If you're that ashamed of your religious affiliation, Mr. Peterson- and considering some of the shameful places and positions it has led you to- might I suggest that it may be time to find a new religion? One which doesn't hate quite so many people and quite so many things, and which values the here and now more than it does the hereafter?

Or better yet... 𝘯𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘭π˜ͺ𝘨π˜ͺ𝘰𝘯 𝘒𝘡 𝘒𝘭𝘭?

Food for thought.

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Thought, more's the pity, isn't something christian conservatives do much. And when they try they usually get it wrong.

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β€œOver the past week my affiliations with various churches have been presented in the media. This has taken a toll on my family and takes away from the critical work that needs to be done at PPS. I respect our youth too much to allow this distraction to continue.”

What does it say about church when your affiliation with it is a distraction or takes a toll on your family? Perhaps some churches won’t be a distraction from being a politician, but it seems like church affiliation isn’t the flower in your political bonnet it once was.

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That "various churches" left me scratching my head. I can't think of anyone I've ever known who attended more than one church. If you're "affiliated with more than one, that makes it look more like you're promoting an agenda than worshiping the Lord God of Hosts.

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Could it be insurance? You know, one of them is bound to have the absolute truth but you're never sure which one.

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But then you'd have to belong to all of them, wouldn't you? And that isn't mathematically possible. How could you tithe more than ten times?

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The same way you can put 4 third in a glass to make a coktail (mathematical question from 5th or 6th grade).

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You puzzle me. But then, math usually does. It's the one academic discipline I could never master. I remember an exchange I had with a math teacher once. He was picking on me for not working out an algebra problem.

I asked,"Has anyone ever solved this equation before?"

"Sure, lots of times."

"Then what's the point of making me do it again, now?"

This was Catholic school. He hit me.

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The answer is quite simple*. You take a glass and fill one third of it with liquid A, then of the two thirds left free you fill one third of it with liquid B and so on as many times as you want.

* I am at 8th grade level for arithmetic and 7th for geometry.

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May 6, 2023Β·edited May 6, 2023

Christian Nationalist running for office: Someone who will immediately violate their oath to support and defend the Constitution by constantly doing everything in their power to undermine/destroy that Constitution.

Did I get it in one?

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This looks like full score on your exam.

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Nobody likes a showoff.

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Christian nationalists have a very distorted view of what the Constitution actually says, and that foundational document bans religious tests for holding public office in this country. Sure sounds like church-state separation to me. Article VI pre-dates the Bill of Rights, so it says something about how the founders felt about the issue. Like a lot of conservative Christians, they seem to have convinced themselves their religion entitles them to a say in other people's personal choices.

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Nonono, you need to read the Constitution under a revealing light to see what's written in invisible ink! That's how Christian Nationalist are able to read the part that says "Hahaha Separation of Church and State, April's Fool".

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You can also just read the King James version of the Constitution.

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"The service β€” held at the height of the George Floyd protests in Portland β€” closed with the church’s official pastor taking the stage with Peterson and leading a prayer to call on God to β€œcancel” what the pastor called β€œthe demonic power inspiring those riots.”

The "demonic power" that inspired those 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘡𝘦𝘴𝘡𝘴 were cops murdering black people.

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Maybe those churches and wingnut groups thought he was Jesse Lee Peterson.


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I know it's sarcasm but it wouldn't surprise me that some can't distinguish between the two since all black men are identical.

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Sarcasm? Moi?

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Non, ton frère jumeau.

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The Encyclopedia of American Loons may be snarky, but they get their facts straight. They also provide their sources.

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A black white supremacist. πŸ€”

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Why not? We've got loads of gay homophobes.

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That guy is almost beyond lunacy. Either that or he's cynically making money out of other people's gullibility. But I'm not sure he's bright enough for that.

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"But at least he’s vowing to resign if elected."

Uh, given the several differences between what he does and what he says, assuming that he will keep his "vow" would be naΓ―eve.

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Have to wonder what really happened here. On the one hand, identity theft has been on the rise for some time and it wouldn't surprise me to see it here. On the other, this comes off like something he probably thought he could just get away with, and nobody would check on.

I would note that this sort of thing is precisely why we need a free press in our democracy. If it weren't for Tim Dickinson and Julia Silverman, odds are we wouldn't even know about this. Thanks to both of them for shining the light on this!

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My vote would have to go to your "on the other hand."

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Maybe they can get Herschel Walker to run in his place. Or I hear Chris Pratt is between gigs right now.

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Herschel certainly has the money, given he diverted about half $1 million worth of donations into a private account – allegedly.

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May 6, 2023Β·edited May 6, 2023

God, I think I'm watching too much HIGNFY – it being Britain, every so often they have to break into a chorus of "allegedly", in case they are sued. Particularly the editor of Private Eye, who really should be used to being sued I guess. The US quite rightly doesn't protect public figures nearly as much. πŸ˜‰

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May 6, 2023Β·edited May 6, 2023

This article's been up for 4 hours as of this typing and there's only 9 comments (now 10, also as of this typing), the previous most recent comments being posted 3 hours ago (my time). What happened while I was away?

Since I have a movie to see in just a little bit, I might not be able to hang around very long if things don't pick up soon.

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Everyone is busy with the coronation? πŸ˜‰

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Unless coronation means mowing the lawn, you're wrong. : )

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Out of sheer morbid curiosity I watched a few news clips. I didn't see Charlie smiling even once, not even slightly. Neither did Crown Prince Baldyboots. They both looked like they were at a funeral. They must know something I don't.

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It's a religious ceremony. It's supposed to be somber I guess.

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Small trumpet? Type of flower? Evaporated milk?

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Better things to do...besides, the Top Comments are always from those in the farthest east time zones.

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Yeah, that's the reason you're never in top comments.

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It is for me 😏

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Sometimes I get a Top Comment. 'Course it helps to be the first to comment on the article most times. :)

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It's Saturday, how is the weather for you ?

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It was nice here on a small ridge in the Southern Mississippi River alluvial plain, but it has just climbed above 24 degrees. which is my upper limit without air conditioning. 100% of my ancestors came from cool and cloudy locales near the Baltic and North Seas. I grew up in cool and cloudy Michigan.

Unfortunately, my babies do not live on the California Coast. So here my cats and I remain...

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Too warm, too humid, especially at night, showers. And it's Sunday. πŸ˜‰

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Not quite, there is still 3h30 left before Sunday.

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Forgot to adjust your clock when you switched to Daylight Savings Time, eh?

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We just switched out of daylight saving, but when we switched into it I only altered one timepiece, and tried to ignore daylight saving altogether. It didn't work particularly well, but I'm stubborn like that.

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Almost no wind. Absolutely no clouds. Blue sky. Warming sun. Now it's starting to be chilly, it is 8 p.m. No dark yet.

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A pleasant partly cloudy day, 85Β°F/29Β°C with a feels like of 90Β°F/32Β°C.

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Yesterday, it was only supposed to be cloudy and not very cold. So I dressed in cargo shorts and light clothing. After I left the house it rained and never stopped. Got cold, as well. I was wet and shivering while I was outside. Today, it was supposed to rain again. I dressed in jeans and a heavy coat. Warmer, and not a drop. The Sun even came out.

I can't win.

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I've been busy most of the day, so I haven't gotten a comment in, other than this. Going to be busy tomorrow as well, since my gal and I are doing our Red Coat thing for Cleveland's Playhouse Square. The feature tomorrow? TINA.

Give you one guess as to Tina WHO!

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May 6, 2023Β·edited May 6, 2023

At first, I thought it looked like the community had taken the day off instead of Hemant. :)

Would that be Tina Turner (Tina Turner Musical), perchance?

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Ba-da-bing! I'm looking forward to a rockin' good time!

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No, it's Eta WHO?

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Like with Mayor Eric Adams in NYC, religion--and religiosity, the Christian kind--undermines and destroys an otherwise good elected official. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/06/nyregion/the-mayor-talks-religion-and-makes-waves.html

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"At the interfaith breakfast, one of his aides said the Adams administration doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state, and Adams said the same thing: β€œState is the body. Church is the heart. You take the heart out of the body, the body dies.”

State is the body. Church is feces. I think we know what happens to a body that can't defecate.

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The tag line of the NYT expose: "Eric Adams said he doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state. He also believes God created him for this moment." Adams is highly progressive and broadly popular on a number of issues such as food, disease prevention, and public safety. Why does he feel the need to poison this with his god delusion? Because he can.

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OT but – Is anyone computer literate enough to explain to me why suddenly the ability to block someone who spams you with email has disappeared. 2 days ago I was cheerfully blocking the Ukrainian girls who apparently were desperate to marry me, now blocked doesn't seem to appear in my list of options.

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Your post made me go to my email and check. I use Hotmail. Sure enough, I can no longer block. 😒

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My wife just leaves stuff in there to be erased, but Ukrainian girls are building up in there and I'm scared they may well reach critical mass at some stage.

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Check the "select button at the top right, select all the bimbos, move them to your junk mail folder, then click "empty folder."

UPDATE: Okay, I just stumbled on the trick for blocking. Click on the three dots at the far right of the Hotmail toolbar. One of the drop-down options will be "block."

As I've complained before, tech wonks seem to think moving everything around on the screen constitutes "Improvement." Grrr. 🀬

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I don't understand why they thought hiding the block option was a good idea.

Edit - Emptying the folder deletes them, it doesn't block them.

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Same reason why Everything on the Windows home screen get shuffled around every couple of years. The techies just have to make themselves feel clever, no matter how much it inconveniences everyone else.

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As jomicur suggested, move them to the junk folder, then see if the block function works from there.

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They are already in the junk folder, because at least Hotmail has the sense to realise what they are and put them there. Can't block from the junk folder. Not sure why – it just started a few days ago. I mean it's not a huge deal, given that the blockage only lasted for a few days at most before they managed to get round it, and I'm sure it's probably an algorithm doing it rather than a person, but it was sort of satisfying.

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Same but I have a new button "Ignore conversation" who will send the mail and future answers to the trash bin whatever it means. I use Hotmail app.

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May 6, 2023Β·edited May 6, 2023

if you want to have a little fun with them send them a link from https://grabify.link/

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I think that would depend on your email client or provider.

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Hotmail. I don't get any spam at all in Gmail for whatever reason – or maybe I just don't look in the spam folder ever. So just looked and nothing. πŸ˜‰

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Click on the three dots to the right of Pin/Unpin and Undo, you should see a block option.

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There is a block option but it's in that pale grey sort of thing that means it isn't an option. Dammit that's annoying.

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I don't have that problem in FireFox.

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Why the fuss in this particular case? I thought these people were being elected all over?

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Portland is just sane enough that Christian Nationalism doesn't fly.

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Ah.... Thanks. Not sure where I got the idea it was conservative.

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I mean...he was a cop. None of this is surprising.

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While I'm highly suspicious of this guys claimed denial of real involvement and lack of alignment on many of the principles of the organization, one thing really stood out to me, and it started just from reading the title--he withdrew from the race. That really isn't how most of these people work, even when what they're doing is done as under-the-radar as possible, or even worse, clandestinely, hidden through some clear dishonesty(ies) or fraud, they're always proud of what they do, if their activities are discovered, they don't back down, they're doing god's work after all, why should they do the honorable thing? But he actually withdrew and promised to resign if elected [only a promise, who knows if would follow through on it]. If he is or was involved with real christian nationalists leanings, he's definitely more honest and honorable than is typical of the bunch, but that ain't saying much.

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