Well, sure, you 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 go with that idea and force your religion on everyone else, like you've been trying unsuccessfully to do all your lives...
...or, and I'm just throwing this out there, because it doesn't seem to have occurred to y'all: maybe, just maybe, you could try a little harder to 𝘯𝘰𝘵 be piss-marking theocratic douchecanoes... and, of particular concern for this modest little proposal, stop shoving LGBTQ people back into the closet with your stupid culture war.
Y'know, so that the closet will be 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘺.
Then, since there'll be 𝘴𝘰 much room in that now-empty closet, you can walk into the closet yourselves, shut the door nice and tight, and pray 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, like your messiah commanded you to!
That will tickle the Education Great Leaders in China.
What better way to prepare 'Murica for the future, just like the Hasidic communities in NYC prepare THEIR children for life in The Future ..., if you subtract a couple THOUSAND years from the current calendars in Reality.
Sounds a little like it should be pared with Oz for their 'tech sectors' ..., and, actually, just about anything else. Stole land directly from inhabitants, basically just an extractive and farming 'economy', extremely flat. Only thing OK lacks are the shark deaths. Only thing Oz lacks is the ability to take an interstate to GTFO of the 'booboisie country club'.
"I did, I did taw a puddy tat!" I know it was rude of me. I'm sorry. I'm just an English teacher who can't stand seeing the daily mutilation of the language.
In a way I hope this happens and the local TST get knuckle deep in that action. In another, better, way I hope it all crashes, but considering it's in OK, I'm not holding my breath.
Also, when did Hemant stop being at OnlySky? What's going on?
More than happy to welcome the sane elements from OK who need a place to flee to. Especially a place with that colour called 'green' and that wobbly stuff called 'water'?
What’s corporate prayers? I’m assuming from context they mean coerced teacher/administrator led compulsory prayers.
Do these people not know there’s a first amendment to our constitution? Oh they know, it just keeps getting in the way of the second amendment when folks are in places like Kenosha. Doesn’t matter anyway, SCROTUS will let them get away with it because the teachers and administrators have a freedom of religion, but not the students.
This is more than simply separation of church and state, it’s forced speech. And y’all know what I think about forced speech.
I am thoroughly sick of people getting away with the sort of lies, manipulation, deception, and coercion I'm seeing here. This is a very obvious attempt to force the prayer issue yet again despite the fact it's been covered clearly several times both by the US court system and their precious bible.
NO public prayer. Jesus said so in clear terms, not that your cherry picking of your own holy work acknowledges it. He never even specified exceptions. Get out of schools, get out of hospitals, get out of the government, and stay out. Your prayers are getting in the way of actual work getting done.
"So he told them he would form a committee to explore an issue that’s already been settled for several decades."
That Supreme Court no longer exists, and the majority of the current Supreme Court has already proven that they don't give a damn about precedent. So by the time he and his theocratic friends get their unconstitutional policies installed, legally challenged, appealed and appealed again all the way up to the religious ideologues sitting on the highest bench, it could end up being made the law of the land. He probably figures he has very little to lose by trying.
So, is he asking these Professional Christian Parasites to fund the time and effort expended by the people on the committee AND the people SUPPORTING the committee?!
And, what about the funding for any legislative bills or Gubnor Toilet Paper Executive Decrees, in both the imposing effort and the legal battles AFTERWARDS?!
That's actually not GOP & Conservative SMALL GUMMINT! which iss meant to especially suppress Time Wasters like this effort. It's "Screw You I Got Mine" Gummint.
"GOP: The Party of Ideas ..., UNTIL They Get Elected, Then SOBS"
Amid the absolute shitstorm of anti-trans legislation being pitched and passed across the US-of-A, there are still a 𝘧𝘦𝘸 places where legislators are trying to move forwards instead of backwards. Bills introduced in Washington and California would allow trans people who've had their names legally changed to seal records of their deadnames, which would prevent future harassment by trolls, haters... and the occasional reich-wing State Attorney General or Governor. A couple of states already have similar laws on the books, so it's at least possible that a couple more could pass them too.
Wow. You'd swear that these guys had never heard of Engel v. Vitale or any of the foofaraw that has come down in the wake of that decision. You'd also wonder if they understand the liability of trying to FORCE prayer among kids, some parents of which might object to such force. And of course, this is in Oklahoma, whose only redeeming feature is that it's the home of Seth Andrews and The Thinking Atheist.
As with so many other similar stories, followup on this one I think is pretty necessary ... along with breaking out the popcorn and the beer. Could get interesting, I think!
Oklahoma. Ranked 42nd in Education. Walters is trying to make things worse.
The Sooner State is ranked 43rd as Best State to Live In, 48th in Health Care and 44th in Crime and Corrections. Seems to me they have more pressing issues to deal with than something that would be facing challenges by the FFRF and other groups and be stricken down as unconstitutional should it actually be enacted anyway.
HE is a PRODUCT of OK education, so HowTF would he know how to make things any better in a REAL sense? He boasts he taught AP History courses, FFS, and he can't even see how wrong this all is?!
He thinks it's already "Preparing Kids for The Future", although if he can steal some Federal funds for pork-barrel programs, I'm sure he'll jump for the jelly beans ..., unless it involves things like feeding poor kids (or those children they stole the state from, to begin with).
The report, provided to The Associated Press ahead of its public release Thursday, also found that all extremist killings identified in 2022 were linked to right-wing extremism, with an especially high number linked to white supremacy.
With the waning of the Islamic State group, the main threat in the near future will likely be white supremacist shooters, the report found.
The IMMEDIATE effect of Drummond's announcement is to Kick the Catholics, whom the Fundagelical GOP base does not consider Real Christians. It IMMEDIATELY earns him credit with "... most Oklahomans ...".
You have NO WAY to be assured that when the question of a Fundagelical School puts its hand out he won't have weasel words to 'Expand and Amend' his original announcement.
It's not 'courage', it's mere POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY, as his qualification shows. He ADMITS there are 'unnamed religions' that "... most Oklahomans would consider reprehensible and unworthy of public funding." Unless I'm mistaken that "... most Oklahomans ...' INCLUDES HIM AND "... most Oklahomas ..." DOES NOT INCLUDE Catholics.
His actions points out, to me, that he actually though implicitly already has put the RCC in that category of "... reprehensible and unworthy ..." AS A MATTER OF GUMMINT POLICY.
“I know I hurt people when I was young,” he said. “I really messed up. But I know Ron DeSantis has done a lot worse. He’s taken a lot from a lot of people. I speak for all the men, women and children; he’s put his foot on our necks.”
Well, sure, you 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 go with that idea and force your religion on everyone else, like you've been trying unsuccessfully to do all your lives...
...or, and I'm just throwing this out there, because it doesn't seem to have occurred to y'all: maybe, just maybe, you could try a little harder to 𝘯𝘰𝘵 be piss-marking theocratic douchecanoes... and, of particular concern for this modest little proposal, stop shoving LGBTQ people back into the closet with your stupid culture war.
Y'know, so that the closet will be 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘺.
Then, since there'll be 𝘴𝘰 much room in that now-empty closet, you can walk into the closet yourselves, shut the door nice and tight, and pray 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, like your messiah commanded you to!
Good plan? Great plan.
Will Aramaic and/or Hebrew and Greek be added to the subjects teached in school ? After all they are the original christian languages.
I expect they assume the Bible was written in God's language, 'Murkin.
Written BACKWARDS and with NO VOWELS.
Guess that's why Aramaic was so popular, as it was in the entire Middle East for people trying to make deals and trade among themselves.
That will tickle the Education Great Leaders in China.
What better way to prepare 'Murica for the future, just like the Hasidic communities in NYC prepare THEIR children for life in The Future ..., if you subtract a couple THOUSAND years from the current calendars in Reality.
Sounds a little like it should be pared with Oz for their 'tech sectors' ..., and, actually, just about anything else. Stole land directly from inhabitants, basically just an extractive and farming 'economy', extremely flat. Only thing OK lacks are the shark deaths. Only thing Oz lacks is the ability to take an interstate to GTFO of the 'booboisie country club'.
Reformed Egyptian.
teached? I think you mean "taught." Oh. my head hurts.
English isn't her native language.
Just shows ya how wrong-headed them there Frenchies is.
Moi aussi je t'aime mon vieux 😝
Not sure how to translate D'aaaaaaw! in French. :)
Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que cela veut dire 😁
OK, my bad.
In French "Enseigner" is a regular verb, I think in French and often mix irregular and regular verbs when I translate in my head.
No, 'taught' is really meant to be used for past tense in cases like "I taught I taw a puddy cat"
"I did, I did taw a puddy tat!" I know it was rude of me. I'm sorry. I'm just an English teacher who can't stand seeing the daily mutilation of the language.
The tRump years must have been even more of a nightmare for you.
And before him, it was Caribou Barbie and Crazy Eyes mangling the language.
“I will form this committee of religious leaders and community leaders"
I know it's a really silly suggestion, but how about including a few attorneys and constitutional scholars?
But then they'd be told everything they want to do is illegal before they get to go to court, lose, and be martyrs for their bae Jesus.
They'd prolly have to PAY the attorneys and scholars because they have those things called Skills-Beyond-Cow-Tipping-and-Sheep-Bothering.
Skills-Beyond-Cow-Tipping-and-Sheep-Dipping, the rhyme was right there.
That reminds me, does anyone have a good recipe for sheep dip?
Good idea Ryan Walters
I've got that meme in my meme folder, but I'm running out of places to post it these days.
a oldie but it still checks out.
In a way I hope this happens and the local TST get knuckle deep in that action. In another, better, way I hope it all crashes, but considering it's in OK, I'm not holding my breath.
Also, when did Hemant stop being at OnlySky? What's going on?
According to Regular Joe, he is posting here while he negotiates a long-term contract with OS.
More than happy to welcome the sane elements from OK who need a place to flee to. Especially a place with that colour called 'green' and that wobbly stuff called 'water'?
What’s corporate prayers? I’m assuming from context they mean coerced teacher/administrator led compulsory prayers.
Do these people not know there’s a first amendment to our constitution? Oh they know, it just keeps getting in the way of the second amendment when folks are in places like Kenosha. Doesn’t matter anyway, SCROTUS will let them get away with it because the teachers and administrators have a freedom of religion, but not the students.
This is more than simply separation of church and state, it’s forced speech. And y’all know what I think about forced speech.
Forced speech is not free speech.
"Corporate prayer is the term used to describe praying together with other people."
You know, the opposite of what the bible says. : )
Look at his boasts on teaching AP courses on his actual web page
and look at the endorsements for his election campaign he's proud of:
He's "Walking, Talking 'Stupid Onna Stick'".
I am thoroughly sick of people getting away with the sort of lies, manipulation, deception, and coercion I'm seeing here. This is a very obvious attempt to force the prayer issue yet again despite the fact it's been covered clearly several times both by the US court system and their precious bible.
NO public prayer. Jesus said so in clear terms, not that your cherry picking of your own holy work acknowledges it. He never even specified exceptions. Get out of schools, get out of hospitals, get out of the government, and stay out. Your prayers are getting in the way of actual work getting done.
Looks like it will be feasible to return to the year 1361 in Oklahomastan.
No way! Heathen atheist commie gay Jew Native Americans held the land then.
Woke SJW heathen atheist commie gay Jew Native Americans.
Don’t religious leaders have their own schools just for praying to god? Why do they need our public schools to do it?
I know, it’s because the youth are dropping religion, right wing Christianity especially, like it’s infested with ticks.
Hitler had the Hitler Youth, and the Professional Religious Parasites are JEALOUS!
"So he told them he would form a committee to explore an issue that’s already been settled for several decades."
That Supreme Court no longer exists, and the majority of the current Supreme Court has already proven that they don't give a damn about precedent. So by the time he and his theocratic friends get their unconstitutional policies installed, legally challenged, appealed and appealed again all the way up to the religious ideologues sitting on the highest bench, it could end up being made the law of the land. He probably figures he has very little to lose by trying.
So, is he asking these Professional Christian Parasites to fund the time and effort expended by the people on the committee AND the people SUPPORTING the committee?!
And, what about the funding for any legislative bills or Gubnor Toilet Paper Executive Decrees, in both the imposing effort and the legal battles AFTERWARDS?!
That's actually not GOP & Conservative SMALL GUMMINT! which iss meant to especially suppress Time Wasters like this effort. It's "Screw You I Got Mine" Gummint.
"GOP: The Party of Ideas ..., UNTIL They Get Elected, Then SOBS"
OT- What's this- I come bearing... 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 news? 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴?
Amid the absolute shitstorm of anti-trans legislation being pitched and passed across the US-of-A, there are still a 𝘧𝘦𝘸 places where legislators are trying to move forwards instead of backwards. Bills introduced in Washington and California would allow trans people who've had their names legally changed to seal records of their deadnames, which would prevent future harassment by trolls, haters... and the occasional reich-wing State Attorney General or Governor. A couple of states already have similar laws on the books, so it's at least possible that a couple more could pass them too.
Wow. You'd swear that these guys had never heard of Engel v. Vitale or any of the foofaraw that has come down in the wake of that decision. You'd also wonder if they understand the liability of trying to FORCE prayer among kids, some parents of which might object to such force. And of course, this is in Oklahoma, whose only redeeming feature is that it's the home of Seth Andrews and The Thinking Atheist.
As with so many other similar stories, followup on this one I think is pretty necessary ... along with breaking out the popcorn and the beer. Could get interesting, I think!
They really can’t even imagine that some fellow Okies might not agree with them.
Oklahoma. Ranked 42nd in Education. Walters is trying to make things worse.
The Sooner State is ranked 43rd as Best State to Live In, 48th in Health Care and 44th in Crime and Corrections. Seems to me they have more pressing issues to deal with than something that would be facing challenges by the FFRF and other groups and be stricken down as unconstitutional should it actually be enacted anyway.
I think you miss the sad point that makes me pity OK school children.
HE is a PRODUCT of OK education, so HowTF would he know how to make things any better in a REAL sense? He boasts he taught AP History courses, FFS, and he can't even see how wrong this all is?!
He thinks it's already "Preparing Kids for The Future", although if he can steal some Federal funds for pork-barrel programs, I'm sure he'll jump for the jelly beans ..., unless it involves things like feeding poor kids (or those children they stole the state from, to begin with).
Yes, but how many of them were also fundagelicals?
𝐔𝐒 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞
The report, provided to The Associated Press ahead of its public release Thursday, also found that all extremist killings identified in 2022 were linked to right-wing extremism, with an especially high number linked to white supremacy.
With the waning of the Islamic State group, the main threat in the near future will likely be white supremacist shooters, the report found.
"... saying he opposes public funding for a private religious school counts as courage in the GOP.
B/S Flag on that one.
Did you research Oklahoma's religious demographics? The RCC makes up 8% of the total.
The IMMEDIATE effect of Drummond's announcement is to Kick the Catholics, whom the Fundagelical GOP base does not consider Real Christians. It IMMEDIATELY earns him credit with "... most Oklahomans ...".
You have NO WAY to be assured that when the question of a Fundagelical School puts its hand out he won't have weasel words to 'Expand and Amend' his original announcement.
It's not 'courage', it's mere POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY, as his qualification shows. He ADMITS there are 'unnamed religions' that "... most Oklahomans would consider reprehensible and unworthy of public funding." Unless I'm mistaken that "... most Oklahomans ...' INCLUDES HIM AND "... most Oklahomas ..." DOES NOT INCLUDE Catholics.
His actions points out, to me, that he actually though implicitly already has put the RCC in that category of "... reprehensible and unworthy ..." AS A MATTER OF GUMMINT POLICY.
OT - True last words
“I know I hurt people when I was young,” he said. “I really messed up. But I know Ron DeSantis has done a lot worse. He’s taken a lot from a lot of people. I speak for all the men, women and children; he’s put his foot on our necks.”
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚 𝐞𝐱𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟎 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫