"American voters have made colossal mistakes."

--- unfortunately true.

--- but how many of these mistakes were promoted and supported by American clergy?

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OK. I choose Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom.

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“… after the the American Bar Association unanimously rated him “not qualified” in the areas of professional competence and integrity.”

Naturally, that was seen as high praise in Oklahoma.

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One year ago, Christian extremists literally tried to overthrow the government. Every damn day, Christian extremists try to pass laws against people they hate. Christian extremists are, even now, conducting a massive campaign of voter suppression with the goal of ensuring that they can't ever lose a federal election again. Christians routinely get lighter sentences for identical criminal charges, just for being Christians. Christians literally control every branch of government in every state in the entire country, and the federal government besides.

But here's This Fucking Guy with his hot take, bravely standing up to proclaim: "Godlessness is destroying America!"

Yeah. Because *we're* the problem, here.

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I had no influence on where I was born, I'm, however, very, very glad that I wasn't born anywhere in the "Bible Belt", or "Bible Belt" adjacent territories.

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It's truly amazing that so many unquestionably accept a god with no proof, a book with unknown or questionable origins, mythical stories, and more as their basis and foundation for morality and in this case social structure. A book no less that condones or endorses slavery, has been used to defend bigotry, misogyny, and create outcasts of countless types of people. In it's earlier versions it creates death penalty situations for minor offenses, such as picking up sticks on a certain day or cursing ones parents.

And all this for a deity which supposedly is omniscient and omnipotent but yet hides from everyone on earth on a daily basis, has left no real evidence of ever existing, and either is or chooses to remain absent.

If any other person put forth the claim that our entire legal system should be based on a mythical being they just knew existed and had imbued in their hearts what was right and wrong, with no evidence, they would be laughed off the stage. But do the same with a being that almost all had been indoctrinated with as children and unquestioningly believed in from their first memories as a child, it is just accepted by many as fact, it goes over just fine.

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"O’Connor said a God-based country isn’t one in which “everybody is forced to believe the same thing. It means we acknowledge that there’s a God who has values and endows us or imbues us with those values..."

So, not a country where we are forced to believe the same thing, as long as we are all forced to believe that God exists, and that it is HIS particular God. To O'Connor, atheists shouldn't be allowed to be Americans.

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Given that a "God-based" justice system can't seem to cope with child abuse even to the extent of reporting it to the police, it would be a waste of time. And this man is a waste of space.

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"...and I submit to you that that's God the Creator."

Assumes facts not in evidence. Fail. Let's see solid, credible evidence for your claim, O'Connor. Otherwise, we dismiss that claim without evidence.

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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

"I can tell you right now, there's no such thing as an ideal godless America."

Hey, O'Connor: I can tell YOU right now, there's no such thing as a god.

Oh, and the mostly Deist founders thought that a secular government free of religious power was pretty ideal.

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And of course he attacked socialism without specifying which of the many types of socialism he's speaking of (including Christian Socialism). Nor does he understand the aspects of socialism found in this country even though they benefit Christians as much they do anyone else.

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A God based justice system ? Let start with adultery.

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His head offends me; can we cut it off?

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News flash, O'Connor...

The dominant religion in the American government by far is Christianity. You whine about the state of America, yet you and your religion are everywhere in its halls of power. Guess we get to blame Christianity for the country's ills you're so concerned over.

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A God-based system, like in the Old Testament, where people were put to death for victimless crimes like blasphemy, apostasy, homosexuality, and working on the Sabbath?

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Far too much church in affairs of state and it hurts people. Republics tied to official religion, ie. Iran or Israel, tend to be bad for the people. Retribution is supposedly reserved for God, but has wormed its way into the justice system (3 strikes laws anyone?) while fallible humans debate angels dancing on pins.

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