Huckabee Sanders is a breath-takingly stupid woman, with a religious ax to grind. You should keep your expectations low where she is concerned. I do not believe for a second her kids made that chalk drawing, but as as right wing Christians always are, she immediately began playing the victim. She will make everything in her awful state worse, and yet she will receive high marks from the MAGA base because she allowed them to keep the guns and Bibles no one was trying to take away from them in the first place.

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No one's asking you to hide that you're a Christian, Sarah, we're just asking you not to shove it down our throats.

Also, you may be too blind to realize this, but a cross is not a welcoming symbol. For many citizens of Arkansas is a symbol to fear. A symbol of hate. Symbols are interpreted by the viewer, so what it means to you is not necessarily what it means to others. As a public servant you need to be mindful of that.

A cross is a symbol of death.

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"I am being silenced!" she shouted.

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“ She’s not a bigot because she’s Christian; she’s a bigot because she’s a bigot.”

She uses her Christianity to excuse her bigotry, that’s for sure.

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“And if there’s one thing we know Sanders loves to do, it’s exploiting child labor.“

Ouch! Good one Hemant.

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First, if Sarah's kids drew and color that picture my name isn't Marilyn it is Moses. Second, if she wants to have that none in front of her private residence she should go for it, but she is living on government property and therefore the picture should be removed. This is not about liberals as she would like her constituents to believe. She and they are too stupid to understand the precious freedom they have to practice their religion. Too stupid to understand the first amendment gives them that right but does not give them the right to force it on others.

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Her kids did it. Right. And I'm Pablo Picasso.

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Dear Ms. Sanders.

I wonder if it has occurred to you or not, that as governor of the state of Arkansas, you are meant to represent and support ALL Arkansans, regardless of what or even IF they believe. This includes a whole lot of people who may not be Christian. I realize that this may come as a shock to you, but there are Jews in the so-called "Natural State," as well and at least a few Muslims, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, and [shock and amazement] ATHEISTS. Certainly, the artwork your kids put together is beautiful, but it fails to represent the totality of the Arkansas population. As such, it is inequitable and inappropriate.

My suggestion to you is simple: whether you like it or not, REMOVE IT ... before you find yourself on the business end, not of a "friendly reminder," but of a lawsuit.



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You know damn well if it were a crescent and star, or a Pride flag, some idiot bigot would ruin it. Just saying... while one side actively destroys things they don't want to see, like BLM displays or Pride related art, the other side doesn't. It's so glaringly obvious who the Bad Guys are; the intolerant bigots, small minded people and the mentally ill.

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Graven image! Graven image!

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This appears to be on a driveway... where cars will have to drive over it, or park on it.. People can walk on it.

She has caused, or allowed, this most sacred of Christian symbols to be placed where dogs can piss on it.

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I'm off to go on one last adventure with that archaeologist in the fedora who has bullwhip in his hand. Be back later.

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"There’s rarely a nice way to tell Christian Nationalists to obey church/state separation, but this letter was about as gentle as it could get." I'd argue that there are plenty of nice ways to tell Christian Nationalists to obey church/state separation, they just don't respond reasonably to anyone telling them they can't have special privilege on the issue. That does not mean the letter was any less polite.

Something I've run into more than once is that all too many Christians do not understand that their ideas in regard to how to treat outsiders are rather poor. Sure, they'll smile, make small talk, pretend to like you, but at some point they always show their true colors and make it clear they think of non-Christians as second class citizens at best. Too many Christians simply don't understand why anyone would want to leave their church because they're so comfortable and happy at their church. It's short sighted, selfish, and ignorant to be sure, but that's why we still have so many Christians around. That's what we're seeing here, among other things. We will definitely see this again.

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The rain will be caused by evil witches and satan worshipers... Because of COURSE evil magic trumps God's Perfect Plan every time...

Next up, I expect that the christofacists will DEMAND that the cross be re-made w/waterproof paint and an awning put over it.. all at public expense.

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If I were going to enter the mansion and saw this I would say something like “I’m in the wrong place, this is a church.” Then turn around. But I’d be sure to be heard by anyone around, especially anyone who worked there. This isn’t a place that belongs to the people of this is plastered all over.

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MTG was stealing all her thunder and she was feeling ignored, so she staged this to get some attention. I wonder who she paid to draw this in the middle of the night. And I wonder if she paid zir with state money to keep quiet about it.

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