Hell, I have at least $30 million worth of demons – this guy is a piker. I'm back. Just shifted house – we have 89 boxes in the garage there is no room for any cars, I don't have any socks or underwear at the moment, but I do have Internet. Things could be better but as long as I have Internet.

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Being without internet is almost as bad as being without electricity. You just sit around hoping it will eventually come back on. The only difference is you don't freeze or boil if the internet goes out.

Edit: Texan here, I haven't forgotten last winter even if most residents have.

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Is it possible to become addicted to the 'Net? Or at least certain sites such as this, where there is a community?

When I'm disconnected from FA, I feel at a loss and am not quite sure what to do with myself.

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Dec 23, 2021
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Goldfish have eidetic memories compared to a Texas Republican

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It's a good thing that socks and underwear aren't required for the internet. ; )

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Or clothing, period.

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I hope you at least put a towel down on the library chair. ; )

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Wow, the libraries in Seattle are really liberal!

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I mean, what's the big deal? Everyone is naked under their clothing, right? Why not just take the next logical step.

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And we don't come into this world clothed.

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Of course. I'm a hoopy frood who always know where his towel is.

(Douglas Adams never mentioned this as one of the uses for a towel)

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Having Internet without socks can be messy for a man.

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Omg! OMg!! OMG!!! WHO TOLD YOU I DO THAT ‽ ‽ ‽ Have you hacked my webcam? 😤

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It's NOGODZ and his clairvoyant power :D

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Hey, when ya got it...

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I have a solution for Marcus Lee: Become an atheist. We're completely immune to demons, contagious or otherwise.

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A lot of churches say that I'm going to hell. I going to sue for eleventybillion!

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But if you are looking forward to it, it really hurts your case.

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He’s going about this all wrong. You lean into the rumors to make money, especially 15 mill worth. With a rumor like that he could get some serious stage time in a drag show. Contessa Demon would be a huge draw.

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There wouldn't be a demon problem if his bible college had blackjack and hookers.

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No license to gamble, so no blackjack for them.

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these nutty conspiracy theorists have become a self parody at this point.


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I don't think it was Anthrax. Maybe it was a cover band. It doesn't look like they are touring right now but have a European tour scheduled for next year. https://www.anthrax.com/

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Clicked on that and thought "Did Kerry King join Anthrax?" Then I realized it was Scott Ian pulling a Kerry King.

I see that the band still has 4 of the 5 classic lineup members (Dan Spitz would split, rejoin and split again. He eventually became both a watchmaker and born-again Christian).

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*facepalms* They WISH it was anthrax. Admitting it was Covid would be admitting they were wrong, so of course they’ll latch onto anything to deny it.

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Makes me think of the Geico commercial with the Ratt problem.

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"Show me the Demon-proof!"

Usually about 80 proof.

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Absinthe is high test demon proof.

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I go with Rum, the higher the proof the better.

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I love a Gershwin tune. How about you? ;)

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How do you get them into the still?

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It's their natural state, like angels on the heads of pins.

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Don't blink.

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You tag them, then they can’t move until Satan can tag them again.

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Wait...that's FREEZE tag. I thought Satan liked it hot?!

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Dante told me Satan was frozen in a lake of ice in the lowest circle of hell, so freeze tag is right up his alley.

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I find myself preferring The Power Station's cover of "Get it On (Bang a Gong)' over the original by T Rex


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"contagious demons"

Those are the worst kind.

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There is a cure though, it's called leaving religion far behind and embracing free thought.

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Nah, too much work. Easier to just let the nice man in the dress do their thinking for them.

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Damn, you beat to it by an hour, but I agree, those are the worst of the worst!

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Not the wurst of the wurst ?

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I would never knock wurst.

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Leberwurst oder Blutwurst?

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Wackiest ? This kind of lawsuit was a national sport in Middle Ages from one of my college history teacher...

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That's gotta be the dumbest accusation ever made by 2 Bozos operating some "Bible School" no different than what Dumb Idiot Ham runs in his Kentucky abode not affected by tornadoes.

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See what happens when you don't get the contagious demons vaccine or wear a mask when you're out in public, Mr. Lee?

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It’s funny.

They’ll believe claims that Jesus died and resurrected, but not that this man is falsely accused of “contagious demons”.

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Choking on gnats and swallowing camels. Such is the Christian Way.

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Contagious demons are no laughing matter. Takes a lot of dirty martinis and good weed to exorcise them.

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Contagious demons are the worst!!11!!

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Don't worry Science has found a cure for them and it just happens to be Science.

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