Let’s go over this again. Just because the creationists say that believing in evolution leads to holding black people in zoo cages, does not mean that is an argument against the facts of evolution. It is simply a statement about how bigoted people will manipulate anything to harm the people they hate.

Evolution is the name we gave the process that causes diversity in life. That’s it. The Big Bang is totally separate, the beginning of life is another thing completely, and the theory of evolution is simply our best understanding of the evidence of evolution. There’s nothing to believe in, it just is. Can some of it be wrong? Sure. But that just means there is a better explanation coming with new evidence. It does not mean the creation story is suddenly right if a tiny aspect of the theory of evolution is found to be in error. There’s nothing at all that supports the creationist story. The Bible is the claim not the evidence, btw.

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If you want your holy infant to be both tender and mild, you'll want to start preheating your oven now.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021


Marjorie Traitor Greene, the anti-vaxx loon who claims she hasn't been jabbed and is beet red with hysteria over what she calls "Vaccine Nazis" has been revealed to own stock in Pfizer, J&J and AstraZeneca.

I'd like to believe that she's being honest when she says she's not been vaccinated and won't be (means we'd be rid of her soon), but the fact that she owns stock in not one but three different vaccine-making companies causes me to doubt her veracity even more than I normally do.

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Giant plot hole! Spoiler alert!!

"Hovind plays a security guard who somehow gets a job at the Creation Museum without knowing what they believe or what he’s guarding."

The security guard would have had to sign a "statement of faith" before getting the job.

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The brainstorming sessions for Christian movies have to be absolutely snore-inducing, considering that the end result is always either a lame copy of an existing movie, or a paint-by-numbers rehash of every atheist conversion trope ever.

"Hey, did any of you guys see (insert movie here)?"

"That was the one with (insert actor here), right?"

"Yeah. We're gonna do that, but with more Jesus. Bob, you got the checklist?"

"Sure thing. Feels like we need to shake things up a bit, though. Any ideas?"

"Ideas? What do you mean?"

"Oh, right right. What was I thinking, we don't do those here."


Also, I feel obliged to point out that Eric Hovind makes an even less convincing atheist than Kevin Sorbo. It's actually a little impressive that anyone managed that.

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"Now you can see it too."

Nope. Just nope.

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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

Yet another example of Christians stealing from others because they're too intellectually blinkered to come up with their own ideas.

Even "God's Not Dead" is a ripoff of a Jack Chick tract. Bad enough these ghouls show they think nothing of taking not just secular things, but also taking things from one another in a sort of cinematic incest.

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I watched the trailer but not the whole thing.

Why was Eric running from the dinosaurs? They weren’t moving, they weren’t even scary.

And his mocking atheist comment was soooo insulting “ha, they don’t even believe in science.” Come on. That isn’t even what atheists say. And just what was going on at the monkey exhibit? What was the name of the monkey and why is it important?

Snooze fest.

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OT : Happy secular Christmas to everyone.

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Haven’t heard from Eric Hovind in a long time, not that I missed him. He’s as big a dishonest douchebag as he’s always been; like father, like son. The turd doesn’t fall very far from the asshole.

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Okay. After that ringing endorsement, I have even less interest in watching it if that's possible.

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How does it compare to, say, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?

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OT - repukes are the whiniest liars.

Contrary to popular belief, Twitter's algorithm amplifies conservatives, not liberals: study


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Dec 23, 2021·edited Dec 23, 2021

Nope, sorry. Not clicking on either clip. The complete dishonesty by those who made both this craptacular piece of vomit and its sequel makes wasting any time with it/them a futile gesture.

Bottom line: The Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter teach lies to children. That's the reality.

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"This version of the movie was no different. Hovind plays a security guard who somehow gets a job at the Creation Museum without knowing what they believe or what he’s guarding."

Isn't that literally impossible? Don't they make all staff sign a statement of belief before they are allowed to work there?

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The movie has French captions. Having my sister believing it's another sequel and tricking her into watching it on April fool's day or not ?

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