I know this isn't the gist of the article, but NO FOOD OR WATER BREAKS?! When you work outside in Texas? What? As a person who worked as a landscaper and now farms and is outside in all weather, I can't fathom this. How do people survive? How was it legal?

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Something good from Texas?! Even a broken clock is right twice a day!

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Good on ya, Mr. Casar.

Next time someone says there's no difference between the two major parties? *AHEM!*

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023

YAY Casar, we're gonna turn that state BLUE yet & get food & water down to those workers.

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So...the Freethought Caucus upholds the Constitution, and there are only 18 members??? While the Prayer group has many, many more? What's wrong with this picture????

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I'm a little surprised he's from Texas, but I assume he represents some urban constituency?

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Good on him!

Maybe in another decade, if we survive the next election cycle, being a rational human being who makes decisions based on facts and evidence won't be a radical position anymore.

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Off-topic but thanks, Hemant, for going the "posting 2 articles in one day" route two days in a row after the "weekend drought." *smiles*

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Well good, I hope it continues to grow. Has the CFC done anything to draw attention to themselves? If not even the right are upset about it it might be because they just don't know they're there. Not trying to be a dickhead (it just comes naturally), I'm just thinking if they made some noise about something perhaps the media might notice them. Or I just might not know what they've done and am talking nonsense. Who knows, I'm too medicated to do research. Heh.

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People seem to think that Texas is the exclusive province of right-wingers, because they've succeeded in dominating statewide politics there. But that conceals the true picture, a look at which reveals why we shouldn't just write off the state as hopeless. Herewith some data:

2020 Presidential votes for Democrats in Texas: 5,259,126.

That’s more Democrats in Texas than in these states actually WON by Democrats: Arizona (1,672,143), Colorado (1,804,352), Connecticut (1,080,831), Delaware (296,268), DC (317,323), Georgia (2,473,633), Hawaii (366,130), Illinois (3,471,915), Maine (435,072), Maryland (1,985,023), Massachusetts (2,382,202), Michigan (2,804,040), Minnesota (1,717,077), Nevada (703,486), New Hampshire (424,937), New Jersey (2,608,335), New Mexico (501,614), New York (5,230,985), Oregon (1,340,383), Pennsylvania (3,458,229), Rhode Island (307,486), Vermont (242,820), Virginia (2,413,568), Washington (2,369,612), and Wisconsin (1,630,866).

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While the free-thought caucus may be small, it wasn't that long ago it would have been unthinkable. One step at a time. With every passing year organized religion cedes ground they will never recover. As for the Texas law, it didn't ban giving outdoor workers hydration breaks, it said local government couldn't pass ordinances requiring them. Greg Abbott, being the fine Christian he is, wanted to lift the yoke of burdensome regulation from businesses, the health and safety of workers be damned.

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Anyone like to guess how much vile hate mail and death threats Casar will be receiving from the good x-tians of Texas right now?

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And Baby Jesus wept. (Tee hee hee.)

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Bravo, Rep Casar and welcome to The Freethought Caucus.

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Pramila Jayapal from my state.

*pumps fist*

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