So, what happens when people take them up on their offer to learn more about “Christian heritage” and they find out it is bollocks?

How do you turn a Christian into an Atheist?

Have them actually read the Bible.

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Makes a lot more sense for Dolly Parton's book to be on that list than the Bible- Coat of Many Colors is at least about someone born in Tennessee, it has a sweet, wholesome message for kids... and in any case, she's a 𝘸𝘢𝘺 better role model than any of the twisted fuckers in the Bible.

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Where was Aitkin’s printing press where he printed this Bible? The bill only says that Tennessee is where the most reproductions are printed now, not that the original was printed there. It’s a tenuous connection to TN, at best.

Oh look! Aitkin was a Philadelphia publisher.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Aitken_(publisher). I’m gonna assume the originals were printed in PA.

Republicans will grasp at any straw to push their religion on us and do anything to keep from actually doing the people’s work.

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Not a single book about the KKK, which was born in Pulaski, TN.

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Christian Heritage Month. Will they be celebrating Christian traditions like the genocide of indigenous people and the theft of their lands? How about the fact that they participated in and profited from the institution of slavery.

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I'm going to make this quick: Tennessee has official jumped the shark ... and I don't mean any measly nurse shark or mako shark or whatever. I mean a GREAT WHITE MUTHERFUCKER, the kind that made Richard Dreyfuss say, "We're gonna need a bigger boat!"

Stupid is as Tennessee does, apparently.

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“Christian Heritage Month”

Give them a month and they'll take a year.

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Bibles are collections of ancient myths that people wanting to either control people, make a nickel or both use by claiming the myths are real events and inerrant.

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Speaking of notable works by state authors, you don't get any more Tennesseeish than Tennessee Williams, so howzabout putting "A Streetcar Named Desire" and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" on that list?

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State Rep Bulso is another bible beating misogynistic pervert.... that pretty much sums up the US Republican Party including the super majority here in Tennessee where I unfortunately currently reside.

Rep Bulso also voted against the bill last week prohibiting first cousins from getting married. One, because he's a perv. And two, his grandparents were first cousins. You can't make this shit up. Yes, it ended up passing but no help from incest Bulso...... then to show support 9 other Republicans who previously supported it declined to vote. Just like corrupt and perverted clergy they all stick together.

Last year TN GOP got the "In God We Trust " added to the state seal. Arent they so productive?? Nevermind about about the $720M in federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program that has NOT been paid out in years, because...well......fuck them low income people ....thats gods will and plan for them to suffer.

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Can’t do the Aitken Bible. Cutting out everything but the meaty parts makes me constipated and generally pissed off.

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I wonder if some magats or evilgelicals will sue the State for including other books with their beloved babble. I would love the irony.

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The religious right clings to the delusion the United States is a 'Christian' country, or is supposed to be. This is in spite of the fact the words Christian, Jesus, Christianity, and Bible appear no where in the Constitution. The blood soaked history of Christian on Christian violence in Europe was the real guideline the founders used, not the Bible. They gave religion NO role to play in our secular government. Christians tend to see their magic book as the answer to everything, even though the majority of them have never actually read it.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

It makes sense that people who can't think of a better Ten Commandments can't think of better books. Religion on the brain can cause self-imposed thinking barriers because of garbage in garbage out syndrome. For instance anyone can think of a better Ten Commandments--unless they self-impose their own thoughts inhibitors because of garbage in. Imagine having a brain and then imposing your own self-imposed brain exile.

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OT- butthurt Florida Man hoist by own petard: https://apnews.com/article/florida-ron-desantis-education-book-bans-65daf4420318a837487976c10bb75d86

Guv'nur DeSeptic is whining about his own book ban law because activists noticed how idiotically over-broad it was and used it to challenge books Ronny Bootlifts 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 want banned. Sucks when you try to Do a Fascism only to have it blow up in your face, don't it?

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"Christian Heritage Month," otherwise known as "December."

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