Jan 11·edited Jan 11

"Getting Christians outraged over nothing, it turned out, was good for business."

That's what the leaders of the religious right have been doing for decades. Why shouldn't he capitalize on that?

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

When Christians held the power of life and death they tortured and murdered everyone who dared challenge their authority. Now, that they're in danger of becoming a minority, they're the world's most delicate snowflakes, demanding their religion be given a preferred place in society and protection from all criticism. It all speaks directly to the general weakness of their message. Their over-reaction to something like this only hastens their demise. If their religion actually meant anything, they wouldn't care what people said about it.

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Fundamentalists are all the same at heart: authoritarian, narcissistic, miserable.

The worst offense you can commit against an authoritarian is mocking them and enjoying life while you do so.

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“Getting Christians outraged over nothing, it turned out, was” easy to do.

FTFY. But seriously, right wing conservative Christians are looking to be outraged at all times. It’s their bread and butter, their only purpose. If, at any time, the masses they control ever have a moment to breathe in-outraged air, they’ll lose them. They have to stoke the fires of outrage constantly else they lose their power.

This ain’t to say Lil Nas X isn’t doing a great job, he certainly is, keep it up and have lots of fun in the process. It’s a statement on how rotten the Christian right is, that they get so worked up over nothing because they have nothing to offer.

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Who's the ones in the cannibal death cult that rejoices at torture.

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Remember "Piss Christ" by Andres Serrano? That one sure pissed off cristers.

Of all the things they SHOULD have been outraged about (children molested by clergy, for example), they chose Serrano as their target. Like their god, they keep missing the target of their wrath.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

The video for Montero (Call Me By Your Name) cost over $1 million to make and lasts less than 2 and a half minutes. In contrast, God's Not Dead cost twice that and lasts less than 2 hours.

Lil Nas X got far more impact for half the cost and far better production values. He also had a much greater impact than PureShit did in a fraction of the time.

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Seems to me that the one genuinely neat thing about all of this is that Lil Nas can poke that bear all he wants, and ultimately, he won't pay any kind of price for it. Fans will still buy his music and merch and go to his concerts.

And the believers will get all bent out of shape about it, yet be able to do NOTHING to stop it!

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Have you all seen the 1972 movie Marjo? If you haven't, I suspect you'll find it interesting.

"This Oscar-winning documentary explores the life of one-time child evangelist and faith healer Marjoe Gortner. The son of professional evangelists, Gortner was preaching on the Southern tent-revival circuit by the age of 3." Gory Jee to Bejus!

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I should add: If your churches and belief system have harmed someone, you don't have the moral high ground to complain when your system's victims speak out about it.

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I found it his video funny and on par. I love the ending.

Worth reposting, I wonder how many evilgelicals heard about Mylène Farmer. NSFW. Blood and nudity.


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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

Satanic footwear, Christians.

"These shoes were made for walkin'. And that's just what they'll do. One o' these days, these shoes are gonna stomp all over you."

Looks like they already have.

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I read the last line as

… tells you just how misplaced their panties are.

That too, I guess.

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Christian outrage has been good for business for years now; Elvis made a fortune on it. It's as predictable as the sunrise at this point, and makes a lot of money for those willing to take advantage of it.

For whatever reason, the Christian community seems to think the rest of the world will respect them and treat their iconography as special in some way and not 'desecrate' it, despite the way Christians tend to treat everyone outside of their group. That's not how it works; it is not reasonable to expect others to treat you well after you've lied, stolen, and cheated them on a regular basis and then go to the extreme of pretend you're in the moral right. Also, Christians as a group often endorse violence against members of wider society for any number of reasons that usually boil down to 'they exist and our Jesus doesn't like that.' It would make no sense for those rejected groups to then respect Christianity for any reason, since they would essentially be respecting Christians for making their lives worse or taking said lives. If Christians want their symbols and icons respected, then they need to earn that respect since making demands that everyone 'show some respect' will only annoy everyone else and make this sort of thing more prevalent.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11

Their God-given eternal soul, Guv No Ma'am? Where is this soul you speak of located in the human body? Point to it.

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Sorry, that cross doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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