thoughts and prayers

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Divided Methodist Church.

(This comment was published earlier. ; )

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Mike Johnson’s America: Revisit landmark SCOTUS decisions and use government to ‘restrain eviil.'


Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the House, voiced support for revisiting Supreme Court decisions that struck down restrictions on the use of contraception, barred bans on gay sex and legalized same sex marriages, according to a CNN review of his prior public statement.

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Surprise, surprise, a bigot agrees with another bigot that what this country really needs is to be run into the ground by bigots.

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Restrain evil? Let's start with Mike Dickhead.

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Why, and I thought I was the one with the unfortunate last name. *smiles*

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Ahem, as you are well placed to know actual dick heads are play with, this human etron not so much.

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Dickhead: "A stupid, contemptible or annoying man."

I would never denigrate the noble penis, bringer of delights. :D

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Usually it's thought that the emphasis on the conservative slogan "Don't tread on me" is supposed to be on the second word. With authoritarian conservatives like Mikey J., the emphasis is clearly on the last one.

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Shall we all grab popcorn and watch as the UMC do to each other what atheists could never do them: tear themselves to pieces.

I keep saying it: Atheists are not the threat to Christians. Other Christians are.

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As always, smoked paprika for me. No butter and no salt.

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*Lloyd Bridges in Airplane voice* "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit mainlining popcorn."

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Looks like the Methodists are having their Southern Baptist moment.

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Religion: society's accepted mental illness.

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Collective delusion. It's a public health problem.

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"It’s incredible that this issue, in 2023, is the hill on which UMC members have chosen to die." But is it really incredible? Religion is all about sex. I thought everyone knew that.

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That's not fair. And it's not true. They're also about money.

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Very sad. What's everyone having for dinner? We had fried chicken.

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I am digesting mine. Rice noodles sautéed with "chicken", mushrooms and peanuts and a tomato and cucumber salad with a yoghurt dressing.

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Mash those peanuts up and add a little oil. : )

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Nope. It was lemon and rosemary peanuts.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

♫ Parsley, sage, rosemary, and peanuts♫


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I don't go to Scarborough anymore.

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That's fair.

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Which do you miss more, the bike racing or the cricket festival?

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So....grey junglefowl?

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Felt in doggy love at first sight ?

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Dogs, cats, hamsters...I like furry friends.

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By the way guess who this confused dog is 🤣

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Aria. Is my No-Prize on the way?

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*Rummage through her belongings*

Do you want a light blue, light grey or dark grey knitted shawl ?

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It's supposed to be an empty envelope. Just address it to Zorginipsoundsor c/o The Publicity Whore With a Reality Telly Show on the BBC, BBC. They will see that I get it.

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Give me one light, yeah

Give me one hope, hey

Just give me, ah

One man, one man

One bar, one night

One day, hey, hey

Just gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme fried chicken!

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Thank you, Freddie.

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Just the other night, I went to Tutta Bella and started with minestrone, moved on to Spaghetti D'Abruzzo and finished with Apple Crostata.

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That sounds amazing.

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*NoGodz gives chef's kiss to Tutta Bella*

I usually go for their certified Neapolitan pizza but this time I opted for pasta. And the minestrone comes with garlic bread. :9-----

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I googled "spaghetti d'Abruzzo" and only found a brand of pasta.

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I can post the menu if you want the deets. :)

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What are you waiting for ? Presto ! 🤤

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

Scroll and drool over all the wonderfulness that is Tutta Bella (not just what I had, but all)...


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DM and me order : artichoke dip, rustica flatbread, a salerno salad with mozzarella à part, a marinara de costantino and a bianca pizzas, rigatoni all'arrabiata minus the pecorino, rigatoni with roasted garlic cream, a tiramisu and a crostata (DM couldn't decide between the two).

Thank you very much

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Haven't decided yet. I went shopping today and got all the food for Thanksgiving. Turkey for two and ham for one.

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having left over spaghetti bolognese

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I am limited to one peanut butter sandwich a day till I start working again. (i get the bread and PB free) Which is way more interesting than xtians fighting over what thier imaginary friend meant.

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I thought (oh so wrongly) that Methodists were more accepting of LGBTQ+. When I was looking up some more info on the subject I discovered the Free Methodist Church. Nope, they’re just as bigoted as the others. I hope all this leads to a bitter nasty divorce.

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Yes, I saw an article on Africa in my search to get up to speed on this. Thank you

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Do you have any turkey breasts? where do you get your bra

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Nice giblets.

Eta: Although those can't be real, I suspect stuffing.

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Especially if it's a tom turkey.

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Yet another fan base schism for the Christian church. They really do love their my-way-or-the-highway attitudes, don't they?

I honestly wish this were likely to lead to more people leaving religion entirely, but I'm not sure it will. The split I went though as a child isn't why I left, or more accurately, it's not the only reason I left. I left because I finally had a real option to do so, I'd been wanting to get out for years by the time I finally managed it. Still, it's nice that at least some churches trying to support LGBTQ+ persons, and sticking to their efforts to do so. Seems a bit late and a little short to me, but it's something.

Now, if we could just convince Russia that Ukraine doesn't belong to them, then work on Israel and Palestine/Hamas getting along.....

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The Israel/Palestine situation is nowhere near as simple as the Russia/Ukraine situation.

Bibi is invoking 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑘.


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You're right, it's not. I'm just...well, okay, I can't stand the video of hurt babies on the news anymore. My mother used to complain that my brother and I would rather fight with each other than eat when we were hungry; I'm starting to feel like Israel and Palestine would rather kill each other than see their kids make it to adulthood.

I'm not handling that thought well.

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I'm just raging at the idiots who not only see nothing wrong with Israel committing war crimes, but who also attack anyone who is even the least bit critical or disagrees with their methods.

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A lot seems to be a pick a side mentality. To me its an extreme right wing government vs a terrorist group. Both are willing and eager to kill anyone in their way. But people are forcing other people to pick a side.

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Committing war crimes is kinda what a terrorist group does. But when a government does it and is unapologetic about it, they lose all legitimacy in my eyes.

I just want Israel to stop killing civilians, to stop attacking hospitals. According to the nutjobs, that makes me "anti-Israel pro-Hamas".

I've pretty much given up on expecting Israel to honour the Oslo Accords that they have been pointedly violating for the past 50 years. I've come to realize that Israel does not give any flying rat anal fuck what anyone else thinks or wants. They'll just do what they want, the UN will make all sorts of noise about, and the US will block any and all attempts at reigning them in.

Bibi has invoked Amalek. He's not going to stop until the Palestinians are purged. The hundreds of schools and thousands of children bombed prove it, despite that "robert" nutjob saying otherwise. He says none of the Israelis agree with Bibi's actions, but all I see is that absolutely none of them are doing anything to stop him.

At best, they're going to wait until after The Purge is completed, then use him as a sacrificial goat to appease the rest of the planet.

Not unlike what they did to Joan d'arc.

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Schismzam? Shazism?

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Hasenpfeffer Incorporated.

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"We're gonna do it..."

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(in Gomer Pyle's voice) "Shazam!"

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I'm a Marvel fan and shall remain so. No interest whatsoever in the DC Universe.

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I liked Shazam!, but I don't think I've seen any of the others since Dark Knight. Maybe bits and pieces of Aquaman.

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The first Wonder Woman was quite good, forget the second.

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Sounds like the first and second Shazam movies. The first one worked while the second one failed massively (or so I've heard).

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I actually liked the recent movie a great deal, mostly because it seemed to have a great deal of heart in it. The story was predictable and silly, but then, why not?

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For once it's DM and me who like both 😁

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More of that Christian love.

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They can't decide who they despise more, nonbelievers or each other.

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When I was younger, the Methodists and Presbyterians were quite liberal... but, their 'base' has gotten much older and apparently are sitting at home getting propagandized by TV. Still the majority of their churches are staying in the fold and maybe they can eke out a continued existence minus the bigots. I think it is great that the bigots are segregating themselves and setting a big red arrow pointed at themselves. As Hemant notes, they are not going to be able to recruit any younger church goers.

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Why don't they just ask god who's right?

These people talk to god all the time, and put their faith and trust utterly in him as the most loving, powerful, protective, and overall most important influence in their lives, right?

Seems it would be best to just ask god and get the answer right from the source.

(Unless, of course, there's this nagging suspicion that maybe that source isn't everything it's cracked up to be...)

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Both sides already have. 🤪

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