I'm a Vietnam veteran who has never done anything veteran related, and never intends to. That said, few people disgust me more than those who lie about having served. In addition to being a liar, Mark Burns is a living, breathing argument for church-state separation. He strikes me as someone who would build the world of his dreams around the very worst parts of the Old Testament.

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Me too, me neither, and me too. Stolen Valor used to be against the law. I despise those phony "veterans." For some fun, look up 'L. Ron Hubbard, War Hero' for an exquisite take-down of his fake service, fake awards and medals, and fake adventures on the high seas. Yes, he did serve in the Navy, but he did a cock up job of being incompetent, getting lost in the fog, and shelling Mexican territory on the Coronado Islands. Then he had a running battle with a magnetic sea mount off the Oregon coast, thinking it was submarines.

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If my dad was still alive, my guess is that he'd want to have words with this guy. He served in the Navy during WW2 (the Army was sticky about wanting healthy soldiers but the Navy was taking anybody, including my half-blind, gimpy dad.) He was a pharmacist's mate and cross-trained as a medic. He basically refused to talk about his experiences. In 1996 he was finally diagnosed with PTSD and severe, daily migraines--which he'd lived with for 50 years. He died in 2007 of a rare, untreatable form of Parkinson's, possibly also related to his Navy service. So, no, not somebody who ever, *ever* glorified war, guns, violence. He also never took part in any veterans' groups or activities. Just an average guy who had his 20th birthday a week before Pearl Harbor, decided to use what skills he had to help alleviate the suffering from war, put himself in harm's way over and over again, and saw too much death as a result, all of which affected him for the rest of his life. The assholes like this guy who *do* glorify such suffering should've met dad and people like him.

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Sorry about your dad. Mine served in the R.N. in World War II, and in spite of his ship being mined and attacked by kamikazes, he arrived home relatively unscathed. But he never talked about the war, apart from the amount of drinking he did, and some of the things he saw in "foreign parts" that were non-war related. He never joined the RSA until very late in his life because he couldn't stand all the war talk. I think that's how he handled it. I suspect he eventually joined for the cheap beer. He did however arrive home with an abiding hatred for the Japanese, which lasted all his life, but was subdued until his mind went in the last few years, whereupon it resurfaced.

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One of the few times I did get dad to talk (this was while he was seeing a psychiatrist in the mid-90s after being diagnosed with PTSD), he surprised me by saying he'd been in New Zealand for a couple of months, and had really wanted to move there after the war. Eventually he told me about an outbreak of walking pneumonia on the Navy ship he was on, of how so many Marines got sick and died, and how they'd had to divert to New Zealand to get care for the survivors. He never told me why he didn't move there, but did go on about how much he liked the people he met there, and how beautiful he found the country to be. I remember staring at him and thinking, "His life might have been totally different--and I wouldn't be here--if he'd done that!" The surprising things we sometimes find out, especially from people who kept that all bottled up for years! I don't know--maybe that psychiatrist did do some good for him.

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Out of the blue, dad rang me up and said that the Russians were giving out medals for people who been on Arctic convoy duty. He didn't live in the capital so he asked me if I could get in touch with them and organise to get it. I didn't have much of an idea that he'd even been to Russia. As it turns out the Russian embassy was great and it was organised and he got his medal. Many years later the British decided to issue Arctic convoy medals which he would have been entitled to, and I asked if he wanted me to try to organise that for him. His mind had gone a bit by then but he quite liked the idea. The Brits made it so fucking complicated and difficult that he died before I could even figure out how to do it. Not sure I can never forgive them for that.

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"...but the Navy was taking anybody, including my half-blind, gimpy dad."

Makes sense...not a long ways to walk on most ships.

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Plus, I don't think the Navy cared that he was left-handed, so long as he got his job done. It's possible that, given the violent discrimination against southpaws at the time, that may have contributed to the Army rejecting him as well. He did say that the first thing the Navy doctor did was test his vision and prescribe glasses.

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Yep. Most military weapons are designed to be fired by right-handers. We had "brass deflectors" for the M16s to help the southpaws not get hot brass in their faces, but they didn't do a great job.

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The Brits had to train all their troops to fire right-handed given that their bullpup ejected the brass straight into their face. I would have thought it was easy enough to design a rifle that could eject on either side, but given the problems that thing initially had maybe that was a bridge too far.

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That reminds me of something that Walt Whitman said, about nursing dying soldiers, as he did in a hospital during the Civil War. None of those sick and dying people cared that he was queer. I seriously doubt any of those Marines on the Navy ships dad was on gave a damn that he was half-blind, walked with a limp, or used his left hand while easing their passing. It did matter to the Army, though, that dad couldn't see well enough or walk well enough, or couldn't effectively use his right hand to make more dead soldiers. Part of why he hated wars, guns, and violence so much, I think.

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His claims, IIRC, were particularly vile, concerning service on a ship lost in action whose surviving crew were massacred as POWs (so none of them were alive to contradict his lie). I remember coming across this once or twice before, while looking into Scientology [insert sounds of furious Googling here]...

Yup, found it- the USS Edsall: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Edsall_(DD-219)

...and holy shit, that's one 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 of a story to just shamelessly 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧-𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘤 your way into.

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This is the best, most concise and complete review of Hubbard's military service and lies:


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Last I checked you can get a free copy of "Bare Faced Messiah" online. I'm not sure it's worth reading these days being as we all know he was a complete fraud. I think I still have an old paperback somewhere though.

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Welcome home.

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𝑊𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔-𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑦 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑖𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑓 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑠 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑.

That's the only part of the announcement that seems reasonable. What are the odds that this policy won't apply to kids who don't conform to the White Christian Nationalist ideology of the school?

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

"Dear Parents: This is to inform you that little Billy reported being 'bullied' for being a little freak. The staff, along with his peers, have been using Good Xtian Love™ to help him adjust his mind and get right with the Lord. Please continue correcting Billy's behaviors at home as well. He is *not* 'Suzie' and he must stop that nonsense now before Jesus finds out. In His Love, Principal Burns

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Zero. Note the "This school is not designed for children who have discipline issues." That's his attempted catch-all for 'we can throw anyone out we want.'

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Military schools are bully factories, pretty much by definition.

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What about schools like Texas A&M that mostly isn’t a military school but likes to play dress up as one?

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My grandson is a senior at A&M, and I would be the first one to agree they do have a peculiar culture. A&M is also one of the best public universities in the country.

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Texas A&M is a very good school, but SO easy to make fun of. (It wouldn’t be fun making fun of it if it were not such a good school.)

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Aggie jokes are a thing for a reason. Class of '78.

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Like every good Aggie, my grandson hates UT. lol He's a starter on the lacrosse team.

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Like the Aggies who were in a department store when the power failed, and spent the night trapped on an escalator?

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Translation: "If we find out that a kid is being bullied because they're LGBTQ, we'll tell their parents- who, let's face it, are about as right-wing as parents get if they're sending their offspring here- that they're LGBTQ so they can be bullied at home instead of wasting valuable indoctrination time on it at school."

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Hello, the guy is black and if you think Christian Nationalist ideology is solely white folks you haven't been paying attention. No disrespect intended here.

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Yes, there are POC who have bought into the Christian Nationalist agenda. They just don't think the inherent racism will affect 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮.

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Those leopards will never get hungry under their regime.

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"We believe that our children are more than capable of making their own decisions..."

This sentence uttered by this grifter right after saying the students will not be exposed to "LGBTQ, CRT or 'woke' is a direct contradiction. Children are only capable of making their own decisions when given all of the facts. Filling their heads with lies, dogma and fear of the 'other' people is not conducive to an informed decision.

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He didn't say anything about an *informed* decision. He trains them to make the decision he approves of, but they still make the decision, supposedly.

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"I have voluntarily decided to give you my lunch money as preferable to being beaten up."

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Yeah, that happens to anybody who is "different" in any way. Don't need a private indoctrination camp for that. (I speak from experience.)

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It's just a rehash of the bullshit "god gave us free will" dog whistle.

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Except for that Pharaoh guy. No free will for him.

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If this idiot-child wants to waste HIS OWN MONEY on this ersatz "academy," then let him go right on ahead, for all of me. But just watch. He won't be half a semester in when he'll discover just how much money he needs to run it, and he'll be BEGGING the State and Federal governments for funds, 𝗪𝗛𝗜𝗖𝗛 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗬 𝗗𝗔𝗠𝗡𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗘𝗟𝗟 𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗟𝗗 𝗥𝗘𝗙𝗨𝗦𝗘!

As for the parents of the kids who will be subjected to this foolishness ... [shrug] They belong together. I really feel sorry for the kids.

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He'll certainly situate it in a state with school vouchers.

And I'm not okay with him using his own money to fund it. No child should be subjected to this. This has all the horrors of evangelical homeschooling plus, apparently, the horrors of a military school.

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"anything “contrary to the word of God” needs to be removed from the country and made “illegal.”

When he says "word of god" does he means anything who is not in the babble is illegal ? Starting with the USA ? So his bid for Congress was illegal too, right ?

For the sake of children I really hope it's a scam. We saw enough posts about theses "academies" to know they are hotbed of abuse.

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"Anything contrary to the word of god," eh? I don't recall any branch of physics or chemistry mentioned in the bible, so the 20th and 21st century innovations which makes most of our current classrooms and indeed our society should be OUT. I seriously doubt that Burns has any idea what strict adherence to his specious requirement entails or implies.

But I'd love to see him learn ... the HARD way.

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No theologians were consulted in the search for the Higgs Boson.

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Obviously. It was a search for facts, not fantasy.

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You can go back earlier. The foundation of modern chemistry and medicine date from 17th and 18th centuries.

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Indeed. In many ways, Galileo started a lot of this, and Isaac Newton made enormous contributions to kinematic physics, optics, and mathematics.

And the bible knows about NONE of this!

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Like NOGODZ says, in the babble 1= 3.

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Well, to be fair, this is kind of like the point we atheists have to make all the time, that just because we're opposed to teaching religion in schools doesn't mean we're in favor of teaching IRreligion. We just don't need to mention either of them.

Same deal here. Just because the Bible doesn't mention anything about science doesn't mean it's AGAINST science, it's just that it doesn't have anything to say on the subject.

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To a certain degree, I agree with you. However, there's also the matter of that phrase in the bible about relying on the lord and not on your own understanding. As an engineer, MY understanding was how I made my living for 30 years. I relied on some putative "lord" for none of it.

Then too, the bible contradicts itself so often, including the above mentioned verse, that I have no reason to give it any kind of serious consideration.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Well, the Egyptian pyramids, religions of Hindu and Buddhism, the Indigenous peoples living in the Americas, people living in eastern Asia in what is now Japan, China, Mongolia, India, Korea, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Middle and Southern Africa, Australia. These are not found in the Bible. Does this mean they all have to be tossed out and disregarded since they're contrary to the Word of God?

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I have another one. My country shouldn't be called France but Gaul.

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Oh, dear, CRT coming up. My place is located on Chumash land--or was. Not in the babble.

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Mark Burns isn't found anywhere in the Bible too...

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Sure he is. And a lot, too. How many times does the word 'fool' appear in the bible?

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Burns and his friends are detached from reality and teach delusional doctrines. If the school comes to fruition he will be scaring the kids and when they face the reality of life outside the Christian bubble they will be ill equipped and laughed at and then call it persecution. How sad.

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But we know these guys. He's going to have "fundraisers" so he can buy a bigger HOUSE, I mean SCHOOL.

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And a private jet. GOT to have a private jet!

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How could I forget the private jet??

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As befits a man of his stature and prestige. /s

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Buses aren't good enough for those kiddies.

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The kids have to walk. The jet is for the administrator.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Actually, C. Montgo... mark burns has a solution who will help him save money AND make sure the students do enough PE (another saving measure, no need for PE teachers). He will use electrical engines charged by pedaling* on bikes).

* It works for cellphones and laptop after all.

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(Obviously, but we don't say it out loud.)

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Quick OT before I forget:

Happy 64th Birthday to Weird Al. And Ryan Reynolds also celebrates his 47th trip around the Sun.

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Also, it’s my 24th wedding anniversary.

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Hopefully celebrated with an Ice Cream Cake from Dairy Queen under the big top.

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We had to celebrate last night, hubs is traveling for work today. I got flowers at work on Friday, but no ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, alas. Next year we plan on doing something big for the quarter century. Maybe we’ll get ice cream cake from Dairy Queen then.

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Our 22nd was this summer, I can't remember doing anything. I also can't remember the last time we celebrated anything on the actual day, aside from maybe the kids birthdays.

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Yup, between his job making him travel and our finances being so tight for so long, it’s been tough keeping up with all the dates.

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It’s easy, both of our parents have been married over 50 years, so we have good examples to emulate. Our parents are still happy in the marriage as well. Plus we really like each other.

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Yay! :D

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You know a person is crazy when he or she gets rejected by South Carolina Republicans.

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"We plan to have our students wear a military-inspired uniform"

He even got that wrong. The shirts are supposed to be brown.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Exactly. He said uniforms and I immediately thought "Just like the Hitler Youth."

And encouraging family and mentors to also don the uniform in support just cements the image of Germany in the 30s/40s.

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It’s like they’re not even trying to hide their fascism.

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Fascists tend to be Christians.

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Even when they're dragging people out of their homes and bludgeoning them in the streets. They're doing the holy work of god emperor trump.

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They look more like some variant of the dress uniforms from ST-TOS.

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Hey! Preacher! Leave them kids alone.

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Maybe instead of breaking the wall, building one to separate him from children would be a good idea.

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Let's go all Cask of Amontillado on his ass! "For the sake of god, Montressor!"

I have to laugh ... because I learned about that one through the good offices of Walter Koenig as Alfred Bester in Babylon 5!

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Thanks to you Troblesh00ter for reminding me that tis the season for Edgar Allen Poe. Listening to the 2003 album ‘The Raven’ by Lou Reed - “This is the story of Edgar Allan Poe / Not exactly the boy next door”.

“ But the raven, never flitting

Still is sitting silent sitting

Above a painting silent painting

Of the forever silenced whore

And his eyes have all the seeming

Of a demon's that is dreaming

And the lamplight over him

Streaming throws his shadow to the floor

I love she who hates me more

I love she who hates me more

And my soul shall not be lifted from that shadow


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Which reminds me of Christopher Walken and the beginning of The Dead Zone! Let's GO for POE!

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"All in all, we need another brick in the wall" -- Conservative Manly-Colored Floyd.

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I wonder if anyone will ever get around to pointing out to Mr. Burns that a Black dude running things is pretty woke.

At least woke-adjacent.

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Shhhh, you'll wake him. : )

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Christian military drill instructor: "All right, you scum, show me you battle face!"

**Cadet turns his cheek**

Christian military drill instructor. "You call that cheek turning! Your mother turns her cheeks harder! I won't forgive that face, even if it had accepted Jesus Chirst as the only son of God! Now show me your battle face."

**Cadet turns his cheek harder.**

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If this place opens, I predict we'll get stories on how the staff abused, tortured, and raped children within two years.

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That long?

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He did say "within".

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How does a lying Christian preacher who spreads lies he sees and hears on Fox News get a license for a school?

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License? We don't need no stinking license.

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No one's gonna say it? OK, I will.

Mark Burns eats worms!

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I guess it wasn't on anybody's Radar.

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Thought I'd Pierce people's consciousness.

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You'd have to have a Hawkeye to see what you did there.

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Was just trying to be Frank.

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That's not going to cut it, Honey.

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I condemned this preacher with Hot Lips.

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Burns ... the original Ferret Face!

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Burns waves the flag while doing everything to promote NatCism.

Christian Nationalism is un-American to its very core.

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Wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, indeed.

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