Pennsylvania lawmaker cites Genesis 8 as proof that climate change is fake
State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, a Christian Nationalist, was justifying her vote against a symbolic resolution
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Pennsylvania State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, a Christian Nationalist who has spent years pushing her faith on others through her government position, said this week that climate change wasn’t a concern because the Bible said so.
When Democrats are pushing bills like banning gas-powered mowers and gas-powered stoves in New York City, all under the name of a climate control agenda, we can all see what is really going on here. The truth is, is in Genesis 8:22, it says, “as long as the Earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
I’ll say that again: “Will never cease.”
Of course, we are to be good stewards of God’s creation, but not through a forceful climate control global agenda.
The video that went viral online didn’t explain what this was in reference to, so I imagined it was something seemingly drastic, at least in the eyes of conservatives. Perhaps a bill banning the use of gas-powered something or requiring companies to use only solar energy within a year or two?
Nope. This clip came from a discussion on Monday over House Resolution 228, which would designate the week of October 1-7, 2023, as "Climate Week" across the state.
The harmless resolution acknowledged the reality of the climate crisis:
WHEREAS, Climate change is real and human-made, and the impacts of climate change jeopardize both the environment and the current and future health and well-being of the residents of this Commonwealth…
WHEREAS, The consequences of inaction on the climate crisis will be severe and potentially irreversible…
WHEREAS, It is the duty of elected officials to raise awareness of the importance of environmental justice and to protect the interests of all Pennsylvanians, especially those who have historically been forced to bear a disproportionate share of the adverse health, environmental and economic impacts of pollution…
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives designate the week of October 1 through 7, 2023, as "Climate Week" in Pennsylvania…
That’s all this was. A set of irrefutable facts about the climate, followed by a symbolic request to declare the first week in October—a week that had already transpired!—as “Climate Week.” (For what it’s worth, the resolution passed on a 14-11 vote. All the Republicans voted no.)
Yet Borowicz claimed this was part of a “forceful climate control global agenda,” whatever the hell that means.
Citing Genesis as “proof” that climate change is a hoax — using a chapter of the Bible all about how God flooded the Earth to destroy nearly all of mankind—is batshit insane, but it’s also par for the course for white evangelicals, only 8% of whom accept the reality of the crisis. The fact is you cannot be “good stewards of God’s creation” if you don’t give a shit about what you believe is God’s creation. As I recently wrote, Christians could easily argue they’re required by God to take care of the planet that He gave them. After all, if Jesus doesn’t return for another couple of centuries, then it needs to remain sustainable for future generations of children.
But science-denying white evangelicals, selfish to the core, don’t give a damn about the society they live in because they’ve fallen for the delusion that the afterlife is all that matters, so to hell with everyone in this world. Let it burn. They’re only here to make every problem worse.
None of this is surprising for Borowicz either because she’s always been someone who thinks her religion is the only one that matters.
In 2019, on the day the state’s first Muslim legislator was sworn in, Borowicz delivered an invocation that mentioned “Jesus” 13 times in 90 seconds and called for everyone to bow down before Him.
In March of 2020, she called COVID “a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins.” She has been pushing conspiracy theories and fake “cures” for COVID ever since.
She’s gotten worse in other ways, too:
Last year, Rep. Borowicz introduced a “Don’t Say Gay” bill while bragging it goes even further than Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis’ bill did. She also called for the Pennsylvania Secretary of Education to resign, “because LGBTQ-inclusive curricula and other resources were featured on the Pennsylvania Department of Education site,” according to WITF.
Borowicz now sits in a comfortably red seat, winning her 2022 race with 67% of the votes. Democrats maintain a slim one-vote majority in the State House, after winning a special election last month, and there is a Democratic governor. Republicans, however, control the State Senate.
No discovery of science has ever pointed to the truth of any religious doctrine. This is especially true when it comes to the Biblical account of creation. I would challenge her to prove conclusively that any of the people mentioned in Genesis actually existed, or that any of those events actually happened. At some point, religious faith begins to cross the line to mental illness.
The Bible is the world’s longest-running, most widely respected, and least reliable Rorschach Test. You can look in it and see anything you want to see, find anything you want to find, justify any pre-ordained conclusion you prefer, or validate any prejudice — because the Bible has it all: love, hate; revenge, redemption; war, peace; slavery, freedom; humility, arrogance; kindness, cruelty; and, as Mark Twain observed, “upwards of a thousand lies”!