The religious right loves to celebrate itself as the paragons of virtue, until the consequences arrive. Once that happens, they become the poor persecuted victims of the godless left. Never mind if they actually broke the law, because Jesus is on their side. The people who cheered on her actions will likely be hard to find when she opens a go fund me page.
Honestly, it's a bit amazing to me that this whole magilla has gone on for as long as it has, crowding eight years. Still, the blunt end of this decision remains as satisfying as it was when Kim Davis was jailed for contempt (I THINK it was contempt) back in 2015. For all the Christian Fellowship™ and other suchlike crap you hear from the christers, Davis is out in the cold and into the gay couple's lawyers for two hundred sixty large.
It's sorta like seeing what happened to Giuliani on a smaller scale ... but I still like it!
I have little use for people who use the smokescreen of religion to justify their bigotry. Declaring bankruptcy will not get her out from under a court judgment.
“There is one important question that we don’t have an answer to: Who’s gonna pay this bill?”
Hell will free over before she writes a check. My guess is bankruptcy will be in the cards.
And yes, Jesus used her to fight the evil LGBTQ community. I must have missed the part when Jesus apparently died for all our sins; only to engage a four time marriage loser, who cheated on all her husbands.
I’m sure God always engages the most sinful to inflict his wrath on others: projection much?...:)
"Liberty Counsel is predictably saying they will appeal this ruling, too, further dragging out a case they began in 2015."
"They’re doing this for one reason only: It’s good for fundraising."
You're not being fair here, Hemant. her lawyers are getting paid whether she wins or loses.she incurs all of the expenses, all of the liabilities, they risk nothing.
God helps those who help themselves, Kimmee. And your lawyers are indeed helping the selves.
Bet she doesn't know that "The Lord helps those who help themselves" is found nowhere in the bible. And if a person can help themselves, then who needs YHVH?
Kimmy can resolve this soooooo easily and quickly. Just one lil prayer to jeebus and it will be all better. Don't forget-jeebus said you can move mountains if you just have faith.
Davis supposedly was "born again" after all her marriages and kiddos so presumably she was magically forgiven of all her trespasses in her previous life. The same has been said of Trump ... all his wrongdoing happened before he was born again when his slate was wiped clean.
I think you get the conundrum which plagues Christianity. The reason why it is so inherently unstable. A persons foundation is built on the rock of faith and in one instant be totally wiped away and then two weeks later all is forgiven/forgotten. How convenient!! Can I live that way when it comes to stealing or not paying taxes please? The worst part is the tax payers will pay her bill since she will file for bankruptcy.
I somehow doubt forgotten. From what I know of Fred Trump, he wouldn't give a damn if he got a woman pregnant, just so long as he didn't have to diminish *his* pleasure.
I see we've got the next installment of 'As The Stomach Churns' available now.
I may not be a lawyer, but even I know it's bad form to irritate the judge. I suspect this case is reaching the point where the judge is getting ready to find ways of making Liberty Counsel regret dragging this out to no purpose, and this is just the first warning. I'm sort of wondering just how many hours of the court staff's time this has wasted at this point.
This case provides quite a bit of reflection on the state of Christianity in the US at this time. Kim Davis is commonly painted in Christian media as a culture war martyr for the cause, and the angle on it seems to be 'look how this woman is suffering for Jesus!' as though she's an example of the right way to live. Yet, when examined honestly, what we find is a very different picture; this woman deliberately and willfully disobeyed the law and is now being celebrated by the alleged 'law and order' Christians for doing so. Indeed, the consequences of her actions are coming back to haunt her yet again, but that same group of people is labeling it persecution to try and get more money from their group's lay members. I have no doubt that Liberty Counsel is still making money on this, and will deny any wrongdoing until...well, I was going to say judgement day, but they'd clearly keep going even then.
At this point, it's become painfully apparent to most anyone paying even partial attention that this case is all about the money. With that in mind, is it any wonder at all that people are leaving the church in large numbers?
OK Kimmie. I'll play. Now that you're a Christian, please consult all 4 gospels and tell us EXACTLY where Jesus says a single word about homosexuals. We'll wait.
He DOES have things to say about hypocrites who call him their lord.
Deven Green, the comedian who portrays the character of Mrs. Betty Bowers, is neither the creator nor lead writer for that character. Interesting tidbit of trivia.
Marriage is not a zero sum game. It does not need defending. (Neither does God, if they exist and they are the sort of being people claim they are, but that's another line of thought.)
And I have never gotten an answer from Christians as to how letting two people marry diminishes marriage or why it is the business of the State to restrict marriage between two consenting adults at all.
Other people's marriages have no affect on my own.
The arrogance is stereotypical. In the same vein as the Mom For Freedom, who managed to find time during her gay book banning to engage in some side lez action.
In the email I got from Hemant about Matri, Matri specifically asked if Hemant could contact either you or myself about the situation. I figured you must have gotten Hemant's email as well.
Hemant asked if anyone knew what it was about because he never bans anyone without a good reason.
The religious right loves to celebrate itself as the paragons of virtue, until the consequences arrive. Once that happens, they become the poor persecuted victims of the godless left. Never mind if they actually broke the law, because Jesus is on their side. The people who cheered on her actions will likely be hard to find when she opens a go fund me page.
For a wingnut, there is no higher calling nor a more lucrative career path than professional martyrbation.
They do love to celebrate their victimhood.
She's on her fourth or fifth marriage, no?
I don't know the exact number, but I know she's been married several times more than the once I've been married. lol
4 times with three different men and had children by one when she was *not* married to him, nor is he her current husband.
Honestly, it's a bit amazing to me that this whole magilla has gone on for as long as it has, crowding eight years. Still, the blunt end of this decision remains as satisfying as it was when Kim Davis was jailed for contempt (I THINK it was contempt) back in 2015. For all the Christian Fellowship™ and other suchlike crap you hear from the christers, Davis is out in the cold and into the gay couple's lawyers for two hundred sixty large.
It's sorta like seeing what happened to Giuliani on a smaller scale ... but I still like it!
At this rate it will be the 10th anniversary of Obergefell before this case was settled for good.
I have little use for people who use the smokescreen of religion to justify their bigotry. Declaring bankruptcy will not get her out from under a court judgment.
“There is one important question that we don’t have an answer to: Who’s gonna pay this bill?”
Hell will free over before she writes a check. My guess is bankruptcy will be in the cards.
And yes, Jesus used her to fight the evil LGBTQ community. I must have missed the part when Jesus apparently died for all our sins; only to engage a four time marriage loser, who cheated on all her husbands.
I’m sure God always engages the most sinful to inflict his wrath on others: projection much?...:)
I mean, their Jesus has been reborn as a lying, twice impeached, multiple divorced, serial adulterer.
So she’s just following it’s lead.
"Liberty Counsel is predictably saying they will appeal this ruling, too, further dragging out a case they began in 2015."
"They’re doing this for one reason only: It’s good for fundraising."
You're not being fair here, Hemant. her lawyers are getting paid whether she wins or loses.she incurs all of the expenses, all of the liabilities, they risk nothing.
God helps those who help themselves, Kimmee. And your lawyers are indeed helping the selves.
Bet she doesn't know that "The Lord helps those who help themselves" is found nowhere in the bible. And if a person can help themselves, then who needs YHVH?
Kimmy can resolve this soooooo easily and quickly. Just one lil prayer to jeebus and it will be all better. Don't forget-jeebus said you can move mountains if you just have faith.
That should be enought to pay for that wedding cake they couldn't buy in Colorado.
Davis supposedly was "born again" after all her marriages and kiddos so presumably she was magically forgiven of all her trespasses in her previous life. The same has been said of Trump ... all his wrongdoing happened before he was born again when his slate was wiped clean.
I think you get the conundrum which plagues Christianity. The reason why it is so inherently unstable. A persons foundation is built on the rock of faith and in one instant be totally wiped away and then two weeks later all is forgiven/forgotten. How convenient!! Can I live that way when it comes to stealing or not paying taxes please? The worst part is the tax payers will pay her bill since she will file for bankruptcy.
I don't see how the tax payers will pay since she was violating the law. In this lawsuit, she was the one sued, not the county or state.
Too bad Chump was born once, let alone again.
To think of the misery the world has endured for want of a single forgotten condom...
I somehow doubt forgotten. From what I know of Fred Trump, he wouldn't give a damn if he got a woman pregnant, just so long as he didn't have to diminish *his* pleasure.
...for want of a swift kick in the 'nads by a steel-toed boot worn by a contractor he stiffed, then?
That would certainly be appropriate, or strung up by them, until it cuts the circulation off, like banding a calf.
Yep, miserable old coot
This is what she gets for pinning her hopes to the dumbest lawyer in America not named Larry Klayman.
I see we've got the next installment of 'As The Stomach Churns' available now.
I may not be a lawyer, but even I know it's bad form to irritate the judge. I suspect this case is reaching the point where the judge is getting ready to find ways of making Liberty Counsel regret dragging this out to no purpose, and this is just the first warning. I'm sort of wondering just how many hours of the court staff's time this has wasted at this point.
This case provides quite a bit of reflection on the state of Christianity in the US at this time. Kim Davis is commonly painted in Christian media as a culture war martyr for the cause, and the angle on it seems to be 'look how this woman is suffering for Jesus!' as though she's an example of the right way to live. Yet, when examined honestly, what we find is a very different picture; this woman deliberately and willfully disobeyed the law and is now being celebrated by the alleged 'law and order' Christians for doing so. Indeed, the consequences of her actions are coming back to haunt her yet again, but that same group of people is labeling it persecution to try and get more money from their group's lay members. I have no doubt that Liberty Counsel is still making money on this, and will deny any wrongdoing until...well, I was going to say judgement day, but they'd clearly keep going even then.
At this point, it's become painfully apparent to most anyone paying even partial attention that this case is all about the money. With that in mind, is it any wonder at all that people are leaving the church in large numbers?
She’s only worth 5 mill at this point, she knows she can jack that up higher, maybe to the nine figure territory. But not if she quits now.
Ever smaller numbers keep dumping increasingly huge amounts of money. Who needs pew warmers in this setup??
Oh, she's a Christian NOW and not before?
OK Kimmie. I'll play. Now that you're a Christian, please consult all 4 gospels and tell us EXACTLY where Jesus says a single word about homosexuals. We'll wait.
He DOES have things to say about hypocrites who call him their lord.
As if she's ever even read them.
Her "Hate Preacher" told her everything she needed to know. Namely, those she must hate.
Davis and her posse think they're defending traditional (read: Christian) marriage?
Tell us: Which kind of traditional bible-based marriage are they referring to?
(Had to post it. It's mandatory in these cases) :)
I love Betty Bowers
That Canadian atheist layeth the smacketh down on Christians time and again.
Back in the day, she did a newsletter that I read religiously (pun absolutely intended). One of the funniest satires.
Deven Green, the comedian who portrays the character of Mrs. Betty Bowers, is neither the creator nor lead writer for that character. Interesting tidbit of trivia.
(Same is true of Philomena Cunk.)
Yeah, I just couldn’t remember who did the newsletter
Who doesn't here ?
Schadenfreude - the very best kind of freude.
Sometimes a freude is just a freude.
Freud said that.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." ~ S. Freud
"Sometimes an intern is just a humidor." ~ B. Clinton
The last "quote"nearly had Clinton go in smoke.
The only time Siggie thought that, was when it was his cigar because, of course, the rule did not apply to him.
"to defend marriage"
My twentieth anniversary is in three weeks.
Marriage is not a zero sum game. It does not need defending. (Neither does God, if they exist and they are the sort of being people claim they are, but that's another line of thought.)
And I have never gotten an answer from Christians as to how letting two people marry diminishes marriage or why it is the business of the State to restrict marriage between two consenting adults at all.
Other people's marriages have no affect on my own.
Even why the State has a compelling reason to restrict marriage to only two consenting adults.
But yes, someone else's marriage only affects yours if someone is doing something extra-marital.
To clarify, you are talking polyamory not underaged marriages. I know what you meant, but I can see how it can be misread.
Thank you, yes.
"A different jury decided that another same-sex couple was owed no damages from Davis. It’s not clear why Davis escaped punishment in that case"
It's not? Remember this a jury of her *peers*. I doubt it was hard to find 6 people just as bigoted as she is.
The arrogance is stereotypical. In the same vein as the Mom For Freedom, who managed to find time during her gay book banning to engage in some side lez action.
I’ve been reactivated. According to the email, I was “ erroneously flagged” as spam.
Welcome back!
Now... let's see if we can't find something appropriately cursed to toast the circumstances with:
It couldn't have been me, I purposely flagged you. : )
Kidding of course, glad to have you back.
I posted a comment about your predicament back when it happened to alert everyone. Hope it helped some.
I saw, thanks!
I could still log in and read and upvote. I just wasn't allowed to post.
I must have missed it.
In the email I got from Hemant about Matri, Matri specifically asked if Hemant could contact either you or myself about the situation. I figured you must have gotten Hemant's email as well.
Hemant asked if anyone knew what it was about because he never bans anyone without a good reason.
I would have contacted you myself directly if I could.
Luckily, Hemant came through and gave the heads up.
If you have a problem again send an email to this adress misschouinechouine@hotmail .com
I checked. Nothing after December 28th and it was about a troll.
Bags is banned on my laptop, but I am okay as Bagen on my desktop??? I have no email for Hemant, so ...
I checked November and even all my "Bags" coments are marked "Comment Removed." HOW do I get hold of Hemant?
His email address is
His mailing address is:
Hemant Mehta
c/o Friendly Atheist
P.O. Box 9734
Naperville, IL 60567
Bags'onuts ?
bags or bags o nuts. I never really paid attention to the moniker.