I’m really hoping the new telescope will work okay when it’s deployed a month from now. Unlike Hubble, it’s not going to be in low-earth orbit. It’ll be over a million miles away, so if there’s a serious problem with the telescope, sending someone up to fix it is out of the question.
Hopefully, there will be a time when we do have the capability. It would be a huge milestone if we do manage to send people out that far, because that will be the farthest distance from Earth that any human has ever traveled.
Last night, I watched Washington get utterly destroyed by the Cowboys, it was a brutal 56-14 curb-stomping. It was so bad, that I had to stop watching during the second quarter.
*sigh* Yet another losing season, but at least they aren’t as bad as the Lions.
Well, that was just an embarrassment for Hawk fans. Seattle led the whole way until it imploded in the waning moments of the 4th Quarter. The Hawks are broken.
If God was real, then he must have allowed this child-raping scumbag, as well as all of his other earthly representatives who are child-raping scumbags to sexually abuse children with impunity, all of which reflects very badly on him.
I'm not sure I still believe in a deity or if I'm just telling myself a comforting myth, but I know I definitely don't believe in a deity that helps people find car keys and lets children (or anyone, for that matter) be raped. If there is a non-evil deity, then ze does not intervene in human affairs, and in such a case, can't really be called benevolent.
Even if he hadn't turned out to be an abuser, I'd question the wisdom of allowing someone to take in that many kids. How can you possibly provide that many with the individual care and attention they need? This feels like it could never be better than a 'quantity over quality' form of virtue signalling.
More opportunities for abuse by not just the “parent” but also from the adoptive siblings.
Orphanages have rules about how many adults per child, which protects from the adults acting inappropriately as well as protecting from children acting inappropriately. I’m assuming they didn’t adopt all seventy children at once, but several at a time and as they aged out, new victims were brought in. But given the sheer number of children adopted, there had to be too many to care for at any given time.
Stremaky has already confessed to another priest, and thereby has been absolved by God for all his sins. He said 10 Hail Mary's. What more do you want for justice?
Jesus looks at Stremsky as he replies "Not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven. Hope you've stocked up on gypsum underwear."
Given what we know about clergy and children and have known for some time (not to mention the seemingly-daily instances of child sexual abuse by clergy), why does it always come as such a shock to the believers when those horrific activities come to light? Are they simply not paying attention?
They were godless commies until Putin came along – now they are god fearing, “race conscious” patriots. Just ask Fled Cruz, and Jim-Bob Yahoo, they'll tell 'ya
The old disgusting wolf was fucking the innocent lambs while the sheep lined up to be shorn. The stupid sheep will now gladly invite another wolf into the pasture once this one goes to prison. Wash, rinse, repeat. I can't stand it, year after insufferable year. When will they learn??
I think that there are many, many well-founded reasons to mistrust the Russian justice system, but if anything of this is true, I'd say let him freeze his balls off somewhere north of Novosibirsk while working in an ice-cube factory.
NASA, ESA and the CSA outshone Baby Jesus yesterday:
"The successful launch of the James Webb Space Telescope"
Science beats superstition any day.
Religion offers nothing but mythology and conjecture about the dawn of the universe and the origins of existence.
Science, meanwhile, is whipping out a shiny new space camera with the mother of all telephoto lenses to take *pictures* of that shit.
14 billion-year-old shit, too. None of this 6,000 years blather.
I’m really hoping the new telescope will work okay when it’s deployed a month from now. Unlike Hubble, it’s not going to be in low-earth orbit. It’ll be over a million miles away, so if there’s a serious problem with the telescope, sending someone up to fix it is out of the question.
We don't have the capability now, but I wonder how quickly we could come up with a way to make a mission out there possible.
Hopefully, there will be a time when we do have the capability. It would be a huge milestone if we do manage to send people out that far, because that will be the farthest distance from Earth that any human has ever traveled.
I'll volunteer Mitch McTurtle to go.
I want to see drump do a rocket ride like at the end of Dr. Strangelove.
OT to the OT: Go Bears!
No, da bears
:D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mU6USTBRE
Gotta love the classics.
I tossed a coin between Weird Al and that :D
Last night, I watched Washington get utterly destroyed by the Cowboys, it was a brutal 56-14 curb-stomping. It was so bad, that I had to stop watching during the second quarter.
*sigh* Yet another losing season, but at least they aren’t as bad as the Lions.
I watched that game, too, but mostly in the background. I found a live stream youtube video that's addictive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydYDqZQpim8
We got Detroit coming up next here.
Let's see if we can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory 2 weeks running.
These bears?
Those Bears aren't 5 and 10.
Gawd's bears are 42 and 0.
Life, the universe and everything, after all.
The kids were.
I prefer Wiley bears.
Well, that was just an embarrassment for Hawk fans. Seattle led the whole way until it imploded in the waning moments of the 4th Quarter. The Hawks are broken.
I have an old friend from high school who worked on that. She’s kind of a big deal.
My students and I were following that. I hope at least some of them will have kept up with it over our winter break. :)
the photo looks like a space station from Elite Dangerous !!
But wait! There's more!
If God was real, then he must have allowed this child-raping scumbag, as well as all of his other earthly representatives who are child-raping scumbags to sexually abuse children with impunity, all of which reflects very badly on him.
He struck a man dead because the guy reached out a hand to steady the Ark of the Covenant to keep it from touching the ground.
Adonai has mental issues.
Anger management issues, gambling addiction, malignant narcissism, and who know how many more things from the DSM 5.
If ze exists, ze doesn't always pay attention to automation enforcing zir rules.
I'm not sure I still believe in a deity or if I'm just telling myself a comforting myth, but I know I definitely don't believe in a deity that helps people find car keys and lets children (or anyone, for that matter) be raped. If there is a non-evil deity, then ze does not intervene in human affairs, and in such a case, can't really be called benevolent.
Even if he hadn't turned out to be an abuser, I'd question the wisdom of allowing someone to take in that many kids. How can you possibly provide that many with the individual care and attention they need? This feels like it could never be better than a 'quantity over quality' form of virtue signalling.
For the kids, it was probably like exchanging one orphanage for another.
For another less regulated orphanage.
More opportunities for abuse by not just the “parent” but also from the adoptive siblings.
Orphanages have rules about how many adults per child, which protects from the adults acting inappropriately as well as protecting from children acting inappropriately. I’m assuming they didn’t adopt all seventy children at once, but several at a time and as they aged out, new victims were brought in. But given the sheer number of children adopted, there had to be too many to care for at any given time.
Hiding out in a church until they can get is the witless protection program.
'God will provide'
He already supplied 70 kids isn't that enough, even more than the Duggars.
JESUS (to Stremsky): "Where did I command you to rape children? I sacrificed my life for someone like you?"
Somehow, I don't think that's what "suffer the children" was supposed to mean.
It was "come unto me," but Stremsky misread it and thought Jesus said "come on me."
Stremaky has already confessed to another priest, and thereby has been absolved by God for all his sins. He said 10 Hail Mary's. What more do you want for justice?
Life in prison w/o parole or the Russian equivalent.
Yeah, I know. Dream on, right?
To be fair, he only lost a long weekend. Maybe that's why there are so many priests molesting children. If he'd really died ...............
Jesus looks at Stremsky as he replies "Not everyone who calls me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven. Hope you've stocked up on gypsum underwear."
"His reputation as a priest..."
...should have been the first sign of trouble.
Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner who survived the horrors of Apartheid and helped to end that system of brutality, has died at age 90.
OT : another proponent for women rights left us https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/12/26/roe-vs-wade-lawyer-sarah-weddington-passes-away/
Seventy. Children.
For fuck's sake, abuse would be a foregone conclusion here even if there *wasn't* a priest involved.
Given what we know about clergy and children and have known for some time (not to mention the seemingly-daily instances of child sexual abuse by clergy), why does it always come as such a shock to the believers when those horrific activities come to light? Are they simply not paying attention?
It's always independent cases by crazy people and never the system.
Pattern recognition is not their strong suit...
"His reputation as a priest allowed him to get away with his crimes."
Christian privilege rampant among the "godless commies."
They were godless commies until Putin came along – now they are god fearing, “race conscious” patriots. Just ask Fled Cruz, and Jim-Bob Yahoo, they'll tell 'ya
The old disgusting wolf was fucking the innocent lambs while the sheep lined up to be shorn. The stupid sheep will now gladly invite another wolf into the pasture once this one goes to prison. Wash, rinse, repeat. I can't stand it, year after insufferable year. When will they learn??
They refuse to learn. They are enablers of that molestation.
As such, they are as complicit as if they had done the molesting themselves.
I think that there are many, many well-founded reasons to mistrust the Russian justice system, but if anything of this is true, I'd say let him freeze his balls off somewhere north of Novosibirsk while working in an ice-cube factory.
I wonder what the difference is between molestation and rape under Russian law. It seems odd to separate the two charges.
I suppose it has something to do with the absurd and harsh anti-gay laws there. But I have not the slightest knowledge of Russian law, so ...
More like anti women stance of orthodox church.
OT - It is all in the eye of the beholder.
It certainly is
the gulag for you muthafuker
Shouldn't we wait to hear what the Holy See has to say before rendering judgment?
No clergymen of *any* religion *ever* deserve the benefit of the doubt.
Especially if he was named Rasputin.
You must be a troll, Because if you were a Poe, your comments would have been better organized. You are not Motus.
Holy Trinity Convent of Mercy is Russian Orthodox, not RCC. Not the same.
Why should I give a fuck what the Holy See or any christer thinks?
He is now of an age that he is starting to work on a re-branding as Dedushka Rossija.