Oh, and he obviously doesn't consider LGBT+ people to be people. We're a "lifestyle."

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Evidently, just a lifestyle, and women are just livestock.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Anybody who considers being LGBT+ a lifestyle, I consider to be hiding in the closet.

I have told friends who think it is a choice to choose to date people who identify as the same sex as them for a month and let me know how that works out for them. So far no one has taken me up on it.

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Ask them when they chose to be hetero.

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*If* they answer, I expect something along the lines of "When I first saw a bare boob."

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I knew I was one before seeing my first dick.

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Better than me. I had to see several thousand over 10 years before I knew I wasn't one.

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How many pair of boobs do you think I saw in my 12 years of boardschool ?

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

That makes it strange that most female born people are hetero, since most of us must have seen a bare boob when they were breastfed.

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My mom told me I should stop spending time with my friend because she (my mom) was unsure of my friends sexual orientation. I was 12 or 13 and thought my mom was crazy, I did not understand what my friend's sexual orientation had to do with our friendship. I still don't understand it. My friend was borned in a female body, but was obviously not a female person and so what? I still don't understand what that had to do with our friendship.

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Or they all are on the DL and just aren't telling you about it.

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That is a possibility.

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He could easily prove that by "choosing" to be gay for a while right? Just a week or two, just to show is all how easy it is to choose your lifestyle. The only problem is dammit, he may well be closeted. These wack jobs often are.

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Then he'll most likely realize he's found his true self. Whether the grift will override his new sense of freedom is the open question.

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When violating the Constitution by trying to establish Christianity as a government religion, they will claim that “Christianity isn’t a religion, it is a lifestyle”.

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Or maybe a "philosophy" or a "reading program" or an "extra-curricular activity." Suuuuure.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Yes, like being a vegan or a homesteader

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Proud of my state for banning what is, in effect, torture.

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I wouldn't be entirely surprised if mine made it mandatory for under 18.

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𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙂 is a sin or a crime when you're a Christian.

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Maybe she misread?

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For far too long in this country the initial response to charges like this would have been to blame the accuser, and claim how dare anyone say such things about a man of God! Pedophiles and sex offenders got away with hiding behind their clerical collars and Bibles for far too long. I will be forever baffled by the people who delegate their thinking to others, particularly hate-filled preachers, but the herd instinct runs deep in our species. Church attendance drops every year, and now only 47% of American adults claim any kind of religious affiliation. While this is a positive trend, it isn't moving fast enough.

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"Pervs run away from me."

Far more likely 𝘷𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘴 of pervs run from him.

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"I don't hang out with pervs"

Oh yes, hon, you do.

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As soon as he said "pervs" I knew the charges against his buddy (son-in-law?) involved sex crimes and children.

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It's a fundamentalist preacher. As soon as charges were mentioned it likely involved sex crimes and children.

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You are unfair, money is often involved too.

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“Now I'm not hating on anybody, either, but I don't have to confirm your sinful lifestyle. The church does not exist to confirm sin.“

Most people don’t consider being told to change inherent parts of themselves to be very loving. Repent or leave isn’t very nice, not when it comes to who you are, and the little bit of what you’ve said here shows that you are, indeed, hating on folks.

Oh and, the church exists to create sin so it can take your life and money in order to make you not sin. It creates a disease so it can sell you the cure.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

His car story is so ridiculous I don't believe a word of it to begin with. It reads like a revenge fantasy. If a real preacher *did* pick up a prospective new member, breaking the ice car talk would be "hey, how's it going?" or "thanks for agreeing to come to our service, I think you'll like it." Not "you're either going to repent or get out of the car."

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Right?! I didn’t either. I’m betting, if anything remotely close to picking up someone, he mistakenly asked “How much for your services?”

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He's arrogant and I'll wager he hypocritically thinks nonbelievers are arrogant.

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The car story reminds me of the sermon notes sent out to Lutheran pastors. A favorite story has an atheist turning up at the pastor's study to engage in a theological conversation--which the pastor always wins. It's all nonsense, of course.

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And that atheist's name...Albert Einstein.

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Wellllllll. he was an agnostic. 🙂

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Was going to post the original, but this popped up.


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"And one night… I had one of them in the car, I went to pick him up for church..."

It's amazing how many routes to church involve a back alley.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

His story about that encounter remains an unverifiable personal assertion. That makes it worthless.

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Plus, it's about as realistic as a floor plan drawn up by MC Escher. "𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶?" Where 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 this dingus get his delusions?

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

I've got a pretty good idea where he gets them. It involves his nether regions.

His story stinks to high heaven.

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Pre-op transwomen seem to be a popular fetish. (The lengths some guys will go to to prove they're 'not' gay)

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If I was a cop I would start to investigate him too. Birds of same grift and all that.

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The type of people who threaten you with assassination if you so much as listen to someone who disagrees with them, and their friends who use the power of their church positions to commit crimes, will then moan about how secularism is destroying America.

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Such as granting women, children, blacks, browns, reds, Asians, gays, trans, bisexuals, and non conforming Christian and other religious groups the exact same equal rights, liberties, and privileges as the White Christian man.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

The threat is disturbing but also gallows-humor funny in it's impotence. He has zero power to control or limit anyone's access to coverage of the case. Ramping up the 'penalty' for doing so is a sign he knows it. The more powerless he feels, the more he'll bluster louder and harder.

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"It's unclear what Randolph is accused of doing with a child..."

Given the charges and the track record of the godly, is there really any doubt? Any at all?

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I'd like to see what's in Pastor pFail's browser history.

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Does he know josh duggar ?

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You probably don't.

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Whatever his buddy was into, the reason he doesn't want it investigated is because he's in just as deep and just hasn't been caught yet.

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My now-dead wasband got us involved in Amway back in the late 80s/early 90s. The husband of one of the other couples said he used a wooden spoon to discipline, AKA beat, his 2-year-old son "so he won't learn to fear my hand." Your hand holds the spoon, you asshole.

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I'm noticing a very distinct lack of drag queens in this story about sexual abuse. How weird. Almost like every accusation is really a confession.

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I wouldn't be caught dead in THOSE frocks, honey.

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It sounds like he aligns himself with pervs calling them good men, but those he calls pervs do run from him. Any decent person would.

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Val if you didn't do that already today can you go read the pinned comment on the previous post please ?

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Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Goodbye jomicur, you will be missed.

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Do you know any details and is there anything we can do to help someone?

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I don't tend to ask these kind of details. Our Jomicur died late October I don't think there is a lot of thing we can do to help except remember him.

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I didn't know if there was some kind of memorial fund or a go fund me or something. Maybe we can set one up to make a donation somewhere in his name.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

I like this idea, and would recommend SNAP if they take donations. If not amFAR.

Edit: SNAP does take donations.


Edit 2: SNAPs tribute donation requires physical addresses of relatives. amFAR appears to allow honoree donations online.

Edit 3: amFAR appears to have an e-mail address for donors which would likely have contact information for money order donation.


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I just checked GoFundMe takes a percentage and doesn't appear to have a way to take non-app, non-cc donations.

Given that, I don't think a group donation will work, but I will give an individual donation in his honor.

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So sorry for the loss

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Who'll do the sniping/taking out, Jeremy? Certainly not you. Guys like you are cowards and want someone else to do your wet work for you while you cower under your desk and deny all culpability.

Should you be stupid enough to get personally involved, a word of warning: People shoot back. I can hear you screaming like Pastor Steven Anderscum now.

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Thanks for the reminder. I can always use a laugh and Anderscum getting his comeuppance falls into that category.

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Big, bad p-ass-tor threatens a 2-year-old with a wooden spoon.

Call it a hunch, but I'm willing to bet pFail has a copy of Michael and Debi Pearl's book that he reads far more than his bible.

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I often threatened Aria with a spoon*, the difference is that I never hit her with it or hit her at all.

* To feed her with it if she didn't start to eat by herself.

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A wooden spoon goes beyond any gray area between spanking and abuse.

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