This is the national plan for public schools. It is a fascist Christian takeover.

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𝐺𝑜𝑑 𝑖𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦!

Wow! Is he REALLY? Funny thing, because were Yahweh to weigh in on the state of public education in North Dakota, I think that SOMEONE would have noticed. Except that they haven't because he/she/it hasn't.

And once again, we have some self-important idiot-child determined to destroy the public education system of North Dakota, which is doing at least tolerably at #28 and displace Louisiana, currently rated 50th overall.

An aside: I note that Bartlett wants FOUR R's, Reading, WRiting, 'Rithmatic and 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆. And just WHOSE reality would that be, Jim?

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People like Jim Bartlett who clearly hate everything the United States stands for needs to take a little vacation to another North. It needs to be drilled into their thick skulls that their worship of a false, fat, lying, scamming, golden idol is absolutely no different than where North Korea has ended up.

And another note; I took that ethics class too but I read past the first 3 chapters. The idea behind the study of ethical history is not to prove Christianity is the be all and end all of ethical thought; it was to take ALL of those ideas and find a way to our own ethical truths. But if your ethical truth begins and ends with "I'm afraid of Hell" then you are a psychopath on a leash. If you can feel a little empathy for people different than you, understand what is right and what is wrong by weighing the different sides and come to conclusions based on logic (instead of a collection of 2000 year old plus stories), then maybe you can live in polite society with the rest of us.

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Mr.Bartlett hasn't ever heard of the separation of church and state. He sounds very odd to me. Well there goes his staff, his government funding and teachers will leave if he is voted in. Good luck North Dakota! You will need it. Mr. Bartlett don't push your agenda onto the children. They are just there to learn!

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I swear when it comes to public schools, right wing Christians can’t decide whether to be Amish or Crusader.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

"Fargo schools are an example of a modern Sodom and Gomorra..."

*sigh* This again? Another xtian who doesn't know what the "sin of Sodom" was.

"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. "

-- Ezekiel 16:49-50

Arrogant/overfed/unconcerned? Didn't help the poor and needy? Haughty and did detestable things? Sounds like standard practice for conservative Christians.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

"The Bible and the Ten Commandments were taught to school children for more than 100 years in Public Schools."

Too bad for you that SCOTUS ruled against the practice in Abington v Schempp (1963), Bartlett.

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The Ten Commandments are a list, not a curriculum. They’re not even a very good list to live by and are predicated on a society that holds slaves and devalues women. But it cannot be the entire basis of an education that leads to functional adults capable of operating in any modern workplace. Even if his myopic vision expands to the entire Bible, it still wouldn’t be sufficient to educate a population. Churches can barely get enough material to engage kids only one day a week (52 lessons), what are they gonna do with 9 months of 5 days a week?

Having been educated in education and learning about special needs students did not give me the necessary skills, knowledge, or expertise required to educate my own special needs child, what would an uneducated parent do with their own? Giving the students with the most need for an expert team to the parents to handle alone will end in disaster and most likely early deaths. Private tutors are only available to the wealthy and the suggestion is ridiculous on its face.

These christo fascists are trying to destroy the education system because they think that it will create a class of workers that have no options and cannot fight back against the wage slavery of the past before unions. What they don’t realize is that our economy doesn’t work the way it did before and the abject poor and illiterate won’t bring profits because they cannot do the work required by our society. If we allow this to happen to our children, this plan will blow up in their faces. Unfortunately, it will harm our children most, so we cannot let it happen.

This is the last ditch effort of a dying culture warrior though. They know they’re being left behind, that’s why they are focusing on pushing their religion, fighting CRT and LGBTQ and social/emotional learning. These are things they are incapable of learning or experiencing, or just moving past, so they want people to stop learning about it.

The idea that schools teach things they can pay for, , like his idea of a balance sheet with a profit loss system is ridiculous. Schools are not corporations needing a growing profit to function. There’s no profit involved in education, no way to measure productivity or whatever else companies measure. Not across the board, every individual student has their own journey and abilities, you can’t compare them effectively. And you don’t want the schools to run that way. Sure, they need to work with a budget, but there’s no profits involved with the work done inside the schools. That’s why charter schools keep closing and why they’re so vulnerable to corruption. Even private schools face budgetary issues, as for profit schools. Schools just don’t work that way.

This guy is beyond unqualified. Nothing he’s suggesting is remotely plausible.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

What part of "...but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." does North Dakota not understand?

That's the US Constitution, you say. Article XI, Section 4 of the North Dakota Constitution states that all members of its 3 branches of government swear an oath to support the US Constitution.

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“His campaign website is downright frightening both for its decades-old graphic design as well as it…” - There are unemployed ISIS web developers who are available to help update Bartlett’s web page via the theocrats jobs listings website.

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I suspect these 'costs' he's talking about are losses in state funding.

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I don’t believe that even Christians who vote Republican understand what will happen when the Republican Party (with help from SCOTUS) gets to impose a theocracy on the United States of America. All I’ll say is that you better be THE RIGHT KIND OF CHRISTIAN.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

OT: Jury selection for Baby Donny's First Criminal Trial is, as predicted, a shitshow, because the defendant has spent his entire life making dead certain that there isn't a single person over the age of majority who doesn't either worship him or hate his putrid guts: https://apnews.com/live/trump-trial-hush-money-updates-april-16

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So let me get this straight! A serial adulterer is selling a book that says adultery is a sin! All for the low price of $60!😂

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The more that American Christians realize they're surrounded by fewer and fewer Christians, the more they think and talk about FORCING Christianity onto society.

It looks like it will continue to approach a critical level when almost all that is left of the flocks are the fanatics, and increasingly we'll have to fight them politically, legally, and according to some of their own rhetoric, physically. Discussions on the news about the dangers of Christian nationalism are beginning to supplant discussions about the dangers of Donald Trump.

If this country suffers violent conflicts, whether small or large, they'll be a little about left vs. right, but much more about secularism vs. sectarianism.

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It is absolutely NEVER the duty of the public schools to backstop anyone's religion. Further more, under our secular Constitution government at any level cannot choose one religion over another. Attempting to brainwash children in the information age is never going to work for long, and this fool is sowing the seeds of his own destruction. That said, he can do an awful lot of damage along the way.

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