Rather than address real problems with actual solutions, conservative Republicans, at the behest of the preachers, move to insert a Bronze Age religious edict into the public school classrooms so they can pretend they've done something worthwhile. Naturally, religious nut jobs like Dan Patrick in Texas want to follow suit. These people would be going out of their tiny little minds at the mere suggestion any religion other than their own might be represented in the public schools. Sadly, this is a win-win for the religious right. They either get to force their religion into the classrooms, or they get to play the poor, persecuted victims of the godless left.

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I wonder what, exactly, they would do if next to their mandated 10 c display, someone put up a poster with the same size and font displaying the Seven Tenets?

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They would go out of their tiny little minds.

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With some clever line breaks, show the 7 so they can be mistaken for 10.

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They would never notice! They have no grasp of reading for context.

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I would support 10 cc displays

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Throw in the Wiccan Rede and the Eightfold Path and I'm on board.

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That’s usually because the Republicans are the cause of those problems.

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Key word there is “godless”. It has a negative connotation but that’s exactly what separation of church and states is. If you want a god, keep it personal, don’t drag the govt in to it

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When you look back across history and the countless horrors perpetrated by believers in the name of their religion, godless sounds pretty good to me.

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Yes. That would be the desirable state of affairs, as that requires the subjects to think for themselves. Coupled with teaching factual history, compassion, and critical thinking, teach religion as bronze age thinking, but if one needs it, one can do it, privately in one's home, or temple of choice, if ones cultural background desires it. .

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The funny thing is that these 10 commandments are not labeled so in the bible. It is the other set - the more Jewish set which is called The Ten Commandments... One wonders what the Jews from 600 BCE would have thought about a bunch of fundagelical goyim co-opting their bible - which was supposed to be the guidebook for the Jewish peoples' interaction with THEIR god?

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Imagine the pearl-clutching if somebody suggested that *those* ten (or 11 or 12, depending on how you parse the clauses) be posted anywhere at all, never mind school classrooms! Almost as shrill as if somebody were to propose the *catholic* version, which is different from the KJV version. I know, because the catholic version is the one I learned when I was a kid. Cue stunned fundie faces here.

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"Putting the Ten Commandments back into our schools was obviously not a priority for Dade Phelan."

Why is putting the ten commandments into schools a priority for anybody? What will it do for the students or anyone else? The ten commandments aren't even a priority in churches, why would they be in schools?

I know the reason why churches don't consistently display the ten commandments but still insist on putting them up in government/public spaces is territory marking. Trump praising the rules he's broken multiple times is just pandering. Can we just set him adrift on a battery powered boat with a hole in the hull in shark infested waters already?

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How big a hole and how heavy the rocks in the keel?

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Whatever it takes for him to either drown, get electrocuted, or eaten by sharks.

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I don't want the sharks to get electrocuted; they're just innocent creatures living their lives.

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Or poisoned by rotten MAGA-meat!

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I don’t know… how much do the dumb ones, Eric and jr weigh?

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They do love their performative territorial pissings.

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If the Ten Commandments were placed in churches, the churches would lose even more members.

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“Wait a minute? What’s this I’m reading about adultery? Has the preacher seen this?!?!”

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I have been surprised by the lack of commentary around Trump’s silly idea that a boat would sink of its own weight. Which is what he said. Truly heavy boats — aircraft carriers anyone? — do not sink of the own weight. I grew up a thousand miles from an ocean but even I understand displacement.

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My mother once worked with a guy who made concrete canoes.

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Bet he sunk his entire fortune into the enterprise.

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To be clear, what Louisiana mandated in their law is NOT the KJV ten commandments; the KJV contains 17 commandments. What Louisiana mandated as 'historical and foundational' is promotional material produced by the Fraternal Order of Eagles in a stunt to promote Cecil B. DeMille's movie 'The Ten Commandments.'

Of the 10 'commandments' that Louisiana mandated, half are purely religious doctrine which violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. And while we're talking about history, we should note that those religious directives, known as the First Table, were objected to on church/state separation grounds as early as the 17th century by Roger Williams - an objection that got him exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was a theocracy. Of the type that James Madison, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and George Mason would later warn against and which was specifically, intentionally avoided in the drafting and passage of the U.S. Constitution.

The right-wing religious zealots are going to try to fight this on 'history and tradition' grounds. We all need to be prepared to fight back on those same grounds. From the earliest days of European settlement on this continent, which apparently is the only history that counts to christian nationalists, people objected to the state or local government big footing on the rights of conscience of individual citizens.

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These are the same fanatics who are attempting to re-write U.S. history. Nothing new here. To them it is an incontrovertible fact the U.S was founded as a Christian nation and still is.

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All the more reason for those of us on the freedom side of the religious freedom fight to know our country's real history and be able to counter the lies.

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When Donald Trump married his second wife after committing adultery against his first wife, he was committing adultery again. When he married his third wife after committing adultery against his second wife, he committed adultery again. When he paid off a porn star that he was screwing while his third wife was pregnant with his fifth child, he committed adultery again .

And yet, for all of that adultery, he is constantly committing infantilery by complaining however everyone is unfair to him.

I don't even know where I want to go with this.

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If it's an even number of adulteries, then they cancel each other out. Like a double negative.

If it's an odd number, then you go to hell.

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What if it's an imaginary number, like when Jesus says even thinking about it is a sin.

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Same rule applies as long as it's hetero.

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So if I'm thinking about same sex adultery then I'm safe from hell?

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Odd or even?

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

Depends on my mood.

Though close friends would say I'm always odd.

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You mean like √-1? 😁

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You could probably teach a college level course on "how to think like a theologian".

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It would defy "logic" that is for sure, and consist of loopholes and convolution.

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The pope tried removing adultery as a sin because claiming divorced people were adulterers was driving people out of the pews. The redbirds shot him down on that one.

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I had a christer tell me recently that “suffer not a witch to live” did NOT mean “kill witches” and that god explaining how to be a proper slaveowner did NOT mean slavery was okay with god. So, sure, ‘don’t commit adultery’ obviously doesn’t mean that god disapproves of adultery.

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Classic trump and his Felon-supporting followers. A psychosis of some kind.

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Classic malignant narcissism. Hiding in plain sight. Invisible to those who refuse to see the elephant in the room (and I don't mean Chris Christie).

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Go here: Trump in a Jumpsuit


From the forthcoming MAGA Musical for the Masses, Dictator for a Day.


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"Ain't no conjugal visits from Stormy Daniels."

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That would be cruel and unusual punishment for Stormy.

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Stormy should have gotten paid ten times what she was paid. After any sort of contact with the orange turd, you gotta be able to afford enough soap to feel clean again.

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You want the Ten Commandments so bad, Christians? Fine. First post the actual 10C found in Exodus 34 and then convert to Orthodox Judaism.

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I'd be happy if they bothered to post them in the churches before trying to get them in the schools.

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Lubbavichers are just as bad as scamvangelicals.

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At least there are a lot less of them. And they don't want any converts.

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What's with the 10 C fetish, anyway? Don't Christians love to say that the Old Law no longer applies cuz Jeebus?

They can't keep their story straight. Never could.

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The Old Law (or the New Law) only applies if it helps them. Schrödinger's Law.

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They keep the OT live against themselves every time they dig up levitius against Gays.

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Beef Stroganoff is against dietary laws.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

So are cheeseburgers. How much more anti-American can the Bible get?

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According to their dietary laws, bacon-wrapped shrimp is definitely a no-no.

Religionistas are barbarians.

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Cheeseburger pizzas too.

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The loopholes are for them, the rules are to control the sheep.

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I am sorry to say this, but by natural law, the universe just ended. Donald Trump just supported "Thou shall not commit adultery." That is the equivalent of dividing by zero on a cosmic scale. Up is down. Black is white. The whole system is going to have to be rebooted. And that will wipe out existence. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I would say that it has been at least a good run, but let's not spoil our final moments with a pleasant lie.

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If we follow drumpster logic it's perfectly fine, it does say "You", not "Me", so he doesn't have to follow the commandments 🤔

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He probably thinks that "Thou" is some ugly Chinese woman. "Thou" must be a real dog, if Jebus doesn't even want to grab her by the pussy.

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I have been an adulterer for 50 years according to frankenpope's church. Yet I have not suffered the slightest inconvenience.

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" Yet I have not suffered the slightest inconvenience."

" I have not suffered the slightest inconvenience yet."

Remember, JHWH does not work on mortal scales and has strange ideas about consent.

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Democrats should present a bill that would require the listing of the lessons learned from the Sermon On The Mount: Forgiveness, love, humility, don't be a hypocrite, and be truthful and fair in all your behaviors.

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Don't forget: pray in your closet!

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𝐼𝑛 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑤𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒, “𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑡ℎ-𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑠 𝐷𝑂𝑁’𝑇 𝐻𝐴𝑉𝐸 𝐴 𝑃𝑅𝐴𝑌𝐸𝑅 𝑈𝑁𝐷𝐸𝑅 𝑆𝑃𝐸𝐴𝐾𝐸𝑅 𝐷𝐴𝐷𝐸 𝑃𝐻𝐸𝐿𝐴𝑁.”

To which I say, GOOD! The 10Cs have no more place in a public school classroom than any other religious expression. That people like Dan Patrick want to put them there is only an indicator of his Christian Nationalist ties and his desire to WASTE TAXPAYERS' TIME AND MONEY on frivolous bills.

As for flooding multiple states with such bills, I wouldn't bet on that strategy. The Freedom From Religion Foundation has a considerable legal department, and if they run short, I have little doubt but that American Atheists, Americans United, the American Humanist Association, never mind the ACLU will step up to fill the gaps. Personally, I see this as an important fight to let the Nat-Cs understand that THEY are in the WRONG here.

And I see it as a fight we need to win.

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Other religions may also step in. Jews may have a word or two to say about this.

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I sincerely hope so. These Christians think they can step on EVERYONE and not pay a price for their ill-considered actions. They need to be proven WRONG.

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Not only that, it has to sting bad enough for them to think twice about pulling this again in the future.

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Hmmm. Call in the TST shock-troops?

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Hit these idiots in the wallet often enough, they MIGHT just think twice before pulling another stupid stunt like this.

Note the word: "MIGHT."

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Especially after agent orange’s idea about migrants fighting each other and similarities to the nazis.

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They would only need to have one of these bills overturned to win.

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Legislation like this shows me that nothing has changed in any substantial way in most Christian churches in the last ~30 years, indeed, if anything they've dug in and are refusing to make specific changes that would be good for their members. That's not love, nor is it even worship of Jesus; it's the sort of attachment to tradition and the status quo that means nothing ever gets better for anyone. Posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms isn't intended to resolve any actual issues, it's intended as religious territory marking for people who worship tradition and need to pretend their Jesus will make things better this time despite all the times it hasn't worked out that way in the past. It's unconstitutional, but these people aren't the sort to care since they apparently have all the maturity of a sugar-high seven year old trick-or-treater who's an only child with helicopter parents.

If last night's newscast was any indication, we have all kinds of problems to deal with that deserve more attention than this pathetic bid to play king of the mountain in public school classrooms. Flooding, extreme heat, wars, and mass shootings won't be stopped by this showy attention-grabbing behavior, and quite bluntly if Jesus existed and wanted to stop this stuff, he's had plenty of time to do so. Seems to me like it's time to vote in people willing to put in the work to address some of these problems and skip the virtue signaling we've all seen entirely too much of recently.

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This is one of the strongest reasons that we have to vote for Biden this November. We have to defeat Trump by larger margins than in 2020 to show him that he needs to go away for good because we don’t want him. And vote all these fanatic Christian Nationalists out too and show them that we are a nation for people of all religions or no religion. And show them that they will not defeat us because WE are the majority and THEY are the minority.

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Defeating the idea that religious=moral would go a long way toward this goal. We need to continue to call out the anti-moral Maga movement whenever we can.

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But...but...RFK Jr....

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They are the enemy within.

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The idea of asking the orange felon to name the 10 commandments during the debate is a great idea. Without a teleprompter to read them from will show his lack of knowledge about the whole issue. Actually asking him which ones he’s already broken is a better way to show how fast he wants to drop the issue. Seeing the reaction of Christian nationalists to the idea of

Posting the constitution and bill of rights in classrooms before the 10 commandments would go a long way towards exposing their priorities for America. Very telling.

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But such exposure would matter only to sane, rational people, not the MAGAt base -- and that base numbers in the tens of millions.

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But that might be ok. His base is not even close to a majority and gradually getting smaller. There are a lot more sane, rational people then there are MAGAts. We just have to make them see the truth.

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Oi…I sure hope you’re right….

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He would likely claim immunity from these laws too.

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We know the problems Trump has with obeying the commandment condemning adultery, but Trump also attempted to take advantage of his father's Alzheimer's by trying to alter his father's will, leaving Trump as the sole beneficiary and freezing out his mother and siblings. Fortunately, Fred was having a good day and smelled an orange rat.

Honor they father and mother? Not Trump.

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The Ten Commandments are not only meaningless, they’re offensive to any decent thinking person. It’s not so much their content, ridiculous as it is, but rather the authoritarian nature that obscures the need to think through what we see as right and wrong. Do we really need to be reminded that ‘thou shalt not kill’? Why is it so widely ignored anyway throughout the world? I can guarantee it’s nothing to do with the Ten Commandments not being displayed everywhere!

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Thinking matters not to them. They rely on jeezuzz for that. After all, god will provide. Provide what is open to question.

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The Trumpublican-led Iowa Legislature keeps bringing up Xtian theofascist bills....most of them fail.in one chamber or the other, but actions in other states will continue to embolden them.

So-called "holy" wars are so much fun.....

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