Apr 2·edited Apr 2

"Why is one better than the other? Because he’s used to the former."

Exactly. Simple cultural bias. I have it too - I likes me a big stone cathedral. Organ music in a church is more pleasant to my ears than the adhan. But I'll also admit that that's just how I was raised. It's subjective - beauty in the eye of the beholder - nothing more. Though the Great Mosque in Cordoba certainly deserves a spot up there with Notre Dame and other similar architectural wonders.

As for fundamental decency, Christianity is 600 years older than Islam and has had a very different historical evolution. For sure, as of 2024 French Catholics aren't nearly as religiously bloodthirsty as the Afghanistan Taliban. But 600 years ago, those French Catholics were pretty damn bloodthirsty. And they are not bloodthirsty today arguably because of the enlightenment, because of greater material prosperity, because of changes in government structures historically related to the formation of the Republic. Not because of theological differences. Or at least, not primarily because of theological differences. Islam in the right socio-, politico-, and historical context is just as peaceful as Christianity. How do we know this to be true? Because in terms of obeying the law, US muslims act a lot like US Catholics who act a lot like US nones. And the same is true in many other countries. The biggest difference in behavior is between 0th/1st generation immigrants and pepole who have been in that area for several generations.

So no Richard, I disagree with the claim that Christianity is more fundamentally decent. Observationally, 21st Century, first world, Western Democracy Christianity may be more aligned with Western cultural norms and western notions of civil and human rights than Mideast, third world, Theocratic Authoritarian Islam. But the explanation for that difference resides much more in the "Democracy" vs. "Theocratic Authoritarian" and the "first world" vs. "third world," than it does in the "Christianity" vs. "Islam."

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Richard has always been pretty judgemental, but ever since he had that stroke, he lost his impulse control. Not an uncommon occurrence… his wife should keep him away from cameras and interviews.

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It's the butt of many 'get off my lawn' type jokes that we fogies start to see our subjective preferences as facts. Music, art, kid behavior, etc. was all better in my time! And everyone has it easier than I did! IIRC they have quotes from the ancient Greeks saying basically similar things, so while it may be an offensive ageist stereotype, it's probably based on a common behavior with roots in how human memory works (i.e. it's selective; what I remember about my life and childhood is a very skewed picture of it).

So I don't think it's worth getting riled up or upset about. But given the reach of his audience and the subject of *this* preference, it's justifiably worth other internet personalities such as Hemant speaking out to correct.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Re Dawkins and him going down the anti-trans rabbit hole: I have come to regard peoples' position on trans folks as a litmus test for whether I should treat them with respect and listen to them or whether I should tell them to simply piss off and henceforth completely ignore them. Trans folks exist and they always have. They make up such a small, insignificant percentage of the population.

The great majority of people in a tizzy about trans folks will never in their lifetime ever meet or interact with or know someone who is trans - at least not knowingly. Further, whatever someone thinks about trans folks, they have zero affect on your life. Cope. Stuff the bullshit outrage over whose face appears on a can of beer that you probably don't drink. The sports competition thing is the province of sporting authorities and literally has been addressed for decades.

If you are someone who is not trans, do not know someone who is trans and yet spend much of your waking hours concerned about trans folks, then you are either seriously disturbed, need some hobbies to better occupy your time or both. Either way, my attitude is you should just shut the fuck up as I do not want to hear from you.

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I have said exactly the same thing about gay people, not trans people, although I agree with you.

My judgment of any politician is where they stand on the participation of gay people in society. if they cannot understand something as simple as, 'the way I fuck has nothing to do with who I am in the world" and that "there is not one thing you can say about gay people in general beyond "we prefer people of our own sex for sex, romance, love and family."...

If you (ageneric you, not you personally) can't understand something that is as simple as that, then it is likely there are all kinds of things that you cannot understand, either either intellectually or emotionally. And if you want to make policies based upon some mistaken idea of what being gay is about, irrelevant to the my life and the lives of millions of people like me, then you have no business in government.

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Yes, you absolutely can say the same thing about gay people. I've referred to trans folks because at this point the vitriol directed at them is so much worse - and depressing also that it includes some from gay people.

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"Further, whatever someone thinks about trans folks, they have zero affect on your life."

One of my closest friends is a transperson. She very much affects my life, and I'm proud to know her.

Otherwise, I appreciate and agree with your premise. 👍

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100% this.

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Fundamentally decent? Christianity? Has Dawkins read the bible? Is he not a student of actual history?

For a guy who came up with a spot-on description of the biblical deity (which was added onto by Dan Barker), this seems like a large step backwards.

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His gearbox has been stuck in reverse for a pretty good while now.

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I too was taken back by the comment fundamentally decent..I wonder if he was merely referring to the people who practice with intent to be art of a community & help as needed. Apparently they don’t realize we can accomplish these things with community groups. No gods or masters needed.

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Fundamentally bigoted, especially fundamentalists.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

The Abrahamic mythos is at best a mixed bag, regardless of which flavor is chosen.

Also, Dawkins is an enemanozzle.

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Dawkins has been a racist and sexiat fraud for a longtime. As actual biologist pounted the gene/meme book that made him famous is many things but not how biology works either.

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Atheism is not a religion with a hierarchy. Dawkins is not the pope of atheism. I don't give a flying fuck what his opinion on Christianity is.

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"But he added that in a place like Africa, where “you have missionaries of both faiths operating,” he declared himself on the side of “Team Christian.”

I could have sworn Uganda is a christian country but what do I know ?

Do I like christian medieval music ? Sure https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7GQ4tP-zfPI

But I also love this


And this


And this


Last one Song from the grindstone


Diversity is something to welcome and celebrate.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Can't see myself "declaring myself on the side of" Christian missionaries that argue against abortion, support the criminalization of gays, stand by while locals kill "witches," and teach their complimentarity sexism.

Africa is where conservative Christians say the silent part of their ideology out loud.

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Some of her children were "witches" she saved from death and adopted.

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You can't forget...


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What's this thing ? 🤮

A little peace for damaged ears https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DNrnDAymtyk&pp=ygUddmluY2VudCBzZWdhbCBiYWxsYWtlIHNpc3Nva28%3D

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Here do as the Devil 👿 does, the pain will recede...


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Mes voisins adorent cette chanson, je le sais parce qu'ils en crient !

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Aides auditives allumées ou éteintes ?

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Is that guy playing a christmas ornament?

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I thought it was a cello, maybe you are right and I need new glasses.

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The Denver Museum of Science and Nature had a guitar exhibit a little while back. They also had a large display of other types of stringed instruments from around the world and through the ages. There were quite a few variations (I don't remember seeing anything like this one), but unfortunately you couldn't tell what they all sounded like.

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That's a Kora from Mali.

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What about in England or the US where you have Christian missionaries from Africa?

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No sé. Never set foot in US and spent one week and one afternoon (not at the same time) in England.

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“Listening to the lovely bells of Winchester, one of our great mediaeval cathedrals. So much nicer than the aggressive-sounding "Allahu Akhbar."

Or is that just my cultural upbringing?”


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OT- This may come as shocking news to some, but it is 𝘯𝘰𝘵, in fact, a good idea to attack the family members of a judge presiding over your criminal case: https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-gag-order-extended-to-judge-das-family

Please, Donnie... keep digging that hole. The deeper you go, the easier it'll be to finally bury your ass and have done with your whole fashy cult.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

It's 3 days old, but...

"Trump posts video that shows image of Biden tied up in the back of a truck"


This story is all over the interwebz. There's simply no low that Trump will not sink to.

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In more normal times, something like that might earn the poster a visit from the Secret Service.

In 𝘰𝘶𝘳 times, they're already the poster's bodyguards.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

I'd like to see Judge Merchan drag Trump into court and demand that he explain himself for posting this crapola. If he can't or won't? Merchan can put him behind bars.

Will he do it? He seems to have lost all patience with Orangey.

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He also showed how a good christian he is by spending Easter praying at chu... Sorry I mean braying on dumb asocial https://youtu.be/ov6ItGrjuLc?si=CITUA_InmRZmv0cc

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Saw that this morning. Also saw his take on the 'Biden in a pickup truck' stupidity:


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Thing is though – he's just getting away with it. Has he ever received a punishment worthy of the name for doing anything like this? The man realises that for him at the moment there don't seem to be any consequences – so of course he does it, who wouldn't? Just once I would like to see this guy pulled up – preferably by being hauled into jail. Although of course that would probably increase his popularity with the nutcases.

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Wow, at this rate, someone might think about writing even someone as rich and famous as him some sort of citation to pay a nominal fine or something.

... NAAH! Just kiddin' Donnie-boy. You're still safely among the anointed, don't you worry.

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A long time ago, I wrote a blog about how I didn't want to see atheists throw the baby out with the bathwater, as it came to religion itself versus the products that religions produced, most especially art and music. As it comes to the musical arts, there are too many examples to count, from Mozart's powerful Requiem to Morten Lauridsen's gorgeous Lux Aeterna. I would no more want to erase those wonderful works than I would slit my own throat.

This doesn't change the fact that the religions themselves are at best problematic and at worst coercive and destructive, particularly of human self-determination, with Christianity and Islam being two of the most egregious examples. I grew up with Christianity, as surely as Dawkins did. I was inured in its beliefs and practices and took them for granted, and it took me a fair while for me to see through them, though see through them, I did. I have no problem separating the wheat from the chaff as it comes to either belief system, though I agree with Dawkins that Christianity may have more to offer in terms of benign and indeed beautiful byproducts. That doesn't change the fact that those byproducts do NOT excuse the institutions that gave rise to them.

I wish Dawkins could see that.

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Complete aside, but you can practically see Mozart straining at the cultural leash in his music. In a different time, different place... he'd be Frank Zappa. Danny Elfman. Chuck Berry. Rob Halford.

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Or, Matt Farley.

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There is a great deal of art and music that comes from Islam as well. The reasons we don’t recognize it are myriad, but mostly cultural. There were a great many achievements by Muslim cultures, in the name of Islam, that have changed the world, but as the religion became more authoritarian fundamentalist, they quashed their own light. In much the same way Christianity did.

Both religions have similar histories, it’s just that we’re experiencing different kinds of violence from each right now. As someone who is a target for Christianity’s ire, as a woman, the choice he makes, Christianity over Islam, is far less cut and dried for me. Neither religion offers me much positive aspects and both are quite hostile towards me and my vulnerable children. Pretty paintings and moving music notwithstanding. Even as an artist.

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I find the debate over which religion has the worst history or which currently has the worst zealots to be weird and usually just an exercise in personal bias. Of the major religions, Judaism probably wins just on numbers because it was never that big. But at the end of the day, what’s the point? Christian zealots who bomb an abortion clinic are terrible. Muslim zealots who kill unarmed Jewish settlers are terrible. Jewish zealots who kill unarmed Palestinians are terrible. Hindu zealots who kill unarmed Muslims are terrible.

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And just to further make the point, I find I have to post this performance of "O Nata Lux," from Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna. I'm listening to it now, and I find it just shatteringly beautiful. I hope you enjoy.


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He even has the self-awareness to acknowledge his cultural upbringing playing a role yet he can’t step back and try to work through that bias. There are aspects of Christian culture that I still participate in today (Easter, Christmas, etc). And some Christian traditions I look back on fondly as well, but it’s a real stretch to then compare two religions and argue one is better. They’re both wrong in their own unique way. Call out the bigotry of both religions and let people who want to celebrate their faith celebrate it. It ain’t that hard, Dick.

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I could care less if he tries to work through his bias or not. If he wants to listen to hymns, that's his business. I am certainly not going to try and "work through my bias" for AC/DC over Taylor Swift merely because someone else opines that it will make me a better person.

But, *having* that bias and simply living your life with your preferences is different from asserting that your bias has some objective truth to it. Former: fine. Latter: silly at best, old fogie-y coming from someone like him (or me!), and offensive on occasion.

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I like a pretty cathedral as much as the next person. Doesn't mean I want Christianity shoveled into every aspect of life. Doesn't mean I can't acknowledge what a clusterfuck the Crusades were and the dehumanization of people who aren't Christians.

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As a straight white man, Christianity is nicer to me and thus obviously nicer to everybody. I can't see the fault in my logic.

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"I can't see the fault in my logic."

That explains a lot.

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Except when it persecutes other sects of Christianity.

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Well, are they real Christians? Or are they the fake Chirstians like Mormons, Lutherans, Methodists, Adamites, Ebionites Basilideans, Sethianists, Euchites, Donatists, Greek Orthodox of Italy, Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch, Sebiran Orthodox Church, Abkhazian Orthodox Church, Abkhazian Orthodox Church, Coptic Catholic Church, Chaldean Catholic Church, Catholic Christian Church, Catholic Mariavite Church, Rabelados, Free Catholic Church, Maronite Church, Arnoldists, Stigolnikinites, Anabapsits, Presbyterianism, United Church of Christ, Huguenots, Kiribati Protestant Church, Anglican Church of Australia, Anglican Church in Brazil, Amish Mennonite, Lehrerleut, Dariusleut, Abecedarians, Baptist Union of Western Canada, Free Methodist Church, Evangelical Christian Church in Canada, Millerites, Shakers, Exclusive Brethren, Open Brethren, Irvingist, Pentecostalists, Association of Vineyard Churches, P'ent'ay or the Assembly of God?

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Paging Mr. Philips, Mr. Emo Philips...

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

𝔄𝔰𝔨 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔶𝔢 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔯𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔢𝔳𝔢.


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That's the one. 😁

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Apr 2·edited Apr 3

Over 45,000 Christian sects worldwide. They want us to agree with them when they can't even agree with one another. I suggest a Battle Royale until only one is left standing. Then I shall ignore them, as well.

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That reminds me of PZ Meyer's article I first saw a few weeks back about a latest creationist propaganda film made and being promoted by a man who heads a creationist organization that claims to not buy into other fringe claims and evidences other creationist organizations openly promote, giving me the idea that there's a lot of divisions and infighting going on among all the creationist organizations in the world in spite of their claims to be in full agreement with the young earth fantasy they forcefully promote on a daily basis.


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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

When I saw 'Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire' on Sunday, there was a quick onscreen blurb for this xtian messterpiece. Not even a full trailer. Were the filmmakers afraid of the unintentional laughter they'd generate? After all, the city I live in is the largest nonreligious metro area in the US. So maybe they took that into account.

(BTW GxK made a whopping $194 million dollars worldwide in its first 3 days. I sincerely hope the makers of this ark crockumentary aren't expecting to generate that sort of revenue. They'd be even more delusional than I thought)

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

As someone raised Missouri Synod Lutheran, I strenuously object to your lumping the apostate Lutherans (ELCA) and the way too crazy conservative Wisconsin Synod Lutherans in with the right kind by using the excessively vague and falsely inclusive term “Lutherans”!!

The rest of your comment was spot on!

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As someone who grow up with Wisconsin Synod Lutheranism, I just have one question for you, Missouri Synod Lutheran: Why do you love Satan so much?

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Oh, Richard. Richard, Richard, Richard. :(

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I’ve been to some of the impressive mosques in Istanbul and they are pretty amazing works of architecture. I’ve also been to some big current cathedrals and one former cathedral — Hagia Sophia in Istanbul — and they are also amazing works of architecture. I can’t say that I prefer one over the other.

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Did you visit Topkapi too ?

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Yes, indeed.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

OT - Baby donnie's attack chihuahua's new method

𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐡-𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬


But of course, Ginni Thomas's machinations have no effect whatsoever on her husband.

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And how about her hubby? 38 vacations (38!?!), 26 private jet flights, another 8 flights by helicopter, 12 VIP passes to sporting events and stays at luxury hotels.

I'm sure those billionaire businessmen gave Thomas all those things out of the goodness of their hearts and don't expect anything at all in return. And if anyone believes that, I've got a wind farm on the Moon I can let them have for a song.

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Sort of a side note, but it's super bizarre that a US Supreme Court Justice has a friend who's a Nazi memorabilia collector.

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Does Uncle Tom not know how Nazis viewed black people?

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Pick better friends, Clarence.

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5 and a half minutes later, I still don't know what I was looking at. :D

(besides a hodgepodge of French television, i mean) :)

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Some of the worst candidates for a singer contest.

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I figured that out in the first 30 seconds when that woman tried to sing Joe le Taxi. :)

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Right, that's how it started. I got that. But then suddenly we see two hunky guys talking in bed. And then it changes again. And again. And again. I finally just sat back and let it all wash over me. :)

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I didn't go that far, I thought it was only about the contest. Sorry for that.

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A cornered rat.

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But...but...he's done nothing wrong! He says so. Endlessly.

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For someone who claims to be innocent, he is trying 𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 to act 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒚.

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MAGAland is really being hoisted on its own "nothing wrong with Ginni Thomas being a Republican activist!" petard, ain't they? Love to see it!

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I am old enough to remember when she would be called a "race traitor." Amazing how SCROTUS bleaches skin.

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Only for the SCROTUS that plays along, I'll bet.

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If we're lucky, Merchan will put Trump and his lawyers in the same cell.

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He will have to find a cell large enough for drumpster and his ego first.

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Christianity is not something I would ever consider to be fundamentally decent by any stretch of the imagination. I might be convinced to agree that the average Christian on the street (as in, not a Christian Nationalist or MAGA worshiper) is likely to be a relatively decent person, but even that has caveats and for good reason. On the whole, the Christian faith is responsible for any number of human problems in the present day, and attempting to document that here is entirely beyond the scope of a single post.

Replacing churches with mosques is a bit like changing used bathwater with used shower water in my view: both have the same objectionable contents, and they're pretending there's more difference than there actually is. The same would apply if synagogues were involved; at some point, these are all the toxic fruits from the same poisoned tree, and the only solution is to remove the tree. Do I have a Christian bias? It's hard to grow up in a Southern Baptist home and not have some sort of Christian bias, but I also recognize I have it, and remember that those pretty buildings and lovely music come at a cost. That cost is fewer resources for those in need in most cases - the very people the Christian church so often loves to claim it helps the most.

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