OT 2

Good on ya, JLC

"Jamie Lee Curtis vows to defend her trans daughter's 'right to exist': 'This life is about love'"


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What a great woman and mother to speak for those who are silenced.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023


She is that.

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One of these days, I'd like to... but a few things need to change on my end before I can.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023


"Homophobic Pastor Ousts Queer Grandchildren From Grandpa's Funeral; Plan Backfires Wildly As Kids Walk Out With All the Food"


This is one of those scrolling slideshow articles interspersed with ads. Just wanted to give the heads up

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From the article: โ€œYouโ€™re mistaking these people for actual Christians. More and more often I see religion used to excuse behavior that is completely antithetical to the tenets of their faith.โ€

Ahh, now. These people ARE, in point of fact, Christians. They believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins just like every other Christian on the planet. Now, you might want to argue that they're 'clearly' bad at it, but don't go pretending they're not one of you, because they most assuredly are.

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Bingo. Can't believe they actually played the No True Scotsman card.

What am I saying? Of course I believe they'd play it.

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Schroedingerโ€™s Christians. They count as Real Christians when theyโ€™re needed to inflate their numbers, but are not when it comes to their moral & ethical failings.

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The entire deck is made out of No True Scotsman cards.

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On a similar but not homophobic note, I regret that I didn't speak up more vociferously when my grandmother died and her will stated one of my cousins was not welcome. I didn't think it was appropriate to uninvite her to the funeral, but when others in the family pushed to do so, I was not emphatic in my protest. This has led to 12 years of silence with both her and her brother. I don't blame them, but I miss them and feel guilt for my inaction.

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Our long national nightmare is over. Ye is back on X.

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Let see if Kim will ask for a revision of the custody of their children when he starts to spout conspirationists rants.

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"And of those angel-believing religiously unaffiliated, that includes 2% of atheists, 25% of agnostics and 50% of those identified as โ€œnothing in particular.โ€"

WTF! If I squint, I can see 50% of "nothing in particular", but the rest?????

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

Apparently, the belief in aliens too with all of this ufo hype... (I think aliens exist, though visiting earth is another question altogether)

Also we would need to define what we mean by alien... I think "life" exists probably mostly in bacterial forms on other worlds... Even occasionally in anatomically interesting forms... But "intelligent" life, i think is even more rare.

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Intelligent life seems to be pretty rare on this planet.

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

"After I give lectures - on almost any subject - I'm often asked, "Do you believe in UFOs?" I'm always struck by how the question is phrased, the suggestion is that this is a matter of belief and not evidence. "How good is the evidence that UFOs are alien spaceships?"

-- Carl Sagan, from "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark," pg 82

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If you have ever heard the rational explanations of most of this, it is rather blaise... i think most uneducated people simply love conspiracy theories. Whether it bigfoot or ufo... The truth is more boring..

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I always refer to conspiracy theories as conspiracy fantasies. :)

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

Love watching fighter pilots "shoot down" these phantasms. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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The first question to ask is "Why would they come to a planet lost in the lateral branch of an uninteresting galaxy ?".

DM and me saw something weird once. That doesn't mean we saw E.T. family coming for a third visit.

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But โ€“ the universe is so big that statistically intelligent life must exist in large numbers even if it is comparatively rare.

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"If it's just us, seems an awful waste of space."

-- Both Ted Arroway and his daughter Ellie in "Contact"

(One could say that this falls under "Argument from Incredulity")

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Read "Rare Earth: Why complex life is uncommon in the universe" for a counter to your claim.

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Yet, fair enough โ€“ uncommon, but with the size of the universe there still must be a lot of it. A mathematician once explained it to me, but I'm afraid my eyes glazed over.

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Here's a documentary about an alien: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8690918/

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

That actor is great, i recall his over the top role in "Death at a funeral"

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I am a leaf on the wind.

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Awwww. So sad (if you saw the movie).

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I subscribe. I also submit story ideas and resources. This is good space, these are good people.

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OT : in about 12 hours DM should be home. I hope so, I was promised Chinese food ๐Ÿ˜

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I'll take a #19 with a side order of crab rangoon.

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A little thing to know about French Chinese restaurants, if you say dishes names like crab Rangoon or Kun Pao chicken most French will ask what are talking about. We tend to describe the main characteristics of the dish like salt and pepper chicken or sea bream on hot plate ๐Ÿ™‚

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#19 is Kung Pao with either chicken, pork, beef, or shrimp. I get beef.

I don't know if "Kun" is different from "Kung".

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It's probably me who misspelled it.

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It won't taste the same as Chinese food from pretty much any other country. It won't taste the same as Chinese food from China. Even though it has the same title. They alter the recipe to suit local tastes. Mind you, McDonald's does the same McDonald's in Hong Kong or Osaka โ€“ completely different to McDonald's in NZ. And I might say just a bit better. ๐Ÿ˜

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Why do you think DM wants Chinese food ? I cooked Asian food* nearly every day while she is at the hospital. She wants to order some because I don't cook meat and she only know to cook French dishes.

* A small shop who sold mostly Chinese and a handful of Japanese ingredients at first. Since they moved (20 meters away) to a bigger place they started to sell Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indian, Caribbean, African and Middle East food and ingredients. And since this year they added Thai and Korean. I don't have to make a 3 hours back and forth travel to Paris anymore.

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Beets on burgers is not better. ; )

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I love beets on burgers!

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You've just become my favourite person on this site.

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I love beets about anywhere.

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That's NZ, and yes it is. ๐Ÿ˜ But the Japanese and Chinese ones have completely different stuff. Some of the same old same old, but different stuff as in fillings and even buns. I did an assignment on MacDonaldisation about 10 years ago and it was very helpful to have been to other McDonalds.

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Too bad it isn't Chinese New Year. You could've had a hongbao (a gift of money placed inside a red packet) to look forward to. :)

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Up late today sorry. There was an earthquake at bedtime last night which put paid to the idea of sleep for a little while. ๐Ÿ˜‡

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Is Taylor Swift in town?

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No idea โ€“ but that's a thought โ€“ I'll be in my bunk.

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She made the earth move in her two shows on the 22nd and 23rd at Climate Pledge Arena here. A 2.3 magnitude tremor both nights.

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I wouldn't read too much into that. Seattle is on shaky ground, anyway.

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So was that pun. :)

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

Maybe Thog was in your area last night (relevant bit at 1:55)


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Well, the adrenochrome thing is still up. So much for YouTube's 20 4/7 service.

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OT - Even manatees are gay

๐๐จ๐ฉ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐š๐ซ ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ž ๐๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐š๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ '๐ก๐ข๐ ๐ก ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ' ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฑ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐›๐ซ๐จ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ


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And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Singin' and jinglin' a jangle

Float like the heavens above

Looks like Manatee Love

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Oh, the huge manatee!

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*Waiting for denazillon outrage and cutting of funds/closure of the facility.*

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I suppose there are worse ways to go.

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If only the manatee that had shuffled off this mortal coil had been Sean "The Manatee" Hannity.

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OT if there is a T.


I just reported this. I'm going to hang onto the link and see if anything happens.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

What. The. Ever. Loving. Fuck?

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

WTF indeed. The world is going to hell in a hand basket. I just watched a YouTube by Neil Oliver who is a Scottish documentary maker and presumably an educated man, going on about "excess deaths" which apparently have been covered up by the MSM. Google excess deaths, and articles are all over the place, including in the Guardian โ€“ that bastion of communism. Doolally tap.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

Caviezel is freaking disturbed. And Shawn Ryan just sits their nodding like Steve "Sgt." Shultz.

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Jesus Christ, I didn't realise it was him โ€“ I used to watch that TV series he was in quite faithfully. At least until like the X-Files it sort of went off the rails.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

His voice is a dead giveaway for me.

You talking about "Person of Interest?" I saw episodes of it at the day center when I was homeless. It was interesting, but I never saw the whole series so I don't know how it jumped the shark.

By the way, do a search engine with the words "shawn ryan show controversy" and scroll down. My my my.

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Person of Interest?

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I would think that if an evangelical like me supports Hemant with his bucks that surely skeptics would be doing so as well.

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I already do.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

As do I (though to be honest, someone gifted me a subscription. Since the only way I can pay is via Post Office money orders, I wonder if Hemant would find those acceptable?)

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I see no reason those wouldn't be acceptable at the P.O box listed if checks are.

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

Was hoping he'd see my post and answer as he does from time to time (he responded to a post on the previous article).

I shall retain his address and send in a money order when my current subscription expires. If he can't accept USPS money orders for whatever reason(s), he'll probably just send it back.

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Ask him: Mpromptu@gmail.com

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Alas, I've tried emailing him. I compose an email, click to send and get "Check your contacts." Huh? I need contacts to send an email?

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Maybe you just need bifocals.

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

Contacts? I have to know people to email them? What's that about, eh?

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I support Hemant.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

Is DG trying to shame atheists on their own site?

Given their horrendous history and current practices, Christians have no business trying to shame others into anything. Let them remove the beams/logs/planks from their own eyes before attempting to remove the motes/specks/splinters from the eyes of others.

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I suspect DG supports the Friendly Atheist for exposing religious hypocrites as well as reporting of religious behavior that is antithetical to the spirit Christian love, compassion, charity, as well as reason. The world lens Hemant uses to report on the faithfulโ€™s bad behavior can be use by an adherent to foment changes to their church for the better. Plus DG can give his take on Hemantโ€™s writings from the world lens of a person of faith.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

We have issues with DG and his supporting hate groups, especially when it comes to LGBTQs. He claims that he doesn't support everything those hate groups do. That he supports ANYTHING they do is abominable.

That's all I'll say about that. Let others who have called out DG on this subject as well as his apologism and other issues chime in (assuming they'll come to this article). As for the spirit of Christian love, compassion and charity? We've seen article after article by Hemant that illustrated, sometimes brutally, that Christian love, compassion and charity is...wanting. And reason? If reason entered into it, there would be no Christianity.

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I no longer support the ADF thanks to the comments made by you and others in this forum. However, your hatred for Christianity gives Christianity a hold over you which could end up defining your life.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

My only response to you:

That it took atheists in this forum to get you to stop supporting a group you should never have supported in the first place speaks volumes about Christianity and its "love."

1700 years of horror by Christians as well as their current hateful doings and you accuse me of hatred? I hate the horrible things Christians have done in their imaginary savior's name and rightfully so. I also recognize the good that some who call themselves Christians have done to better things. My past posts at FA have shown this for years.

Defining my life? If Christians would stop trying to push their religion on everyone else in the public sphere, I could quite easily ignore them. It is Christians who want to have a hold over others. Christian Nationalism is evidence of this. They won't stop until the United States is a Christian theocracy. What Christians don't understand is that this is going to go against them as well if they aren't the sect that gains total power. They might want to look up their own history on how Christians persecute not only nonbelievers but other Christian sects.

Now go ahead and last word me. You know you want to. You do it with others.

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Personally, I don't "hate" Christianity, any more than I hate fans of any other mythology or fiction or sports team or whatever.

I very much dislike any of those demographics demanding undue privilege including legislating based on woo...your bullshit should have zero impact on my life unless I choose to play your silly game. It's the actions that define a person to me, whether they believe Jesus is real or the Cyclones suck is irrelevant.

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I support Hemant not because I agree with everything but because he has a real commitment to the truth even though it's led him in a direction different than mine.

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Truth doesn't have a direction.

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Aren't you the same guy who says there is no objective truth? And even if truth has no direction, our understanding (as imperfect as it may be) of it may lead people in different directions.

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Show me the quote.

Not different, wrong.

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OT - The paramedics have just arrived, apparently another OD.

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Weird stuff. But chacun a son gout or whatever. When you're that cute anyway.

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No horses were harmed in the making of this video.

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I imagine myself trailing behind and banging two coconut halves together.

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I would like to see jousting. Or this


(It's all pretty good, but right about 9:00 is the money shot)

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Boiled frogs.

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I prefer crunchy frogs.

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*looks through Whizzo Quality Assortment*

Ah, here it is. Spring Surprise. Just pop it in my mouth and AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!

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For one second I thought you ate a Bertie Botts' bean.

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Jul 30, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

Still better than BBEFB's Earwax, Vomit or Bogie.

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Don't tell me. After checking they were vegans, my nephew tried to have me to eat some. I told him he'd better no prank me with the ones you mentioned unless he wanted to be decorated with real vomit ๐Ÿ˜

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You'd think southern homophobes would welcome large gay populations. After all, it'd mean more opportunities with women for them.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

Found a video. They flip the bird and wave at him.

Never date a bridesmaid.


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Or it could encourage women to get together. There is a French movie who starts like this, a man's wife/fiancรฉe make him comes to the airport for their vacations, that's when he saw her with his mistress, they waved or flipped the bird at him and left to take their plane laughing.

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I didn't know you could "share" stuff. If that helps once I find out how to do it I'll start doing it. I already try to nudge the algorithms on YouTube in favour of the tell-tale guy and Johnny Pearce, plus a couple of other people I think are doing God's work. And it only takes a few minutes a day, so I'll just add "sharing" to that roster.

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