Yet another example of people who feel they're being persecuted if they are not allowed to discriminate against a group they hate.

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Yeah, how dare we deny their religious right to deny other people basic human rights!

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"Di Vittorio complained that if kids learn anything about gay people, they might think “being gay is okay.”"

Move to Floriduh, where you can't say "gay".

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I was gonna say "America – love it or leave it!" But yes, Florida seems an acceptable substitute these days.

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Imagine being such a garbage human that you make the local representatives of the Roman Catholic Church look like the lesser evil just by opening your mouth.

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It is pretty fucking amazing.

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It's another case of the hypocrisy of religion, and it's not just the Catholic sect either. Their hate for these humans (that are essentially no different than they are) is because of their selective religious delusions (depending of which parts of their "holy book" they like) and is why their minds have turned too stone, unable to change lest they have to admit that they might have been wrong in the past.

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From what I've seen, the only way to change such a mind is through continual, personal engagement.

There was a program on a streaming site which showed a mother or sibling using such a process of recovering a person from a cult in such a way, but I don't remember the name.

It took years to make that mind and the brain that holds it, and it surely can't be a surprise that it would take years of gradual weaning and actual experience to change both of them?

I think a lot of people suffer from the delusion that there is a magic-bullet, or that politics can make the change. History shows politics also allows for kick-back even if one side is "On the side of History for the Moment", which is what other sides ALSO think.

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I find it astonishing how the Catholic Church wants to maintain itself in the 16th century (if not earlier!), while elements of its membership are doing whatever they can to drag it, kicking and screaming, if necessary, into the 21st. If Vatican City can understand and acknowledge that evolution is a fact and continually developing theory, then they should also be open to the understanding that gender is NOT a fixed, binary, or invariant thing, that it involves mindset and personal experience and how someone relates to their own body. Yeah, I KNOW they're slow – glacially so – but if they have any interest in preserving ANY relevance they might still have, the fact of fluid sexuality is something they had better damned well learn.

Because otherwise (and perhaps unavoidably) they WILL wind up in the dustbin of history.

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"Wind up in the dustbin of history"-- in my estimation we need to speed this process up as much as we can. Religion is just another form on slavery. It poisons the minds of the weak and hardens the hearts of the ones that can be possibly saved from themselves.

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Oh, the rules of the church are eternal, don't you know. Except for this Friday when they grant a special dispensation. /s

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drag it, kicking and screaming, if necessary, into the ̶2̶1̶s̶t̶ 20th. FTFY

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Yeah, say hi to Zeus and Moloch for me...

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In a Bidness like the RCC, you should have some real Profits-to-Earnings kind of figures to see if it is a healthy going concern.

But, let's face it, Religion is a graveyard of the Otherwise Unemployable. It also employs people who had no other opportunity to rise above their social 'Place in Life', or some other trade-off.

Religion has no measure other than 'buns on seats'. As long as the Jesuits-Think keeps pounding out indoctrinated Catholics that population of 'buns' probably won't reflect secular social progressive attitudes in the larger Society. The Jesuits et al. MAY at times have 'peculiar' attitudes that may be similar to 'progressive' thinking (e.g., treatment of original inhabitants in South America), but, in the end, they are ENFORCERS and have a strict, RCC-doctrinal message and code of practice. They are also a known source of 'trouble makers' to the rest of the RCC hierarchy, and are always scrutinized for any attempts to shift the RCC power structure.

I'd say the RCC has no real feedback so it can afford to harbour the Otherwise Unemployable and the Ambitious, and they can easily make for a huge mass of the Management Team with a similarly huge inertia against any change that threatens their Position and Power/Privilege. Similar to the laity and their ability to buy salvation if they will only agree with that Management Team, or, better yet, OBEY the Management Team.

Really, what are the advantages or rewards for bucking the system of the Management Team? A BETTER Never-Been-Proven 'afterlife', or a Management Team 'Core Value' that specifically describes a WORSE 'afterlife' for the Bad Believers?

In the end, the corporate inertia is a HUGE advantage to someone, and those someones are in charge or are the foot soldiers who break-on-the-wheel all the apostates, heretics, and Bad Believers.

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Really, they only need to say "danger zone" if there's a priest present.

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Yesterday, I went into a couple of stores. In both places, the clerks that helped me were trans. I wonder how these parents would react to that.

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Boycotts? Protests? Bombs?

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One business after the other here have transgender employees.

The parents would "move heaven and earth" to book the next flight out.

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I bet these same parents would fuss if the Safe Space was meant to protect the kiddies from sexual predators embedded in this church.

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There's no hate quite like 'christian love.'.

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There's not even any actual love like 'christian love.'

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"The Vatican says trans identities seek to “annihilate the concept of nature."

Dear Holy Father,

With all due respect, (which you'll see ain't much) who the hell are YOU to pretend to be able to define what is or is not "nature." The most highly qualified naturalists know just enough about nature to know that they don't know much compared to how much there is to know. They have a better sense about how complicated it is, how diverse it is, and how incomprehensibly intricate it is, so they don't make fools of themselves making ill-informed pontifications about its boundaries. They just humbly keep seeking to understand a little more about it.

Nature doesn't owe it to you to be simple enough to be understandable to you, and your claimed connection with your Great Spook doesn't give you any special insight into nature.

Consider the long history of your empire's retreat in the face of advancing knowledge about nature: You first held that nature was arranged with the Earth in the center and the sun at the periphery. Then as better observations contradicted that, you stopped torturing astronomers and quietly backed off of that. You claimed that evolution was not how nature works, but then you gave in to the literal mountains of evidence. Lately you're in the process of giving up on calling homosexuality "unnatural," because you're realizing once again that you're in over your head. Yes, nature is complicated, and one of the most complicated parts is human nature, and one of the most complicated parts of that is human sexuality. It isn't simple, either-or, black-or-white, and it will never fit neatly into your childishly simplistic model. So once again, you're sheepishly tiptoeing away from your authoritarian condemnation of homosexuality. BUT now you're still clinging to condemning yet another part of nature that is too complicated for you, GENDER.

When, if ever, will you learn from all these defeats?

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Here’s another case of religious adults trying to cause harm to vulnerable children, but of course it is the folks trying to protect the children that go too far. David, defend this. Just come out of the closet and be the bigot you pretend you are not.

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So then, it likely will NOT be any sort of miracle that young people and enlightened old people will be abandoning their church. The church might claim to offer no ill will, but it will miss those Benjamins.

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In Canada, aren't they Elizabeths? Or maybe now it's Chucks.

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Yup loonies and toonies $1 $2.

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Sneakers, then?

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OT - DeNazi's goosestepping never stops

𝐑𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐲

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘸 50 𝘢𝘴𝘺𝘭𝘶𝘮 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘢’𝘴 𝘝𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘥.

Under the new plan, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy director with the American Immigration Council, tweeted, “a mom who drove her undocumented kid to school could be guilty of a second-degree felony (same as vehicular homicide) and could be sentenced to 15 years in prison.” The initial language is so broad and without exceptions, he continued, “that even an ambulance driver taking a person they think is undocumented to the hospital would be committing a felony.”


“These legislative proposals will target everyday Floridians by creating a surveillance state,” A.J. Hernández Anderson, senior supervising attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund, said in a statement. “Anyone, even US citizens, will be subject to arrest simply for giving someone a ride to the doctor, school or church.”


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Have you registered as a blog commenter? If not, there could be a hefty fine. ; )

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desatan est une petite merde.

From a non registered commenter.

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Don't sell him short, he's trying his best to be a grande merde.

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Grosse, not grande :)

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Yes, he is very gross.

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I used to think of Deathsentence as "Chump, but less stupid." It's become abundantly clear, though, that Ronny D is in a whole 'nother league of awful that makes Donny T look like an unruly puppy by comparison.

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Hmm... "deSantis" doesn't sound like an American name at all, does it?

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I'm beginning to wonder if DeSantis is trying to *provoke* a Civil War.

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To these oh-so-concerned parents...

If you have such an issue with LGBTQs, there's a very simple solution: tell heterosexuals to stop having sex and endlessly producing LGBTQ children. Let us know how that goes.

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Are you saying they are not concerned?

I don't think everyone is a politician trying to get elected to some office for the purposes of personal glorification and/or personal profit.

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"The Vatican says trans identities seek to “annihilate the concept of nature."

How naïve and ironic at the same time. Actually, nature seeks to annihilate the concept of mankind. The Extinction Planet came close to wiping us out once before, and it is always just one more massive volcanic eruption, or pandemic, or climatic upheaval, or asteroid collision away from finishing the job.

"Di Vittorio complained that if kids learn anything about gay people, they might think 'being gay is okay.'"

Let's see where that kind of "thinking" would go:

If kids learn about Jews, they might think being Jewish is okay.

If kids learn about Muslims, they might think being Muslim is okay. Or Hindus, or atheists, etc.

If kids learn about slavery, they might think that being black is okay, and being white is not okay.

If kids learn about other countries, they might think that people in other countries are okay.

If kids learn ANYTHING that differs from or disagrees with their parents, they might think that that thing is okay. ALARM! ALARM! BEEP! BEEP! AAOOOGAH! AAOOOGAH! DANGER! DANGER!

People like di Vittorio are ruled by fear, and they react with hate.

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Hate is fear's bodyguard.

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Kudos to the teachers who put up those stickers in their classrooms. Kids of all stripes should feel loved and safe in their school.

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Yet you are okay with student teachers, from a university that opposes the existence of LGBT people, being able to have access to vulnerable LGBT minors. Seems to be a bit contradictory that your statement here is at odds with your position in the other thread.

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That's what we call "ménager la chèvre et le chou*".

* Is that French enough for you NOGODZPEDIA ? :)

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You didn't type the whole post in French. You're slipping. ;)

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*Cherche un dictionnaire d'argot en ligne*

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A French one petit malin N°2, and no to the first definition 😁

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