For rusty, glasses are against god's plan for you.

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"... our embryonic neighbors..." SERIOUSLY?!? That's a reach I'm not certain that Kareem Abdul Jabbar could have made in his prime! This doesn't even mention the fact that couples that can't conceive naturally jump through more hoops than I could hope to enumerate to try to have a kid.

This is the kind of cruel and thoughtless speech that I have come to expect from evangelicals, and Deevers doesn't disappoint [big surprise ... NOT!]. For the sound of things, he is a shoe-in for the Oklahoma State Senate seat, which does the Sooner State no favors.

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Of the many things I dislike about religion, there are few things I find more offensive than the mentality religion entitles believers to a say in other people's personal choices. What is the state's interests here? What gets better if IVF is outlawed? This is the sort of thing that allows sanctimonious fools to convince themselves they're doing God's work.

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“I want to see no-fault divorce, come back to at-fault in divorce—and even public shaming for those who are at fault in divorce.“

Before no fault divorce, women did not have the ability to file for divorce. The folks fighting to eliminate no fault divorce are all right wing, misogynistic, dudes, many of whom have been caught being abusive to their spouses. I wonder what the motivation for this fight could be?

And he wants to shame the partner who’s at fault, too. Since this would take us back to a time where men just dumped wives for not putting out, or keeping house well enough, or aging, this man is all about hating women.

Do something Oklahoma. Don’t let this failure of a human being get into office.

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Whenever somebody complains about "an assault against God," they're complaining about an assault against their personal comforting fantasy. The implication (often openly expressed) is that this assault will be avenged by God, later, always, always later, at a time left unspecified. It amounts to a three-year-old whining, "When my daddy gets home, he's gonna beat you up."

The danger is that when the complainer finally gets tired of waiting for God to avenge his bruised fantasy, he will decide to do it himself. Mr. Deevers wants to do this by passing laws.

When oppressive laws don't work, violence is the next step.

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I know I've posted this very recently, but this a-hole forces me to bring it up again...

"If you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're pre-school, you're fucked." - G. Carlin

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“When the District 32 seat was vacated, it was clear to me that God had been preparing me for this race… My purpose in this campaign is to glorify God and fight for the causes I believe He would have me fight for.”

He’s certain that god wants him to run, but he’s less sure of what god wants him to fight for. It’s clear I should run, fight for what I believe he wants.

Therein lies the problem with folks who are called by god to rule (in whatever capacity).

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The main purposes of most religions are:

To collect money.

To control their members through fear.

To indoctrinate their children before they reach the age of reason.

To intimidate and kill those who are not members.

This man is a perfect example.

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It is the most natural thing in the world to want to pass on our genes and with the help of science. infertile couples can do this.

The world is full of unwanted children - these are people who REALLY want a child.

There is a certain verity at work - pro-fetus people are fond of fetuses, not so fond after they become PERSONS at birth.

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Just one more piece of evidence- Republicans won't stop at outlawing abortion. There's always another battle in the culture war. There has to be. If they ran out of targets for their perpetually-outraged base, they'd be devoured by their own monster.

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O/T I blocked my first commenter today. This site is one of my happy places. I come here for comfort and camaraderie. I am not here to be insulted by strangers. I am so grateful for Hement and all of you who have made my transition from theism so painless. I guess I share too much personal stuff with the world.

I have had enough shit thrown at me by Christians, I don't need it here.

Farewell for now, my friends. Back to lurker status ...

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And Texas was so careful to protect IVF procedures when they passed their abortion ban- look at this guy:

“Abortion is, according to Texas law, causing the death of the child, who is a child of a woman

known to be pregnant,” John Seago, president of Texas Right to Life, said pointing to a statute the

Legislature amended a few years ago outlining what counts as an abortion.

“There's also no such thing as an abortion outside of a woman's womb, so when you look at what's

happening in the laboratory with assisted reproductive technology, that is not destruction of an

embryo,” he added."


His reasoning is, it's okay to dispose of embryos produced during IVF because they're NOT IN A UTERUS.

The reason I brought up Texas is because the IVF industry is big in that state.

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This latest lunacy from the MAGAt religion corner... I just don't have any words. These people want not only complete and utter control over people's bedrooms, but also complete and utter control over how they conceive children? Just what the...what can you say? I've read this post and read through the comments and I still come up empty when attempting to formulate a coherent response to such idiocy on such a monumental scale.

I think my brain is broke. I'm going to bed. G'night, all.

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What an ass. My wife and I had 2 IVF procedures. Neither resulted in viable embryos so we moved on to adoption, which worked out just fine. But embryos ain’t people dood!

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A loving WHITE HETERO CHRISTIAN COUPLE who use IVF are totes AGAINST "God's Plan" but two young girls getting their papa drunk so that they can rape him is just fine with sky daddy.

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Pastor Musty is the reason we keep church and state separate. The 7 Key Founders saw guys like this coming and refused to give them a seat at the table of governance.

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