Given God's track record, I cannot imagine why anyone would trust him/her/it. In fact, you'd have to be an absolute fool to do so.

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Anger issues, gambling problem, abusive spouse tendencies, that God guy is the least trustworthy character.

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Not to mention sitting out the Holocaust.

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“When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that pisses me off.”

Stephen King

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I'd much rather listen to B.B. King's tracks than god's tracks.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023

The fabulous singer/songwriter Steve Goodman (died of leukemia in his 30s — thanks for nuthin God) had a very short song whose entire lyrics are as follows:

My baby came to meet this morning

She said, ‘I’m kinda confused”

“If me and B.B. King were both drowning”

“Which one would you choose?”

And I said, “Oh, baby”

I said, “Ohhhhh, baby”

I said “Ohhhhhhhh ohhhhhh, baby”

“Baby, I ain’t never heard you play no blues!”

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Why should I have faith in a god that doesn't exist?

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Or if ze exists, is a monster who drowned millions of puppies and kittens because he was mad at the humans. Not to mention finds car keys while kids die of cancer.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

Of course the flood myth was plagiarized from the epic of Gilgamesh. So no flood either global or local occurred of the magnitude spoken about. But, you're right there may be a god(s) who may be entirely evil. Or a god that simply created and essentially left us to our demise with no intervention. Or, most likely, there is no god, however disconcerting that may be for many. Truth be told I am not happy knowing I am mortal and my end is the ultimate end. But, despite the psychological stress of that, there is a boatload of evidence to suggest that is what will happen.

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Do you remember having a bad time before you were born? Because the time after you die will be the same.

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All I remember is that it was kind of slimy and there wasn't much room to move around. : )

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I don't find much comfort following that train of thought though I know some do. I realize when I am dead "I" won't exist to experience anything whatsoever, but I don't find that reassuring, as my natural inclination is towards living, not death. But nature doesn't care what I think.

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I've been asking myself the same question for over half a century.

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All 73 million MAGA supporters are OFFENDED by your slant.

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Their new plate is much nicer. A flower illustration rather than having text that is unreadable unless viewed from 6 inches away. They should thank the atheists for helping them fix their dumb design

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They recently redesigned the Mississippi state flag to feature the magnolia flower as well (removing the stars-and-bars from its flag in the process), though it still features “In God We Trust”.

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Under the flower should be text explaining that it evolved.

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Not much. Magnolias belong to one of the oldest orders of flowering plants. : )

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How much time before some fundie sue the state for getting "in god we thrust" back ?

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Feb. 2024. If they go to court rather than the polls, ADF will represent them.

Mississippi will end up with two free license plate designs, but the magnolia will have to be specially requested.

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I have to admit I like the new plate, it's a good design. That should be easy to read and very clear even from a distance in addition to getting rid of the problematic phrasing on the current plate, kudos to Eaton for a job well done.

My other comment is merely an observation. With Christianity's tendency to, shall we say, advertise everywhere a person could be forgiven for thinking that most Christians forget their faith and need regular reminders to stay on that path. Putting it on license plates for cars seems like another symptom of that same problem.

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OT anyone else getting comments from Gabriel on the Arizona schools cut ties with Christian college article. “I’m tolerating the absurd lefties by loving the sinner and hating the sin.”

Looks like a child.

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Young and naive, that's how the church likes them.

Graf is spouting his usual bs in that thread so the above theory may need some tweaking.

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Yeah, I was responding to Graf when the article was fresh, but this one is new and seems very young. They responded to three of my comments, proving my point each time, and I only responded to one of theirs.

It threw me off this morning though. I responded, making me leave late, had too many parents at the school drop off making it take longer than usual, had too much traffic because I’m usually ahead of it, had a runner where I needed to turn, then a train was sitting in the crossing for too long, went around the long way to work, arrived and the loading dock had a truck, which blocks the parking lot entrance and I was just getting more and more frustrated with each obstacle. Now I’m dealing with angry customers and not feeling myself right now. And it all started with “my Christian school was very academic.” No it wasn’t, it was playacting academia, using good study habits to pass off lies and misinformation as fact is still a sub-par education.

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Those kind of mornings suck.

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There's another one I lost all patience with when he decried Oregon deciding that a transphobe was not an appropriate foster/adoptive parent, just because she was a Christian.

(OT: It's a little annoying that Firefox spelling dictionary doesn't include transphobe or homophobe)

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You can add them.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

Yes. I have no right to call Christians bigots because they disagree with me.

I got so mad, I ended up responding 3 times with additional thoughts on the way they show their bigotry.

(Dammit, I'm having a lot of problems with that trailing y in they lately)

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The don't like it when you tell the how vile the are?

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How old is that article?

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2 months old. Why do trolls pop up in places where nobody will see their droppings? I'm guessing that they think they're owning the libs because nobody will respond.

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They like to play pigeon chess, and it is easier to stomp around shitting on an unattended chess board than it is to actually debate real time. At least to be able to tell your friends you won later.

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Well, I certainly blew that out of the water. My only regret is if he responds, I may not be able to respond for a couple of weeks.

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He waited a couple of months. You can have a couple of weeks. : )

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Enjoy your vacation.

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Thank you, it's going to be an interesting road trip with my Dad. Vegas, San Francisco, the redwoods, Yellowstone, and Rushmore. And a lot of time in the car in-between.

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Except for Vegas, that's part of my bucket list.

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Be safe and have fun. If you can do an audio book I find that makes the ride more pleasant.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

About 40 miles northeast of Vegas is an amazing state park called the Valley of Fire.


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Bullies are cowards who don't like it when their intended victims stand up to them and fight back.

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I responded to a couple of his posts.

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Haven't gotten round to it. Still catching upon yesterday's comments at the previous article.

2 months old. How brave "Gabriel" is.

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Claimed he came for an assignment.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to an old atheistic blog and post your moral superiority on an article that is over a month old.

As always, should you or any of your class be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This disc will self-destruct in ten seconds. Good luck.

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He's lucky that we don't get to grade it.

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They can't be bothered to teach civics, history or science, but they require this.

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Christian school. Trolling atheists so you can go back to your bubble and tell everyone how mean and evil they are.

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I doubt any of us will receive a response. Typical drive by christian trolling.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

Nope but now I am curious.

Edit : I dropped a comment in French slang 😁

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Hasn't turned up in my feed either, so I went looking.

He's one of a number of trolls on an old article that isn't worth engaging.

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It can be fun when you answer them with a comment hard or nearly impossible to understand especially once translated 😁

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Yay, they got IGWT off of license plates. Now do schools.

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And our money.

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The camel's whole head is already in the tent with the 10C, getting the nose out before the head is putting the cart before the horse.

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Canvas ain't going to cut it. You need a solid wall between church and state.

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6 foot thick steel.

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Transparent aluminum*.

*Just found out that is an outdated reference because we actually have that now.

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Star Trek has a history of predicting things that are now reality. Check this out:


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That's why I liked my old flip phone. It was like having a TOS communicator.

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I partially disagree with "voice interface computers", there is a ereader with a function who allow to ereader to read the book for his owner in the novel Ashes, Ashes from René Barjavel who was published in 1943 in France and 1967 in the U.S.

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Why would you want to see them?

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Point and laugh?

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023


When even Alabama thinks he sucks...

"Ted Nugent's Alabama Concert Cancelled Over Public Outcry: 'Lose This Show or Lose My Business.'


Ted Nugent: Has-been scumbag. In listing his failings, they forgot his taste for young girls.

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A little surprised I'm saying this, but good on Alabama.

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It's a stopped clock moment, but we'll take it.

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Poor sweaty got consequence canceled. 🙁

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Couldn't have happened to a bigger slimeball.

I say the next time he wants to go hunting, he should face off with a grizzly bear naked and armed only with a knife. That bear will give him a scratch fever that he's never experienced before.

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* Nase = French slang for good for nothing.

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It’s good they changed it, but pointing out the change might bring out the crazies that are willing to go scorched earth over this. Like the folks who threaten school boards and town councils and other government organizations for dropping the pledge of allegiance or invocations or including LGBT or satanist groups. Not that I think we should hide, but the response to the violence has always been to acquiesce to their demands rather than holding them criminally liable for their criminal terroristic behavior.

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Muslims are terrorists. Christians can't be terrorists. They're lone wolfs using violence over a "disagreement". No matter, the "disagreement" is over non-Christians having rights.

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Whenever some Christian commits some hideous act, the first order of business is for Christians to point out the No True Scotsman fallacy as their trump card. "Such and such person wasn't really a Christian". You can count on that response as sure as the earth rotates around the sun.

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I wouldn't put my trust in their imaginary fiend or its cult followers.


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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

To be honest not much is really known of the person Jesus because "he" never wrote anything. The gospel writers were definitely not eyewitnesses, and it is quite obvious to any thinking person reading those texts that they were hugely embellished with massive hyperbole. If the person Jesus existed, he may have been some fanatical religious zealot or maybe simply a guy pointing out the hypocrisies of the wrong people who quickly dealt with him. But even according to the texts, the eyewitness of Jesus (namely the religious authorities) thought he was a fraud.

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I think he is complete fiction. A composite of earlier myths. The 'sun' of god.

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I don't think I am entirely sold that he was myth, but since the stories are clearly fabricated, that to me leaves such a vast hole and begs credulity as to what is true and what isn't about him. I just think what can be known has been forever lost.

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He can be a complete myth but based on several itinerant preachers of the time. To me is the most sensible explanation. There were lots of them and their glorified stories got mixed up and poured into one completely mythical man. The life of Brian seems way more plausible than any of the gospels.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

The bottom line, at least for me, is even if he existed, he was not divine or the one portrayed in the gospels. So, whether he existed or not doesn't really matter. I don't believe he performed miracles, walked on water, was virgin born or rose from the dead. So what does that really leave you with? I agree that the fictions about him may be based on as you say preachers of his time or even on some mythology. But, I just happen to think or suspect, he may have been a real person. But really nothing extraordinary. What was created later about him was, but the man himself, not much is known about him. Forever lost or not really truthfully cataloged in the first place.

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Basically he was a heretical Jew who lost respect for vengeful Yahweh. That doesn't make him "god."

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Obviously "God" (Jesus) created the universe and controls everything, but yet he didn't know how to write down how he did it. Minor inconsistency even though it completely negates Christianity.

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Well, duh! He crossed his arms and blinked. Oh, wait. Maybe he twitched his nose. I never can remember. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

In the 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐽𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑠 𝐷𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑦: 𝐴 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐻𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝐽𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑠, 𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑅𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 by James D. Tabor, mentions that four other guys were running around Israel claiming to be the Messiah. So Jebus might be a conglomeration of them.


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It's way too late to ever know.

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if you have enough trust in god, no need for seatbelts, no need for speed limits, no need for rules of the road, no need for pedestrian crossings. Now that's trust.

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And no need to arm yourself to the bicuspids with assault rifles.

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No need for a steering wheel either.

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I swear, officer, Jesus took my wheel.

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Like those stickers I sometimes see on cars, "Jesus is my co-pilot".

I always want to say, I hope not else you are in real trouble.

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I prefer "Please, Jesus, save me from your followers."

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But like all other prayers, this one won't work either.

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Mississippi did this? Did someone spike the fricken water supply with something that counteracted Jesus?

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Fig juice?

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Gotta wait till they're in season, though.

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You love figs too ? You really are the perfect man 😁

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

I love when I am in Thailand and they have rose apples. They don't seem to have them in the US (at least I have never seen them).

But they are incredibly delicious.

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I'd love to go there but the temperatures are too high.

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I served in Southeast Asia for a year. It's doable. :)

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My fiancé is from Thailand, I am in the process of getting the marriage visa. It has been approved but Thailand is awesome, you should go there. Phuket is like the Caribbean, and Hua Hinn is quite nice. Chiang Mai is cool. I am actually thinking of retiring there. I can go to Thailand for a month for what it would costs a few days say in Hawaii. Literally 5 star hotels are nothing.

But yea, just a month ago, my gal said the temperature was 52 degrees Celsius. That is 125 degrees Fahrenheit for all you folks who love the non-metric. The beaches are cooler though. You just have to get out of Bangkok. There are things to see there, but go to Phuket or Samui for a nice beach vacation.

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Reality is Jesus's kryptonite.

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What? Did hell just freeze over? Maybe Donald Trump volunteered that he DID rape E. Jean Carroll and flip his plea to "guilty!" Must be one of those things, 'cuz who here would have thought that Mississippi would willing remove IGWT from their license plates. Ordinarily, not me.

But then, when you hit them in the wallet, THAT's when they listen!

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And does it cover the RV, motorcycle, etc plates? IIRC a few years after OK got rid of the rain arrow, I saw a government vehicle with it as well as a couple of semi-trailers.

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OT - Kinda

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢 𝐆𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞-𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐢𝐝 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 ‘𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠’ 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐢𝐦 ‘𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠’ 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫

In addition to the inherent racism and violence in the video, there is no policy discussed, and not even any bragging about Reeves’ record.


Governor Reeves almost from the start of the coronavirus pandemic – due to policy choices he made – has one of the absolute worst records on COVID in the country.

Mississippi ranks 34th in population, yet was 18th in total cases per capita. It gets worse from there: Mississippi ranks third in deaths per capita.


Under Tate’s leadership, Mississippi has suffered a huge health crisis. In September of 2020, the Mississippi Clarion Ledger revealed a “new report ranks Mississippi’s overall health care system dead last. ‘It’s an embarrassment,’ said one health expert.”


In other areas, like education, Governor Reeves’ record is also bad. Mississippi, according to World Population Review, ranks 43 out of 50.


“They are extreme. They are radical and vicious,” he said of Democrats and the “national liberal machine.”

“They believe welfare is success. They believe that taxes are good and businesses are bad. They think boys can be girls, that babies have no life, and that our state and our nation are racist.”


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But, but they have nice license plates.

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And always by the Party of Family Values. Always.

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Whenever right-wingers accuse anyone of anything, 99.9% of the time it is actually the right-wingers who are the guilty ones.

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They are the shameless masters of projection.

DARVO, too.

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Where do stammel learned English ? I can barely understand him.

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I think he's using something called "doublespeak."

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God works in predictable ways: predictably nothing.

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OT : Why France has a fuking fetish with English royalty ? In the last 10 minutes* it was about the number of guests, the flowers, where he will sleep tonight...

* Evening news on DM's TV, I am eating dinner in the main room and I hear everything 🙄

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I care so little I'm not sure which royal you're talking about or which event.

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It's only about England, we barely hear about Spain and nothing at all for other royal families 🙄

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England is the only country left where a coronation is an excuse for huge, elaborate public celebrations. The whole thing is a huge vanity project for Charles, and even though he's wealthier than God, the public has to pick up the tab for it.

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Yet they love their royal figureheads all the same.

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Fewer and fewer of them seem to.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

I've heard that. Don't know how deep the sentiment is, for or against.

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King Chuck's crowning.

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I thought that was months ago.

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He became king when his mom died, but had to wait a few months for the party.

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As near as I can tell (from reading the Guardian) King Alfred E. Newman's coronation isn't even making too many ripples in England, except for all the protests.

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They have outlawed protests (or at least any that "disrupt the dignity" or something like that).

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But every day this week I've seen pics of Brits with banners reading "Not My King" and suchlike. England can't very well claim to be democracy when they outlaw protests against King Dumbo I.

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People have been arrested for very minor protests against Chas. Like calling out "Who elected him?", Or holding up signs. It's a right-wing government too. So whenever the RWNJ's on my local blogs crap on about free speech I usually tell them I'll get worried when something like this happens, and I know it's a right-wing party doing it.

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Good thing William and Harry got their mother's looks.

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Harry is not Charles's kid – allegedly.

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Well, he is the best looking of the three.

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The receding hairline is the tip-off. Chuck has it and so does William.

Harry seems to be holding onto his mane (unless he's balding on top instead of from the front).

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OT: how in hell can you stand to do this on a phone? The slow typing, constantly having to change the sort order back. It's driving me nuts.

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Call me nutty, if you must, but I only use my phone for, like, you know, making phone calls. Silly me, huh?

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What's a phone call???

(Me too, btw, but I also use mine to check the time.)

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I have the same question.

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How do you contact your whalebone corset maker, then?

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What about banking? Amazon?

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I only make phone calls when the phone company decides my money's been sitting in the account for too long and they're going to take it off me. Which I regard as theft. Otherwise it's just texts. Mind you, I still have a landline and calls are generally free. And if I need to know the time I'd sooner glance at a watch than haul the damn phone out of a pocket to check.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

You are supposed to keep your phone in your and at all times like the kids these days do.

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The hell I will. 😁 I might be tempted to throw it at them when they're on my lawn.

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I like to read while lying on my bed and my computer is a gaming laptop who weight around 2,5 kg. Weight lifter I am not ;)

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