Conservative Christians are the first people to claim they're being persecuted when ever they're prevented from forcing their beliefs on others. They are also the first people to persecute others given the chance. Cameron, having failed to make the transition from child actor to adult, has staked out a new career as a professional victim. His behavior here is reprehensible, but when people convince themselves they're operating under divine sanction they can justify anything.
Where there is the expectation of privilege, equality will be seen as persecution. Few groups demand privilege like conservative Christians in this country.
It would be no different if AiG's Dumb Idiot Ham hosts his own book reading event at the library and the library tries to accommodate him only to be targeted by him and his stupid followers when the library fails to have everything Ham's own way.
I've had the honor to be married to a librarian for half a century, and there are no more dedicated and constantly beleaguered guardians of free speech and free thought than these underappreciated civil servants. I've never seen them as broadly and viciously attacked as they have been in the last two years. They have been protecting the rights of the public for decades, and now they need and deserve the support and protection of the public in return.
I have come to reeeeaallly hate Kirk Cameron, far beyond the dismissive disdain I used to feel about him. He's a lieutenant in the Christian nationalist army.
While Cameron and his crew haven’t come to my neck of the woods yet, my village is feeling the hatred from the conservative Christian base. This time last year, right before school board elections, there was the litterbox panic from libs of tik tok. Last month, a week before primaries for our village board, there’s a letter on the local Facebook page lying about our library grooming children (I posted it on another article when it happened). Right before the election I found out that one of the candidates for the board wrote it, and after the election I was talking to some friends who saw it but didn’t hear that it was the candidate until after the election. We still have an opportunity to vote against him but I’m afraid it won’t be helpful still. And last year’s school board election was successful in dropping the actual decent progressive board member who had already beat a recall election and is a target from the right wing here.
I’m concerned that we might see Cameron here. And with the shit that’s being spread, we might lose our brand new beautiful library. It would be a waste of village funds along with destroying the benefits any library brings. Fuck these people.
We've got the same thing around here. I think it's the Gillette library that is facing the most pressure from an out of state group right now. Our school superintendent had quit (Jillian Balow, took the same position in VA and has now resigned there due to some controversy) and the person they replaced her with was a GQP dream. He amazingly didn't survive the following election, but the winner isn't all that great. I know one of the school board members and I hear one thing from her, but on the board she goes in a different direction. Currently, they are trying to force the schools to come up with a strict definition of "sexually explicit" and are going to try to remove or highly restrict anything that comes close.
To my knowledge this crap hasn't hit the public schools or public libraries here in Pittsburgh yet. But I'd be willing to bet the oiks who run all the surrounding communities get rid of any books conservatives dislike quite willingly.
The hate group Morons4Lunacy has been having regular meetings at our local public library. Anyone can book space, and they're taking advantage of that. They've also held book readings with a local Pastor Pervie.
Same bunch has been going after our school board for quite some time now, hating on books and LGBTQ+, wanting things to be run by "Biblical Principles" as our Founders intended. We even get creepers from outside the district who comes for the public comments part of the meeting to spew nonsense.
Any good christian could tell you that the only thing libraries bring is wickedness. One of their great leaders told them so. "The multitude of books is a great evil." —Martin Luther
That is actually an inaccurate statement, Martin Luther was commenting on the new Gutenberg printing press and how poorly produced copies of the Bible and mediocre literature could create chaos and loss of intellectual life.
This borders on straight-up character assassination. I will freely admit it's my hope that Mr. Morales can and will pursue legal remedies for Mr. Cameron's deceptions in this matter, since we all know that Mr. Cameron will continue to do this sort of thing to others so long as he can get away with it.
I would say that harassing a library is a new low, though. I mean, really, when your villain in the narrative is likely a mild-mannered middle-aged adult who spends their time helping people find information, you've got to be desperate. That's the schoolyard bully running screaming to the teacher because he got called a name by another kid. This sort of complete nonsense is why so many people in the US are leaving religion; who would want to be associated with the people who attacked the local library?
Good luck to you, Mr. Morales. I hope you find a just reward for your sacrifice in this matter, and don't let the lies that have been told about you here keep you down.
Mr. Cameron? You give him to mush respect by using Mr. i prefer Asshat Cameron. An asshat is someone whose head is so far up someones ass, you can't tell them apart. Cameron's hat is tRump.
Yet more proof that most conservative activists have no idea what their snarl words actually mean. Some PR flack came up with it and they use it without understanding.
" Cameron and Robertson deliberately staged their events at public libraries in order to attack public libraries.
They were given a room, for free, to promote their book, and eventually got not just that space but much more, at an event that was so purposely disruptive planning had to include the police and mayor’s office.
They then demand that the library give them, not just that room, but the entire library for the people who came to see them, with Robertson declaring it “rude” to not give them everything.
Eventually, they get their crowd stirred up enough to take over most of the library anyway—to hell with anyone who came there expecting to, you know, use the library.
They then requisition the entire place to shoot a series of commercials, during which they demand that the library staff stay quiet and out of the way.
The library staff tries to let them know that the library has other needs, and that all this is causing stress for workers and patrons. Robertson and Cameron dismiss this as more rudeness.
Robertson then calls Fox News to tell them this story as a tale of how public libraries "which have been known to host drag show events" snubbed all these good Christians who just, you know, wanted to take over their place, use it for their promotional book tour, and shoot a few commercials.
Fox writes this all up as a story of how the library hates Christians, hates their community, and doesn’t want Christian authors to bring family-friendly tales to an adoring audience.
The library, with absolute predictability, receives multiple death threats, bomb threats, and calls for everyone there to be fired, killed, or both.
On to the next town in this good Christian event."
We are now seeing a watered down version of how Christianity spread across the world in real time. This is stochastic terrorism even if our missing comrade doesn’t want to hear it, and it is a tale as old as time.
If they do, it’s likely coming from inside the house. Like they get a supporter to call in fake threats to make the organization look like victims. It’s good for raising money too.
I knew what "sensei" was because I took martial arts. The Chinese equivalent is "sifu."
Fun fact: Get a copy of "Fist of Fury" (also called "The Chinese Connection") and watch the actors' mouths when the voice actor says "teacher." Bruce and the others are clearly forming the word "sifu." :)
As always, the christian right demonstrate, quite transparently, that they're all profoundly dishonest and without doubt thoroughly and abjectly detestable human beings.
It is Russian and therefore bad. They never understood what it meant. Much like "atheist". Joe McCarthy, damn him, did a terrific job at making J. Q. Citizen afraid.
The Postal Service has been letting me down recently. I had a tenant who moved away about 10 years ago. Mail arrived for him a couple of weeks back. I don't have a forwarding address for him so I marked it "return to sender" and put it in the mailbox.
It has been re-delivered back to my house twice since then. And I already took one trip to the post office to bring the mail back to them and explain the situation.
The USPS, like many necessary services, was heavily sabotaged by Chump and his mob of lunatics. Whether or not it will ever recover from the damage done remains to be seen.
My father worked for the USPS for nearly 20 years. Some of his coworkers couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat. Their mental successors seem to work in my neighborhood.
I find the music claim to be especially unlikely and egregious. These are librarians, they spend a good portion of their lives telling people to keep it down so as not to disturb patrons.
Bit late, but top o' the mornin' to ya. Tis St. Patty's Day. Erin Go Bra-less. A holiday named after a religious man who drove the snakes out of Ireland, a country where there were no snakes. Never have been.
Onto Jerk Cameron. My my, such wrath, Jerky Boy. Such pride in your actions. Congratulations, you just violated 2 of the 7 Deadly Sins.
Sometimes I wonder what I would find if I make a DNA test*, I don't have the money to pay a genealogist.
Since Belgium and Netherlands were a Spanish colony for several centuries I wouldn't be surprised to find Spanish ancestors somewhere from my father side.
Irish/German mix. I was just talking to a cousin who has been doing some genealogy. He tracked down an ancestor who made some big theater contribution in france in the 1600's
Our diocese gave us all a dispensation from fasting from meat so we could go to their overpriced corned beef dinner fundraiser. I was planning on having some beef anyway, and I've already had bacon this morning.
At a Hungarian restaurant in Toronto some years ago I had a filet mignon wrapped in bacon and stuffed with spices. I have no idea if it was authentically Hungarian, but it's one of the damn best meals I've ever had.
I make a big batch of breakfast sandwiches. Scrambled eggs, cheese, bacon or sausage, white beans, sautéed onion and spinach, divide between small flour tortillas folded in half. Keep a bunch in the freezer and microwave a minute or two.
Phenomenal. Never mind that all of the above might as well come right out of the Kirk Cameron self-promotion playbook, this time his antics got someone FIRED when that never should have happened. The only apparent reason that it DID happen is because Cameron needed to have everything he wanted with a cherry on top. What bothers me the most about all of this is that Kirk could do it again elsewhere and wind up with similar results.
It's past time someone pulled Cameron's pants down in public and let people see who he really is.
Ugh, I couldn't even finish the article. WTF is wrong with Cameron and his enablers? Do they really think the truth is so malleable? I mean they clearly do and they need to be called out on it loudly, publicly and in places his followers will see.
Yes. Fox "News" has proven over the last 40 years that the truth really is that malleable. A lie repeated often enough and loud enough becomes the truth.
Conservative Christians are the first people to claim they're being persecuted when ever they're prevented from forcing their beliefs on others. They are also the first people to persecute others given the chance. Cameron, having failed to make the transition from child actor to adult, has staked out a new career as a professional victim. His behavior here is reprehensible, but when people convince themselves they're operating under divine sanction they can justify anything.
"We have to follow the same rules as everyone else? Why are you persecuting us like that?"
Where there is the expectation of privilege, equality will be seen as persecution. Few groups demand privilege like conservative Christians in this country.
"Cameron, having failed to make the transition from child actor to adult ..."
I see what you did there. You did NOT say "to adult ACTOR". Good job!
It would be no different if AiG's Dumb Idiot Ham hosts his own book reading event at the library and the library tries to accommodate him only to be targeted by him and his stupid followers when the library fails to have everything Ham's own way.
I've had the honor to be married to a librarian for half a century, and there are no more dedicated and constantly beleaguered guardians of free speech and free thought than these underappreciated civil servants. I've never seen them as broadly and viciously attacked as they have been in the last two years. They have been protecting the rights of the public for decades, and now they need and deserve the support and protection of the public in return.
I have come to reeeeaallly hate Kirk Cameron, far beyond the dismissive disdain I used to feel about him. He's a lieutenant in the Christian nationalist army.
Good librarians are on the front lines defending against the bigotry of the far right. They need all the support we can give.
Absolutely. If I had money I would donate copies of every book the right complained about to every library I could.
While Cameron and his crew haven’t come to my neck of the woods yet, my village is feeling the hatred from the conservative Christian base. This time last year, right before school board elections, there was the litterbox panic from libs of tik tok. Last month, a week before primaries for our village board, there’s a letter on the local Facebook page lying about our library grooming children (I posted it on another article when it happened). Right before the election I found out that one of the candidates for the board wrote it, and after the election I was talking to some friends who saw it but didn’t hear that it was the candidate until after the election. We still have an opportunity to vote against him but I’m afraid it won’t be helpful still. And last year’s school board election was successful in dropping the actual decent progressive board member who had already beat a recall election and is a target from the right wing here.
I’m concerned that we might see Cameron here. And with the shit that’s being spread, we might lose our brand new beautiful library. It would be a waste of village funds along with destroying the benefits any library brings. Fuck these people.
We've got the same thing around here. I think it's the Gillette library that is facing the most pressure from an out of state group right now. Our school superintendent had quit (Jillian Balow, took the same position in VA and has now resigned there due to some controversy) and the person they replaced her with was a GQP dream. He amazingly didn't survive the following election, but the winner isn't all that great. I know one of the school board members and I hear one thing from her, but on the board she goes in a different direction. Currently, they are trying to force the schools to come up with a strict definition of "sexually explicit" and are going to try to remove or highly restrict anything that comes close.
Let's see them come up with a strict definition that doesn't also include the bible.
They'd actually have to read it to know that.
because, God forbid, teenagers have an idea what they're doing, how to do it as safely as possible, and how to make sure both parties enjoy it.
Wait, people are supposed to enjoy it?
Only men, silly.
Teenage boys enjoy a stiff breeze.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer thought so.
To my knowledge this crap hasn't hit the public schools or public libraries here in Pittsburgh yet. But I'd be willing to bet the oiks who run all the surrounding communities get rid of any books conservatives dislike quite willingly.
The hate group Morons4Lunacy has been having regular meetings at our local public library. Anyone can book space, and they're taking advantage of that. They've also held book readings with a local Pastor Pervie.
Same bunch has been going after our school board for quite some time now, hating on books and LGBTQ+, wanting things to be run by "Biblical Principles" as our Founders intended. We even get creepers from outside the district who comes for the public comments part of the meeting to spew nonsense.
It's gonna get worse.
Any good christian could tell you that the only thing libraries bring is wickedness. One of their great leaders told them so. "The multitude of books is a great evil." —Martin Luther
That is actually an inaccurate statement, Martin Luther was commenting on the new Gutenberg printing press and how poorly produced copies of the Bible and mediocre literature could create chaos and loss of intellectual life.
Fact checking, I love fact checking! Even if it's fact
checking my own statements.
This borders on straight-up character assassination. I will freely admit it's my hope that Mr. Morales can and will pursue legal remedies for Mr. Cameron's deceptions in this matter, since we all know that Mr. Cameron will continue to do this sort of thing to others so long as he can get away with it.
I would say that harassing a library is a new low, though. I mean, really, when your villain in the narrative is likely a mild-mannered middle-aged adult who spends their time helping people find information, you've got to be desperate. That's the schoolyard bully running screaming to the teacher because he got called a name by another kid. This sort of complete nonsense is why so many people in the US are leaving religion; who would want to be associated with the people who attacked the local library?
Good luck to you, Mr. Morales. I hope you find a just reward for your sacrifice in this matter, and don't let the lies that have been told about you here keep you down.
Mr. Cameron? You give him to mush respect by using Mr. i prefer Asshat Cameron. An asshat is someone whose head is so far up someones ass, you can't tell them apart. Cameron's hat is tRump.
Yet more proof that most conservative activists have no idea what their snarl words actually mean. Some PR flack came up with it and they use it without understanding.
*This* is cancel culture.
"No one should expect better from people famous for their faith-based bigotry. "
They have a bigotry-based faith.
Repost of their MO:
" Cameron and Robertson deliberately staged their events at public libraries in order to attack public libraries.
They were given a room, for free, to promote their book, and eventually got not just that space but much more, at an event that was so purposely disruptive planning had to include the police and mayor’s office.
They then demand that the library give them, not just that room, but the entire library for the people who came to see them, with Robertson declaring it “rude” to not give them everything.
Eventually, they get their crowd stirred up enough to take over most of the library anyway—to hell with anyone who came there expecting to, you know, use the library.
They then requisition the entire place to shoot a series of commercials, during which they demand that the library staff stay quiet and out of the way.
The library staff tries to let them know that the library has other needs, and that all this is causing stress for workers and patrons. Robertson and Cameron dismiss this as more rudeness.
Robertson then calls Fox News to tell them this story as a tale of how public libraries "which have been known to host drag show events" snubbed all these good Christians who just, you know, wanted to take over their place, use it for their promotional book tour, and shoot a few commercials.
Fox writes this all up as a story of how the library hates Christians, hates their community, and doesn’t want Christian authors to bring family-friendly tales to an adoring audience.
The library, with absolute predictability, receives multiple death threats, bomb threats, and calls for everyone there to be fired, killed, or both.
On to the next town in this good Christian event."
We are now seeing a watered down version of how Christianity spread across the world in real time. This is stochastic terrorism even if our missing comrade doesn’t want to hear it, and it is a tale as old as time.
There are times it is tempting to turn their own tactics against them, but I don't recall Joel Osteen or Kenneth Copeland receiving bomb threats.
If they do, it’s likely coming from inside the house. Like they get a supporter to call in fake threats to make the organization look like victims. It’s good for raising money too.
They couldn't possibly. They and their supporters already own all the bombs.
That's what the "Anarchist's cookbook" is for.
It's true, inflation has hit the Molotov Cocktail, but it's not prohibitively expensive yet.
Stochastic terrorism, plain and simple.
That reminds me, somebody was missing yesterday.
You're complaining? I realize it was a slow day, but you had another toy to play with.
Maybe they started taking their meds.
And were it not for the troll that crapped all over the thread, the silence from you-know-who would've been sweet.
Did I miss a christstain poster?
I think it was a half-baked AI.
Went by the nym Sensei on yesterday's article.
I knew what "sensei" was because I took martial arts. The Chinese equivalent is "sifu."
Fun fact: Get a copy of "Fist of Fury" (also called "The Chinese Connection") and watch the actors' mouths when the voice actor says "teacher." Bruce and the others are clearly forming the word "sifu." :)
I flagged all of its posts as transphobic.
You made comments to him yesterday.
Is that different from you-know-who?
If the line items in your playbook spell out DARVO... 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘴.
Buncha gaslighting shits.
As always, the christian right demonstrate, quite transparently, that they're all profoundly dishonest and without doubt thoroughly and abjectly detestable human beings.
The 6 greatest bargains in America:
1) sunshine
2) fresh air
3) clean water
4) public libraries
5) public schools
6) US Postal Service
I know a few older people who recoil in horror at the word socialism. But not a single one of them refuses their monthly social security benefits.
It is Russian and therefore bad. They never understood what it meant. Much like "atheist". Joe McCarthy, damn him, did a terrific job at making J. Q. Citizen afraid.
Yet the same crowd that acts like socialism is bad is also pro-Russian since Putin helped the Mango Menace get elected.
Actually, they began to like Putin when he said you can't say gay to any minor.
"The party of national security," in bed with a foreign dictator. Another day in Bizarro America.
What about a French with a Russian first name ?
People still call them freedom fries.
Ze would be blacklisted at the mention of zir name.
I didn't know I was so famous in your country 😁
The Postal Service has been letting me down recently. I had a tenant who moved away about 10 years ago. Mail arrived for him a couple of weeks back. I don't have a forwarding address for him so I marked it "return to sender" and put it in the mailbox.
It has been re-delivered back to my house twice since then. And I already took one trip to the post office to bring the mail back to them and explain the situation.
Don't knock it. We only have postal deliveries three days a week now.
The USPS, like many necessary services, was heavily sabotaged by Chump and his mob of lunatics. Whether or not it will ever recover from the damage done remains to be seen.
My father worked for the USPS for nearly 20 years. Some of his coworkers couldn't find water if they fell out of a boat. Their mental successors seem to work in my neighborhood.
you forgot #7: universal health ca.... oops... never mind.
I find the music claim to be especially unlikely and egregious. These are librarians, they spend a good portion of their lives telling people to keep it down so as not to disturb patrons.
Bit late, but top o' the mornin' to ya. Tis St. Patty's Day. Erin Go Bra-less. A holiday named after a religious man who drove the snakes out of Ireland, a country where there were no snakes. Never have been.
Onto Jerk Cameron. My my, such wrath, Jerky Boy. Such pride in your actions. Congratulations, you just violated 2 of the 7 Deadly Sins.
Pretend to care about Irish Culture as an excuse to get drunk day.
I really am part-Irish. I'm also part-English. Hoo boy, talk about conflicted.
Pfff. Flemish, somewhat German and Italian 😁
Flemish? You should take a decongestant. : )
That's for when you eat a flamiche.
Sounds tasty.
See my comment to Zizz. :)
Sometimes I wonder what I would find if I make a DNA test*, I don't have the money to pay a genealogist.
Since Belgium and Netherlands were a Spanish colony for several centuries I wouldn't be surprised to find Spanish ancestors somewhere from my father side.
My uncle did my family's genealogy. Turns out I have the blood of Moorish princes and Mongolian warlords in me.
I do know that I have a relative who fought for the Union during the Civil War. I know because we had a picture of him (his name was Captain Harris).
One set of grandparents were from Ireland, the other set from Poland. So I tell everyone I'm a drunken idiot.
Irish/German mix. I was just talking to a cousin who has been doing some genealogy. He tracked down an ancestor who made some big theater contribution in france in the 1600's
I'm also (thanks to a combination of both my parents) Portuguese, Italian, German, Norwegian and Dutch.
And Barack Obama called HIMSELF a mutt because of his ancestry. :)
EDIT to add the word "also" to "I'm."
I'm sure I've got more, I've never bothered to check, although my wife is Czech/German.,
Throw in a little German, and you have me.
Metal take on this theme...sort of.
*Looks for her lost brain cells*
Me too.
I'm 1/2 German, 1/2 English and 1/2 Irish. : )
That's a cocktail recipe.
Got my fingers in all 3. :)
Half man, half bear, half pig...
I'm super cereal!
If only they really were deadly.
Our diocese gave us all a dispensation from fasting from meat so we could go to their overpriced corned beef dinner fundraiser. I was planning on having some beef anyway, and I've already had bacon this morning.
I make sure I have pork, multiple versions together if possible, on Good Friday.
Bacon-wrapped pork.
May as well go all the way.
At a Hungarian restaurant in Toronto some years ago I had a filet mignon wrapped in bacon and stuffed with spices. I have no idea if it was authentically Hungarian, but it's one of the damn best meals I've ever had.
I've had bacon-wrapped filet mignon. I came near to orgasming. :)
Was there paprika ?
Bacon, egg, sausage, and cheese on a roll for breakfast is quick and easy.
And delicious. Though BHM will probably disagree.
I have one every Saturday morning (lite version, tho. Turkey sausage, egg white and low-fat cheese on an English muffin).
I make a big batch of breakfast sandwiches. Scrambled eggs, cheese, bacon or sausage, white beans, sautéed onion and spinach, divide between small flour tortillas folded in half. Keep a bunch in the freezer and microwave a minute or two.
We're getting old. Have to take a little better care so we can stay above ground and give the reichwing the finger at every opportunity.
Toast with houmous and raw vegetables 🤤
Though Aria would have loved your breakfast sans the bread.
With ham, spam, spam, spam, and spam?
Baked beans must be off.
Is spam actually meat?
Cooked in Saindoux (pork fat).
Is there a dispensation of the dispensation from fasting from meat and how much does it cost ? 🤔
I thought I was the only one who thought Erin Go Bra-less was funny.
Phenomenal. Never mind that all of the above might as well come right out of the Kirk Cameron self-promotion playbook, this time his antics got someone FIRED when that never should have happened. The only apparent reason that it DID happen is because Cameron needed to have everything he wanted with a cherry on top. What bothers me the most about all of this is that Kirk could do it again elsewhere and wind up with similar results.
It's past time someone pulled Cameron's pants down in public and let people see who he really is.
I hope Morales sues Cameron, Robertson, and the publishing house.
Maybe he can move to Florida and sue Fox News.
Ugh, I couldn't even finish the article. WTF is wrong with Cameron and his enablers? Do they really think the truth is so malleable? I mean they clearly do and they need to be called out on it loudly, publicly and in places his followers will see.
Yes. Fox "News" has proven over the last 40 years that the truth really is that malleable. A lie repeated often enough and loud enough becomes the truth.
FauxNews lied? It's almost like a pattern there.
They lie so much it is noteworthy when they actually tell the truth.
Which only happens behind the scenes, when they think their audience won't find out.
If they did it on air, they'd have to issue a correction immediately!
Fuck Florida
"Florida Republican's Bill Would Ban Young Girls From Discussing Their Periods In School"
Aren't these the same people who were trying to force trans athletes to track and report their periods?