Christian apologists have a long history of trying to attribute everything that is right and good with the world to their religion. Slap the word 'Christian' on something and instant credibility. They do this while refusing to acknowledge the countless horrors perpetrated by Christians in the name of Christianity. At best, they dismiss those inconvenient facts by claiming the people who committed those horrors weren't 'true' Christians. Attempting to determine who was, or was not, a true Christian has spilled enough blood to float the Navy. Atheists aren't the problem.

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Atheists are DEFINITELY NOT the problem. The religionists of nearly all faiths have, historically, perpetrated the greatest horrors this world has ever seen and they continue to do so today.

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Removed (Banned)Feb 2
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If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

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Just the headache inducing thing I don't want to see upon waking up. I sent an email in case Hemant is still up.

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I consider myself lucky, I missed the post.

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I would be more than happy to give you my insomnia and Hemant's email address.

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Would you like some dressing on your word salad?

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“ Slap the word 'Christian' on something and instant credibility.”

Hence my quixotic effort to repurpose the phrase “how Christian of them” by applying it to the all too common deplorable behaviors of Christians.

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Try "that's mighty kristian of them."

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I like your phrase more than mine but will keep using the traditional spelling.

Maybe I will throw in the occasional “that right there tells you he is Christian”

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That should have been "mighty."

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When they're not committing the No True Christian fallacy, they're rationalizing the horrors: "They killed all the boys because they would only grow up to avenge their fathers."

Remember, these are the Pro-"life," "Wont' some please think of the children!" crowd.

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A cursory knowledge of history will easily show that Christian leaders and politicians include some of the most immoral, bloody, foolish, and awful human beings that have ever existed.

One's character is not defined by one's faith or lack thereof, it is defined by one's actions.

And the actions and character of many of our American white Evangelical politicians show that they are the last people that should be near power or casting stones.

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No True Christian.

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"...grossly taken out of context."


This again? You were quoted VERBATIM, Reschke. They were YOUR own words. Unlike you, we're neither blind nor deaf.

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Of course he will use the out of context excuse. He is a 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 cherry picker.

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What context makes what he said any better? He was not taken out of context, looking at what was said before and after does not change the meaning of this excerpt, and there’s no way to spin what he said to be anything other than bigotry.

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The "context" is that he thought only people who agreed with him would be listening.

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Taking a random stab at it, I'm going to guess the context that makes it 'better' is the context where everyone agrees with him.

Better, in this case, being a completely subjective only other Christians thing.

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Ultimately, the context is: "I shoved my foot into my mouth, darn near up to the kneecap, and now I'm trying to pretend that my leg doesn't have teeth marks on it!"

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His words were taken out of context just like Auschwitz was taken out of context. Ain't that right, Reschke you Nazi shithead?

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I wonder how he feels about Jewish people serving?

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That depends: are you asking behind closed doors or in public?

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Oooooh, now THAT would be a good follow-up.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Something something Judeo-Christian heritage.

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...except ignore the Judeo part.

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OT tomorrow is the big day. Going in for surgery in the morning, if I’m not on here in the afternoon I should be back on Saturday. I’ll probably be on more than usual for a while since work won’t be getting in my way.

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Is there a religious equivalent word for "racist?" I suppose one should be coming to me, because whatever that word is, State Rep Reschke absolutely IS one. He is yet one more example of those who are convinced not only that the US is Christian nation, but that Christians are so righteous that they and only they should be in charge of EVERYTHING. This is the brand of religious bigotry which we see so often that I suppose we should be inured to it, except that we're not, and I'm glad of that.

Oh, and as to that "retraction?" WE HEARD YOU THE 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧 TIME, WERNER!!!

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"Bigot" is a good umbrella term.

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Christian Nationalist works. Sunday morning has long been called America's most segregated hour.

"White too Long" by Robert P Jones.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

"Bigot" is the umbrella term and covers race, religion, age, sex, etc.

Ah darn, I should've read Pope Buck's response before replying...

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christain. There is no more damning epitaph than what they are.

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"wear their Christian faith on their sleeves are also the most immoral, law-despising people in the country" over and over and over and over .................

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I'm getting an image of a "whited sepulchre"...

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Semi-OT, but still concerning Oregonian Republicans: https://apnews.com/article/oregon-republican-walkout-reelection-f1d270db9e9a72935c13b973d79a4bb7

The ten state legislators who staged a walkout in protest of... well, basically everything showing a modicum of human decency to anybody, lost their appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court, which affirmed the secretary of state's decision to boot the butthurt buttheads off the ballot.

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Oh! Oh! More Republicans should do this! Maybe it’ll work for them next time!

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This "under a voter-approved measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure 113, passed by voters in 2022,"

They should remember they are elected to serve, not to be served*

* Both meaning.

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Another Christian violating his savior's commands by being all judge-y,

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He's pretending he never said it. Christians are very good at pretense. Especially those in power who have an R next to their name.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

One of the lost parchment fragments found in the dead sea scrolls was "Thou shalt bear false witness". I think newer versions will correct the long error of putting in the "not"

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The sin of lying is no more. They do that without batting an eyelash.

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Pope Frankie tried to eliminate "Adultery" as a sin because too many left the church after divorce as they were guilty of it. That idea was VERY QUICKLY shot down.

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I remember from Religulous that one of the Catholic priest said that hell is no more. And even limbo is not taught.

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It’s never a sin when Christian’s do it, don’cha know?

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there is no crime for those who have christ has been their MO long before shenoute verbalized it for the rest of the death cult.

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They always find ways to defend/justify their "sins."

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No matter how much he tries to deny he said it, he did, and that’s why HE should be removed because he is not right to serve with that attitude when he said that.

Just think what the backlash would be if we said this; "Christians shouldn’t be in government because they are too gullible”. The funny part is that it appears to be true that these Congress-people who do believe in things not in evidence, ARE too gullible. At least they are for this progressive atheist.

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A KC player did a Covid commercial. Another is dating Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift backed Biden. THAT means the entire superbowl is rigged by Pfizer and Swift. Faux "news"

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Yeah, all that and then some. I think if a progressive, and god small ‘g’ forbid, some liberal said that the sky is blue-- they’d still have a mental breakdown and scream bloody hell.

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Remember that the whole "deep state" meme was created because when the GOP held the Presidency AND the Senate AND the House, they STILL couldn't get much done.

US conservativism's true talent is scapegoating.

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Christian doctrine allows someone to do the most heinously immoral shit as long as they perform the Apology to the Ceiling. Please explain how atheists are too immoral for public office.

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"You want somebody who understands what truth is and understands the nature of man, the nature of government, and the nature of God.”

And yet he obviously doesn't understand the nature of the ninth commandment.

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Welcome to Murikan Kristianity! Where virtues are vices and vices are virtues!

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"If a Muslim or atheist said Christians shouldn’t be in government because they were too gullible, there would be an outcry in the media."

Many have said it, but none I know of, with actual political power or a national stage.

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> "taken out of context."

Well, sure. The context was a Christian talk show with a Christian audience. Like any good politician, he has a completely different story for a different audience. The God he pleases most is Janus.

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I said, what does God need with a Constitution anyway?


C'mon Bones, why would there be any law to protect God and his flock if the ultimate power of the universe was his?

I smell hubris! Of a fine Christian vintage.

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