also the first people to cry persecution any time they are prevented from forcing their beliefs on others.

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Many of these christians can't fathom that their religion doesn't get to dictate what is real, true, or moral, it's truly beyond their ability to comprehend. They often demonstrate this quite clearly whenever they try to argue their BS.

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Minor correction: rights 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 be matters of majority rule. For far too many people living in red states, however.... currently, they are.

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Oh, I know in practice rights are often seen as matters of majority rule, but legally, they are not.

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If anything, they exemplify the disconnect between religion and morality.

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You are so right about their misunderstanding of rights vs. majority rule. There’s a Christian Nationalist on a local forum who keeps yammering about ‘community’ rights. This kept coming up in the context of marriage and abortion. Some other commenter took him to task by asking if a ‘community” could, by majority rule, require abortions for anyone who already had 2 children or prohibit opposite sex marriage. He had no reply that made any sense.

I wish I was that clever.

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Hopefully. some of the clearheaded citizens of Ft. Worth will get the powerhouse FFRF involved in this attempt at squashing true religious freedom/freedom from religion.

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Outside agitators. ; )

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Oh, xtians love outside agitators when it's for something they want (NOM, anyone?)

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The article says that the Metroplex Atheists have American Atheists at their back. Sure, I like FFRF, but American Atheists ain't chopped liver by a LONG shot!

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Oh no, I just mean the more, the merrier. Really pile it on. And how about adding Americans United for Separation of Church and State? 😁

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Certainly ... and the American Humanist Association, too. I've known the AHA to file a lawsuit or three here and there! It is WAY past time cities like Fort Worth learned that they are on the WRONG side of this argument!

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Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023

Cristers scream about persecution in America but it's the atheists banners that get slashed. Guess we know who the truly persecuted are in this country.

Just imagine the screams from the Religion of Love if their things were vandalized.

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They'd go hunting for the culprits with howitzers in their hands and murder in their hearts.

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Tru dat. You know Christians very well.

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Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023


Trump and his brownshirts aren't even trying to hide their hatred of democracy. Trump is out for absolute power...

"Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025"


Image the reichwing's reaction to this power grab if it came from Biden.

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Trump wants to emulate Putin, Duterte, Xi Jinping, Orban ... any autocrat you can name. He wants to turn the US into the Dysfunctional States of Trump.

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Replacing the stars and stripes with a gold T on a field of red, black and white.

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With Manchin openly mulling a third party run, we all have cause to be VERY nervous.

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Not to mention the Kennedy thing. Although he'll presumably get the lunatic vote which usually I would imagine would go to Trump?

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Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023

I wanna see a bloodbath between Tangerine Tojo, Ron DeInsane and the "pro-life" ammosexual.

The American public gets a good look at those 3 stooges and they might just think Biden looks a far better choice.

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When the banners go up, ask for security cameras. Christians can't be trusted to turn the other cheek.

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Too expensive, the money is earmarked to put god back in public schools.

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Texas lets you customize your laws, so you only obey what you need.

Who needs a state legislature or constitution? Just pull a law out of your ass.

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OT : We finally had answer about the last love story between DM and hospitals. The catheter for her chemo posed about a month ago was contaminated with 2 bacteria. She is given antibiotics + nutritional supplements IV. She won't be discharged before the end of the week at best and her chemo is cancelled for now.

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Here’s to a speedy recovery and back onto kicking cancer’s ass.

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*internet hug memes*

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Thoughts for DM but no prayers!

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Oh, Babs, ya gave us so much more than Yentl, you gave us a whole effect!


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It's not the crime, it's the coverup.

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Perhaps the event can attempt to put up banners describing the conference topics: "How Christian Nationalism Silences Opposing Voices" and "How Christian Nationalism Vandalizes What It Cannot Silence".

The response would at least give a benchmark for the Fort Worth officials' resistance to irony poisoning.

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"Lacking significant magnitude."

That could apply to the existence of Jesus (for which there is NO evidence whatsoever, significant or otherwise). Lacking significant magnitude hasn't stopped Ft. Worth from kowtowing to Christian fantasies.

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Well... Jesus may not have much magnitude, but the xtians sure have a lot of frequency and amlpitude.

Once had a bible thumper tell me that FM radio was the devil.. unlike the jesus made AM that he listened to Rush and his preacher on...

(I asked him about all the wicked rock and roll on AM.. and the convo kinda ended there)

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Xtians certainly create a lot of static.

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Kinda weird when you think about how many times bible thumpers claim repeatedly that atheism is a "religion." They squall about "religious liberty" but this is pretty hypocritical and obviously christian privilege. I mean, if atheism as a religion, Ft. Worth city officials should have no problem with it, right?

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They SAY "religious liberty." What they mean is: "CHRISTIAN religious liberty."

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Or "Christian Rule in America."

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Cross-swingers keep proving they don't know what atheism OR religion means.

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What would be great to see is Black Atheists be aggrieved. The Woke reaction will be discrimination against them on the basis of race, not creed. Where is Dr. Nira Cain-N'DeGeoCello when you need him?

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Headline-"Kenya Doomsday Cult-400 dead. PASTOR IN CUSTODY! It seems like Africa is a hotbed of christian ignorance. These 400 FASTED THEMSELVES TO DEATH! Their pastor told them that was one way to meet jesus. FKN ignorant people and religion. It's so easy to see the negative drag on civilization of christianity and christians.

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Notice the pastor didn't want to meet Jesus. Maybe he'll do so in custody.

Christians blame atheism for the drop in their numbers, but it's plainly obvious who is doing their best to reduce the Christian population. And it isn't nonbelievers.

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The religious freedom crowd should be calling Fort Worth out for this if they truly care about religious freedom, but what they really care about is freedom for them to use their religion against others. Just another case of Christian hypocrisy and privilege.

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They care about protecting their privilege a whole lot more than freedom of religion.

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Yep. They use the law when it is convenient for them and ignore it when it gets in the way of their agenda.

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Their concept of both religious freedom and their religious rules is that there are protections for me and not for thee and rules for thee and not for me. If you are an other, you are bound by the rules and they are not.

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Early OT- When you take over cable TV's biggest time slot only to get told off by your mommy live on air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP2__DVZQOo

𝘐'𝘮 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨. Fox's second most unfunny fool, Jesse Watters, took a phone call from his mom during his shiny new 8PM show.... only for her to scold him about the network's recent legal troubles, culture war bullshit, and lack of empathy. He tried to talk over her like he does anyone else he disagrees with... and she shushed him like he was speaking out of turn at the dinner table.

I somehow don't see this show lasting very long. Just a hunch. Now off to re-watch and have another giggle fit.

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Isn’t he the guy bragging on national television that he slashed a girl’s tires so she would have to accept a ride from him, but it’s okay because they’re married now. And he did it while he was still married to his first wife. Or was that a different greasy Fox News anchor?

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I mean, that sort of behavior could've come from 𝘢𝘯𝘺 of those overgrown frat bros. Misogyny seems to be a condition of employment. Even for the women.

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Given that they made a fair bit of money denigrating women who'd been sexually harassed, just before they brought a lawsuit against Fox for sexual harassment – I'd get rid of the even.

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Can't tell. They all look the same to me.

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Jesse Watters later claimed that was a 'JOKE."

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Moms. They can humble you, even in front of a national audience. :)

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I love the end "I scolded you in public but I expect you at my next dinner party (and that's an order)".

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Moms have superpowers we may never understand. Mess not with the moms. ;)

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They do indeed! :D

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I've always wondered how Watters got away with all the bullshit he used to do on the street insulting ethnic minorities. It speaks wonders for their restraint, because he certainly has a Backpfeifengesicht.

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I wish to propagate the meme that reverses the order of "Christian nationalism" to "nationalistic Christians", because then it's so much easier to refer to them by the shorthand "nat-Cs".

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There's a reason I call them the NSGOP.

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Calling them "christian nationalists" seems kind of redundant when we already have "National Socialists." There doesn't seem to be any detectable difference between the two.

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Yup. The Nazis were devout Catholics and Lutherans, after all.

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Christian Privilege ... AGAIN. Only this isn't just a matter of privilege. It's also a matter of a private company – Lamar – being pressured by Fort Worth city officials NOT to do business with a specific group, where they'll entertain any other client. When the Freedom From Religion Foundation put up our poster in Cleveland in 2016, in anticipation of the Republican National Convention, Cleveland said NOTHING about that, nor did we get so much as a whiff of blowback. That this is happening well into the Bible Belt really says it all.

I hope Fort Worth is ready for a spanking, 'cuz they sure as hell have earned one!

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"I hope Fort Worth is ready for a spanking"

Yes, yes! A spanking!

And then the oral sex!

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Oh, let's not RUSH things! Next I break out the floggers (rabbit, elk, and bison) and maybe a paddle and/or a cane!

Sticks and stones may break my bones / But whips and chains excite me! 🤣🤣🤣

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I've never heard it called "flogging the rabbit" before.

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How about "bunny hug?"

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They won't listen with a punishment so light. Go go for the Russian knout.

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I wonder if the local paper would publish letters to the editor from atheists and out of staters...

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"Christian Privilege ... AGAIN. "

You misspelled "still".

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