I've said it before and it continues to be true:

Christians are like date rapists. They simply refuse to take NO! for an answer.

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Assuming the court sides with the Xtians on school prayer: As the country gets browner, we will start seeing Muslim and Hindu teachers and coaches. I can't wait for Xtian heads to start 'asploding once the followers of the gods Allah and Kali start to assert their First Amendment rights to virtue signal and proselytize on the clock at public school events alongside the Evangelicals..

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"SCOTUS" Now known by me as Supreme KKKatlik Kangaroo Kourt Of The United States.

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I wouldn't be surprised a wee bit if digging into the background of those RC judges would bring to light connections and influences of Opus Dei and the Pius Brotherhood. While thankfully dead and rotting in their shallow graves, we should not underestimate the inspiration, impact, and influence of Franco's “National Catholicism” on the minds and imagination of ultraright Catholic circles. Pinochet and the rest of his fascist buddies in South-and Central America, were admirers of Franco and his regime, and their “ghosts” are still roaming strong in those circles.

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Becoming a more diverse country might actually force Republicans to become more moderate, because voter suppression and gerrymandering will only get them so far. Hopefully that will make them less likely to stand against the nomination of judges that will overturn many of the bad decisions by our current Supreme Court

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That's a vain hope. They're much more likely to introduce gas chambers. The traitor party wants to create a theocracy as they feel its the last route to doing down the masses. Won't their SA men be surprised though when it turns out that the theocracy will be catholic in its nature?

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The only way they are going to be able to create death camps for "people unworthy of life" like the Nazis did will be if they are able to silence all opposition and turn the country into a dictatorship first.

Also it probably wouldn't be a Catholic dictatorship as most American Christians are of the protestant variety.

Beyond that, if you look at most polls on the subject, America seems to also be getting less religious, in addition to more diverse, making that scenario even less likely.

It's not a vain hope, because for them to even suggest gas chambers for non whites or non Christians would already be political suicide for them

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They are already creating such a death camp, it's called Mexico. They are forcing people trying to get into the US via the southern border to stay in Mexico, where they are suffering and dying.

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That's not good, but that's not the same thing and you just insulted Mexico and everyone who lives there

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"By granting review in this case, the Supreme Court is threatening to upend decades of strong separation of state and church precedent in our public schools,”

Which is exactly what they want to do. In spite of all their weasel words and promises before they were confirmed.

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The fascist strategy was never hidden, Liberal America ran with open eyes against the wall.

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Seven Mountain mandate

,,, just sayin'

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It was hidden enough that it was possible for people who weren't paying really close attention to miss it, unfortunately.

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And they will instantly turn around as soon as someone from a non Christian religion is in a similar position of power and condemn them for it. Hopefully enough of them come to the realizations that letting Joe Kennedy get away with this, will open the flood gates to all sorts of religious practices getting tax payer funder that they won't like. If Kennedy wins his case and is able to keep his job, than it will be only a matter of time before some non Christian who ends up in a position at public school with a captive audience of children decides to use their position to promote their religion and ends up being able to keep their job after the they tried to fire him, because the Supreme Court ruled that you couldn't fire someone for promoting their Christian faith. Imagine a Muslim coach in a public school in the middle of the Bible Belt starts encouraging his team to pray to Mecca accept Mohammod as Allah's final prophet. The good Christian kids on the team complain and the school board fires the coach, only for a lower court to rule in favor of the Muslim coach and give him his job back citing Joe Kennedy VS Bremerton High School, and the current supreme court is unable or unwilling to hear the case. Now there's a Muslim coach able to proselytize in the middle of the Bible belt and there's nothing the devout Christian parents or the devout Christian school board can do about it, because according to the courts firing him for promoting Islam is "discrimination" and a "violation of his religious freedom." Hopefully the fear of something like that will be enough to stop the conservatives on the Supreme Court from making such a dumb decision.

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“… Imagine a Muslim coach in a public school in the middle of the Bible Belt starts encouraging his team to pray to Mecca, accept Mohammed as Allah's final prophet. …”

That would result in “Suicide by stupid Redneck” or, in “Suicide by Redneck stupid”. Either way, he/she would most likely end up dead or, find themselves in a living hell, where you wish you'd be dead.

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Start praying top alla for a successful fatwa against skkkotus?

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Christ wasn't happy about prayers in public but it's another one of those things ignored by Christian Nationalists.

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Ignoring things is their core competency.

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How can they ignore something they never read in the first place?

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Yep, they I ignore a great many things, including simple compassion and decency.

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"O Lord our God, we humbly beseech you to ignore all the pain and suffering in the world and give us the might to inflict pain and suffering on our adversaries on the football field. We ask in the name of your son Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen."

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JUST LIKE the other team prayed to their imaginary mascot..

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OT, for your amusement, a juxtaposition:

- Dog Brains And Languages


- A Study On Celebrity Worship And Intelligence

note: I would consider Jesus as a celebrity


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Comment appeared twice then disappeared. Almost as bad as discus – actually worse. Celebrity worship equals lesser intelligence. Why am I not surprised?

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We did not domesticate dogs, they domesticated themselves.


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Whereas Cats domesticated us. ;)

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Why is it that there are so many Christians who are just like him, and ignore what Jesus had to say about turning prayer into a public spectacle?

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People in positions of power at public schools should not be able to use those positions to promote their religious faith. If you're a Christian and you don't have problem with this, try imagining that the coach was a Hindu or a Muslim, or a Satanist, or any religion besides yours.

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This should have been over when the SCOTUS denied him the first time, even if they indicated they were sympathetic. I thought that’s the end of the line.

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Xtians like to think they get infinite do-overs.

And yet rule-breaking xtians have the gall to call law-abiding atheists 'arrogant.'

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You must remember that these are people who believe in miracles.

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This is why the Supreme Court has got to be extended. It shouldn't be just 9 anymore. It should be much more than that to balance the number of Justices that are out there.

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It’s not just the number of judges, it’s also the ideology of the judges too. Right now there are too many on the bench who are excessively biased towards Christianity, and the Constitution comes second to them. Also, if Biden does attempt to expand the Supreme Court, he’s going to have a extremely difficult time trying to get more liberal judges through the Senate.

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There should be one from every Court of Appeals...so 13. You got 5, Joe, use 'em.....

(And don't piss one away on Garland, that bitch has shown he's not up to the job)

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Garland not up to the job? Is that so? Then explain why Garland and his men manage to bag the leader of the Proud boys and charge him with "seditious conspiracy?" It happened not to long ago.



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Who falls asleep in Democracy, wakes up in Tyranny! If Liberal America don't get their shit together and punches back, one not so far day it will wake up and find itself in an openly Fascist regime.

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I keep this link handy for times like this. Yes, it’s from the World Net Daily. The mystery to me is why they published it.

“ Why I'm against pre-game prayers”


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they cannot even get along with each other.

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“World Nuts Daily” he, he, he. We miss you, Ed.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

Today's WND would not publish this article today. They've gone whole hog for Trump and Christian Nationalism. Here's their take on this situation - https://www.wnd.com/2022/01/supremes-review-case-praying-coach-finally/

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My students and I were having a discussion about things inside the solar system (such as the Sun, planets, moons) vs. things outside the solar system (black holes, stars, nebulae). One student said, "God." I told them, in no uncertain terms, that science class is NOT the place to talk about religion. I actually asked him, "Which god?" I have a Muslim student in that class and she smiled. I told them they'll have to take a comparative religions class in college. I also told them I was pretty sure their parents didn't want ME talking to them about religion. ;)

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When I was getting my undergraduate degree, I took an ancient cultures class and a comparative religions class with the same professor. When discussing cultures and religions it quickly became clear that I was an atheist. The professor was so professional that after taking both of these classes that to this day I do not know what his religion is. And yes, he was a very good professor.

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That's awesome! Maybe he was like Pi in "Life of Pi," where he had so many religions every day was a holiday! :D

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Is there any word about when this goes to the new site? We are no longer in early January.

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... and this site is subpar

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The page has changed. The list of bloggers had been replaced by a box asking for a password.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

OnlySky wants a password? How can they ask for a password when we haven't created an account yet?

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Ask Hemant, not me 😝

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Well thank goodness we have such brave people standing up for public prayer, or footballs across the country might be insufficiently blessed before they're kicked around! The spittle might affect their aerodynamics, or something.

If I were an omniscient, omnipotent creator-god, and my creations kept bugging me with prayers for trivial little bullshit like the outcomes of football games- with both teams asking for the same assistance, no less!- I think I'd be investing in a good set of noise-cancelling headphones.

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Evangelical Chris-chins entitlement is Play to Play...while Catholics' m.o. is Prey to Play (i.e., priests on alter-boys). Which one would Jesus do? The answer is: he goes both ways.

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