“But not every city in the world has a prophetic history like Spokane.”

Every touring entertainer, whether musical artist, comedian, or prophetic bullshit spreader, has to give the token shoutout to the host city to make them feel special. Part of the gig.

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I would genuinely love to hear about this "prophetic history." Just how many times is Spokane, Washington mentioned in the bible? Mmm?

I'm waiting... 🤣

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And the angel said. "A low and behold, the eighth seal was broken above the city in the Northwest. "

And the crowd said, "Seattle?"

The angel replied, "No not Seattle the other one."

And the crowd said, "Portland?"

The angel replied, "No, not Portland."

The crowd said, "Vancouver? Tacoma?"

The crowd said, "Boise?"

The angel replied, "No not Boise, why the fuck would it be Boise? The seal was broken above the great city in the Northwest."

The crowd said, "Los Angeles?"

The angel replied, "Jesus Christ, that's in the southwest, you morons! It was Spokane. Screw it. Let's skip the eighth seal, and stick with seven."

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That's right. That's - that's good. That's good. Unless, of course, somebody comes up with a 6 seal apocalypse. Then you're in trouble, huh?

No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who does an apocalypse with 6 seals?

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Ouistream ? Caen ? Deauville ? Boulogne ?

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🤣🤣🤣 Stop it, STOP IT, yer killin' me here! 🤣🤣🤣

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"Killing you"? Do you know jesus as your lord and saviour? It's not too late-I can personally still save you thru jesus. I don't want you to go to hell.

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I think you misspelled savory lard.

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Tender and mild?

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😝😝😝😝😝 ... 😁

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Stop with your “where is this in the Bible?” silliness. These aren’t evangelical Bible thumpers who you can torment with Bible verses like tossing rubber mice to hungry cats. These are modern prophetic movement Christians. They neither know nor care about what is actually in the Bible. The Bible is just a set of water color paints that their grifting weirdo cult figures play with to spin their epic apocalyptic fan fiction, where Trump is engaged in mighty battles against demons who are using vaccines to prey on children in daycares being run in the basements of pizza parlors. You can’t bring plastic Bible verse knives to a holy rolling prophecy direct from God gunfight.

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I'm always amused when these Bible-thumpers don't mention Noah's daughters getting him drunk and unconscious so that they could be impregnated by him.

Took place after the Flood.

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These people believe that Trump and John-John are going to join battle with JFK’s reanimated corpse to take down the Clinton Soros child sacrifice cabal. They don’t know Lot’s wife from Salem’s Lot. The Bible to them is just a prop to hold up after clearing away evil BLM protesters.

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You left out the abandoned 18th Street Station in the East Side IRT, which was closed when the 14th Street Union Square station was extended north.

6+6+6 is 18, so that station is where "666," the "Number of the Beast" lurks. Supposedly, Satan-worshippers sneak down there and sacrifice chickens to the Devil.

My only comment is that chickens have to pay their fare....

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Also you forgot that if you re-arrange the letters in Spokane , Washington you get "Trans-women will dominate women's collegiate swimming." Which will be so prophetic when it happens.

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It’s Lot’s daughters after Sodom was destroyed. But your comment still stands.

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If Lot was drunk enough not to know it was his daughters, he was too drunk to do the deed. The story smacks of coverup.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

Beat me to it as I was typing it. That's one of those screamers that tells a person the bible is camel dung.

And if even Lot COULD get it up, the odds of impregnating even one of them in a single occurrence are long, to say the least. But getting it up again and impregnating the other daughter after only one occurrence rises to the level of the ludicrous.

Keep in mind: Lot is considered to be a righteous man in the bible. The guy that previously offered up those two virgin daughters to a mob to be raped just so he could protect two total strangers (male, of course). The same guy who took their virginity in a two-part act of incest. If this is the bible's idea of "righteous," then that word needs to be reexamined.

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Hey, I'm not conversant with the details.

Another thing: If people sin, have free will, and we're supposed to forgive, how come god turned Sodom and Gomorrah into salt?

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Gawd evolved.

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Noah drunk himself into a stupor and shed his clothes. One of his son was cursed for seeing him naked and/or mocking him.

Was it one of David' or Solomon' son who raped his half-sister ?

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"Noah drunk himself into a stupor and shed his clothes."

Who can honestly say they've never done that too?

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I've shed my clothes many a time without a single drop of alcohol being the reason.

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I used to want to walk across a bed Kitty Pryde style instead of walking around it. Fully clothed.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

The cursed son was Ham (take THAT, Kenny boy).

The curse involved Noah's son's skin turning dark, becoming the xtians 'justification' for their racism against dark skinned and indigenous people and eventual embrace of slavery/genocide.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

"Was it one of David' or Solomon' son who raped his half-sister ?'

David's son Ammon raped his half-sister Tamar.

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and, on the eighth day, He invented Starbucks! That's a latte to handle there!

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That’s some cafe con blech right there.

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And on the ninth day, He invented Amazon Kindle.

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I was wondering the same thing...

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They'll rewrite the Book and add a few chapters.

Like the Mormons did.

"Here, just as it came off the Ancient Greeks' typewriter..."

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How many Ancient Greek monkeys did it take?

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The "Hey Detroit" of Spokane.

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"Hello, Charlotte!"

"Psst, we're in Charlottesville..."

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Spokane was featured in Borat 2 where Borat sang his hilarious right wing parody song.

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"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." -- Sinclair Lewis

I have nothing more to add to that statement that perfectly describes today's America.

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I love that quote. Problem is that Lewis never said it, and snopes.com confirms this:


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It's like Abraham Lincoln said- "never trust anything you hear on the internet."

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Does it really matter who said it? It's true regardless.

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Agreed. I just wonder if anyone actually SAID that or whether it was an assemblage that someone created or whatever... 🤷‍♂️

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Damn. And I was sharing it as his... Oh well, at least what the message is is true.

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Feucht is claiming children are being sexualized and that perverts can't be allowed to indoctrinate them at age 4.

He's right, but not for the reasons he thinks. Children ARE being sexualized...by Christian clergy. All he needs to do is check the police blotters. Freethought Today has a section called Black Collar Crime in every issue. Guess which crime by the clergy is predominant?

And indoctrination from a very young age? That's Christianity's raison d'etre.

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Allowing children to have knowledge regarding the existence of LGBTQ people and what it entails in an age appropriate manner is not sexualizing children. But, calling infants “ladykillers,” or discussing future marriage plans of toddlers, or setting up a “countdown till child celebrity is legal for me to fantasize about having sex with her” clocks, or gape mouthed staring as you drive extra slowly past teenaged girls, or even catcalling little girls, or complaining the shorts they’re wearing as you are a guest in a child’s home are causing you discomfort, or yeah, the preying on children in their congregations, is sexualizing children. Many of those things are normalized in our society, no one thinks about the implications of these things, they just think “how cute” or there’s nothing wrong with that decrepit old man being aroused by young flesh, she should know better. The problem is that LGBTQ challenges the status quo, the prominence of the male gaze, the deference of male predation.

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Let's not forget the example that is so appalling blatant, little miss beauty pageants.

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"We've got an an enemy we need to fight. His name is Satan."

Your own "omnipotent" deity can't get rid of the enemy he himself created. What chance do you think mere humans stand? And as I recall from the Book of Job, YHVH treated Satan with deference and valued his opinion.

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Worse, they can't substantiate either of the combatants, and they make up ALL SORTS OF EXCUSES why they can't.

It'd be laughable if the potential consequences of ignoring them weren't so horrid.

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That's because Satan and God are pals...sitting up on a cloud, with piles of cans of Budweiser and Speight's....PRIDE OF THE SOUTH! making bets on how much pain they can inflict on poor Job.

Seriously, though, during the Holocaust, a bunch of Rabbis held at Auschwitz pondered their plight and decided to put God on trial. But who would defend Him?

The Rabbis' answer: Satan.

Without God, no Satan. Can't have evil without good.

Interesting idea...I don't know how it came out.

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Rabbis are useful for something?

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Besides selling body parts?

Seriously, to me, they're better in dispensing advice than other religions...they talk about people and solving life problems, in keeping with the Jewish tradition of "tikkun olam," make the world we're in a better place, than Christians, who talk more about getting right with God and Christ so that we can have a good "next life."

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God might be weak enough to drink Budweiser only, but Satan, he will drink London Porter of course.

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He should also drink New Zealand's great beer, Speight's....PRIDE OF THE SOUTH!

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Spreight's Old Dark looks interesting. I guess it's not easy to get in Norway though.

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No....it's a New Zealand beer. Sorry.

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Hey, Feucht, are you in prison for that rally? Did you face police actions against you for being near the mayor? Then your first amendment rights were not violated. The mayor was, rightly, chastised for her decision to promote your beliefs and political views in her capacity as mayor. Even if it was only about your Christianity, it is wrong for an elected official in their official capacity to promote your views. But it was beyond just that you are Christian, it’s about your violent rhetoric against citizens of Spokane, it’s about your desires to interfere in and end democracy in the city, state and nation.

Also, there are no immunities granted by the first amendment, you do not get a get out of jail free card for criminal behaviors couched in religion. The first amendment only guarantees your religion cannot become criminal. Dumbass.

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𝑖𝑣. 𝐼𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 – 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠.

There it is, people. The threat of violence if Feucht and Shea and their kind don't get their way. They want to say the quiet part out loud? 𝗦𝗢 𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 𝗪𝗘. Feucht and Shea and their followers need to understand that they are indulging in what amounts to a local insurrection, and they deserve to be treated as such. First and foremost, they need to be told, and the above Resolution is a good start. I would go a step further and confront both of them IN PERSON and deliver the message of that resolution. Secondly, if any evidence shows that either of them or their followers take so much as Step One toward realizing their "Rules of War," arrest warrants should be issued and executed.

They aren't kidding. They should know that we aren't, either.

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yep, avoid blood shed...but..

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Maybe I'm doing my best Pollyanna here, but I'd rather there were no "buts." I realize it's a ridiculously tall order, but if we can, to use the words of a guy I respect, "Avoid the danger that has not yet come," we go a long way not just to prevent bloodshed, but maybe get at least SOME of them that peaceful means ain't all that bad.

Yeah, yeah, I know: wishful thinking. Still, that's where I'm coming from.

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Hear, hear!

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Sounds like they're a threat...I know I feel threatened by their speech and actions. Fortunately, I live in a Stand Your Ground state,no should I see them coming towards my I don't have an obligation to retreat and do have the Right to 'neutralize' the threats. 🙂

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Well, if they DO whack all the males except me, it means I finally get my chance with all the actresses and female newscasters upon whom I have unrelieved crushes.

After all, I'd be the only one left...

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

As a female, I know how to please myself, most women do. So I guess it would not improve your chance, unless they wanted to reproduce.

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Well, gee... nothing like co-opting the authority of the local government to lend weight to your prayer rally. Who's trying to push their agenda on 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘮, you nitwits? And correct me if I'm wrong, but is that or is that not a 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 standing with you on that stage? Doesn't look happy to be there, either. Might someone in your gaggle of goons be trying to... oh, what's the word for it... 𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦 children, hmm?

𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 accusation is a confession.

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Joan, you know they will correct you anyway, especially when you are right, because you are a female and not a human in god's image.

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I was planning on being whimsical, but this is disturbing on so many levels! How is this clown not serving time for an environmental act of terrorism? And nearly everything else in this article. Sounds like the 'prey' over the mayor.

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As long as it's nothing but TALK, they'll likely continue to get away with it. Still ... I would watch them like a hawk.

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Truthfully, this guy is pretty scary.

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"thousands of citizens who joined together yesterday to pray for fire victims and first responders"

IOW, did nothing to actually help anyone.

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They made themselves feel better. It made them 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 like they had done something substantive. 🙄

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"Sean Feucht is now retaliating."

What happened to "turn the other cheek?" Seems I read that somewhere.

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They are the Taliban.

They just don't have the numbers to win a violent religious coup. So they're out there trying to convince Americans to give them power and hoping normal Americans don't realize what they're up to until it's too late.

If they get power, there will be mass graves, religious police, torture sites and inquisitors, and every horror that always happens when religion and State are united.

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And the US will become Gilead, 𝑑𝑒-𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜 if not in actual name.

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Wow, he really puts on a show when he prays. I wonder which deity specifically said not to do that. I forget which deity that was.

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The crowd forgot too for some reason. I wonder why.

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Somebody's probably already said this, but the idea of a fifty-first state just for Christians is excellent. As long as a very large fence is put round it.

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Then nuke it from orbit. The only way to be certain.

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Feucht is an A+ asshole. No, no A’s given here. He gets an F for fucknut. I’ve been to Spokane. The holy land it isn’t. 🙄

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I've never been east of the Cascades within my state and have no desire to ever do so.

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My brother lived out there for a while (the Tri-Cities area?) and had not much good to say about it. And he was a true-blue GOP conservative back then. (Now he thinks the GOP is mostly crazy)

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I lived in the tri-cities for about 9 months. It was very right wing. My in-laws live in Spokane, it’s pretty right wing as well, it’s a city but it’s still pretty rural. The university is just far enough away to not have an effect on the politics. I also lived on the coast for five years, two brothers in law live there (Olympia and Seattle/Tacoma) still. Where I was was conservative, but further north on I-5 was pretty progressive. Washington is a really good example of how rural and urban areas are divided politically.

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He is right.

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Crazier than Jim Carrey on acid.

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From the Inlander article and from one of the council members debating the resolution:

“When we say ‘known anti-LGBTQ extremist Sean Feucht,’ I think that we could be in trouble for defamatory statements,” Bingle said before the vote.

Bingle added that he used to be a worship minister who traveled to different cities to hold events.

“If their city council then said, ‘known anti-LGBTQ extremist Jonathan Bingle,’ I would sue the pants off of them so quickly,” Bingle said.

It's not defemination if it's true. I don't know if it's true for Bingle but it's definitely true for Feucht.

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It's as I said elsewhere. They're saying the quiet part out loud. We need to do the same. They say they want to undo democracy and install a theocratic regime. We need to 1) let them know that there's a price to pay for trying to do so and 2) EXACT THAT PRICE if they do try.

This is no time to be mealy-mouthed about the issue. If they want to throw it down, we need to be ready, willing, and able to throw it right back at 'em.

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String the traitors up by their thumbs and let the birds finish the job.

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But calling a bigot a bigot is the 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 bigotry, dont'cha know?

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Reverse bigotry.

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"...a Christian Nationalist and a domestic terrorist—to be clear, those were two separate people..."

So, one Christian Nationalist domestic terrorist and one domestic terrorist Christian Nationalist?

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