Christians are the first people to claim they're being persecuted any time they are not allowed to force their religious beliefs on others. They are also the first people who would persecute people given the chance. I would say this court ruling is unbelievable, but I'm old enough to remember a time before conservatism became the be-all and end-all of the human thought process. We are fast approaching a threshold of stupidity the American Republic is unlikely to survive.

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Hobby Lobby 2014. If it's not a legalised discrimination based on sex, what is ?

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I used to get some of my picture framing supplies at Hobby Lobby. I haven't bought a thing from them since they won that court case.

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Once I figured out they were a discriminatory Jesus cult fronting as a business, shortly after I applied and left the "which church do you attend" question blank, and they never called me back, I stopped shopping at their establishment. I was making an assumption back then, that court case confirmed I was correct in my assessment. It's too bad for them, because I spend most of my money at Michaels and Joanne. Of course I do realize that I am not going to bankrupt them by withholding my business, but I feel much better not giving them a dime.

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Asking what church you attend was absolutely illegal.

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That may be, but it was on their applications. I thought that since it was illegal, I could get away with leaving it blank. So they just shitcanned my application, despite me being overly qualified for a position there.

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The only people who can legally discriminate on the basis of religion are churches, and church schools.

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I refuse to shop at Hobby Lobby also, they’re a hate group, imo.

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I shop at Archangel Michael's craft shop.

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Hobbies are the devil's workshop and keep you from praying. /S

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I agree with the first part, but not the second. The problem is they drain your wallet and sink your credit cards.

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Pas d'accord. When I played Tribunal (Morrowind add on), I prayed a lot an assassin would not come while my character was sleeping 😁

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do you play the Assassin's Creed games? I just bought the latest.

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No, the only RPG I play on my computer are The Elder Scrolls.

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They showed us who they were between that, and buying stolen artifacts from smugglers, that they knew were smuggled out in the fall of Iran.

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Me neither, I boycott any company like them.

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Totally yes...... and it set us down the path that birth control is abortifacients. Which it is not.

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Christianity, which ripped off Mythraic sun-worship from the start, was founded as a quasi-religious protest movement against the Roman Empire. Their entire ideology for the past 2,000 years has been that they are being oppressed by various versions of the Roman Empire and deserve special treatment.

After all, the number of "the Beast" is 666. In Roman numerals that DCLXVI. All the Roman numerals, except "M," in descending order.

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Madelyn Murray O'Hare freed us from this shit. But it didn't take.

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Wasn’t she murdered?

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Yes, “O'Hair, her son Jon Garth Murray and her granddaughter Robin Murray O'Hair all went missing in 1995, along with $600,000 in gold coins. They were held at a San Antonio hotel by their kidnappers for a month after being abducted, erroneously believing that paying the $600,000 ransom would spare them their lives. Authorities found their mutilated remains on a ranch that Waters led them to more than five years later.

Prior to the murders, Waters had been an employee of American Atheists, the activist group that O'Hair founded in 1963. He was fired after stealing from the group and only months before the kidnapping had pleaded guilty to theft. The plot was said to have been motivated in part by revenge, with Karr and Fry recruited to help carry out the plan.

Decades before the murders, O'Hair and American Atheists gained notoriety following a legal fight to ban prayer in school. The U.S. sided with O'Hair in 1963, in an 8-1 decision that found requirements for prayer in public schools was unconstitutional.”


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Thank you Natalie. At one time i knew about that story but had forgotten the details. So again, thank you.

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And here I thought that it was gay people who would kill you if they got you alone and weren't seen; that they would straight-up murder you. What a fool I was. :S

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It's the glitter bombs.

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Oh, NO! Not the GLITTER BOMBS?!?!? [insert dramatic musical sting here!]

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She was not murdered by a religious zealot though, I recommend watching the documentary on Netflix, very good

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If the messages had been on another subject and just as vitriolic against other employees then she would have been fired and there wouldn't have been any lawsuit. Being religious doesn't give you a license to go after other people.

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Up vote. The mentality that drove the Inquisition is alive and well in today's America, and they absolutely believe their religion is a license to attack those who dare to disagree with them.

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Yes, just like the right-wingers who post violent threats, and get shitcanned for violating the TOS, scream they are being denied their "freedumb of speech" No, you are being punished for breaking the rules that everyone agrees to.

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Oh lord

Won’t you save me

From the religious right

All the courts

In their pockets

Giving me some fright

I’ve worked so hard

To get it straight

Those true believers

Will not guide my fate

So lord won’t you protect me

From the religious right

Please help me keep them

Away from my sight

I know you

Will not help me

As there is no you

I rely upon what I see

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Oh my gosh, I am actually upvoting you!

You remind me of the nursery rhyme:

"Oh there was a little girl,

and she had a little curl,

right in the middle of her forehead.

And when she was good, she was very, very good'


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I can smell an acrid smoke that smells like mendacity.

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Sorry, I couldn't find the lyrics.

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Charlene Carter was obviously abusing her Union President on-line. Charlene Carter has a right to her opinions but she does not have a right to abuse anybody on-line. That's what she was fired for. Not for being Christian. Certainly acts real Christian though.

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Sadly, the worst ones seem to have taken over. We need more Jimmy Carters, and less Charlene Carters.

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This Brantley Starr character couldn't be more Trump material if he had a blond rodent on his head and wore face bronzer. Granted that I am not a lawyer, but ruling against a company's stated policies, siding with an employee whose positions are clearly bigoted, and then requiring the defending attorneys to get "religious liberty training" from an organization whose biases are very well known and indeed is listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a HATE GROUP? That shark was jumped about 10 squares back.

And with any luck, the OTHER judges currently evaluating this case will render a considerably different opinion.

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Christians. Forever falsely accusing others of practicing cancel culture while simultaneously actually practicing cancel culture. It's amazing they don't get whiplash doing it.

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If I'm a pilot and I worship Bacchus, I get to drink on the job, right?

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And force all of the passengers to drink too. Otherwise Bacchus might get angry and cause dangerous air turbulence. Safety first, I say.

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Don't forget the orgy in the cockpit!

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Been there, done that, still have the "wings" somewhere.

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I believe you. I hope you were flying towards ecstasy with the aid of the wings of Mercury.

I prefer the Greek names Hermes and Dionysus more than the Roman but I ALWAYS try to go along. Don’t you laugh.

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Bacchus at least drank Diet Pepsi instead of the inferior Diet Coke.

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"Don't forget the orgy in the cockpit!"


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If Bacchantes are involved, I would abstain.

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Evidently so. By their logic, anyway.

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How practical. As long as you are a christian, you are entitled to anything then. What if the harassed colleague belong to a religion who allows or has no opinion on abortion ? Whose religious rights are more violated under title VII ?

Fucking christain privilege.

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Dominionism is on the rise - creeping out from under the wet rocks where it has been hiding; waiting to take over the '7 mountains.' This is the 2nd time this year (that I am aware of) where the bible has been cited as an 'appropriate' reference in a judicial ruling... I am really worried about the pending SCOTUS ruling on abortion pills...

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I'm betting the Mexican pharmacies are already gearing up for that ruling.

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When macho culture Mexico, is more liberal than US, we have a real big problem!

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My medical opinion is she needed a D&C after the oral agent failed the first time. We are headed into bad times.

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"States rights". WE are the state. We have rights, not the state as defined by a few rich white men who consider the "state" to be the few people that gerrymandered themselves into office. Particularly a bunch of sociopaths who don't give a rat's behind about anyone but themselves. Health care is a human right and health care includes maternity care in ALL it's forms.

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Everyone forgets the 9th Amendment. It should supersede the 10th. Actually, I'm not convinced the 10th deserves to be there at all. Are we one nation or a loose confederation of 50?

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49. I'll be deep in the cold cold ground before I recognize Missourah!

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Absolutely, period, end of story!!!

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Unfortunately, it's not the medical opinion of people who went to medical school that counts today, it's the medical opinion of people who went to law school that matters.

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We were warned so many times by medical professionals that if restrictive abortion bans were created, it would have a chilling effect on the ability of medical professionals to provide care. Welp, here we are.

No woman should for any reason be required to carry dead tissue in their uterus. That should, by rights, be a no-brainer; but somehow the people who write anti-abortion laws never seem to get that right. Maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the US were never all that great, and now? Now they're going to get worse by a shocking margin, likely even more so for women of color. My only advice is to vote, and brace for impact.

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We are in the sad state of having angry old (mostly) white men imposing bad medical practice on half the population. My OB/GYN prof started the year-long class off by stating "Pregnancy is a pathological condition."

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It's not a bug, it's a feature.

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Yep, and no extradition treaty.

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I know, right? It makes me want to 🤢🤢🤢🤮

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How to know when you have persecuted a christian. A handy chart.

Have you ...

...been served before a christian? Persecution.

...served an LGBTQ person? Persecution.

...walked past a street preacher? Persecution.

...never owned/shot a gun? Persecution.

...not read the gideon bible in the hotel room? Persecution.

...been a woman promoted over men? Persecution.

...been a man under a woman (not that way)? Persecution.

...failed to call LGBTQ people "groomers"? Persecution.

...said "Happy Holidays"? Persecution.

...believed the world is older then 6,000 years? Persecution.

...had an abortion? Persecution.

...been aborted? Persecution.

...not prayed? Persecution.

...disagreed with a christian? Persecution.

...not invite your christian neighbor to a BBQ? Persecution.

...been friends with an LGBTQ person (excluding family members)? Persecution.

...voted democrat? Persecution.

...not celebrated Chistopher Columbus day? Persecution.

...thrown away a tract? Persecution.

...not shopped at Hobby Lobby? Persecution.

... not said, "thoughts and prayers" to someone? Persecution.

...not joined the 700 Club? Persecution.

...shown a Muslim or Jew respect? Persecution.

...thought bombing Gaza was inhumane/genocide? Persecution.

...said "feminism" without being derisive? Persecution.

...not mocked a Buddhist? Persecution.

...called LGBTQ person a person? Persecution.

...acknowledged the rampant pedophilia in the catholic church? Persecution.

...not voted for tRump? Persecution.

...eat at KFC or Popeyes Chicken instead of Chick-fil-A? Persecution.

...believed any form of science? Persecution.

...enjoyed sex? Persecution.

...worn mixed material clothing? Persecution.

...flown less than 60 American flags in front of your house? Persecution.

...used the bathroom? Not persecution. But they think your thinking about them while you're there.

...lived/been north of the Mason/Dixon line? Persecution.

...not beaten your slave? Persecution.

...taken less then two wives at the same time (not that way, you pervert)? Not persecution, but it should be.

...supported equal rights? Persecution.

...asked questions? Persecution.

...said something nice about LGBTQ people? Persecution.

...ever existed? Persecution.

Every time you say you don't believe in god, an angel dies. You guessed it ... Persecution.

This list is far, farfarfar, from exhaustive.

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In the Christian quest to control everyone and everything straight forward logic has totally left our court system. This borders on a total nutcase situation. I see nothing that Southwest did was discriminating nor violated the employees right to have her religious beliefs. The judge’s own personal bias has absolutely nothing to do with the facts of this case.

It seems that the legal boldness of extremists with those who do not share their beliefs has been allowed to become anti no religious

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There was a jury involved. At a guess, Southwest ran out of objections during jury selection and Carter's legal team was able to get a right-wing jury.

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Didn’t have that info. Still seems weird they have to go to a religious indoctrination group.

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Southwest is headquartered out of Dallas, this employee lives in Dallas so the original case would have been in Texas - I wonder if that is part of the problem with the jury verdict? I believe you live in TX. You see the worst of the worst down there.

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For the time being. I’m beginning a job hunt for something in a rational country/state.

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Husband: why is there a for sale sign in the yard and moving truck in driveway?

Me: surprise we're moving to Burlington VT where people are free and my body is mine.

Seriously.....I plan on seeing how November goes. If Dumpster wins every state will be forced into fascism.

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I’ve been saying for months that I feared I was the proverbial frog in the pot.

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Im eyeing Vermont or Scandinavia. My husband doesn't know yet. Lol

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I am a Christian and I am so tired of this type of Christian. They love to point out other people's problems but as Jesus says they "Don't notice the plank sticking" in their own eyes. This country was created with Freedom of Religion to mean "you be you and let me be me". Pay attention to your own actions.

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I think we are going to have to band together, and smack this behavior down, or we all end up in their idea of Theocracy, Gilead, with women as breeders, like Harrison Butker blurted out.

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I'm in!

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Harassment in the 'repeated, unwanted, unrelated to job' sense is content agnostic. This would seem to very easily fit that bill. I can't believe the initial court didn't see that.

Going forward, I'd recommend the union rep not take a "don't reply" strategy. Say something when it happens. Report it up the chain. Send a reply saying "I am asking you to stop" and BCC your union counsel. No, the victim is not at fault. No, her not responding /= permission. But getting it on some sort of record that you object to a co-worker's conduct sets yourself up for success, if or when you do get some idiot fundie judge who loves them the idea of his sect-mates proselytizing their coworkers.

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I suspect that Starr saw what he wanted to see and ruled based on that. It's entirely possible that he'll be overruled on appeal, which won't look very good on whatever it is passes for a 201 File for a judge!

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It's Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

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Yep from the 5th (kangaroo) court that gave us all these ridiculous cases..

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"The judge asked Carter’s attorney whether any worker should be allowed to get away with harassing coworkers 'as long as it’s cloaked in religious conduct or religious practice.'"

I would greatly love to know how Carter's attorney answered that one.

I think it's also important to note that ADF only takes "religious liberty cases" where the people allegedly having their "religious liberty" trampled upon is Christians. I hope that fact came up in response to their brief.

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They can never accept that proselytizion can be hostile. How can calling a coworker a murderer not be considered hostile? Judge Starr needs remedial training on what constitutes a hostile environment. It is harassing a coworker for zir beliefs. It is harassing a woman for putting a picture of her and her wife on her desk at work.

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Starr: "Okay, then, what's a 'hostile work environment?'"

Aide: "It's why you keep having to hire new law clerks, sir."

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"They can never accept that proselytizion can be hostile."

Exactly. The Great Commission!! 11! Telling me I can't proselytize violates my religious freedom

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Why does Carter even want to work for a company that she's accusing of being anti-Christian? Hell, why is she a flight attendant to begin with? After all, "If God had meant Man to fly, He'd have given him wings."

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I guess she's on a mission.

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A mission to force everyone under HER gods and HER will. WHY doesn't her omnieverygoddamnedthinggod just make everyone a TRUE kkkrister? THAT is certainly within her godthing's power.

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Free will you know. It has to be so or Hell (mid Norway) would be empty. Dah.

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I hope that you'll let us know how this case plays out, in case some of us miss it. It's a stunning example of why voices of reason must be heard and must encourage people to vote for non-wingnuts.

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Spoken like a true Wyomingite, the reddest state in God's blessed 'murica.

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