I don't know which is worse- Chick-fil-Hate's crappy sandwiches, conservatives getting butthurt over having to play by the same rules as everyone else (again)... or the fact that Lindsey Graham can't even win a fight he picked with a strawman.

Poor guy's been flopping around like a dying fish, trying desperately to get someone to carry him back to water because he's never been able to walk on his own. He glomped onto Chump after McCain died, but now his spine-by-proxy is too busy getting court-slapped to notice him. Oh, the pain of being a sycophant with no pucker to sucker...

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Truth, their chicken is pretty good. Problem is the Hate Sauce™ that they slather all over everything. I don't spend my money there, but occasionally they're the box lunch that comes with an event or whatnot.

As for Miss Lindsey, just her usual pearl-clutching as is the custom of ladies of her generation and status.

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We have KFC, Popeyes, and plenty of local options for decent chicken.

Besides, I only eat at CfA on Sundays for lunch right after shopping at the Hobby Lobby across the street. It's my guilty pleasure, don't hate. 😉

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No Church's Texas Chicken?

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

We've got 2 here. Unfortunately, they're way down in Des Moines and Federal Way.

Luckily, we have local gods Ezell's Famous Chicken.

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Fried chicken livers! 🤤 I'm in, when are you treating me?

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There used to be a Brown's Chicken when we first got here; they are the ones that got me hooked on fried mushrooms.

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Joan, That was beautiful!

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

The R majority of South Carolina loves their good-ol'-boy Lyndsey (R), they tolerate Tim Scott (R) and they like Nikki Haley (R) because she correctly didn't answer "slavery" when responding to a simple question about the cause of the Civil War. Of course, the media never bothered to get Tim Scott's reaction.

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I've never been to a Chick-fil-A (and I hate them more for their mangling of the language in the franchise name more than anything else), and locally, the nearest two of their outlets are at least 90 minutes by bus and I don't own a car. I also don't patronize KFC or Popeye's; if I want chicken, I cook it myself and do it a hell of a lot better than the fast food places do. I have a recipe called Chicken Maryland that is one of the most exquisite ways to eat a dead bird.

If I ever do eat one of their sandwiches, it will probably be solely out of curiosity as to whether they are as good as their supporters claim or as bad as their detractors claim.

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Please share the recipe.

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I think it's pretty simple, really. Chick-fil-A can either be open on Sundays in those shops on New York state highways, or they don't get a contract with the state to operate in those locations.


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Ohhhhhh-you horrible religious persecutor.

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Yeah, I'm just TERRIBLE, ain't I? 🤣🤣🤣

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What's next, you monster? Will you be putting those poor restaurant owners to the Question? Bring in Torquemada?

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More likely I'll just tell 'em to take a long walk off a short pier and take my business to the Golden Arches [which they hardly even have anymore!].

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I have long felt, at least up to a point, religion thrives on persecution both real and imaginary. Imaginary in this case. One of the best ways of keeping seats in the pews, and the money rolling in, is to keep people afraid the big bad godless left is going to take their Bibles away and teach your kids evolution.

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Teach their kids, there are better ways to spend Xmas Eve than a Catholic Mass.

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I can identify with that. As a kid I could never understand why any adult would do that if they had a choice, but assumed I would figure it out as I got older. The older I got, the less I understood it.

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Apparently, my nephew didn't really want to go and was restless the whole time. I, like any good lapsed Baptist, did not go to a Catholic Mass even if the rest of the family did. I stayed and listened to the dog howl and caught up on some porn. Much better use of an hour and a half of Xmas Eve.

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OTOH, maybe that's why I got an upper respiratory infection, an ear infection, and pink eye over the holiday week.

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Yikes. Hope you're feeling better now, or get well soon; that doesn't sound like fun.

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Went to Urgent Care yesterday when I noticed the pink eye. (I thought the rest was a cold that would just have to run it's course) I got some antibiotics and hopefully that will clear it up.

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Porn 'll do that to 'ya.

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If celebrating Xmas Eve by attending Mass gives people comfort, what's wrong with that? (TM)

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"The restaurant chain itself hasn’t issued any statement about the New York bill." That's because they're too busy laughing all the way to the bank. I'd take a decent-size bet that Chick-fil-A is making money here off the Christian persecution complex going on associated with this tempest in a teapot.

At this point, Chick-fil-A has pretty much permanently convinced me to never eat there again. Their commitment to bigotry means I never buy anything from them, and I don't see that changing; no amount of 'great lemonade!' is going to make any difference to me. Sure, I know they're not about to fold if I don't eat there, but I don't care. I refuse to be associated with the hate this company has involved itself with. While I'd honestly like to see them forced out of every government contract, I understand that so long as they're willing to play by the rules, they are allowed to keep those contracts and what I want is pretty much irrelevant. I don't cry persecution over it, I just refuse to purchase food from them and move on with my day.

Quite honestly, it never ceases to amaze me the number of times Christians act like nothing should ever be open on Sunday, but then make use of those services anyway and cry persecution over it. Which is it, Christians, everyone should take Sundays off or your Jesus no longer cares and it doesn't matter?

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

From what I can gather, they go out and eat at the restaurant after church on Sunday – and are notoriously lousy tippers.

Funny, I just checked – the reputation is bad enough so that a number of Christian publications have articles claiming that they are not bad tippers at all. I dunno, I've heard the stories.😁

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Fake bills with bible verses.

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I'm pretty sure, like evil people, bad tippers don't believe they're bad tippers. I'd trust the waitpeople to have the truer end of the story.

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They won't hesitate to whip out their wallets and donate to someone who their pastor tells them is having a hard time and needs money. Tribalism, pure and simple, restaurant staff aren't members of their church.

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I’ve never eaten at Chick-fil-a and never will. I also won’t shop at Wal-Mart or Amazon or Hobby Lobby. I’m not judging those that do, this is a personal decision not to give asshats my money. Lindsey Graham can squawk (like a chicken) all he wants but whatever asinine bill he plugs will go nowhere.

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I've never been to a Chick-fil-a.

I shop at WalMart all the time. Groceries mostly. They are the closest and cheapest and have a pharmacy. The next cheapest is the farthest away and is also one of those places that close on Sunday.

Amazon only rarely. Once or twice a year.

Never been to a Hobby Lobby.

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I get it. Sometimes Wal-Mart is the only game in town.

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If I didn't shop at Wal-Mart and Amazon, I might actually have to leave the house.

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I like being able to order about anything from Amazon. Otherwise I have to drive 10 to 20 miles to get anything...lol.

Love me some Kroger too, if I go grocery shopping.

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If you can't order it from Amazon, there's quite a large probability that it doesn't exist.

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CBD oil.

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I’ll often see things on Amazon when I’m searching for something, then I go to the actual vendor’s site.

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"Never mind the quality, feel the width." I usually need to feel the width before I buy something.

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I shop at Wal-Mart mainly because I refill my medications there, and I never can be sure where in the country I will be when those are due. Also, usually their parking lots can accommodate my truck.

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I have neighbors who were fairly early adopters of an electric vehicle. They drove from Maryland to New Orleans and back. More accurately, they drove from WalMart to Walmart because WM had charging stations and the car didn’t have much range. Sounded horrible all around.

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"The New York situation, however, is a little different because those rest stops are operated by the government, and they have an obligation to serve the public, not just make money for the company in charge."

It's also different in that while the MSP airport has plenty of other options, NYS Thruway rest plazas are far more limited in size and options. I've spent plenty of time in airports and on the NYS Thruway...I know what it's like to be traveling and hungry and everything's closed or whatnot.

Also, the MSP airport is owned/operated by the Metro Airports Commission, a governmental body.

Personally, any of these public facilities should be able to draw their contracts to require an appropriate level of service during all normal operating days/hours. If you can't meet the requirements - for whatever reason - you don't get the gig. It's that simple.

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As I said elsewhere, if the 'day of rest' for the company was Monday, no one would bat an eye at a 7 day a week requirement.

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If David Lee Roth saw a brown M&M, he trashed the green room.


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One last comment before I log out for a few hours.

Chick-fil-A serves a Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich that contains bacon.

Pork product at a Christian outfit? Sinners!

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I'll bet the lettuce and tomato were grown side-by-side in the same field too.

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Pretty sure Jesus didn't even have tomatoes.😁

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Where the water used to irrigate them comes from the same area where cows poop (anybody else seen that John Oliver segment?) :P

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I live in dairy country, the corn and soy fields are fertilized with the cess pool water. Cow shit is baked into the soil here.

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"You look at me

But you don't see

Understand, I'm a sinner.

Don't corner me

Don't lecture me.

Raise your hands,

You're a sinner."

-"Sinner" by Drowning Pool

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

Alahu Akbar! Fatwah against Jesus!

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And that fkn bstrd graham is ready to "go to war" over chick fila and their well being and says fku to school children who are being killed in their classrooms and other pressing matters in our nation. I can't tell you how much I hate the mthrfkng repukes because I don't know the depths of my hatred of them. I just disowned a brother this week due to his love for repukes. I'll never see him again but that doesn't matter-he has his repukes and his jeebus.

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I saw a video by an ex-cultvangelical where she pointed out that the shootings keep parents pulling their kids out of public school in favor of homeschooling.

They keep their 2A-worshiping voting bloc happy while simultaneously killing the public school system. Win-win situation. 😞

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Just the kind of twisted perversion we have come to expect of christians.

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Some religions have Saturday as their 7th day.

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Any business who chose to close on any one day of the week would be affected. And if a business routinely closed on Monday and the rules of a particular landlord required them to be open 7 days a week or find another location, no one would bat an eye. But since it's Sunday and the founders of the company said the policy was to 'honor God', everybody is losing their minds.

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The GOP, if any of them want to keep their seats, must fall in line with the most batshit lunatics of the party, lead by Trump hisself. They must find whatever they can to distract the base from the complete lack of governance in the House. Keep the idiots raving about bathrooms, trans sports, litter boxes, and the loss of Christian privilege (aka persecution) to misdirect their attention from the fact the Republicans are stealing from their pockets and their rights. Trump has no policy, the platform of the Party has no policy, if the base calms down enough to see what they’re saying and doing the base will revolt. So the GOP is doing their very best to keep them distracted, this stunt from Lindseybelle is just another glitter bomb to keep her seated. She hasn’t been on tv much recently, so she’s gotta do something.

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

I like his terrific, second-to-none health care plan to repeal and replace Obamacare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4STwwbRRURI

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

"...the chain is (famously) closed on Sundays because its Christian founders wanted to observe a day of rest to honor God."

Weary and hungry travelers want to eat a chicken sandwich, not honor God.

But no matter how weary and hungry a traveler I might be, I won't patronize Chick-Fool-A even if they're open every day, because of their reprehensible record on LGBTQ issues. I'll find something else to eat. They can choke their chickens and honor God all they want. I've never been inside one of their restaurants, and I never will.

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The nearest "restaurant" to me seems to be in Hawaii. A safe enough distance away I think.

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Still walking distance, though. ; )

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Only for Jesus.

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Not for a chicken.

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I'll just leave this here...

"Chick-fil-A Food Poisoning"


Maybe Chick-fil-A should be closed 7 days a week.

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Ugh, I’m nauseous just reading that link.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

Another Gay teacher fired. Will they ever learn?


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And yet try to fire a shitty but straight teacher. Takes forever.

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Got a racist maths teacher in high school. His contract was not renewed after my whole class went on strike and sit in front of the CPEs* office instead of going to class. He ignored one girl who wanted some more explanation and then told to her and the girl next her, who was explaining what the first didn't understand, "You, the Arabs ! Shut up !". We all watched each others, put away our belongings and left the class. The strike lasted a couple of weeks before he was forced to apologise.

* Not sure how to explain their roles.

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Does "living a Catholic lifestyle" mean that sex with kids instead of adults is OK?

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They don't say that part out loud. In fact, they stick their fingers in their ears going 'la,la,la,la,la...I can't hear you' ad infinitum.

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Only for priests?

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Can they sue? Or is the church immune?

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Religious private school, they can set any requirements they like on staff or students if they claim it violates their religious tenets. So no dissing black people for being black, but LGBT are fair game.

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Catholic Cancel Culture.

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I went hungry once rather than eat at a Chick-fil-A.

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The thing is though, it's the sin that makes the chicken taste so good.

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No. It's the fat in the grease.

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That's where sin comes from. Derrrr.


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And the high sodium content. Fat and salt are big drivers of the western appetite.

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Don't forget sugar.

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Sweet is a more significant factor earlier in our development. Fats become the preferred factor as it's the highest energy density foodstuff. My personal suspicion is that's why many find vegetarian diets bland and not worth the bother - the quantity and flavors of the various fats involved.


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Débiles sans imagination. Olive oil, sesame oil, hazelnut oil, avocado oil, grape seeds oil 🤤

And that doesn't explain how I ended with a vegetarian dog.

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This really is BS on Graham's part; An Irish-themed restaurant I frequent offers whiskey with a hearty breakfast, but only after 10:AM. The lessor has made this part of the lease agreement. The state of NY has every right to dictate the lease terms.

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Well, there are limitations due to Constitutional/Civil Rights in public accomodations.

It's never quite so black-and-white.

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