Children are their greatest treasure as long as the children are immediately obedient and perfectly compliant. If not, they’re deserving of physical assault and battery.

And if the children are LGBT? They deserve death.

This is the GOP party line, it doesn’t matter if Gallé is the perfect candidate and could win the election easily, Raymond is who they want for his history of being exactly what they want. It’s a travesty that he’s being prosecuted and persecuted for being a righteous Christian.

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That's just it, though- children 𝘢𝘳𝘦 treasure. Not people, but 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴. Valuable things, to be sure, but things just the same. Fit to be primped and posed and polished up for the sake of their parents' pride... then discarded upon discovering the slightest chip or blemish.

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But they love them. 🙄🤮

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Have you ever heard about why Republicans love the fetus more than the living babies and children?

"The "unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you, they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted or chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural and religious baggage you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them because they cease to be unborn."

Dave Barnhart is the author.

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Let's tape his head and tape his mouth shut. And then rip that tape off. Wanna bet he'd claimed HE'D been harmed and that the taping was cruel?

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Make him grow out his beard for a couple days, first! 😁

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In that case go for hot wax, not tape.

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Brazilian wax. The torture that Hitch went through. 😎

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That scene was real, no special effects. 😬

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Carell's a warrior!

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Nice touch. :)

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If a bunch of people did that to him, would he press charges? Hmmmm.......

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Xtians are very good at dishing it out. Taking it? They're whiny little snowflakes.

Shit, they're whiny snowflakes over nothing at all.

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Actual snowflakes are more resilient than them.

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Once people convince themselves they're operating under divine sanction, they're capable of just about any horror. This hate-filled monster uses his putrid religiosity as a justification for his cruelty. I'm a little surprised one or more of the parents of the children he abused didn't take matters into their own hands, and beat him to a bloody pulp.

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See Pearl, Michael and Debi. They think that as long as there are no broken bones or marks visible to casual observation, anything goes.

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Yet their book provoked the death of several children.

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So has the book they claim to follow: see Numbers 31:17-18.

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If the Greeks were right, Hades better have something "special" in mind for those two.

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Child abuse is awful enough, but far worse in my view when committed in the name of a self-justifying religion.

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“Our children are our greatest treasure.”

Translation: They are only children until they are born, then they become little sinners.

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"Our fetuses are our greatest treasure."

There. I fixed it for him.

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"A *man's* fetus is treasure! No one else can own things!"

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So what I'm hearing is that this guy is an industry standard pastor.

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Physically abusing children? Does he think he's a nun?

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Phenomenal. If THIS is the kind of person Slidell, Louisiana wants representing them, then I shudder to think of the constituents who apparently approve of the endorsement of John Raymond. It also makes me wonder what Slidell parents think about their kids and whether or not the local bookstore is sold out of copies of T̲o̲ ̲T̲r̲a̲i̲n̲ ̲U̲p̲ ̲A̲ ̲C̲h̲i̲l̲d̲.

I feel sorry for the kids. The rest of the town can go to hell, for all of me.

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As these deep red states get worse and worse brain drain expect this crap to also get worse. Florida is already apparently feeling the effects and look at the kind of people that get elected there. Heh.

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Trump's "Very Fine People".

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

"I feel it's important people who hold conservative Christian principles hold positions to create laws to direct our state properly."

You want to hold a position in the State House, yet you are ignorant of what Article 6, Clause 3 of the US Constitution (a document you would be swearing to support and defend) has to say about religious tests for public office.

Direct your state properly? You are already the 3rd-most religious state in the country behind Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama (the latter two are tied for first). You are the 6th-most conservative state in the country behind South Dakota, West Virginia, Wyoming, Alabama and Mississippi.

Yet despite all those conservative Christian principles, you are ranked dead last as "Best State to Live In." Maybe it's time for kkkonservative kkkristians to step away from public office and let secularists take the reins. Besides, your bible tells you to concentrate on things above, not earthly things. Or do you not read your bible?

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"do you not read your bible?" of coarse. he does .............. not

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This pastor lets HIS pastor read it to him.

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Louisiana! Seriously, what is wrong with you!*

*I know, I know, wide brush, painting, sloppily.

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Brush not wide enough. Needs to include Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas,......

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Let me guess: He's pro-life, right?

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No, he's "pro-life".

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At-sa what Imma mean. 🙂

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"(The party) puts itself out there as a protector of children,"

Um, no, actually. No, the Republican party does not bill itself as the protector of children but of something they call 'family values'. The Republican party is currently promoting that as 'parental rights', not the protection of children; they only imply that they protect children because it's more likely to get them swing votes. Republicans have proven repeatedly that they honestly believe parents deserve rights because they're parents and by default the most qualified to protect their children; despite the evidence that too many parents don't know or care about what's really best for their own kids, or even worse enjoy actively harming their own children. Being a parent does not make you qualified to raise your own children, it just means you had them. I've reached a point where anytime someone starts yapping about their 'parental rights' I start looking more closely to check how healthy and happy their kids are.

The alleged family values I too often see supported by the Republican party don't seem to ever amount to more than a desire to force kids into specific thought patterns and behaviors benefiting others rather than the kids. That is not, in my book, any sort of 'protection' that deserves any kind of support under the law. I'd like to see both Raymond and Gallé both lose, pipe dream it likely is.

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Family Value means forcing women into marriage as soon as possible (she should be a virgin when she meets him and not too educated so she is dependent on him for money), they have kids immediately and often (so woman cannot gain independence from man), children are obedient like mom, must be woman and man together, no exceptions. Any means to force the conformity is allowable, torture for LGBT kids, physical/emotional/sexual/financial abuse are all on the table and provided cover and helpful tips. Folks in positions of power within the church or government have carte blanche to break the rules of adultery and perverse behavior in public.

It means they get to slut shame women, threaten vulnerable populations and follow through with violence, lie about minorities, feign righteous indignation when called out for criminal behavior, and just overall find ways to ruin people’s lives out of a sense of cruelty.

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But they love everyone. Don't ever forget that.

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Children have rights. Parents have responsibilities.

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Are you kidding? Conservative christians don't even think adults have rights-- not unless they're conservative christians, and straight, while, cis male christians at that.

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Sometimes not even that if they're from the wrong sect.

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That's not what Morons4Lunacy.....er, Moms4Liberty.....says.

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They don't deserve the title Mom.

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The same is true for moms.


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I don't know. There's Ma Barker. And "Mommy Dearest" Joan Crawford. And...well you get the idea.

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Nazi Moms.

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🎵 Nazi Moms Nazi Moms Nazi Moms FUCK OFF! 🎵

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Good luck convincing the Republican party of that. There's be enough hand wringing, pearl clutching, and fainting spells to start a Christian soap opera channel.

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“Our children are our greatest treasure.”

Man, if that's the way he treats treasure I'm not sure I want to see how he treats just day to day stuff. Does he just set fire to his clothes every time he changes? WTF is wrong with this guy? Even for a MAGAt he seems to lack self awareness, it would be impressive if it weren't so gross.

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All right, now look, all you godless, immoral atheists, torturing children is love, Love, LOVE when it's done by a christian. Everything, every last little thing christians do is about love, Love, LOVE. Because christianity is the religion of love, Love, LOVE. If it wasn't all lovey-dovey-lovey-poo, not to mention holy as all shit, they would never say so, because they all believe, deep down in their heart of hearts, that "bearing false witness" is one of the Big Ten worst sins anyone could ever commit. And there you have it--proof positive that they just love everybody to little bitty pieces. And don't you forget it, you child-grooming fiends.

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They love the children so much they could just beat them to death... * Cough cough * eat them up.

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Both of the above.

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Thought you were gonna say "They love the children so much they could just beat them up...er, eat them up."

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Eating them is our job.

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Especially if the children are <whisper>LGBT</whisper>. Then it's not only loving, but godly, to torture them. (Sorry, I just finished watching 'Pray Away' again last night. Not good for the blood pressure)

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Have you considered running for office in the bible belt?

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I don't know. Do they ever elect sarcastic old queer bastards?

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

It couldn't help but improve things.

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Is Lindseybelle sarcastic?

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Children shouldn’t have been left for disciplinary action, alone with him in a room. If there were other people present, they should also be held accountable for enabling the abuse. They have an obligation to protect the children in their care.

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In a christian school in Louisiana?! Be serious.

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Hm. I can't say that I'm remotely surprised by this.

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Has there ever been a christian atrocity that surprised you? Because my count would be zero.

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None so far... I keep waiting to be surprised.

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He must protect children from evil people who tell them it's okay to be different by torturing them into conforming. These are his 'family values'. Why doesn't he go full Stepford and replace the children with robots?

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The robots would conform without being tortured, and the cruelty is the point.

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